Olivia and Snowflake

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Olivia and Snowflake Page 3

by Julie Sykes

  Isabel galloped furiously over to Valentina. “Valentina! That’s why you don’t show off with magic! Look at what you’ve done. You’ve wrecked the trees and our decorations.”

  Valentina shrugged. “Oh, don’t overreact. My aunt’s unicorn, Thyme, can regrow the trees, and as for the decorations, well, they’re hardly worth making a song and dance about, are they? You can make some more.” She vaulted on Golden Briar and rode away.

  Jacinta and Delia shot Sapphire dorm apologetic looks and followed her.

  “I can’t believe Valentina!” exploded Ava. “She didn’t even say thank you to Isabel and Cloud!”

  “And our decorations are totally ruined!” said Sophia.

  “I’m just glad no one got hurt,” said Olivia, hugging Snowflake as Isabel and Cloud cantered back. “You were amazing!” she called.

  “Absolutely brilliant!” said Scarlett, high-fiving Isabel. “If it hadn’t been for Cloud’s magic, who knows what would have happened.”

  “Someone else’s magic might have been able to help,” said Blaze, shooting a look at Snowflake.

  “Yes, Snowflake, try stamping your hoof again – harder this time,” Star joined in.

  “Why?” asked Olivia. “What’s going on?”

  “Didn’t you see?” Star looked at Olivia, her dark eyes bright with hope. “Snowflake almost got her magic back then. Just before Cloud made it rain. Something happened.”

  “I definitely smelled magic over here,” put in Rainbow.

  “That’s the second time today,” whickered Dancer. “I really think you’re almost there, Snowflake. Go on, try!”

  Snowflake lifted her hoof and stamped it on the ground. They all waited expectantly but nothing happened. Snowflake heaved a sigh of disappointment. “Sorry,” she said. “You must have all imagined it. Come on, let’s go back to the stables and find Thyme so he and Star can regrow the trees.”

  They started heading back. Olivia was frowning. What was it Dancer had said?

  “Snowflake,” she said, leaving a little gap between her and the others. “What did Dancer mean when he said that’s the second time today?”

  There was a long silence, then Snowflake said awkwardly, “I didn’t want to keep it a secret but I didn’t tell you in case it made you feel bad. My unicorn friends offered to help me find my magic this morning. That’s why I didn’t want my mane plaited. We went to the meadows to practise magic instead. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No … of course not.” Olivia was lost for words. Snowflake said she was her best friend, so how come she hadn’t been honest with her?

  “It didn’t work anyway,” said Snowflake sadly. “I guess we’re really not going to graduate.”

  “I guess not,” whispered Olivia, feeling all tangled up inside.

  Dressed in pyjamas with a hoodie on top, Olivia crept downstairs and went outside. The rainbow-coloured lake glimmered in the moonlight and the frosty air pinched her cheeks. Olivia hopped from the shadow of the buildings, haring across the grass until she reached the stables. It was warm and welcoming with the soft snuffles of the sleeping unicorns. Olivia tiptoed along to Snowflake’s stable.

  “Olivia, can’t you sleep either?” Snowflake stumbled to her hooves. There was an awkward silence.

  “I’m sorry.” Olivia and Snowflake spoke together.

  “You first, Snowflake.”

  “No, you.”

  Olivia took a deep breath. “Look, I really am sorry. We should be able to trust each other and tell each other the truth. I don’t want to have secrets between us.”

  Snowflake hung her head, not meeting Olivia’s eye. “I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to hurt you but I really want to graduate. My parents will be so disappointed if I have to stay here for another year. This last week it’s felt like…” Snowflake shook her head. “Forget it. Can you forgive me, Olivia? I promise to tell you everything from now on.”

  “It’s felt like what?”

  A rosy flush spread up Snowflake’s neck. “You’ll think I’m being silly but sometimes it feels like you don’t want me to find my magic. It’s ridiculous, I know!”

  Now it was Olivia’s turn to go red. “It’s not! I really want to help you to find your magic and for us to bond and everything. But…” She took a deep breath. Trust worked two ways. Snowflake had been honest with her and now she had to be honest back. “Sometimes, I can’t help thinking that it might be easier to stay at the academy for another year. Then no one would find out about my parents. You know how much Isabel and Scarlett hate Valentina for her airs and graces.”

