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Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance

Page 13

by Bella Bennet

  David had to smile and shake his head. He hadn’t stopped smiling, but his smile grew bigger. At least Henry was smiling and laughing. He had looked so nervous and worried when he first held out his hand with the pregnancy test. David rubbed his hand over Henry’s hair.

  What a day. First, he thought Henry was sick or had food poisoning and then found out he would be a dad. He stilled. Oh my God. It hit him. He would be a dad. A dad. A father. Oh my God.

  Henry pulled back and looked at him. A concerned look came over his face.

  “Uh David? Are you ok? Look sit down. Just sit down here.”

  Henry led him back until his legs touched the bed and he collapsed. He tried to sit but, he just fell back on the bed. Henry leaned over him and tried to wave more air over his face.

  “Maybe you should put your head down between your legs. Get the blood to your head.”

  David shook his head a little. He closed his eyes and tried to slow down his breathing. Maybe he should put his head down. David rolled and scooted to the edge of the bed and hung his head over. That was better. He was feeling better and not so nauseous. My God if this was what Henry had to put up with every day, he was a hero. This was awful.

  David kept his head down and felt Henry rubbing his back. Henry would be a great father. He already knew how to calm someone down and make him feel better. David felt anxiety run through him again. Would he be a good dad? He didn’t want to be like his dad, gruff and somewhat of a bully. He would rather be like… he didn’t have a father figure except for his high school baseball coach. That guy was like a second father to him. Especially when he was living at his friend’s house near graduation. He could emulate him. That made him feel better. Now that he knew what he had to do, and had an example, he could do it with flying colors.

  Now that he was feeling better, David scooted back up and rolled over onto his back. He reached out and held Henry’s hand. They smiled at each other. What a day, huh?

  “How are you feeling?”

  Henry smiled. “Better than you. How are you feeling?”

  David smiled and laughed. “A lot better. I guess it hit me that I would be a dad. I knew I was a father, but it didn’t get through at first.” David shook his head and looked up at the ceiling. Wow. What a change his life had undergone. He found his omega, had a life partner probably and now he was a dad. Wow.

  David looked back up at Henry and squeezed his hand. He smiled and let all his love for Henry show. “We will be great dads.”

  Henry laid down over David and gave him a kiss. He then laid his head on David’s chest. David loved having Henry lay on his chest. He rubbed his hand over Henry’s back and closed his eyes. He had his family. He had a family now.

  “I want to meet your family.” Henry had had this conversation with David, but David kept coming up with excuses. Henry would get an inferiority complex if he hadn’t also known that David was beaming and telling everyone he would be a dad. He wasn’t embarrassed of Henry or the pregnancy. So what his deal?

  Henry tried to think of what could hold David back. They knew he was gay. No problem with that. Was it that they weren’t married?

  “David, are you embarrassed we aren’t married yet?”

  “What?! No!” David stood up in front of the open fridge with an incredulous look on his face. Well, looks like that wasn’t the problem.

  “I’m just wondering, because I want to meet your family and you seem… reluctant. As in change the topic reluctant.”

  David looked guilty and turned back to the fridge. Henry would not let this go this time. He wanted answers. He felt like a hidden secret, never meeting the family or talking to his mother when she called David. Did his family even know about Henry? If he hadn’t told his family, there would be words.

  Henry sighed and turned around. He would not fight right now. He didn’t want to fight, but something was wrong. That was for sure. Henry grabbed his gardening gloves and went out through the French doors to the rose garden. It was time to harvest some lavender, anyway. His next door neighbor wanted to make a dried lavender wreath. At least he had something to do with his garden. He cut the herbs and threw them away if he didn’t need them. He loved growing and nurturing things.

