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Cuckolded By My Landlord 2: Hotwife & Submissive Husband Group Cuckolding

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by Tinto Selvaggio

  “What does any model expect to happen to the images that are taken, or indeed drawn of her? And let’s not forget that your wife is hardly just any old model Nicholas.”

  Part of me wants to snatch the drawing down and demand he hand over all the others he’s done of her along with the photos he undoubtedly still has of my wife.

  “If it helps, think of her as being like a pop star on the bedroom wall of some pimply youth.”

  “You’re hardly a pimply youth though are you?” I blurt out.

  “Ouch,” Arthur grimaces, but then he smiles at me, like a headmaster trying to be patient.

  “You should be proud to have such a beautiful wife Nicholas.”

  “I’m not comfortable with that drawing being on your wall Arthur. I want you to take it down. Please.” I wring my hands in front of me.

  “Nicholas you’re being silly. She posed as my model and was well paid for her work. Very well paid as I remember it; for everything she did up here...” his eyes burn into mine.

  My stomach has compacted solid at the memory of what he did to her before she was handed her additional ‘bonus’ payment.

  “Surely you’re not ashamed of a woman like Kelsey?” he opens his palm at her image, as if he’s some renowned artist displaying his latest masterpiece to an awe-struck pupil.

  “It’s not right Arthur.” I say again, but my voice is quieter now.

  Kelsey and I are reading in bed later that night when I finally pluck up the courage to tell her how I’m feeling.

  “I think we should move from here Kelsey.”

  “Move? What are you talking about?” she lowers her fashion magazine and stares at me

  “The rental agreement is due for renewal soon. I think we should move.”

  “But we love it here” her face twists with confusion as she looks all around my eyes.

  “You love it here Kelsey. We can’t afford it.”

  “You’re not saying we can’t pay the rent again Nick?” She crosses her arms over the lacy white nightgown that sheathes her chest.

  “No, I’m not saying we can’t pay the rent. I’m saying we should move to somewhere cheaper before we get in that situation again. We need to stop spending so much Kelsey. The gym , the nail parlours, all the clothes and shoes all the nights out. And what about the holiday we’ve got to pay off?”

  “Oh, so it’s all me Nick is it?” her mouth puckers and she tightens her arms over her rapidly heaving chest.

  “I’m not saying it’s all you. It’s him” I jab an index finger up towards the ceiling. “I went to see him today. Did you know he has a topless drawing of you on the wall of his apartment?” I leave out the part about me guiltily jerking off over having seen it once I’d got home, or that I’ve been hating myself ever since.

  Kelsey blinks a couple of times and stares at me.

  “Well I thanked him for his gifts and told him there was no way you’d be doing any more modelling for him if that’s what he was after.” Even as I’m playing the indignant husband I’m not exactly sure what I want her to say.

  “Which drawing of me is it?” Kelsey’s teeth play with her bottom lip.

  “What does it matter which drawing it is? It’s on his wall!”

  “Maybe he just appreciates me as a model Nick.” she laughs and uncrosses her arms. She moves her knees up under the covers and hugs them.

  “Oh right yes. Or maybe he just wants to fuck his tenant again.” Heat flushes through my body.

  “Don’t be like that Nick,” Her voice is so quiet now. As if I’ve hurt her.

  Shit why did I do that? Just because I’m so conflicted that I can’t decide what it is I really want.

  Kesley’s hand reaches out to my bare shoulder. “He’s an artist. He just sees me as a model. I enjoyed modelling.”

  “He’s an old pervert.” I sigh.

  “I thought you quite liked the idea of old perverts looking at me?” Kelsey murmurs and moves closer to me. The warmth of her thigh softens my resistance. It fuels my cock and desire. I stiffen.

  Kelsey must sense it. Her hand is on me. She’s massaging my balls, breathing heavily and hot over my face.

  Does the thought of him having her topless image on his wall turn her on?

  “Maybe if money is a bit tight..” she whispers and it tightens my chest and hardens my cock so much that I think I might burst.

  “Oh Kelsey...”

  “Lie back, “she whispers and straddles my waist. Her arms rise like charmed snakes as she pulls her flimsy nightie over her head. Her weighty breasts dance free. I reach up with both hands towards her firm flesh. Kelsey’s hair falls over her face as she manoeuvres my cock between her legs.

  “Fuck me Nick,” she closes her eyes.

  I plunge myself groaning into her heat. Her breasts swell and roll above me, her own hands pushing them upwards, nipples stiffening. She looks incredible, majestic.

  But now I’m thinking of Arthur. How much he must want her again. Her supple young flesh being pawed by his gnarled old hands.

  Then it’s too late again. I’m cumming..

  Chapter Five

  I hardly slept last night. I lay there in the half-light after Kelsey had drifted off to sleep. I was studying the way her honey-blonde hair framed her delicate features on the pillow. I kept thinking about the fact she actually seemed to want to pose for him again.

  Such an angelic face with her raised cheek bones and delicately upturned nose. The very idea of her willingly displayed for Arthur’s enjoyment sickened me. Yet at the same time, the knowledge that my beautiful young wife was even considering preening herself and become a mannequin for an old man in return for money absolutely electrified me.

  I’m not proud to say I had to get out of bed to jerk myself off at the thought. Four times. Four times, after having already had sex with Kelsey before she’d gone to sleep. That might not be a lot for some guys but for a man like me it’s unheard of.

