Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance

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Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance Page 2

by Bella Bennet

  Henry was amazed he could smirk, even a little, at hearing sex called marital relations. He imagined David had to call it that in this environment, so removed from a place where people would think about sex with all the heat and emotions.

  Henry could imagine sex in this room. With David and his little smirk, heat in his eyes, leaning over the desk and pulling Henry up for a hot kiss. Then pushing him down on the desk and—woah! Henry blinked. Where did that come from?

  Henry looked away out a side window. That it had come out of nowhere and was so strong caught him off guard. Wow. He had something new to think about.

  “Mr. Cooke?”

  Henry realized he had spent more time than was needed to get himself back together, especially since he spent that time day dreaming about having sex with his divorce attorney. There had to be a joke in there somewhere.

  “I’m sorry. Uh, yeah the um, marital relations.” Henry tried to keep a smirk off his face, he really did. It didn’t work.

  “Well, Greg was particular about his schedules. He liked schedules and routine. The laundry, cleaning of certain rooms, things like that done on specific days. And he added sex to that. Wednesday and Saturday nights were the only time he had free for sex. If I missed it, then I had to wait till the next time.”

  He had surprised David. His eyes were big and his face was slack. Henry ducked his head embarrassed.

  “Yeah, I know. I talked to my friends, not his brothers, about it and it was weird to them too. But, “Henry spread his hands out. “What could I do? He refused to change it.”

  David blinked and looked back down at his legal pad. “Was there anything else that you considered strange or seemed strange now you’ve thought about it?”

  Henry frowned. He didn’t feel right dishing about the dirty laundry or anything he didn’t like about Greg. If there was one fault, his friends told him it was that he was too loyal. He had to realize that Greg had done things not in his best interests.

  “Well. I don’t like, I don’t want to talk about any bad things because I feel uncomfortable.” Henry raised a hand up to stop David. “Yes, I know. That’s what we’re here for. He worked too much. All the time. His business partner would call him after working hours to run things by him. I assume a lot of things he did that I didn’t like were just what an alpha does, like say what all the meals would be, my doing all the household work and things like that.”

  Henry stopped talking as David’s eyebrows had risen to his blond hair. What did he say? Henry thought back to what he said and didn’t think he had said anything surprising, well other than the sex schedule but they he had gone over that earlier.


  “I feel it’s in your best interest, that I need to point out that an alpha does not act like that. They don’t decide the meals, make the omega do all the household work. Those behaviors are specific to your, soon to be ex, alpha.”

  Henry blinked. “They’re not?”

  David shook his head. Huh.

  “Are you sure?”

  David frowned. “Has no one ever explained about alphas and omegas to you?”

  Henry could feel himself getting upset. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Ok, he was better now. He opened them not to find censure, but a look of concern and, it looked like, caring on David’s face. Henry’s anger drained away.

  “My parents died when I was in high school. Greg’s parents pretty much took me in and raised me that last year of high school. They must have thought my parents had explained everything already. I didn’t realize there was anything else to know. I, I guess thought all alphas controlled everything. That’s why they’re alphas, right?”

  David shook his head and smiled. “No. I’m an alpha. It means we’re dominant, more aggressive at going after what we want, we can’t get pregnant and some specific things relating to sex.”

  Henry looked down and bit his lips, willing himself to not blush and not to ask what he was dying to ask. For someone here because his alpha served him divorce papers, and considering the mess he had been since his alpha left, he sure had recovered fast. He imagined it would be temporary and after he left the beautiful man in front of him, he’d go back to being sad. But for now, he was holding himself back from asking this green eyed, blond haired alpha to show him all he knew about the ‘specific things relating to sex’.

  “Let’s get back to the matter in hand. I mean —"

  Henry looked up and saw David rubbing a hand down his face with a faint blush on his cheeks. He was looking away, shaking his head. Henry bit his lips again. But couldn’t keep the smile away. David pulled himself back together and looked down at his legal pad. Not having once even glanced at Henry. That made Henry’s smile grow bigger. David was just as affected by him.

  Oh, my god. David was going to never live this one down if Penny ever heard about it. She already thought Henry was hot and would be a perfect omega for him. If she heard he was having trouble staying focused and had said ‘matter in hand’ instead of ‘at hand’ she’d do everything in her power to throw them together. Which was why Penny wasn’t ever going to hear about it. Ever.

  He didn’t want a repeat of the embarrassing episode in law school. Penny was a force of nature when she set her mind to it.

  “Ok, where were we before we…” Better not go there. Don’t go there or god knows what you’ll let slip next.

  “Greg, your husband, worked quite a lot. How many hours a week did he work and did he work weekend or nights as well?”

  David figured it was safe to look up now. Hopefully Henry didn’t think his attorney acted like a first-year law student. He hoped Henry hired him. David’s instincts were telling him there was something here with that business partner. Plus, it would give David the perfect opportunity to be around Henry more. Whether he could be around him and not let it progress to a relationship, well, David had to do that or lose his law license.

  “He worked a ton. Weekends, nights, at least 80 hours a week.”

  That’s many hours for a newlywed. Interesting.