  Henry walked to the far corner where the lavender was and checked the plants to see which ones he’d keep and which ones he’d cut down. He heard footsteps and pretended like he didn’t hear them. If David wanted to talk, he would let him start. Henry was pissed at David’s behavior about his family. Especially if they didn’t know about him. Henry shook his head. He better not be David’s dirty little secret. There would be a huge fight if that was the case.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Henry kept clipping the lavender. He thought of using David’s tactics against him. Of asking what he was sorry for. But he didn’t want to be an ass. But then again, what was he sorry for? For being an ass or for not introducing Henry to his family? Or for not telling his family about Henry at all?

  Henry turned around and looked at David. He was mad now. He found it a lot harder to keep control of his emotions. It was probably due to the pregnancy hormones. Which if you thought about it, was all David’s fault. David and his magic penis. And his magic hands. And tongue. Damn it. Don’t think about how hot David is right now. He was mad at David.

  “What are you sorry for? For not telling them about me?”

  Surprise flashed over David’s face. So, not that then.

  “What? No! I told them about you! What kind of person do you think I am?”

  “One that won’t introduce your boyfriend, partner, father of your child to your family?” Henry crossed his arms. He could tell a good fight was coming on. He was mad but screw it. He was the pregnant one here.

  “Oh, come on. I told them about you. Mom calls me asking about you all the time.”

  Henry raised an eyebrow. Interesting. He chewed on his lip trying to keep him from throwing the gloves in David’s face and walking off screaming. This roller coaster of emotions was a nightmare to deal with. One second he was crying, the next he was happy, the next he was furious. It was exhausting. And he wasn’t even showing yet.

  David looked down and then back up. Yup, still looking guilty.

  “Ok, I have been avoiding having you meet them.” David reached behind to tug at the hair near his neck. It was a cute gesture he did whenever he was nervous about saying something. Henry pursed his lips. This had better be good.

  “I didn’t do it because I’m embarrassed or ashamed of you or whatever you might be thinking. I did it because I’m embarrassed and… well, I’m ashamed of them too.”

  Henry felt his face go slack. He had never expected that. David was embarrassed and ashamed of his family? He loved his family!

  “I don’t understand.”

  David ran his hands through his hair again. He put his hands on his hips and then looked back up at Henry.

  “I love my family. You know I love my family. You know I’ve wanted a family that accepts me for who I am. But… I don’t know how to explain this. I don’t want you to have any preconceived notions about them, but I also want you to know why I’ve been hesitant.”

  David searched his face. Henry was back to feeling sad that David didn’t want him to meet his family.

  “Just forget it.” Henry turned around but David grabbed his arm and turned him back to face him.

  David held him with both arms. “Henry. Look at me.”

  Henry raised his face, but he wasn’t happy. He looked at David and saw that David was open, earnest and was worried. That made him feel somewhat better.

  “Look. We’ll go to the big Sunday family dinner, ok? We’ll go. Both of us. I’ve been skipping it for weeks because I didn’t want to go without you. And, well, I’m worried and, all right I’m scared. Scared you’ll run off and leave me and want nothing to do with me.”

  Henry opened his mouth but David put a finger on his lips. Which Henry sucked into his mouth. Come on, like he would
let that go by. Now he was horny. These hormones were killing him.

  “Henry, I’m trying to have a serious conversation here.” His smile and the twinkle in his eyes didn't help him any. Henry wrapped his tongue around David’s finger.

  David closed his eyes and moaned. “Henry…. you’re killing me.”

  He opened his eyes again and pulled his finger out with a pop. Henry giggled. He felt like he was on a feelings roller coaster from hell. Spin the wheel of bat shit crazy hormones to find out how you’ll feel for the next few minutes!

  “Did you hear anything I said? I’m worried I’ll lose you when you meet my family. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed of you at all. And remember, I’m nothing like my family. Ok?”

  Henry nodded and ran his tongue up David’s neck. His plants were tall enough to block the neighbors from seeing them, right? He pulled at David’s belt and started in on the pants.

  “Oh God…don’t.” David pulled his hands away. His pants fell to his feet. Henry laughed.

  David shook his head and then pulled him in for a hug.

  “I love you, you crazy omega. I’ll call mom and let her know we’re coming.”