  “But you’re not Valentina – you don’t have airs and graces,” said Snowflake. “You have to trust your friends, Olivia.”

  Olivia played with a strand of Snowflake’s long mane. “You’re right,” she said at last. “If I’m honest with my friends and they don’t like me then they’re not really very good friends, I guess.”

  “No more secrets then?” said Snowflake hopefully.

  “None!” Olivia flung herself at Snowflake and hugged her tightly. “I promise to tell you and my friends everything from now on.”

  Olivia was so happy she felt she might go pop as she and Snowflake cuddled up together in the straw and talked until they finally fell asleep. It didn’t matter if she couldn’t graduate. At least she could be honest with her friends. She just hoped they would still like her after she told them the truth.

  “Olivia! What are you doing here?”

  Olivia woke to see Layla peering at her. Where was she? Realising she was next to Snowflake, she remembered. “I don’t know. I guess I just fell asleep.”

  “You’d better get up. We’ve got loads to do before the parents arrive this evening for the ball. Oh my goodness!” Layla’s mouth hung open. “Look at your hair. When did you and Snowflake bond?”

  Olivia tipped her head forward and stared at the blue and gold streak brightening her red hair. “Look, Snowflake,” she gasped as Snowflake sleepily opened her eyes. “We’ve finally bonded!”

  Hope flickered across Snowflake’s face. “Hurrah! If only we could find my magic then maybe we can graduate, too.”

  “There’s still time today.” Olivia hugged her. “You know, it might be easier now there are no secrets between us. That might have been what was holding you back.”

  “Secrets?” echoed Layla.

  “Yes, I’ve got to tell you something—” Olivia broke off as Valentina arrived, striding through the stable with Jacinta and Delia scurrying behind.

  “Get busy grooming Golden Briar, you two. I want him to look his best for my meeting with Mummy, Daddy and Ms Primrose. They’re going to persuade Ms Primrose to let me graduate.”

  Olivia rolled her eyes at Layla. She couldn’t tell her now with Valentina there. Anyway, maybe it would be better to confess her secret to all her friends together. “Let’s go and get breakfast,” she said with a grin.

  Olivia waited until all her friends were sitting down at the breakfast table. “Listen up everyone. There’s something I need to—”


  “Yes.” Olivia glanced up at Sam, from Amber dorm.

  “Ms Nettles wants all students not graduating to meet her in the Tropical Garden. She’ll be waiting on the rope bridge over the river.”

  “Thanks, I’ll go in a minute.” Now that Olivia had decided to be honest with her friends she wanted it over and done with.

  “Ms Nettles said immediately, and you know how cross she gets when she’s kept waiting.”

  Olivia sighed. “Thanks, Sam. Guess I’d better go then. See you later, everyone.”

  “Hurry back,” said Scarlett. “There’s still time to find Snowflake’s magic. It might be easier now that you’ve bonded.”

  “I’ll try.” Olivia hurried outside and strode through the academy grounds. It was a long walk to the Tropical Garden. The further she got from the main building the quieter it became. It was strange that there wasn’t anyone else around, not even Valen
tina. Maybe Valentina’s parents had arrived and persuaded Ms Primrose to allow her to graduate anyway.

  A bamboo fence marked the entrance to the Tropical Garden. Olivia blinked as she went inside. Tall trees with matted trunks, some covered with thick green creepers, towered above her. The chatter and screech of birds was deafening. Wishing she had waited for someone else to walk with, Olivia hurried on until she heard the rush of water. Thank goodness. She came upon the rope bridge suddenly and was surprised by how narrow it was. What a strange place for Ms Nettles to pick for a gathering.

  Olivia had just reached the middle of the bridge, holding on to the thick rope handles, when she heard a footstep behind her. Relieved, she turned but something dropped over her head. Olivia squeaked as her arms were pinned to her sides.

  Her heart pounded and she fought bravely inside the musty sack but her attacker was strong.

