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Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance

Page 15

by Bella Bennet

  David leaned back and licked his lips. Henry was looking at him with desire. One hand on David’s butt squeezing. David loved it when Henry grabbed him.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Great now that I got some David smooches.”

  David chuckled and gave Henry another, quicker kiss. No tongue this time.

  “I need to get back down and check the sauce.”

  Henry raised his eyebrows. “My, you sound like a real chef there. Cook me up some hot loving, chef!”

  David shook his head and stood back up. “Are you sure you don’t need something to drink? A blanket?”

  “No, I’m fine. Just go back downstairs and get me some spaghetti.”

  David kissed his forehead and then went back downstairs. This cooking stuff was a lot of work. Which was why he avoided it like the plague. He turned back in the kitchen and stopped. What. The. Hell.

  The sauce was bubbling in the pot. Splatters of it were all over the stove, some on the counter, the cabinet and floor. David ran a hand down his face. Dammit. He walked into the kitchen and rummaged around for a lid. He put it on the sauce and turned the sauce down to low. He sighed and decided he had better go look for cleaning supplies. This was why he didn’t cook. It was more work than what it was worth.

  He looked in drawers, cabinets and could not find any cleaning supplies. He would not ask Henry. He finally just grabbed the hand towel, got it wet and wiped up all the spaghetti sauce splatter. What a mess.

  He was on his hands and knees wiping up the floor when he wished the pasta would get done faster so they could eat. And remembered that the water was still in the microwave. He groaned and stood up. Yup. He took the bowl out of the microwave and poured it in the pot. Turned it on medium high and went back down to the floor to clean up the splatters. He finally got the last one on the floor and saw some on the cabinets of the kitchen island. He shook his head. Never again. He’d order out and claim he made it before he tried to cook again. His family was right, every time he cooked it was a disaster.

  Finally he was done cleaning that up. He threw the towel in the sink and turned to the stove. The sauce was steamed up under the lid. Good. He looked at the water. It still wasn’t boiling! David tugged at his hair. What the heck was going on! What if he ruined the burner? He picked up the pot, the burner didn’t even look like it was getting hot. He put his hand over the burner and felt no heat. He pulled out the burner out and then pushed it back in. He needed to buy Henry a gas stove. Everyone said gas was better to cook with, right? David put the pot back on the burner and put his hands on his hips.

  “How are things going? Is it done yet?”

  David ran to the hallway. Henry was at the top of the stairs.

  “Can I come down yet?” He was wearing such a fake smile that David didn’t have the heart to tell him that the water wasn’t even ready yet.

  “Almost done! I forgot to buy the Parmesan cheese though! Just stay up there while I run out to get it!”

  Henry smiled and walked back into the sitting room. David ran to the kitchen, turned off the burners and ran out to his car. Screw this cooking crap.

  Chapter 17

  Henry went back in the sitting room and sat down again. It was nice not having to cook, but the main reason you cook is to get to eat at the end of it. He had no idea what was going on downstairs but he was sure nothing was ready yet. Henry sighed and decided whatever was wrong they could handle it. Plus, there had been nothing wrong when he went down earlier. The smoke alarm went off, but nothing was burnt or ruined so that was fine.

  Henry put his feet up and heard the front door close. He was itching to go downstairs and check on things. Nope. He would not do it. He trusted David. Henry wiggled his fingers, ran his hands through his hair, looked out to the garden, looked back inside and then whipped his head back to the window again. What was in the rose garden? Henry got up and leaned to the window for a closer look. There was a pot in the garden. And it looked like his pasta pot. Except it was black.

  Henry got out of the rocker and walked as quickly as he could downstairs. He went into the kitchen and stopped. He knew something was wrong. There was a faint sheen of red on the stove. And on the floor. And on the counters. And on the cabinets. He walked to the stove and saw all the burners were off. The sauce was still bubbling. There was no pasta in the pot of water. He put his hand over the water, no heat. Henry closed his eyes and laughed. He rubbed his face smiling. Oh David.