  Henry pulled back in shock.

  “You let your mom know when you’re cumming?”

  David rolled his eyes with the pained look of a saint. “I’ll be so glad when you’re not pregnant anymore and back to normal.”

  “Hey, I’ve got to practice my dad jokes sometime.”

  “Please tell me, promise me, that will never be a dad joke with our child.”

  Henry leaned in close. “Only with you big daddy.”

  Chapter 15

  David parked the car on the street. He wanted to help Henry out of the car, but he had refused all help. He said he was pregnant, not a dying invalid. He was so independent and stubborn.

  David grabbed Henry’s hand more for himself than for Henry. He was nervous, anxious, scared, worried, all the above. He didn’t know what would happen or how Henry would handle it. Henry had been alone since his parent’s had died. But even when they had been alive, they had no relatives near them. How would Henry react to a large family gathering of loud and obnoxious relatives where nothing was sacred?

  He squeezed Henry’s hand and hoped to God it all went well. Please let it go well.

  They walked closer to the driveway. Sounds of laughter, yelling, music were coming from the backyard. It was a big backyard. There was a wooden fence for privacy so no one had seen them yet. This was probably a good time to talk to Henry.

  David stopped at the end of the driveway, between two cars which looked like they belonged to his younger cousins if the huge spoilers on the cars were any sign.

  “Look, I need to tell you some things about my family.”

  He grabbed Henry’s hands. And then let them go to run his hands through his hair. Then he reached for Henry’s hands, then he put his hands on Henry’s shoulders. Then he took his hands off Henry’s shoulders and put them on his hips. Then he realized that was defensive so he put his arms down. Then he crossed his arms.

  “Will you spit it out? I’m burning calories just watching you.”

  David laughed and put his arms down. He leaned over and gave Henry a quick kiss.

  “So, I need to let you know a few things before you meet the family. I want you to meet them with no preconceived notions. But, I need to give you… not a warning but… well ok, maybe a warning.”

  He ran his hands through his hair again.

  “So, when you hear of Italians what do you think? What’s the first thing that comes to mind?”


  David chuckled. “No. What about Italians from New Jersey? What comes to mind?”

  “Tan Italians?” Henry shrugged his shoulders.

  David laughed and shook his head.

  “No. What about Italians owning a construction company from New Jersey?”

  Henry frowned. “Your family is from New Jersey?”

  David put a hand on his face. This was not going well. He laughed and shook his head.

  “No. We’re not from New Jersey. I’m just trying…I’m just trying to give you some insight without… I have no idea what I’m doing.” David put his hands on his hips.

  “The Bianchi's started in construction. The relatives sent my dad out here to start up the family business here. He started a construction company and has done well. Some of his brothers came out and they’ve all done well.”

  David chewed the inside of his cheek. This was it.

  “Ok, I love you and I don’t want to scare you.” He put his arms on Henry’s shoulders. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to give you some idea, but… please promise me you’ll talk about anything and ask questions you have. Any at all. You won’t scare me or make me mad. Remember, I’m not in the family business and I won’t have anything to do with it.”

  He stared at Henry. Henry looked confused but nodded his head.

  “If you hear anything odd, get up and leave. Come stand by me. If people talk in some code, or it sounds like a code, get up and leave and go inside or come to me. Ok?”

  Henry was now looking worried and concerned. This wasn’t working. If only Emily Post had a book on Telling Your Lover that Your Family is in the Mob - A How To Guide for the Moron.

  “I don’t want you to get in trouble. But this is serious. You’ve got to pay attention to what you hear and leave if it sounds like they’re discussing business.” He stared at Henry. “Ok?”

  Henry nodded his head. Still looking confused and worried. Great.

  “What’s the big deal? Its construction. Are there secret government contracts?”

  David chewed the inside of his cheek. Penny would smack him if she was here. She could have handled this a thousand times better.

  “Not really. And believe nothing they say about the FBI agent named Tony. I did nothing to him. He was fine when I left him.”

