Olivia and Snowflake

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Olivia and Snowflake Page 2

by Julie Sykes

  The others nodded, but something about Ms Primrose’s behaviour was striking Olivia as odd. What was it? Before she could figure it out, Ms Primrose said goodbye to them. “I must be off. Have fun practising for the demonstration, girls.”

  “We will!” they chorused as their kindly headteacher hurried away.

  Isabel had already thought out a plan for their demonstration. “We’ll all canter in together and then stop in the centre apart from Dancer, who can fly up into the air and turn a loop-the-loop. That will be a really impressive opening! Then Blaze can create a circle of fire, Cloud can conjure rain to put the fire out, Star can make flowers grow where the fire was and Rainbow can magic up a rainbow over them!”

  They started to practise. A lot of the time was spent going through the difficult magical moves and there wasn’t much for Olivia and Snowflake to do.

  “Should we stop now, Isabel?” called Ava after a while. “We can practise more later but if we do too much magic our unicorns will get tired.” Doing magic used up a lot of energy for the unicorns.

  Isabel looked as if she was going to argue but Layla spoke before she could. “Good plan,” she said, glancing over at Olivia and Snowflake, who were standing on their own. “Why don’t we give the unicorns a rest and go and do something we can all be involved with, like decorating the lake?”

  Olivia gave her a grateful look. It wasn’t much fun just watching.

  They headed back to the stables first to let the unicorns have some sky berries. As they rode up to the door there was a loud shriek. Olivia and the others hurried inside. The students from Emerald dorm were there, most of them looking very excited because Cupcake, Delia’s unicorn, had just discovered he had finding magic that allowed him to find things that were lost. And Delia’s chestnut-coloured hair now had a streak of strawberry pink, the same shade as Cupcake’s mane and tail.

  Valentina was a little way off from the others, her mouth pursed as if she had just sucked on a lemon. “Finding magic is so lame!” she declared. “Seriously – I wouldn’t be pleased if Golden Briar had magic like that. It’s really not very impressive, is it?”

  “At least Delia has bonded with Cupcake and now they’ll be able to graduate!” retorted Scarlett.

  Valentina glared. “Emerald dormitory are the only students allowed in the stables while we’re decorating it. If you don’t go right now, I’ll tell my aunt.”

  “OK. Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” grinned Scarlett. “We just wanted to get some sky berries.” She grabbed a bucketful of the berries. “Come on, everyone, we’ve got far more important things to do.”

  “Yes, like decorating the lake!” said Isabel. She smiled at Delia. “Well done for finding out Cupcake’s magic,” she called. “I think it’s cool.”

  “Thanks,” said Delia, pleased.

  “Gah!” exclaimed Valentina angrily as they left.

  Over the next few days, a constant buzz hummed through the buildings and grounds of the academy as the students and their unicorns rushed from one task to the next. Sapphire dorm made hundreds of foil stars and glittery rainbows to string around the lake. Olivia’s fingers ached from cutting and gluing, and her brain ached from worry. It would be so much fun if she could graduate with her friends, but she was also desperate for them not to discover her secret.

  By Wednesday afternoon tempers were beginning to fray. Things came to a head when Olivia, Snowflake and their friends returned to the stables after a long session in the sand school. Valentina was there, standing on one of the automated trolleys, attempting to hang a model of a golden unicorn from a hook on the wall.

  “Go away,” she said.

  “We won’t disturb you,” said Ava. “But we need to give our unicorns a drink.”

  Valentina’s face turned as red as a squashed tomato. “Did you not hear? Go away. Move on – and fast!”

  “Valentina, no!” squeaked Jacinta, but it was too late. The remote-controlled trolleys were also voice activated. The moment the words were out the trolley took off.

  “Stop!” yelped Valentina. The trolley stopped suddenly, sending her flying across the stables. She landed in a pile of hay with her feet in the air and the model on her head. It broke in two, raining gold beads and glitter down on her.

  “That’s your fault,” she screamed, pointing at Ava.

  “Valentina, calm down.” Jacinta rushed over to help. “It wasn’t Ava’s fault and there’s still time to fix it.”