  Henry walked out to the dining room where the French door was open and went on out to the garden. Yup, that was his pasta pot. Henry got near it and saw the water spilled over the garden. David must have let the pot get too hot and somehow a fire started. Henry sighed and thought. The pot was probably still fine, just scorched black on the outside. It looked like the water ran in between the two rose bushes so they wouldn’t be damaged from the hot water. Henry struggled with picking up the pot but he shook his head and went back inside. He didn’t want David to know he had been downstairs. He spied the salad, just lettuce, in the bowl on the table along with all the salad dressings and tried to keep from laughing. He tried. He really tried.

  Henry went back upstairs and into the rocker. He wondered what David was doing to get out of this one. He had said he was running to the store to get Parmesan cheese. He’d probably buy something and put it in the microwave. Or come back with a pizza. Oh well, he still didn’t have to cook. Just clean up.

  Henry turned on the TV and decided to not worry about it.

  David grabbed the carry out and went back in the house. He closed the door and went in the kitchen. Everything looked the same. Good. David grabbed a serving bowl and opened the container of spaghetti. He poured it into the serving bowl. He took out the garlic bread and put it on a plate. He put the dessert in the fridge. He grabbed the serving dishes and put them on the table. Plates! David ran back and got plates, flatware, napkins and set the table. He grabbed candles from the dining room and put them on the kitchen table. He lit them and called Henry down.

  “Dinner is ready!”

  David ran out to the hallway and saw Henry coming downstairs. He smiled at Henry. He was really showing their baby now. He was so proud of Henry. And of himself. He provided for his lover. So he cheated and got carry out, but he still provided, right?

  “Oh wow! This looks amazing! Thank you so much honey.” Henry gave him a big hug. David kissed him, relishing in the feeling of their baby in between them. He looked down and rubbed the baby bump. He kissed Henry again and then steered him to the table.

  “What do you want to drink?”

  “Just water is fine.”

  David got them both water and then sat down. The food really was delicious. He was even impressed. Especially since the nearby Italian place didn’t do carry out. A hundred dollar bill helped convince them to make an exception. David didn’t care what this meal would normally have cost. It was worth it to get out of the disaster of a meal he had been making.

  “David, this is amazing! You are incredible!”

  David raised his glass and took a drink of his water. He wasn’t sure if Henry believed he made this or not. They ate in silence for the first several minutes. He didn’t know about Henry, but he was starved. The stress of cooking and running around had made him even more hungry. This meal really was delicious. The salad was plain though. He could have cut some tomatoes for it. Oh well. Next time. When he bought a salad already made. Either that or they would both starve until after the baby was born and Henry felt like cooking.

  “So how are you doing? Feet and ankles still bugging you?”

  Henry leveled a withering stare at him. “Let’s not talk about my swollen ankles. I don’t want to think about them let alone talk about them.”

  David tried to hide his smile. He took a drink of his water. Henry was so touchy about his body. It was cute really. David didn’t mind at all considering he was undergoing changes due to their child. David still couldn’t believe it even tho
ugh the baby bump was very apparent.

  “Have you thought any more of me moving in?” David brought this up almost every day and every week. Henry was stubborn though. He didn’t want David to move in. He wanted to continue to ‘date’ and get to know each other. David was sure he was just paranoid considering how things had gone with his last alpha.

  Henry looked at him and kept on eating. David sighed. Maybe he’d try again over dessert. Henry would be in a better mood then. A hot bath, chocolate or sex. Those were the tried-and-true tactics to get Henry out of a mood. At least while he was pregnant.

  David picked up the plates and set them in the kitchen sink. He took out the dessert and put it on the table.

  “Wow David! This is amazing! Is that a tiramisu?”

  David smiled. He was now sure that Henry knew he had faked the whole meal. The too wide innocent eyes and cheerful voice gave it away. David loved him even more for Henry’s going along with his charade. He wondered what Henry thought of it but then he didn’t want to know.