  “Stop struggling and come with me!” hissed a voice. “Be good and I’ll return you to your parents safe and sound.” It was a woman’s voice and it sounded familiar. But before Olivia could work out who it was, she felt a hand on her head and heard a string of words being muttered and then everything went black and she knew no more.

  When Olivia woke up she found she was in a thatched hut with straw on the floor and a boarded-up window. Her head felt fuzzy as she scrambled to her feet.

  The words her attacker had spoken came back to her. “Be good and you’ll be returned to your parents safe and sound.” Olivia groaned. Her parents had often warned her that someone might try to kidnap her in order to get a ransom from them – a large sum of money in exchange for her release. But they’d told her she would be absolutely safe at Unicorn Academy. Ms Primrose and all the other teachers would protect her.

  Olivia banged on the door. “Let me out!” Anger and fear gave her extra strength but no matter how hard she walloped the door it wouldn’t open. Exhausted, she finally gave up. Who had kidnapped her? She thought back to what had happened. Was it Ms Nettles who had put the sack over her head and brought her here? She remembered how someone had touched her head and said words that had made her pass out. It hadn’t sounded like Ms Nettles’ sharp, high voice at all. But if it wasn’t Ms Nettles, who was it?

  She shook her head. Right now, the important thing was getting out of here. She tried to prise the wooden board away from the window but although she worked until her fingers were sore, it wouldn’t budge.

  She thought about Snowflake. Surely her unicorn would realise there was something wrong when she didn’t turn up to get her ready for graduation. They’d bonded and promised to have no more secrets. Snowflake would know that she would never just disappear without telling her what she was doing.

  Olivia sank to the floor. Oh, Snowflake, she thought. Please come.

  Olivia had nearly given up hope of a rescue when she heard the clatter of unicorn hooves accompanied by the sound of voices. She rushed to the door and banged on it.

  “Help! Help!” she shouted.

  “Olivia, is that you?” Someone rattled the door handle.

  Relief made Olivia dizzy as she recognised Scarlett’s familiar voice. “Yes! Someone trapped me in here!”

  “Don’t worry,” called Scarlett. “We’ll soon have you out. It’s locked but Blaze can burn a hole in the wood. Stand back so she doesn’t burn you by mistake.”

  Olivia stood well away from the door. There was a muffled crack and a flash followed by the smell of burning wood. Red-gold flames crackled through the door, burning a hole. Olivia worried the whole shed might catch alight but when the hole was large enough for her to climb through the flames died down.

  Helped by several hands, Olivia ducked out through the hole. She blinked and took a deep breath of the fresh air. Snowflake was instantly at her side, pushing her muzzle in Olivia’s hair and whickering softly. Olivia flung her arms around her. She’d never been so pleased to see her in all her life.

  “Oh, Olivia, I’m so glad you’re OK,” whickered Snowflake. “When you didn’t come to the stables to get me ready, I knew something bad had happened. I just knew it.”

  Layla took up the story. “We asked Ms Nettles where you were. She said that all students not graduating were in the library with Ms Rosemary. But when we looked, you weren’t there and no one had seen you. That’s when we knew something was wrong.”

  “Rainbow used his magic that lets him see things that are far away and we saw you in this shed,” said Sophia.

  “What happened?” demanded Isabel.

  “Wait, let’s not talk here,” said Layla quickly. “Whoever locked Olivia in might come back at any time.” They headed through the Tropical Garden until they found a quiet mango grove and then Olivia told them everything.

  “But why would someone want to kidnap you, Olivia?” said Ava.

  Olivia felt herself start to tremble. Her moment had finally arrived. “Well,” she said slowly. “There is a reason. I know I should have told you sooner, but I was scared you wouldn’t be my friends any more. I’m not exactly who you think I am…”

  When Olivia finished explaining, everyone stared at her.

  “You thought you couldn’t tell us this because we wouldn’t like you?” said Isabel.

  “That we’d think you were like Valentina?” said Ava, her eyes wide.

  Olivia swallowed. “Yes.”

  “But you’re nothing like Valentina!” burst out Sophia.

