Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance

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Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance Page 3

by Bella Bennet

  David shook his head, who was he kidding. He’d be lucky if he didn’t declare his intentions. Out of all the men, he falls for the one the exact opposite of every man he’s ever dated. What was up with his crazy hormones?

  David decided to chance it. He wanted to see Henry so bad; he had stopped himself from calling or texting during the week that had passed. At least this way he’d see Henry face to face and see if he was still attracted to him. Maybe it was a one off thing.

  Also for Henry, he’d have the results that prove Greg was using him the entire marriage. He was a patsy to his plans. Henry seemed like a stable and decent guy when he was in David’s office, but seeing black and white proof your spouse lied to you, lied to everyone and had planned on using you before marriage, well that was harder to deal with. Henry shouldn’t be alone when he got this information. If he didn’t want to come to David’s office to get the results, David would do a home delivery. And if David got to ogle him and sniff that amazing hot toddy scent once more, then all the better.

  David pulled up in the driveway of a mid-century bungalow. David smiled. He liked it, a lot, and it fit with Henry’s personality. Again, David was surprised at himself. He liked sleek, modern, minimalist apartments, but he found this bungalow with the beautiful landscaping, to unlock part of himself. Some part he didn’t realize he had deep inside him. A part that wanted to be home, a home that welcomed him without pressure to be someone he wasn’t. A home that accepted him for who he was.

  David shook his head and snorted. There was no possible way he was getting all that from looking at a house. Penny had dosed his last coffee with something. Again. She only did that on days when he was overstressed and being a real asshole. He didn’t think he had been a dick today, but he better check with her tomorrow. No sense in pissing off his oldest, best friend and organizer of his professional life. He’d be lost without her. Which is why he paid her the big bucks.

  David got out of his Maserati and grabbed his black leather briefcase, his one indulgence after passing the bar, and went up to the front door. He knocked, and the door opened halfway.

  David was alarmed. In his world, homes with front doors not latched meant burglary or a home invasion in process. He didn’t have a gun on him, but had one in the car. With his family, sometimes their enemies went after him when they couldn’t reach his family.

  “Mr. Cooke? Henry?” David stayed still and listened. Nothing. It sounded like something was bubbling in the kitchen, something cooking on the stove. He smelled a mouth watering smell that had to be an Italian meal. David hoped to hell he was not interrupting Henry and someone. Please, not that. David didn’t want to see it. His heart was already hurting just thinking of it and they hadn’t even dated. He had it bad.

  David yelled louder in the house. He didn’t want to step into the house if something had happened. You don’t want to be on a suspect list for a crime when you’re an attorney with your own practice. It doesn’t do well for business.

  Since he had heard nothing inside, didn’t know if Henry was lying in a pool of blood or if he was in the middle of sexy times upstairs with someone, David thought it best if he circled the house before doing anything else. He wished he had his gun, but didn’t want to make matters worse if there was a burglary in progress. Seeing someone with a gun in their hand always raised the stakes. If no one else had guns out, he didn’t want to make them appear when they saw his. No good ever comes of that.

  David walked across the front lawn, tip toeing through the mulch in between plants and went around the side of the house. He didn’t want to find anything wrong, didn’t want to see any blood, but steeled himself in case. David stopped in surprise at the little Japanese wooden bridge over a tiny, little stream of water leading to a pool filled with koi. Whoever his landscaper was, he was a genius. Everything flowed into one another and the Japanese bridge didn’t even look out of place with the rest of the landscaping.

  David tip toed over the wooden bridge, thankful that his shoes didn’t make a sound, and proceeded past the wooden trellis with climbing roses. He stopped, his heart racing when he saw someone sitting on a bench.

  David studied him and realized that it might be Henry. It wouldn’t do to have an attorney looking scared of walking in a backyard, so he stood back up and walked to where Henry was sitting on a wooden bench, surrounded by rose bushes.

  “Hello. I knocked but the front door wasn’t latched and is wide open. I thought I’d walk around the house to make sure everything is ok.” David looked at Henry. He looked like he had had a big shock.

  “Are you ok?” David didn’t want to sit down until he was invited, plus he wasn’t sure Henry was ok right now.

  Henry nodded his head. “Yeah.”

  It came out garbled. He cleared his throat. “Yeah.”

  He turned to look at David. He looked fine now though confused.

  “You said the front door was open?”

  Henry didn’t look shocked and was in control of himself again. David was relieved. He was surprised, and yet not surprised at all by how relieved he felt at finding Henry unharmed and fine.

  “Yes, I knocked, and it swung wide open. I heard nothing when I called for you.”

  Henry’s eyes were even more magnificent out in the sunlight. A lighter whiskey brown around the pupil darkening at the outer edges to a dark brown. It was like his eyes were alive with light from inside. David was lost in those eyes. They looked just like the color of warm whiskey, lemon and honey. Which was what David smelled again being so close to Henry. The scent of hot toddy surrounded him and relaxed him even further. He smiled.

  Henry looked away to the backyard again. He looked like he was getting pensive, and David didn’t want that. He wanted Henry to notice him, to talk to him.