  He brought some coffee to the table and sat down ready to dig in. Yum, it was superb.

  “Now that we’re having dessert, I’d like to really discuss why you’re scared of me moving in with you. No, let me talk.”

  Henry frowned and took another bite of his tiramisu. At least he was letting David talk. The other times he flat out refused to discuss it. The chocolate dessert was a great idea on his part.

  “I can help you around the house. I can massage your back like I do already, but also every night. I can stop having half my clothes over here. It’s ridiculous that I don’t live with you considering that I’m sleeping here every night. It’s wasting money having my condo and not living in it. I like your house better. It has you in it. This house reminds me of you, it has your touches everywhere. Please let me move in?”

  Henry took another bite of his dessert. He looked like he was thinking about it. Hopefully they would get this resolved tonight. David was exhausted of having his condo be an extra closet or a crash pad when he stayed at the office too late and didn’t want to wake up Henry. He even already had a key to Henry’s house. What else did Henry need to feel secure?

  “Are you worried I’ll try to take your money?” Henry looked to the side and David was sure he might have hit it on the head. Which didn’t make him thrilled.

  “You do realize that I have money from my career? That I don’t need your money? And also I’m insulted, if you really think I would move in and try to take half your money. I hope you’re only skittish because of Greg, but really, do I remind you of Greg in any way shape or form?”

  Henry sighed and put his fork down. David steeled himself. He didn’t know what would come out of Henry’s mouth, but he really hoped it wasn’t a big thing. He did not want to lose Henry, and he did not want to be apart from him anymore.

  “Yes, I’m scared, or not terrified but just…it’s stupid. I know you’re nothing like Greg. You’re completely honest. You’re loyal. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you. I guess I’m just skittish about an alpha moving in. It has nothing to do with you.”

  Ok, he could deal with that. “Well then why don’t you let us make some new memories. Even better, I’ve got an idea.” He heard Henry groan and David pretended not to hear. It was his idea to cook tonight. Hopefully that’s why Henry was groaning.

  David grabbed a blank piece of paper off the printer and a pen out of his briefcase. He wrote on the paper and then took it back in the kitchen and handed it to Henry.

  Henry read it and raised his eyebrows. “Did a doctor teach you how to write? I can’t read this.”

  David rolled his eyes and took it back. “I, David Lee Bianchi, of sound mind promise to never use Henry Cooke’s money. I do not want it. I won’t accept it. I will only use my money, that I earned myself, for any purchases, or for any reason, for the rest of my life. I signed and dated it. It’s official. We could make it even more official if I signed again in front of a notary. Should I do that too?”

  David handed the paper back to Henry. Then he noticed tears running down Henry’s cheeks. Oh no.

  “Henry, what’s wrong?” He squatted by Henry’s chair and wrapped an arm around his back. Henry leaned over and hugged David. David held him and rubbed his back. Henry would get over this and tell him what was going on in time. He had gotten used to Henry’s emotional roller coaster. Well, he wasn’t used to it but he knew that it was temporary.

  Henry raised up and wiped his eyes. He looked at David and put his arms on David’s shoulders. “I love you. You get me. You understand me. You don’t doubt me. You trust me. Even when I’m being ridiculous, you understand.” Tears were running down Henry’s cheeks again. David rubbed them with his thumbs.

  “I would never hurt you. You are your own man. I want to be with you. Two complete people living and loving together.” Henry nodded his head and hugged David. It was awkward with Henry leaning down and David trying to curl himself over the baby bump, but they made it work.

  “I want you to move in.”

  David smiled and squeezed Henry a little tighter. It was official, he was moving in, they were a family.

  Chapter 18

  Henry walked through the backyard admiring his flowers and plants. He couldn’t bend over without hurting his back anymore, so he did no work weeding. Plus, it was rather hard to get up after kneeling down, so he completely avoided it when David wasn’t home. Which was a shame because the landscaping really needed some love.

