Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance

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Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance Page 4

by Bella Bennet

  Henry grabbed the papers off the bench and stood up. David couldn’t believe it. Do you know many guys begged him to say anything remotely near that? Henry would move past David and he knew he couldn’t let that happen. His ego was bruised, let alone that the omega he wanted and dreamed about would turn his back on David.

  “Wait. I can’t believe you think I said that. It is true. Ask Penny my secretary. I can’t believe I let you know what I felt, and you blew it off. But that’s besides the point, because I don’t want to lose my law license. You think I’m lying to you. This will not work,” David moved a hand back and forth between them, “if you think me, as your attorney, would lie to you.”

  Henry looked him right in the eye and raised his eyebrow. That’s it. He had never had to work at having someone take his interest in them seriously. He was getting a karmic payback.

  “Ok, how about this, call my past clients. Ask them if I’m a good attorney and also ask if I’ve ever said anything remotely like what I said to you. I don’t just say things to make my clients feel better. Especially about my being attracted to them. I normally have to fight them off of me.” David felt he might have pushed it a little too far with that last line, but by God Henry was killing him! He didn’t think his declaration of wanting Henry would go over like a lead balloon.

  “All right.”

  David kept looking over to the side waiting for what else Henry would say that would take him down several notches. If his ego was cut up anymore, Penny would have to show up with a wheelbarrow to cart the pieces of him home. David realized that Henry would say nothing else.

  “What?” Henry smiled and chuckled. David smiled right back, feeling like an idiot because he did not understand what was funny. With Henry’s smile though, it was a natural reaction to smile right back.

  “Are you ok? You seem distracted.”

  David just looked away and shook his head. Yeah, he was distracted. He declared that he wanted Henry and got blown off, and Henry is surprised that he’s distracted. You couldn’t make this stuff up. He was never telling Penny about this. She’d never let him live it down. Hell, she’d make a cake for Henry, just to celebrate that someone wasn’t worshipping at his feet.

  “I said all right, I’ll call some of your past clients to see if you’re any good.”

  David couldn’t keep the heat out of his eyes once he heard that last line. Oh, he’d love to show Henry how good he was. He wouldn’t be doubting David’s feelings then. He’d be begging for David. Laid out and begging for David. David turned to the side and shook his head to get his thoughts under control. Was it his problem he kept thinking of sex when he was around the hottest omega he had ever seen?

  What was he supposed to be doing? David had never, ever had a problem staying on topic. No one could shake him off, opposing counsel had called him a ‘most annoying pit bull’ one time. David had that line added to his business cards for several months. Again, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that Henry had thrown him off center. Oh yes, client references. He was only kidding about that. David didn’t think Henry would take him up on it. Henry was just full of surprises.

  David got out his phone and called Penny. “Hey Penny, I’ve got Mr. Cooke here and he would like references he could call. I’ll hand the phone over to him now.” There, now he called Henry’s bluff. He also had never had an omega call his bluff on anything.

  Henry made a motion for a pen, David reached into his suit pocket and handed over his Pilot Custom 823 pen. Henry’s eyebrows rose as he took it in. So, David had a pen fetish. Henry smiled his little amused smile again and wrote names and numbers on the back of the report. Was it sad that David had categorized Henry’s smiles?

  Henry hung up the call and handed the phone back to David. Their fingers brushed, and a thrill went up Henry’s body. He kept telling himself he was acting like a school kid with a crush, but he couldn’t help it he got a thrill at their fingers touching. Henry couldn’t get enough of David. He only wished that David wasn’t just trying to make him feel better as a client. Henry was doubting his quick acceptance at calling David’s past clients. He might hear things he didn’t want to hear. Considering what he went through with Greg, he’d rather find out early as in before a possibility of dating, whether someone was lying and using him. Much easier to deal with then.

  “Uh hello, I’m looking for Bryce Adams? I’m calling for a reference for the attorney David Bianchi.” He swallowed and concentrated on not looking at David. A man picked up the call, answered his questions about David as a divorce attorney and whether David flirted or made moves on him.