  “I have information you need to see.”

  David opened his briefcase and pulled out the manilla envelope. Why did private investigators always use manilla envelopes? That made the contents seem tawdry and illicit, like a brown bag around a bottle of booze. Here though, the label would be correct.

  “Can I sit down?”

  Henry looked back, a little surprised and nodded his head. David would not presume to join someone on a bench without an invitation. Especially if that bench wasn’t very big and was located among a rose garden in someone’s backyard. Plus, he was half hoping Henry would say no, so that David would have better control over himself. Now he’d done it though, he’d have to sit next to Henry on that small bench with their legs touching. David wondered if he should pray for strength not to maul this beautiful omega.

  “Thank you.”

  It always paid to have manners. Plus, if David was being truthful to himself, he hoped that would put distance in his mind and remind him he was here as an attorney. Not a besotted alpha. Of which he was.

  David opened the manilla envelope and pulled out the report from the private investigator. He hoped Henry wouldn’t be mad that he hired a P.I. David would not shoot himself in the foot by listening to a client tell him how to do his job. Even if he was wrapped in a very nice package. Oh God, why did he think that. Don’t look. Don’t look. He looked.

  In the second it took as he passed the report to Henry, David saw that perhaps he wasn’t the only one affected. Either that or Henry was well endowed. Thank God he had his briefcase to set on his lap. Now if only he can get himself under control so that when it came time to stand up and leave, he could do so without embarrassing himself.

  Henry looked at the first page of the report without seeing it. The scent of pine needles and crisp, clean winter air surrounded David. It was his scent and not a candle. Henry was glad he had the report to put on his lap. Having David sitting so close was hard to deal with when his emotions were still in upheaval after hearing what Greg’s brothers had said. He had to get a grip on himself. Oh, bad word choice.

  “Could you give me a summary of this is?” There, that should help him get his thoughts back on track instead of imaginin
g David getting a grip on himself. Ugh, too late.

  “As with all my clients in situations that don’t seem straight forward, my intuition tells me something else is going on, I hired a private investigator.” David turned to look at him. “I know how you felt, but just wait till you hear what was found.”

  Henry wasn’t sure how he felt. On one hand, he wasn’t happy that David did what he asked him not to, that is hire a private investigator. But after hearing the accusations out of the guys he used to call his brothers and best friend, Henry was open to hearing what David had found. He nodded, hoping that David would continue with no need for more prompting. Sitting this close to him, it was hard to control his need to look at David. Anything to get his mind off of it.

  “The private investigator found that Greg used to be the boyfriend of his business partner. In fact, they split up right before Greg dated you. However, and this may be hard to hear, there are photos of the two of them kissing during the time you were married. Also, he moved in with the businesses partner when he left you.”

  Henry flipped through the papers and found photos of Greg and the business partner dated before and during Henry’s marriage. The only good thing out of what happened earlier tonight, was that it had prepared Henry for the information he had just received. He hadn’t been the perfect alpha, not by a long shot. He felt tingling at the tip of his nose and knew he had to get under control or he’d cry right now.

  Too late. A tear rolled off and splashed onto the page of the photos of Greg and his business partner. He heard David moving around and then a Kleenex appeared. Henry took it and wiped his eyes.

  “I’m not so upset about, ok I am upset he was cheating on me. I don’t why. I think that’s the most upsetting thing about all of this. That and being rejected by your alpha is hard to deal with.”

  A rustle of cloth and then Henry felt David’s arm around his shoulders. He closed his eyes and luxuriated in the warmth from David’s body. Henry breathed deeply. The scent of pine needles was refreshing and calming. Henry had always found nature calming, especially forests. How amazing that David’s scent was of the forest.

  “Some texts that the investigator could get ahold of, mention a plan of getting money from you. Is he blackmailing you or trying to extort money from you?”

  All relaxation fled from Henry. A sense of dread flowed over him. He knew what those texts were about. Henry guessed nothing would surprise him now about his ex-alpha. He was glad to know the reason behind all of this, but a growing anger was over taking that.

  “I know what he means by that. No, he’s not blackmailing or trying to extort money. Well, unless you count divorce as extortion.” Henry shook his head. He couldn’t believe he would do this to him. Can’t believe he had planned this out for years. And with his business partner too. The crazy thing was that Henry felt about a thousand times better than he had when he first walked out to the backyard.

  “I’m thankful and relieved that to find the reason. It’s not about me at all. It’s my money.” Henry felt David turn sideways and stare at him. If he looked at David, sitting this close to him, he wasn’t sure he could refrain from doing what he wanted to, ever since first setting eyes on him. Especially now that he knew he was a free man. Well, after the divorce he would legally be free, but his heart was free, and he felt no guilt in allowing himself to think of the beautiful alpha next to him.

  “Money you saved up? If it was earned during the marriage, he would get a share of that during the divorce.”

  Henry shook his head. “No, this is money I never wanted and haven’t touched except to buy this house and landscape it.” Henry took a deep breath and wished he didn’t have to talk about the worst day of his life. He hated revisiting it.