  “How long has he known his business partner?”

  David glanced up and saw that Henry was looking to the side, thinking. Thankfully David’s earlier Freudian slip hadn’t seemed to cause any harm.

  “He met him in college. So I guess awhile.”

  Henry looked back at David. A tendril of wanton desire reached up. Henry didn’t act like he knew how ridiculously good looking he was. David wondered if Henry was one of those guys that didn’t think they were handsome. He didn’t think that was possible as David was always very aware of his looks and how he could use it to his advantage when needed with law cases. Which came in handy during courtroom appearances. It wasn’t fair that, so many people put an exorbitant weight on being good looking. But they did, and it was his job as an attorney to use that to his advantage. Ethically. Unlike his family.

  “Did they date before they were business partners and did you and Greg date after they went into business together?”

  Henry frowned. It looked like Henry shows his emotions. That was refreshing. David was tired of people lying or misdirecting. But he was the one that chose the legal business, so he had only himself to blame. Which was why he valued honesty and loyalty above all else in an omega. Which he had yet to find.

  “I don’t know if they dated in college. Greg and I dated after college.”

  Henry still didn’t look too happy with this line of questioning. It always hurt to find out you were betrayed. David would bet that Greg and his business partner were having an affair.

  “Is the business partner married?” Henry scowled now.

  “I don’t like where this is going. Greg was a terrific alpha and would never have cheated on me.”

  David thought it interesting that Henry’s mind went there. David would still bet Greg and his business partner were doing an import/export business all their own.

  “In order for me to do the best job I can for you, I need to know de
tails that may seem intrusive. But I need to know if his business partner is married.”

  “Why would that make a difference if Seth is married or not?”

  Henry got more honest as he got more angry. That was the exact opposite of what David was used to dealing with. If only Henry wasn’t his client, he’d be jumping all over him. The scruffy, rumpled look worked for him. He hadn’t sought that out before since he liked to be neat and clean and dressed well.

  Along with that scruffy, rumpled look though was a square jaw with stubble, too long black hair, a tan from working outside in the garden and eyes the color of the smoothest whiskey full of flavor you wanted to savor all night long.

  “Because if the business partner, Seth, was also getting a divorce, that attorney and I could share information to help each other’s cases. Especially since my intuition is telling me I need to look at your husband and his business partner.” Henry did not like hearing that. Interesting. It seemed as if Mr. Cooke was still hung up on his husband.

  “No. There is nothing going on between them. I even stopped by unannounced a lot and they were loading boxes or doing work on computers. There is nothing going on.”

  Henry didn’t glare at him, but David felt safe in thinking it was a definite hard stare at the least. David also wondered what in the world was wrong with him that an angry client giving him a hard stare turned him on. Or maybe it was just this client.

  David’s eyes widened as he realized that the pleasant smell of hot toddy in his office during this meeting, wasn’t due to a new air freshener or one of those wax melt things that Penny had on her desk. She had lilac going today, David just remembered that. The hot toddy scent, which his grandmother made with whiskey, honey and lemon, was due to Henry! The smell had gotten stronger the more emotional Henry got. Which is how the scents worked.

  David was getting so uncomfortable in his pants he would need to adjust himself or think of his mom schmoozing his dad. Dear god, why? He needed another memory to use in emergency situations. That one was just too scarring for life.

  “Are you ok? You look like you got a sudden headache.”

  Henry’s concern was touching and thoughtful, but ironic considering he was the reason for David thinking of that scarring memory. Dammit, he did it again! That’s it. He was looking at the internet tonight or something to get a new god awful image in his head.

  “Thank you for your concern. Yes it was a sudden, ah, sharp pain.”

  Sharp, god awful, horrendous, disturbing…

  “I would like to take your word for it that there is nothing going on between your husband and his business partner, but I would hire a private investigator just to rule it out.”

  “No. I will not be a party to that. I don’t want this case run that way. I’m not interested in throwing mud at him, we were friends for a long time before we got married, his parents took me in and were my parents.”

  Henry paused and looked down. A sadness so strong on Henry’s face, that David wanted to do anything in his power to make it go away.

  “How about this, let me see if I can find out anything on your husband. If I find nothing, then we’ll proceed how you want. But if I find something, something we can use, we need to use it. Do you realize how bad things could get if his accusations against you stand?”

  The vast sadness was gone, replaced by anger. It made Henry’s eyes sparkle. David knew he was in deep shit having just thought his client’s eyes sparkled. He should do what was right and tell Henry to get a different attorney. One that would respect his wishes. That wouldn’t daydream of fucking him on the desk he was sitting in front of.

  But David’s will to do the best thing wasn’t that strong. He wanted to see Henry. David wanted to have a reason to call him, to see him, to touch him even if it was just a handshake. He had never gone crazy for someone so fast. It was terrifying how much he longed for Henry to smile at him again. Just to shake his hand, or brush against him as they were walking next to each other to the door.

  “I know that, but his accusations are made up and false. I never prevented pregnancy and I have never said I didn’t want kids. It’s all I said when we were dating and married. This case will be easy because of that. There’s no reason to find dirt or make up any dirt just to fight.”