  Which was difficult to ask with the man standing right near him. Henry kept trying to circle so his back was to David, but David kept walking around moving back into his vision. He could only see his shiny black dress shoes, since he had his head down listening, but it was still distracting not to mention embarrassing. Why did he have to call David’s bluff?

  Henry thanked the man for his time and hung up. Did he need to call anyone else? Henry looked up at David and saw a smug smirk aimed right at him. Yes, he needed to call more.

  “So, what did you find out? Was I telling the truth? Do you think you can trust me now I have your best interests at heart as your attorney, and that I don’t make it a habit to flirt with my clients? Not that I’ve flirted with you. I want to clarify that I will not have a relationship with you while you’re my client.”

  Henry turned again so he could hide his face. He didn’t want David to see his smile. Henry hadn’t felt so alive since he first discovered the joy of playing soccer with non-stop action on the field. He got bored easy and soccer had enough going on that it felt much longer than just a 45 minute period.

  Henry got the next client reference on the phone and repeated his questions. Pretty much the same answers again. He wondered if David set this up and had a list of people that would say what David wanted. That was crazy thinking though.

  “Are you sure your secretary didn’t just give a list of people that would say whatever you wanted?” Henry looked up at David and wondered if he would do that.

  David’s eyebrows rose, and he gave Henry a long stare. “You think I have people that would say whatever I wanted? How about you look up any case I’ve had? Look in the paper and find my name associated with any case and call them.”

  Henry felt bad now that David went from looking surprised to insulted. He didn’t want to hurt David, he couldn’t believe a man as good looking, and stylish, that could have anyone at all, would be interested in him.

  “Well, ok. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to think, well… I’m sorry. I’m flattered. Thank you.” Henry handed the phone back to David. David continued staring at him as he put the phone back in his suit pocket.

  David had to pull out the jacket to access the inside pocket which let Henry have an illicit peek at how flat David’s abs were. The suit jacket went back to covering up that delicious view. Henry swallowed. If only what David were saying was true. But after what he had found out about Greg today, he was paranoid. He didn’t know if he could learn to trust anyone again, let alone someone as ridiculously good looking as David. Plus, he was an attorney. Didn’t they lie with every word? At least that’s the joke he’d heard before. How do you know when an attorney is lying? When his lips are moving.

  Chapter 4

  Henry wasn’t sure he was dressed right. Jeans, button down shirt, loafers. It looked nice, better than what he wore every day at home. But since this was a bar, with a small dance floor, Henry thought he should make an effort. Besides, he wanted to show Ned, his friend that recommended David Bianchi as an attorney, that there was nothing to worry about. He wasn’t sitting home sad, sobbing in his cornflakes or whatever Ned had said.

  Henry was doing fine. He was surprised. He thought he’d be more broken up over his alpha moving out and lying about him, but Henry was just relieved. Relieved to know it wasn’t him at all that it was a plan he concocted with his business part
ner. Yes it hurt, they had known each other for a decade and he had thought they were friends. But his family not talking to him or returning his calls hurt a lot worse. Greg’s parents were basically his adopted parents. Oh well, as Ned said, forget them. They’ll find out the truth at some point.

  So, here he was, in a bar trying to find Ned. Ned thought getting out of the house would be a good idea. Henry thought so too, but the bar scene wasn’t his thing. He was nervous; he didn’t see Ned right away.

  Henry pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the last text again. ‘At a table in the back.’ Well that wasn’t real specific. It was dim but the dance floor was lit up with a light show. Henry skirted around the dance floor and checked out tables as he walked by. He didn’t want to miss Ned.

  “Oh, sorry” Henry apologized to the person who had bumped into him and stopped. He stared and was sure it had to be someone else. But that blond hair, and body shape he’d know anywhere considering how often it had starred in his fantasies. Henry moved back and leaned to the right to get a better look. Yes, he was right. That was his divorce attorney on the dance floor.