  “Nothing at all!” agreed Scarlett. “We don’t like her because she’s snobby and rude. We really like you and it doesn’t matter how much money your family have.”

  Olivia could have cried with relief. “Really?”

  “Yes!” they all chorused.

  “So that’s why you were kidnapped?” said Layla. “So that your parents would pay a ransom?”

  Olivia nodded. “I think so.”

  “But who kidnapped you?” said Ava.

  “I don’t know. I was told Ms Nettles wanted to meet me but the person who grabbed me didn’t sound anything like Ms Nettles. I think I was just starting to recognise the voice when she said a spell and I blacked out.”

  “A spell?” Layla’s eyes widened. “Ms Primrose does magic with spells. Was it her?”

  The others erupted.

  “Ms Primrose!”

  “Layla, don’t be crazy!”

  “Ms Primrose wouldn’t kidnap Olivia!”

  “Wait!” Olivia held up her hands. “Maybe it’s not that crazy an idea.” She’d been thinking things through while she’d been in the shed. “When Ms Primrose disguised Golden Briar this morning he looked just like my governess’s unicorn, Owl. What if she’d been planning on using a unicorn disguised as Owl to lure me away?”

  “But it can’t be Ms Primrose,” said Isabel shaking her head. “Why would she kidnap you?”

  Olivia frowned. She didn’t really have an answer to that. Why would their headteacher want to kidnap her? “I don’t know,” she admitted.

  Sophia shook her head. “I think it’s much more likely to be Ms Nettles. In fact, I bet she’s the person who’s been causing trouble all along. When Ava and I went looking for sky-berry bushes we were attacked by someone on a unicorn doing plant magic, and Thyme, Ms Nettles’ unicorn, has plant magic!”

  “Ms Nettles was seen by Sparkle Lake with a little potion bottle just before it froze over,” added Scarlett. “And, Olivia, you saw her by the trees drinking from a potion bottle just before the flash flies arrived.”

  “And when the flash flies invaded the trees by the lake, she knew that fire beetles could help get rid of them but she didn’t go and find any and she forbade Layla from going,” said Isabel triumphantly. “She’s so mean too. It’s got to be her!”

  “No! I think you’re all wrong!” Layla turned pink as all eyes fell on her.

  Olivia gave Layla’s hand a quick encouraging squeeze. She knew how much Layla hated speaking out in front of everyone but whatever Layla wanted to say, she wanted to hear it. Layla might be the quiete
st of them all but she was also the cleverest.

  “I’ve talked to Ms Nettles,” said Layla, “and she really cares about the island and loves everything in it, from beetles to unicorns. She isn’t always mean. She was very kind to me when I was scared of galloping Dancer. She told me she hates galloping too.” Layla’s eyes widened. “Of course! Don’t you see? She can’t have been the person chasing Sophia and Ava down the mountain. They were going at a flat-out gallop, and Ms Nettles doesn’t like galloping. I’m sure she’s not the person who is sabotaging the school. When I got back with the fire beetles, she seemed really delighted. It was Ms Primrose who tried to stop me putting them into the trees. You know, I think it’s Ms Primrose, not Ms Nettles!”

  The sound of a slow handclap broke the silence. They all jumped and swung round. Ms Primrose was sitting astride Sage behind them. Her blue eyes glittered like ice. “Well, well, well. I always suspected you were the one I needed to watch out for, Layla. You really are a very clever girl. I had everyone else fooled, didn’t I?”

  The girls were too shocked to say a word.

  Ms Primrose chuckled at their expressions but there was no warmth in her laugh. “Layla is correct. I am the one who has been sabotaging the school. And yes, I did kidnap Olivia. A large ransom from her family would have been very useful for my master plan but now Valentina’s parents have provided me with the money I need in exchange for allowing Valentina to graduate.”

  “What master plan?” said Isabel.

  “Do you think I want to be a headteacher forever?” sneered Ms Primrose. “For too long I have abided by the rules. Now it’s my turn to have power! By weakening the unicorns I can pave the way for my accomplice to take control of Unicorn Island! And with our combined magic we shall rule the land together.”

  Olivia and her friends gasped. What evil person was Ms Primrose working with?


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