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Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance

Page 10

by Bella Bennet

  David looked at Henry. He looked broken, so sad. David couldn’t look at him anymore without the overwhelming urge to apologize. David forced himself to look down at his shoes. He knew he had nothing to apologize for, but he wanted to take away Henry’s pain, make him feel better, to cherish him, tell him it will all be better, that he still loved him. David closed his eyes.

  He wasn’t sure that was the right move here. Henry didn’t communicate with him and if there was anything David valued, it was honest and open communication. However, David could also understand Henry’s fears. The fear of putting yourself out there and getting hurt again. The fear of getting used again right after you found out your alpha had used you to get to your money. The fear of falling right into the same problem you just escaped from. David couldn’t fault him for any of those fears. The odds were incredible that Henry and David had found each other right after Henry’s horrible experience. Or at the tail end of it. David hoped that was the last they both saw and heard from Greg.

  David looked up at Henry. He loved Henry. He knew it now. It didn’t matter they hadn’t even gone on a date. He didn’t know Henry well, but felt as if he knew his life. Being someone’s divorce attorney meant a crash course in their life. So he knew a lot about Henry, but Henry didn’t know much about David, because that crash course only went one way. So David needed to make Henry feel safe. Make Henry feel like he knew David and could trust him. David could do that. Maybe that would also show Henry that David still cared.

  “I realized that I know a lot about you, but you know next to nothing about me. So I think I’ll tell you about me. This could be like a first date conversation.” David smiled and felt better when he saw Henry look up and smile too. “I know it’s quite an odd circumstance for a first date, but I’ll take it.” David was even more pleased to see Henry laugh a little.

  “I grew up and lived my whole life in the same house until I moved out for college. I played baseball in grade school and found that I loved to pitch and had a wicked curve ball. I loved reading the batter and getting him off his game by staring at him. I guess that’s why I like being an attorney so much, I can still read people and get them off their game, and win a case.”

  David looked back at Henry. Henry was staring right at him, intent on David’s story. Good, he hadn’t bored him.

  “My family thought I would go into their business right from high school. None of my family had gone to college. No one had tried. The family business was there, there was money in it, why bother. Plus, my dad can be persuasive. I was the only one that refused. Flat out refused. I had an idea something wasn’t right with the family business when I was in middle school. In high school I used the excuse of baseball practice, working out for baseball, running to stay in shape for baseball to avoid having to do anything with the family business.”

  David looked down and licked his dry lips. He wished there was water. He could use a drink to moisten his throat. And a drink to help him get through this story.

  “My dad and I had a huge blow up a few months before I graduated high school. He finally figured out I would duck out of the family business and go to college. Like I had been telling him for years. But he thought I was joking or something. Who knows? He was just so sure I would come to my senses, I guess. But I didn’t come to my senses, or I did from my point of view. There was no way I was joining the family business. I wanted to play in the majors. I was bigger than being stuck in the family business forever. I wanted more. I knew I had the smarts and will to succeed and so after the big blow up, I packed stuff and walked out.”

  David swallowed, the dry scratchiness of his throat hurting. But he had to continue. He wanted Henry to know him, to realize David was a person and grow close to him. The best way of doing that was by telling stories. He felt guilty using his knowledge of influencing juries on Henry, but he would use everything at his disposal to get Henry. If this was his last shot, he would take it.

  “I stayed with a friend and his family for the last month and a half. It was odd and I admit, well I don’t want to admit this, but I cried myself to sleep every night. I missed my family. We were tight knit. My mother loved us and would hug me every day I got home from school whether I wanted it or not. Grandma would be over a lot baking cookies. I missed them horribly. My bigger brother, my younger sister, even my dad. The big Sunday family dinners where all the cousins, aunts, uncles would show up. It was a horrible time for me, being split from them and being left alone.”

  David licked the tears running down his cheek. Salt burst on his tongue. He felt like a castaway licking tears off his face for the moisture. His desire to kill Penny, he would never have killed her but he would have zip tied her to the deck, was fading rapidly. He found himself thankful to those two schemers for setting them up and getting them both in the same place, forced to talk and realize they still cared for each other. Without them, well David didn’t even want to think about it.

  “My entire family showed up to my high school graduation. Everyone. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. It was huge. I found out my dad had told them all to leave me alone, to not contact me as I had to learn that family was everything. My mom beat sense into him. She took until the morning of graduation. All the relatives were already planning on being there, but my dad was the only holdout.”

  David looked at Henry. He smiled remembering the relief and joy he felt that he had his family back. “I never wanted to go through that again. My dad learned that I had my own mind and I would follow through with what I said. He didn’t like the family split either. Plus my mom went on strike. He had to do his own laundry and make his own food during that time.” David beamed at Henry.

  “I was so happy. It was at that point that I realized how much family meant. That I wanted my own family, one that accepted me the way I was. I’ve been searching for him ever since.” David let his earnestness and love show through his eyes.

  “I played baseball in college and was good enough to go to the majors, but no one talked. Not one scout. A friend’s agent finally pulled me aside and said it was due to my family. No one wanted connections to them in the majors. My heart broke. I wanted to play for the Dodgers, but, well I had to accept reality. So I was the second thing on my list, an attorney.” David flashed a quick smile to Henry.