  “Honey, you want to move, you’re blocking the show.” Henry felt pressure against his left hip and he moved to the right while looking back. Three men at the table waved.

  “I know he’s fine, but you need to share that view with the rest of us. Mmhmm.” Henry looked back at the dance floor and was sure they were talking about David.

  He turned back. “You mean the tall blond?”

  They all nodded their heads making various sounds of "ooooh yeah,", "there’s no one else I’d rather watch get down,", "I wish I could get the chance to just breathe in his air,". Wow. David had a fan club.

  “Does he come here often?” The three of them turned their heads to Henry as if he was a complete idiot.

  “This is your first time here, isn’t it? Otherwise you would have known that Saturday night is his night.”

  “He’s right. It’s the only night the blond god shows up. I live for Saturday night. I used to live for Friday night until I saw him. Mmm mmm mmm.” They all clinked their glasses together. That was a dedicated fan club.

  “So, he cuts loose on the dance floor when he’s here?” Henry wanted to know if David went home with a different guy every night. His stomach dropped just thinking about it. He was stupid to think that he was special. David probably told everyone he wanted them.

  The only part of his brain unaffected by David’s hip swiveling, tried to point out that Henry had called past clients, and all had said David was a terrific attorney, a real bull dog, and was professional. One mentioned that he wished David hadn’t been so professional as David kept turning his advances down.

  Henry didn’t want to listen to that part. He was stuck by another alpha leading him on just to turn out to be lying. He had no proof David did that, but dancing in a bar every Saturday night and having a fan club didn’t look like David was a monk. Henry didn’t even want to take the chance of being lied to and used by an alpha again.

  Henry continued walking at the edge of the dance floor and made his way to the back. He noticed Ned standing up and waving at him.

  “Hey, glad you made it. Thought I’d lost you to the dance floor.”

  Henry pulled out a chair and sat down. This side of the bar had staggered seating, with different levels of tables and chairs so that you could watch the floor without your view getting cut off. From this height, he had a better view of David dancing in the middle of the floor. He was surrounded by men. They weren’t just dancing in a big group, they all seemed to dance around David or trying to catch his attention. Henry clenched his hand and realized he need a drink. Several, if he would get through this. He knew he was jealous. He had no right to be jealous, but he was. Also angry.

  Henry leaned over to Ned. “How do we get service, here? Do we go down to the bar to order?”

  Ned shook his head. “This area is different. You order with this app on the table.”

  Ned pointed at a pad on the table. It was attached to the table but you could flip through screens of different drinks. Things sure had gotten high tech since he had last been to a dance club. He didn’t think he had ever been to a dance club. Was this a dance club since it had such a small floor?

  Henry got two shots to help him deal with the jealousy of what he considered his attorney, out dancing with many men. Then he tried to find his favorite beer, but there was no beer, period. So Henry got a rum and coke. His old standby.

  Henry looked down at the floor and locked in on David. It wasn’t because he was the tallest, but Henry only wanted to watch David. He thought David had looked good in his tailored suit and tie, but seeing him in a tight black t-shirt, hair messed, smiling and moving around to a beat was mesmerizing. Henry couldn’t have looked away unless someone put a blindfold on him.

  David raised his arms and threw his head back. Henry salivated. His long neck was just begging to be licked. Henry looked around and adjusted himself. Where were his shots? He desperately needed a shot. He hadn’t been this turned on watching someone dance in, well since never. Not even when he took Greg and his friends to college dances or wedding dances. Never.

  Henry wished David wasn’t so crowded. He couldn’t see past David’s upper chest. He was dying to know what else David was wearing. Was it jeans? Black slacks? Tight black jeans? Oh God. That image had Henry adjusting himself again.

  Oh thank God, drinks were here. He grabbed a shot and slammed it back without even thanking the waiter.

  “You’ll have to excuse him. He’s going through a divorce.”

  “Oh no worries. We’ve all had nights like those.”