  David put an arm around Henry’s shoulders and led him to the backyard fence. This should be interesting.

  Henry walked through the backyard fence preparing himself to have a wonderful time, no matter what David had said. He seemed nervous and what was the deal about Italians and New Jersey? Or the FBI agent? It was probably a huge prank. But it was odd.

  The noise was loud when they turned the corner to the backyard. There were several long tables set up in a big horseshoe shape. Food was all over and you walked from table to table. There was a huge grill and people were moving around and talking. No one had noticed them yet. Henry felt more comfortable now that he had time to see them all without being spotted.

  “They look normal. I don’t know what you were worried about.” Henry glanced at David who was looking at him with apprehension. He rose an eyebrow and then grabbed his hand to head over to all the coolers. They did this every Sunday? It looked like it took a lot of work to set up.

  “Uncle David! Uncle David!” The kids noticed him first. It brought tears to his eyes to see the kids run to David and give his legs a hug. He was obviously good with kids. Damn hormones. It wasn’t the best time to be shedding tears, right when he meets David’s family.

  “What? David! You’re here! Oh, my honey!”

  A beautiful older woman came over and gave David a huge hug. Then she grabbed his cheeks and told him he was never, ever to miss so many dinners in a row again. Unless he was dead. Henry laughed, and she looked over at him.

  “Hi, I’m Henry. Nice to meet you.”

  “Oh my dear, is this your man?” David looked at Henry and shook his head. But he was smiling.

  “Mom. Yes, this is my man, Henry. Henry, this is my mother.”

  Henry’s mother attacked him with a huge hug. It felt like his ribs would crack. David grabbed his mom’s arm and pulled her off.

  “Mom! Don’t kill him. I kinda like him.”

  “Oh David, shush. If I didn’t give him a family hug, he would feel like he was being slighted! What do you need? We’ve got drinks in
the coolers, food on the tables. Come on I’ll show you around.”

  Henry was dragged off before he could even say a word. David was surrounded by kids wanting him to play catch. They were separated. Henry was nervous. He was not used to large groups of noisy people.

  “So honey, how long have you two been dating? David doesn’t tell me anything. I only knew he had someone when I could tell he had something to hide. A mother’s intuition you know? Diane! Come here! This is David’s squeeze!”

  There was no volume control. Henry wasn’t sure he could hear out of his left hear for the next hour. He was hugged, back slapped, passed around like he was an adult baby. It was overwhelming. He saw David but the same thing was happening to him. He must have skipped a lot of family dinners if they were giving him the same treatment.

  “So, now that you’ve met all the relatives and David is over there, tell us, is he any good in the sack?”

  Henry spit out his ginger ale, he had told them that alcohol interfered with his allergy medication. He stared at the women surrounding him. Was this normal for cousins and sisters? What the hell?


  “Oh come on. Tell us. We have to know why David’s brought no one here to the Sunday family dinners.”

  “He brought one guy! Remember that FBI agent what’s his name?”

  “Oh yeah, Antony?”

  “No, Tony!”

  “Yeah that’s right! He had him all duct taped up and then shoved him back in the trunk!”

  Loud laughter as all the women high fived each other. Henry stepped back but hit one cooler on the lawn. My God. David wasn’t joking?

  “Oh no look at him! We’ve scared him! If he runs off David will kill us. He’s an attorney, he’d know how to work the system to get out of it too. No no no don’t worry, David only did that because the agent was trying to spy on us— “

  A cousin he thought, smacked the one talking. Henry wasn’t sure of their names, he had been introduced so quickly to all of them. He wasn’t the best at names, anyway.

  “Don’t say that!”

  The other women were smiling at Henry and looking like nothing odd had just happened. Henry remembered what Ned had been trying to tell him. About that woman, a cousin of David’s that was in the mob. Henry felt faint. He looked around and David was turned away talking. Oh my God. What if it was real? What if his family was in the mob? Oh my God.


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