  “I was always fascinated by what they could do just with the written word and managing the courtroom. I had a hell of a time getting into law school though. Again, no one wanted to touch me. They thought I would end up doing work for the family. I begged and finally showed up with my dad. He told the Dean that his son had made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with them. That convinced the Dean to get the admissions board together, and I was grilled by them for well over an hour. They had me sign a notarized statement that I would do no work for my family, anyone in my family’s business, that I would do nothing criminal or unethical. Then I was admitted.”

  David smiled again at Henry. He licked his dry lips, not that it did much good. His mouth was so dry from talking that licking his dry lips did nothing but make them sting.

  “So that’s why I make sure anything I do, could not be misconstrued by anyone. I don’t even take a chance. Well, I haven’t until that bathroom.” David smirked and laughed at Henry’s blush.

  “So now you know my life story. I spent the first years out of law school working for another family law attorney and then went out on my own. I work hard. But I’ve been looking for an omega, to create a family of my own. One that accepts me for who I am.” David’s voice softened. “I hadn’t found him until a whiskey eyed, hot toddy scented beautiful omega walked into my office to hire me.”

  Henry smiled and David’s heart sped up. There was love in those eyes. Directed at him. David smiled and hoped against hope that they could work out. That they both could trust each other and communicate.

  Henry’s cheeks had tears running down them. “I want— "

  At least that’s what David thought Henry had said. Henr
y cleared his throat.

  “I want to be your omega.”

  David smiled as warmth, hope and relief rushed through him. “I want to be your alpha.”

  His heart was full and bursting at how happy, and yet still nervous he was. They had a rough start, but David would bet they were both going to give it their all.

  Henry felt so close to David now. After learning about his desire to go his own way, forge his own path in the world, Henry admired him. He understood David’s need to not even have anything construed as improper. He wondered about what Ned had said and David’s references to the family business. But, Henry would trust David and wait for him to bring it up.

  “I wish I could come over there, give you a big hug and kiss you.”

  Henry smiled and nodded his head. “I would like that too.” He looked down at the chair and then back up. “I don’t know how we can get undone from these ropes though. I can’t even move my hands.”

  “Yeah, we’re pretty stuck.” David then smirked and Henry felt himself smiling in response.

  “But we can still move closer.”

  David rocked back-and-forth, the wooden chair moving forward a little at a time. Henry tried that, but didn’t move far enough with each back-and-forth movement. He used the balls of his feet to push up and drag himself forward. He snickered at the slow progress they were making. Two grown up men tied to chairs inching their way to each other. It was just so funny that he laughed. David laughed as well, and soon the both of them were laughing so hard they had tears running down their faces.

  Which was a bad idea when trying to leverage yourself forward by rocking on the balls of your feet. Henry lost his balance and tipped over in slow motion. The horror on David’s face, and the loud crash caused Henry to laugh even harder. His head was fine, except for his right arm, trapped under the chair. That smarted, but it wouldn’t stop Henry from laughing. The whole thing was just crazy. Insane.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. My arm is caught under the chair, but it’s fine.” Henry snickered again.

  “Don’t start that again! You’ll set me off. It’s taking me forever as it is to get over to you.”

  David rocked forward again and tried to not laugh but couldn’t keep it in. Henry’s laughter probably had something to do with it. And then David tipped over.

  They were both laying on their sides, facing each other, closer to the patio door than to the rest of the living room.

  “This is just stupid. If they don’t get back here, soon I may just duct tape Penny to the deck. Or zip tie her.”

  “Don’t be too hard on her. They got us together. And I’m very grateful for that.” Henry smiled at David. They were closer to each other on the floor than when they were sitting up. It was too bad they weren’t any closer.

  “I wonder if I could get myself rolled over so our knees would face different directions.”

  David tried to rock himself forward but couldn’t seem to get any momentum. Just when he was getting mad, they heard a car.

  They both looked at each other and angled their heads as much as possible towards the kitchen where the door to the garage was. The loud rumbling of the garage door going up filled the cabin. Henry was embarrassed but realized he had nothing to be embarrassed about. He wasn’t the one that tricked them and tied them up. Henry looked at David and had to flatten his lips to keep from laughing. David was struggling to keep it together and not laugh. They looked ridiculous.

  The door to the garage opened. Henry saw Penny’s black hair come in first. “I don’t see them!” Penny sounded scared. She ran to the living room and put a hand on her chest. “Oh thank God, you’re still here.”

  “Where did you expect us to go all tied up?” Penny stuck out her tongue at David and then looked the both of them over. “Well, you both look ok. No blood at least.”

  Ned came into the living room and looked a little worried but tried to hide a smile. “I see you haven’t killed each other.”

  “No thanks to you.” Henry would have a long talk with Ned, but now was not the time. “Do you think you can untie us? I’m dying of thirst and my arms are hurting.”

  “We’d be glad to but look, no going after us. We did this to get you two bone headed idiots together. Understand?” David looked at Henry with an eyebrow raised. Henry nodded his head, they could get back at them later.