  Thank God Ned had manners. Henry was embarrassed he had acted like a newly minted twenty-one-year-old by grabbing a shot and slamming it down in one movement. But he needed that shot. Henry looked back down at the dance floor. Someone had their hand on David’s neck. And the hand was now moving to the front of David’s neck and down his collarbone. Henry clenched his teeth. David wasn’t moving the hand away. Henry grabbed his next shot and downed it.

  “Hey, you might want to slow down there.” Henry had forgotten about Ned. He was such a horrible friend. Especially since Ned had been the one to get him to come out tonight.

  “I’m sorry. I’m being a horrible friend tonight.”

  “Hey, we’ve all had nights like these. You need to cut loose. Just don’t do it too fast. I don’t think I can carry you by myself.”

  Henry smiled and shook his head. There was no way he would get that drunk tonight. Because then he wouldn’t be able to focus on watching the beautiful David dance.

  David was enjoying himself. He looked forward to Saturday nights. He normally didn’t run into any clients at omega bars, which enabled him to cut loose and dance off the stress of the week. If only these men would give him some room. These guys were so packed in he could barely swing his hips.

  He raised his arms and shimmied his hips to the beat. Any other bar and he’d have to keep them from grabbing his ass. But here, they all knew he was an attorney and after a few times of grabbing wrists with his strong grip and threatening harassment charges, or broken hands, they all knew to leave him alone. A few gentle touches were fine, but no grabbing or hanging all over him. It impaired his movement, and Saturday nights were all about him. His need to cut loose and be relaxed for the weekly Sunday family dinners.

  He had learned awhile ago that it was easier to just show up than to get phone calls from his mother, his sister, his brother, his aunts, then his dad, then his other aunts. He had given in at that point before the cousins called. With a big extended family, sometimes it was just easier to give in. And it’s not like he was having to do something unpleasant. He got fed good food, got to see his relatives and listen to everyone ask him if he had found his omega yet and when was he going to give them a new baby to fuss over. Which is why he was here every Saturday night drinking and dancing.

  Though breaking out
the leather pants was something he hadn’t done in a while. Thoughts of his favorite client, never far from his mind, caused it. He was so horny and unable to make any moves on Henry that he was hoping to work it off by non stop dancing. And if he got more ass rubs and touches than usual due to the leather pants, well it was ok this week. He was dying here.

  David almost wished he hadn’t put the hammer down on the touching. He wouldn’t mind nipple pinches and cock grabs tonight. David couldn’t see himself taking anyone home though. He was gone, taken by an omega with whiskey colored eyes. Just thinking of Henry made his constant semi grow. He smoothed his hands down his sides while moving his hips and rubbed his hands down by his cock and on his thighs. God, he was so hard up. If anyone offered him a blowjob tonight, he might take them up on it. He squatted down and then raised back up, arms in the air, swiveling his hips. David had his eyes closed just trying to not focus on how horny he was. He felt hands on his legs. Touches on his chest. A hand tracing his collarbone and making its way into his shirt. A hand rubbing his ass. He needed to stop sending out these signals, or he’d get a blowjob on the dance floor in about a minute.

  One last hip circle and he put his arms down and cut through the hands to the seating area. He needed to get to the bathrooms fast before anyone stopped him. He didn’t know why, yes he knew why he was going commando tonight. You can’t wear anything under leather pants. Well, leather pants that hugged his body like these, you couldn’t. He was sure anyone at the far end of the building could see the outline of his dick in his pants. He needed to take care of it before he caused a riot. It’s not that he thought highly of himself or his looks. It’s that he caused a riot the last time he wore these pants out dancing.

  Finally he made it to the bathrooms. He swung open the door and noticed feet in the first stall. Hoping the other stalls weren’t all filled, he walked back to check them out when the bathroom door opened. David looked back just out of the habit of knowing what was at his back in small places. He hadn’t been this surprised since first meeting Henry and getting a semi just from looking at him. Which he was doing again, looking at Henry, because Henry had just walked into the bathroom. The last person he would have expected to be in an omega bar. Maybe he was hallucinating. He had wanted Henry so bad that his mind made him appear.


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