  “I was seventeen when I learned that my parents had both been killed. They had been overseas on a mission. They worked for the CIA. Somehow their location was compromised. I didn’t believe it, I couldn’t imagine that happening. They had to let me see them even though it would be a closed casket funeral. All because I couldn’t accept it. It was them. After that I moved in with Greg’s family. Steve was my best friend, their second son, and I had hung out a lot at their house. That’s when they pretty much adopted me.”

  “I’m sorry. That must have been devastating at that age.”

  Henry felt warmth from David’s words. He wanted to lean into David’s side and pretend that he was Henry’s alpha. Henry took a deep breath. It wouldn’t do for him to start a relationship with the divorce even started. Now he knew what Greg was like, he wouldn’t stop to use anything he could find, or make up.

  “Thank you. It was. I found out about the money when I met with my parent’s attorney, who had their will. They had invested almost all their money, and one of their friend’s parents was a whiz at stocks. When I found out how much it was, it was staggering. I used some of it to pay for college and this house, but I didn’t want to touch it. I got the money from my parent’s death, I didn’t want to use it. That may be hard to understand— "

  “Not at all. I agree. It would feel like, not the same as blood money but something similar for sure.”

  Henry smiled. Everything about David was perfect. He didn’t have to explain why he didn’t like having his parent’s money, why it felt wrong to use it. David got it. If only he could get this divorce done as fast as possible so he could let this alpha know how he felt.

  “How would Greg have known you had this money? I can’t imagine he would screw over a member of the family, for a couple hundred thou.”

  “It wasn’t just a couple hundred thousand. After I got back from the reading of the will, I was shell shocked. I told my best friend, Greg’s brother, how much it was. It must have gotten out to Greg. Its several million dollars.”

  Henry wanted to look at David so bad, but he knew he’d be too tempted to sniff him, to reach out and touch his face, to feel his hair and determine if it was as silky as it looked. He couldn’t wait till he was free. He hoped he could convince David by that time that Henry was a great omega, someone worth pursuing.

  “Well, there’s your reason right there. If he can prove any of his claims, that make it look like you as an omega lied to him and refused to have children, he’ll get everything. You’ve got to fight to get the truth out there. Do you think you can do that?”

  Chapter 3

  David stood up. He couldn’t be next to Henry for one more second. The strong urge to protect and make Henry feel better was overwhelming.

  “I need to stretch my legs.” David had never had such a strong pull to someone before. He thought he would be one of those perpetual bachelors. His mother would plan the wedding if she knew how he felt about Henry. Just his luck he found his omega, and he’s a client.

  All his ex-boyfriends and one night stands that wanted more, would be gleeful with this news. Oh, how the mighty had fallen. David was well known for never settling down, not having a boyfriend since the one in law school did not end well. Which was an understatement.

  Ever since then it had been one night stands or short interludes. He made it very clear at the beginning he was not relationship material, he was out for a good time. David had been happy with his life until an omega walked in and all his instincts went on overdrive trying to get him to claim and bond with Henry.

  “I would like you to keep him from getting this house and the money from my parents. I don’t care about him ruining my omega name. No alpha would be interested in me anyway after my alpha moved out and with what he’s been saying.”

  David turned around surprised. He felt his eyebrows rise so high they were hitting his hairline. No alpha would want him? Was he blind? Or maybe David had been better at hiding his attraction than he had thought.

  “I think that’s a little premature to worry about alphas not wanting you. From what you’ve told me, you’re loyal, honest and worked hard at pleasing your alpha. No one will doubt your sincerity at wanting children.”

  Henry looked at him a
nd gave David a crooked smile. David was hit again by Henry’s handsome looks. He needed this divorce case over as soon as possible so he didn’t get disbarred for having a passionate relationship with his client. Starting right here among the roses. Making love on a bed of rose petals. Oh God. David turned around and adjusted himself. He need to get control and fast.

  “You’re kind, but I know better. No one will believe me. People will believe the alpha in a situation, especially him with all his social ties and connections in the business world and community. Greg’s family is active in a lot of organizations. No, I’ve resigned myself to the fact I’ll never have kids.”

  He looked down with a sad smile and David threw caution to the wind. “Now I know you’re being overdramatic and ridiculous.”

  Henry whipped his head up so fast he had to have given himself whiplash.


  That accompanied by his look of surprised outrage almost had David laughing. “You don’t think there’s any alpha anywhere that might be interested in you? Are you sure about that? I mean, that’s a lot of people.”

  Henry narrowed his eyes. “I know what you’re doing and it won’t work. You’re trying to make me realize that there’s someone for everyone. My someone is in Timbuktu or something.”

  He tossed the investigator’s report to the side, and it fluttered to rest on the bench. Well, here it goes. David put his hands on his hips.

  “I’m not saying this because you’re my client, and I’m trying to make you feel better. Well, I am trying to make you feel better, but it’s true what I will say. I’ve wanted you since the first time you walked in my office.” There. It’s out now. Hopefully Henry wouldn’t jump him because he’d have a hard time keeping his hands off.

  Henry tilted his head and gave David a long stare.

  “I appreciate that, but you’ve got to say that, to keep my spirits up.”


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