  David looked at Penny. “Sure. Just let us off of us these chairs. Then leave.” Henry laughed at how blunt David was. He was glad their friends had gotten them together to talk it out, but still, being zip tied and tied to chairs for a few hours? Not fun.

  Penny took scissors out of her purse and they both cut the men loose. Henry tried to move his arms but his shoulders were killing him having been pulled back for hours. Ned helped him up and apologized.

  “Hey, thanks for caring enough about me to fix a massive mistake I was making.” He gave Ned a bro hug as much as he could move his arm since it was yelling at having been tied up so long. Ned made his way to the garage. Henry saw Penny pull back from a tight hug with David. She had tears running down her face. She waved at Henry and then followed Ned out and closed the door.

  They were untied, and alone. Best of all, things were all right with each other. And there was a hot tub on the deck.

  Chapter 11

  "I don't know about you, but my muscles are killing me. I can hardly move my arms." David wanted nothing more than to take Henry in his arms and show him how much he meant to him. But he thought they both needed a good unwinding soak in some hot water first.

  "I can't move anything. I'm so stiff from sitting like this for hours." David helped Henry as much as he could with stiff arms and legs. If Penny and Ned had wanted them back together why did they tie them up for hours? They were too sore to have any makeup sex!

  "Damn them. I'm too sore to do anything right now. Let's soak in the hot tub and celebrate."

  Henry sent his megawatt smile David's way. "I'm all for that."

  David shuffled his way upstairs. He had brought nothing for the hot tub. He had planned on being alone and naked in the bubbling hot water. Now though, he wasn’t sure how Henry would feel about him walking out to the tub naked. He wanted to do this right and not be too aggressive. David shook his head and tugged his hair. Henry had already seen his dick and gave him a hand job in the bar bathroom. What was he worried about? He was just going to wrap a beach towel around his waist and go out to the hot tub.

  He heard the patio door open a few minutes ago so Henry was already in the hot tub. If he wasn’t, David would wonder why. After the emotional roller coaster they had both been through in the last few hours, he was ready to relax and have all the stress melt away. He’d love to get Henry in bed, but it depended on how Henry felt. Henry’s shoulders seemed to be hurting after their ordeal. David rolled his eyes at Penny’s crazy plan. He’d never hear the end of it since it had obviously worked. Damn meddling woman.

  David walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs. He saw Henry already in the tub, head back and eyes closed. David smiled. They were on the same wavelength. David grabbed a beer out of the fridge, having noticed that Henry already had one, and went out to the deck.

  Henry’s eyes opened as he walked to the hot tub. Henry smiled at him. It was good to see the happiness back in Henry’s eyes. It had been a hell of a day. And a hell of a month too. David drank from his beer and sat it down. Well, it was show time.

  David looked at Henry, grabbed the end of his towel, unwrapped it and let it drop. He smirked at Henry’s eyes darting from his chest to his most treasured possession. Glad to see that Henry wasn’t shy. He figured as much after the bar bathroom, but Henry seemed almost like he had had little experience.

  David walked into the hot water across from Henry and sank down onto the seat with a long sigh. He groaned and let his head drop back and closed his eyes. That felt so good on his muscles. He could sit here all night. The sound of the bubbling water was so soot

  He heard water splashing and opened his eyes. Henry had scooted around the tub, put his beer down and sat back down near David. He smiled and closed his eyes again. He wanted to just relax and let all the stress of the last few hours dissolve in the hot water.

  It was peaceful sitting next to Henry. The quiet wasn’t awkward. It felt like something David had always wished for, but never had found. That contented feeling from being with someone you care about. He wanted to wrap an arm around Henry, but his shoulders were still sore. Damn Penny. Did she need to keep them tied up so long?

  David felt a brush against his thigh. He opened his eyes and looked over at Henry. Henry’s eyes were closed and his head was also leaning back against the ledge. David looked down in the water and saw Henry’s fingers brushing against his leg. His fingers trailed up and down on his leg. He smiled. He was glad Henry made the first move. David had been worried about how fast to push or whether to push at all. They had made up but hadn’t kissed yet and David hadn’t been sure of what the right move was. It looked like it might be time to get this party started.

  David put his hand over Henry’s and moved their hands to rest on top of his right thigh. Then he took his hand off Henry’s and laid his arm behind Henry’s head. Henry’s golden whiskey eyes were open, and he was looking right at David. They were full of desire yet David also saw reticence.

  Henry was still unsure of himself thanks to his ex. Or their big blowup and reconciliation that happened over the course of just a few hours. Either way, David knew he would go slow. He moved his right hand next to Henry’s back. His thumb rubbed whatever skin he could reach. Just a slow, gliding movement up and down, up and down. Then he switched to circles, round and round letting the desire build.

  He never lost contact with Henry’s eyes. Just kept watching him with desire, longing and some teasing. He wasn’t above teasing Henry to hell before he made his move. A little payback for the hell Henry had put him through. But it wasn’t like David would not deliver, so he felt fine teasing Henry to a fever pitch. Let him feel some torture. David wondered if he didn’t have a little sadistic streak in him. All the opposing counsel he’s ever faced would probably say yes.


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