  Henry stood up. David wasn’t expecting that. He brought the legal pad down in front of him like he would put it in a drawer. The cover gave him a chance to straighten his dick up so it wouldn’t be sticking out when he stood up.

  David stood up and saw that Henry was already at the door. David felt a sadness and longing he hadn’t felt since he lost an auction he thought he had won, for a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar. He had been hunting for years for one and lost the auction in the last second. David quit looking and had sold all his electric guitars.

  He didn’t know what he would do now if Henry walked out that door and David had no reason to call him.

  “Mr. Cooke, Henry, I don’t want you to get taken to the cleaners.”

  That had stopped him. Henry was at the door but at least he hadn’t opened it yet.

  “I’m the best divorce attorney in the area by a wide mile. I’ll do your case for 50% of the normal fees.”

  Henry turned around. At least he wasn’t angry anymore, just wary and confused.


  David waited, but Henry said nothing else. David didn’t like all the space between them, so he moved out from behind his desk and walked towards Henry.

  “Because you’re honest, loyal, caring and that’s not common to see. Even rare I’d say. Omegas are supposed to be taken care of by their alphas, treasured. Let me show you that not all alphas are like what you experienced.”

  It was his best shot. He hoped to get Henry right in his feelings, so he would say yes David, I want you to represent me. Maybe then after the case was over, he’d get a shot at showing Henry how an alpha should care for his omega in all ways.

  Chapter 2

  Henry sprinkled fresh chopped garlic in the marinara sauce and stirred it in. He put the lid back on and opened the oven. The meatballs still looked good, not burnt, juices bubbling in the bottom of the pan. He checked the clock and pulled off his apron, shoving it under the kitchen sink. He turned around while smoothing his hair. Table was set, flowers from the backyard arranged and in the center, big salad on the table, and it looked like he was all ready—wine, he forgot the wine! Henry opened the fridge and got out the pink moscato.

  He heard a car door slam. Just in time. He wasn’t sure if this would work, but he wanted to try one last time. He still didn’t know what went wrong. There was no blowup or constant fighting. It was like; he gave up. Plus, if he was bad in bed like he had shouted at him on the front lawn why wouldn’t Greg try to help him learn what he wanted?

  Another car door slammed, and another, and another. That wasn’t right. Henry went out of the kitchen to the front of the house right as the door opened and Greg’s eldest brother walked in glaring at him. The next brother, Steve, followed him also glaring. They used to be best friends. Best friends since high school. Greg then came in, not even looking at Henry. The youngest brother followed and slammed the door. None of them went through the dining room or even glanced in. They all went upstairs.

  Henry stood staring at the front door. Greg said he would come by tonight at 7pm to pick up the rest of his stuff. Henry sure hadn’t expected his brothers to show up too. He felt like an idiot with a meal all set and ready, waiting for him to show up. Henry turned around and walked into the dining room. He felt lost. Lost like he had after his parents died and he was alone with no one to guide him.

  He wanted to find out what had happened. Wanted to ask what had given him the idea he never wanted kids. He wanted to explain that all he had ever wanted was kids. Henry wanted to make it clear so Greg couldn’t misunderstand. He had thought he was clear before they got married and afterwards. But maybe not. He wasn’t even going to bring up Greg’s comment he was no good in
bed. He said that to him once. Greg just made it up to hurt him.

  Now that he thought about it, it was funny he was more upset that Greg would think Henry didn’t want kids. That bothered him more than his alpha saying he was bad in bed. Maybe he didn’t care for Greg as much as he thought he did?

  Footsteps coming back down the stairs. Henry turned to look out the entry way of the dining room. The eldest brother, a box in his arms, stopped and stared at him.

  “You know, you think you know someone. You were like a brother Henry. I can’t believe you’d cheat on my younger brother. I’d deck you but Greg made me promise not to. You’re pathetic.”

  Henry was in shock. Cheated? He never cheated or even thought about it. What was going on? He opened his mouth, but he had left. Henry was still staring at the front door when the youngest brother, Marc, walked by.

  “I thought you were a piece of shit for lying to Greg about kids. But to cheat? It takes a real piece of shit omega to cheat. Asshole.”

  He walked out the front door. Steve, was next. His ex best friend. They stared at each other.

  “You should have died with your parents.”

  He stomped out the front door. Henry thought he had heard all the bad things they would say, but that was a new low. It physically hurt.

  Henry turned around and went out to the backyard. He didn’t care what Greg took. He couldn’t wrap his head around it. They had known each other since grade school when Steve had become his best friend. He sat down on the bench in the rose garden that Greg had wanted. He had wanted to sit there with his children. Greg had told him that before they got married. What the hell had happened? Why was he telling his family that Henry had cheated on him? Henry just shook his head.

  David got the voice mail again. He hung up and pursed his lips. Was Henry avoiding him? Penny had tried to reach him, but only got voice mail. David had him send a letter. No response on that either. David wondered if he should chance going to Henry’s house. He didn’t want to get disbarred, but stopping by with results from a private investigator wasn’t having relations with a client, right? He didn’t think so.


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