  Valentina was too angry to listen. She jumped to her feet and stomped over to Ava.


  The noise made everyone jump.

  “Tiddlywink!” Jacinta stared in wonder at her unicorn as blue sparkles, the colour of a midsummer sky, floated up from her hooves. The sparkles wafted through the stables, leaving everyone they touched with a sparkly blue outline. Olivia suddenly felt as light as air. All her troubles floated away and happiness bubbled up inside her.

  Valentina smiled a huge soppy smile as she ran a hand through her hair. “Look, everyone!” she cooed. “The gold beads from the model are making my hair sparkle. It’s so pretty.”

  Jacinta stared at Tiddlywink with huge eyes. “You’ve got soothing magic!”

  “Just like my mother,” said Tiddlywink, looking delighted. “I can hardly believe it. Soothing magic calms tempers and turns sad occasions into happy ones.”

  Jacinta hugged her. When they pulled apart, everyone saw that Jacinta’s brown hair had a vibrant strand of green, yellow and orange.

  “You’ve bonded,” squealed Delia. “You’re going to graduate too!”

  “Oh, Jacinta, that’s wonderful!” said Valentina, hugging her friend.

  “Do you think we could make Tiddlywink use her magic on Valentina every day?” Ava whispered to Olivia.

  Olivia grinned.

  Unfortunately, by dinnertime Valentina was back to her normal self. She sat in stony silence as Jacinta and Delia compared the moment their unicorns had discovered their magic. Finally she slammed down her knife and fork. “Will you please be quiet? Honestly! Finding magic and soothing magic? They’re both rubbish! Golden Briar will have much more powerful magic than either of your unicorns. That’s why it’s taking longer for him to discover it.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, Valentina,” ventured Jacinta. “We could help you if you want, especially as it’s almost graduation day.”

  “Oh, for goodness’ sake!” Valentina stood up so fast her chair toppled over with a bang. “I don’t need your help! It won’t matter if Golden Briar has found his magic or not. I’ll graduate anyway. My parents will see to it. They’re—”

  “Governors!” shouted everyone in earshot.

  “I hate you all!” Sticking her nose in the air, Valentina flounced from the room.

  Isabel watched her go. “I am so glad we don’t have a Valentina in our dorm.”

  “I don’t know.” Scarlett’s eyes twinkled. “Imagine the fun we could have teasing someone as stuck up and snobby as that!”

  Olivia crumbled her roll and avoided meeting their eyes. Glancing across the room, she saw Ms Primrose watching her. A hot blush flooded Olivia’s cheeks. Maybe Ms Primrose thought Olivia wanted special treatment like Valentina because she hadn’t bonded with Snowflake yet either. No, thought Olivia. She would never try to use her parents’ influence to get her own way at Unicorn Academy.

  She glanced at the teachers’ table again. To her alarm, Ms Primrose was still staring at her with a strange, thoughtful look in her eyes.

  That night Olivia lay in bed with her worries rolling around in her head. But at last, she slept. When she woke, something was tickling her nose. Olivia batted her hand in front of her face and heard a giggle.

  “Olivia, wake up.”

  The bedroom was in darkness but Olivia could just make out the others standing by her bed. She sat up immediately. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” said Isabel, handing Olivia her fleecy hoodie. “Put this on. We’ve decided w
e’re going to help Snowflake find her magic!”

  “How?” asked Olivia uncertainly.

  “We’ve been thinking about the exact moment our unicorns got their magic. It’s always happened when someone’s been in danger,” said Scarlett. “We thought if we could create a few situations, it might help Snowflake to find her magic.”

  “Great,” croaked Olivia, wishing she really meant it.

  They fetched their unicorns and headed to the gardens. It was still dark and Sophia rode at the front, Rainbow using his magic to light the way.

  Olivia stayed at the back with Layla. Olivia’s thoughts were racing and she only half listened to Layla, who, most unusually, was chattering non-stop.

  “Where is everyone?” asked Olivia, suddenly realising that Dancer had been walking so slowly they had got left behind.

  “I don’t know,” said Layla innocently.

  Olivia heard an eerie rustling ahead.

  “What’s that?” Snowflake’s white ears twitched.