  Henry stopped and realized that sound was his phone vibrating on the deck’s table. He quickly walked to the deck and up the steps. It was probably David checking in on him. Henry smiled just thinking about it.


  “Uh… hi. This is Steve.” Henry grabbed onto the table and lowered himself in a deck chair. He should have looked at the phone before just answering it. He really didn’t know what to say to Steve, or why he was calling. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to hear anything Steve had to say, especially if it was anything like what he had said the last time he had seen him.

  “Why are you calling?”

  “I… this is hard. And it should be. I’m really sorry. I feel like a complete ass. I feel horrible. I, we… well we all believed Greg. I had no idea he was lying. We never knew that Greg got nothing in the divorce and why until Mom stumbled across some papers when she was cleaning out his car. You know how she wants to do everything when we come and visit.” Henry remembered and it still hurt. The family he had grown up with had turned their back on him.

  “Anyway, Mom confronted Greg, and he admitted that everything was true. That came after a lot of screaming you know how they are.” Henry wasn’t sure he could go right back to the friendship, as if nothing had happened. Which is what Steve seemed to think would happen?

  “So, you’re calling to apologize for believing Greg? Or for what?” He would not make this easy. They not only broke his heart, they shredded it. Especially with what him and his brothers said the day they helped Greg move out the rest of his stuff.

  “Yeah. I’m apologizing for not even trying to find out the truth. I believed Greg. I mean he’s my brother. You don’t expect your brother to have cooked up a scheme like that. To go after your best friend just for his money.”

  Henry wasn’t sure what to say. Thanks for finally coming to your senses? It’s too little too late?

  “Thank you for apologizing but I’m not sure we will ever be friends like we were. It was devastating having your family cut me off. None of you even tried talking to me. Especially with the things you and your brothers said when you were over here moving his stuff out. It was all lies. All of it. Do you realize that now? I never cheated. I was the most loyal omega ever.”

  “That’s why I’m calling. I’m sorry. After we found out Greg had lied about the divorce, I wondered if anything he had said was true. We confronted him, all of us, and found out you never cheated. And that he made up everything abou
t you not wanting kids. I’m so sorry. You don’t expect your brother to lie like that!”

  Henry rubbed his baby bump and took a deep breath. It didn’t heal the big wound caused by Steve and his family, but it was nice to know that they finally had their eyes opened.

  “Well, thanks for letting me know that you had your eyes opened. It would be nice to hear an apology from all of your family.”

  “That’s another reason I’m calling. We’d like you to come over for a family dinner, without Greg. We want to all apologize. Will you come?”

  Henry flattened his lips. He wasn’t ready to see any of them. How could they have turned on him?

  “I’m not sure about that. Plus I’m going to have my baby soon and I’m uncomfortable.” Henry smiled thinking of how that news would go through the family. Not only did he not cheat or not want kids, he was pregnant and due soon.

  “Oh. Congratulations. I know how you’ve always wanted kids.” Henry shook his head. Steve should have thought of that when he believed Greg’s crap. Henry had always wanted kids and a big family.

  “I always have. That’s why it was so surprising that your family believed I didn’t want kids. Anyway, I have to go now and get out of the sun. Thanks for calling.”

  Henry put the phone down. It was nice that he had called, but he wasn’t sure why Steve thought he’d be all over wanting to have things back the way they were. That was something that would not happen. Not for a long time, or ever.

  That evening Henry went upstairs and thought about taking a bath to make his back feel better, but decided against it. He was getting too big to get in and out of the bath. He didn’t want to look like a big turtle in front of David. It was bad enough his ankles were swollen, and he was getting heartburn. This pregnancy stuff sucked. At least he could eat ice cream without feeling guilty. But he really missed being able to look down and see his feet. Henry stuck his leg out just to double check his feet were there. It was odd not looking down and seeing them. He couldn’t wait for the baby to be born. Not only to have their baby, but to get his body back. Ugh. He was so uncomfortable.


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