  Olivia gasped as spiky gorse bushes started shooting up in front of them.

  “Time to get out of here.” Dancer spun round and took off, sandy soil spraying up from his hooves as he galloped away. Snowflake followed, neck arched, her gold and blue tail streaming behind her.

  “What’s going on?” demanded Olivia. “What’s—” She broke off as another wall of bushes suddenly sprang up in front of them.

  “Jump, Snowflake!” urged Dancer. Huge purple and orange wings burst from his shoulders as he flew effortlessly over the bushes. Olivia felt Snowflake’s muscles bunch as if she was about to go after Dancer. She clung on tightly. Was Snowflake about to discover her magic in time to help her? Olivia was torn between relief and despair. I don’t want her to, she thought.

  “Olivia?” Snowflake faltered. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  Snowflake’s hesitation cost her. Now she was too close to jump the bushes. She stopped suddenly then reared up, slashing at the bushes with her hooves.

  “It’s too big! I can’t clear it.”


  The bushes exploded in a ball of fire that burned with bright-orange flames.

  “Snowflake, move back!” shrieked Olivia.

  Snowflake spun round. There was a flash of light and a rainbow appeared, one end anchored in the sandy earth, arching over the fire. Relief rushed through Olivia. Sophia and Rainbow were saving them!

  Olivia urged Snowflake on and they galloped up the shimmering rainbow but when they reached the top it suddenly collapsed.

  Olivia screamed and Snowflake whinnied as they plummeted earthward. But what was that? Olivia heard the roar of water, then a blue wave curled ahead of them, catching her and Snowflake on its crest. As the wave peaked, Snowflake slid down it and landed safely back on the ground. The wave disappeared, along with the giant bushes and the fire. In their place were her friends, their outlines glowing in the rising sun.

  “Nothing?” said Isabel, her voice loaded with disappointment. “Not even a tiny hint of magic?”

  Olivia shook her head, her heart pounding. “Not a thing. Sorry.” She gulped. “That was pretty frightening though!”

  “Sorry,” said Ava. “We just wanted to try to help.”

  “I know. Thanks – I think,” said Olivia, forcing a smile.

  Back at the stables, the girls found Ms Primrose standing beside Golden Briar’s stable with Sage, her unicorn. Another unicorn – one with pink and grey swirls – was parading up and down in front of them. Ms Primrose was nodding approvingly.

  Olivia gave a strangled squeak as the unicorn turned towards them. It was Owl, the unicorn who belonged to Ms Tring, her governess back at home! Was Ms Tring here too? Were her friends about to find out her secret?

  Ms Primrose swung round. “Girls! You’re up early! Well, what do you think of Sage’s magic?”

  The other girls exchanged puzzled looks while Olivia continued staring at Owl, who seemed to have a faint golden glow around him. What was he doing here?

  “What magic?” asked Isabel.

  Ms Primrose chuckled. “Sage and I are trying out a disguise spell.”

  Sage stamped his hoof. The unicorn with pink and grey swirls began to change colour and size until…

  “Golden Briar!” Everyone stared in amazement.

  Golden Briar shook his head in confusion. Gathering himself together, he said, “Don’t you know that it’s rude to stare?” Then he flounced in to his stable.

  “Disguises – as I say, you never know when you might need one!” said Ms Primrose with a wink at Sage. He banged a hoof on the ground and a glittering cloud of multicoloured sparkles fell over him. When the magical glitter faded, Golden Briar stood in his place.

  “Don’t you know that it’s rude to stare?” the unicorn said, with a dramatic toss of his mane.

  The girls burst out laughing. Olivia joined in. Of course the pink and grey unicorn hadn’t been Owl! There was a strong similarity though. What a strange coincidence that Ms Primrose had created a unicorn that looked just like him. A feeling of unease ran down her spine.

  “Sage, is that really you?” Sophia giggled. Sage stamped his hoof again.

  Pop! Golden Briar was Sage once more, laughing along with everyone.

  “Sage’s magic is rather clever, isn’t it, dears?” laughed Ms Primrose. “Now, come along, get those unicorns back in their stables and run along inside. You don’t want to miss your breakfast, do you?”

  It really must have been just coincidence, Olivia decided, looking at Ms Primrose’s kindly face.

  As she put Snowflake in her stable she said, “I’ll come back after breakfast and plait your mane.”

  To her surprise, Snowflake shook her head. “I don’t feel like having my mane plaited today.”

  “Oh, OK,” said Olivia. “We can go for a ride instead.”

  Snowflake looked awkward. “Actually, I think I might just have a little rest this morning instead. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  “All right,” said Olivia. She walked away, feeling hurt. Why didn’t Snowflake want to be with her? As she reached the stable entrance Snowflake whinnied, “I love you, Olivia.”

  “I love you too,” said Olivia slowly, and she headed inside for breakfast.

  That afternoon Sapphire dorm heard shouts coming from the lake. They cantered over. Valentina and Golden Briar were standing on the grassy banks of the lake with Delia and Jacinta. A strong breeze was swirling around, making the decorations that Sapphire dorm had hung in the trees – the lanterns, the strings of glittery stars and rainbows, the banners and the streamers – all toss about and twirl wildly.

  “Wind magic!” Valentina was shrieking. “Golden Briar has wind magic! Look!”

  Jacinta and Delia cheered.

  “Golden Briar might have found his magic,” Layla whispered to Olivia, “but they still haven’t bonded!”

  Layla was right. There was no streak of gold in Valentina’s hair.

  “Watch this!” commanded Valentina. “Make a stronger wind, Golden Briar. I know – make a dust devil!”

  Golden Briar hesitated. “I’m not sure I should. I’ve only just found my magic.”

  Valentina poked Golden Briar. “Do it!”

  “It’s not a good idea, Valentina!” called out Scarlett. “When your unicorn first discovers magic it can easily get out of control. Like Blaze’s did.”

  “I’m not you, and Golden Briar isn’t Blaze. We can do this easy-peasy!” declared Valentina. “Come on, Golden Briar. Do as I say!”

  Looking anxious, Golden Briar stamped his hoof three times. A miniature tornado swirled up from the ground, churning up fallen leaves and dust. It moved across the banks of the lake towards the trees, spinning quickly.

  “See!” Valentina oozed smugness. “Faster, Golden Briar. Make it go higher!”

  Golden Briar stamped harder and the dust devil doubled, then tripled in size. The leaves blurred as they spun.

  “Be careful, Valentina!” cried Olivia in alarm.

  “Slow it down!” said Valentina.

  “I can’t!” whinnied Golden Briar.

  The whirlwind slammed into a tree, ripping it up by the roots and twirling it round. Everyone started to shout and yell at Golden Briar to stop.

  But Golden Briar was powerless. He pounded his hoof on the ground but the dust devil seemed to have a life of its own. It ripped through a line of trees, uprooting them and wrecking all the decorations.

  “What are we going to do?!” cried Sophia.

  “We need rain,” said Layla. “That will stop it.”

  “I can help!” whinnied Cloud.

  Isabel and Cloud galloped towards the whirling funnel of wind. Isabel’s curly hair was blown back and she had to cling tightly to Cloud’s neck to stop herself being swept off his back.

  Snowflake pawed the ground as another tree was swept into the air and a flying branch narrowly missed Cloud. “What if they get hurt?” she said.

  For a moment, Olivia was sure she saw a gold spark fly up and she caught a whiff of burnt sugar. Just for a second the dust devil almost seemed to freeze. The other unicorns looked round sharply at Snowflake but then Cloud reached the whirlwind. He stamped both front feet down on the ground. Blue sparks flew up into the air above him and Isabel, and rain clouds formed right over the dust devil. It wobbled and teetered as it was bombarded with fat raindrops.

  “It’s shrinking,” whooped Sophia as the dust devil collapsed like a deflating balloon, first to a brisk wind, then a breeze, until the air finally stilled. There was a long moment of silence as everyone looked round at the ripped-up trees, the leaves everywhere and the broken branches tangled up with smashed decorations.

  Olivia’s eyes filled with tears as she remembered the hours she and the others had spent making those decorations but she blinked them back. At least no one had been hurt.


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