  All morning now she’s at work I’ve been mentally soaring up and sinking way down about the whole idea. What if she wants to do even more than just pose for him? What if she’s aching to be touched or had by this old man again? Surely it’s crazy to even think about getting back into any of this?

  But then again, wouldn’t some cuckold husbands jump at the chance straight away?

  The arrival via courier of what looks like another pair of shoes that Kelsey must have ordered online pretty much makes up my mind.

  The simple facts are that without a radical shake-up in our spending – especially Kelsey’s; without a cheaper apartment and without more clients; we’re going to need some additional income from somewhere. I don’t want to get into the position of owing rent again. That gives Arthur way too much leverage on us.

  As Kelsey said before she went to sleep last night: it wouldn’t have to go any further this time if we didn’t want it to. It could be just a little of what she calls ‘showing off’ in front of him for money. Would there really be any harm in that if he pays us well for it?

  But would he be content with that and nothing else?

  “Nicholas, come in come in. You’ll have to excuse the state of my apartment; my cleaner has called in sick.” Arthur has just brewed coffee so we have one each and sit at his dining table. I try to keep my eyes from straying across the open plan space to the topless drawing of my wife on his wall.

  “To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure Nicholas?” Arthur removes his spectacles and rubs his eyes. His thin, gray hair looks untidier than usual. I’m not certain he’s been out of bed very long.

  “I think it may be time for new lenses,” he holds his glasses up towards the room light.

  “Well, Kelsey and I were talking...about the conversation you and I had,” I’m sure he knows what I’m going to say.

  “You’ll have to remind me Nicholas. I’m afraid I don’t have the memory I did when I was younger.” He nudges his nose with an index finger.

  “Well, about the book you b
ought for Kelsey,” I clear my throat.

  “Ah yes,” he nods. Is that amusement or confusion in his dark eyes?

  “Well I know I said I didn’t want her to do any more modelling for you Arthur, “

  “I can’t pretend I wasn’t rather disappointed when I heard that Nicholas. Your wife was a model model.” he laughs at his own joke and I find myself smiling with him.

  “The thing is Arthur, Kelsey and I have been talking again about it and we thought...,”

  He leans forward, thick forearms on the dining table, hands lightly clasped together. This time I’m almost certain there’s amusement twinkling in his eyes.

  “Go on Nicholas, please go on,” he tilts his head, eyes open wide.

  “It’s just that..” I stammer, conscious that I’m gripping my cup of coffee so hard that there’s a danger I may shatter the thing.

  “Nicholas, seriously, you’re amongst friends here, please. We’ve shared a great deal together haven’t we?” he sits back in his chair observing me. “Please don’t be afraid to tell me whatever’s on your mind.”

  “Well I might have been a bit hasty. If you did want Kelsey to sit for you again so you could draw her, then she’d be happy to. We’d both be happy for her to.”

  “It might be a little too early in the morning to say this Nicholas, but I believe you may have just made my day.” he claps his hands together, his grin wide.

  “It would only be modelling though Arthur. Nothing more.” I say, unable to meet his gaze.

  “I understand Nicholas,” he nods and purses his lips as if the condition I’ve stipulated was never in doubt.

  “I assume Arthur," I wring my hands together out of sight under the table on my lap, “I assume that there would be a fee involved as on previous occasions?”

  “But of course Nicholas.” He says, looking genuinely shocked, “Your young lady is a very special subject as I’ve said many times.”

  Dare I ask him what the fee would actually be? Dare I try to set it? No. I daren’t. But as it happens I don’t have to try.

  “How does 400 sound?” he smiles thinly.

  Anything would help. Could I push him for more?

  “Fully clothed modelling of course,” I try to sound firm but my throat is tensing up. This is a man who probably negotiates every other day about property with tenants, real estate and financial people. My palms are sweating against each other.

  “Ah, now I’m rather glad you mentioned clothing Nicholas." Arthur slowly rubs his hands together, his eyes fixing on mine.

  “Hang on here for a moment.” he pushes out his chair and rises, more nimbly than I expect for a man in his 60’s.

  Now I do let my eyes drift to my wife’s smiling face and thrusting cleavage on his wall. Try as I might to fight it, there’s undeniably still something terrifyingly erotic about the concept of Kelsey having her breasts bared by Arthur to anyone who arrives in his penthouse.

  How can that be? Its madness

  “While I was away," Arthur appears back in front of me. His arms are outstretched and raised as if acknowledging a crowd. Each fist holds up a chrome coat hanger. Suspended from each is a small strip of black fabric in the shape of a dress.

  “I took the liberty of purchasing one or two other items for you. Well, for Kelsey in actual fact.” He smiles and glances in turn at each of his arms. “Just in case she ever did decide that she might like to sit for me again.” his eyes meet mine.

  “I didn’t feel it appropriate to present them to you in front of each other earlier in the week for fear of embarrassing Kelsey.” He holds his arms up towards the large patio window and twists them, allowing light to flood through gaps and slashes in the material which make up the patterns on each dress.

  What am I supposed to say to this?

  “I saw them in a department store of a downtown area I was visiting. I simply couldn’t resist.” He drapes one of the dresses over the back of his chair close to me and stands holding up the other.

  “This one,” he says, fingering the oval shaped slashes which run horizontally up the side of what looks a very short dress, “Will provide a stretching artistic challenge to draw in terms of consistency of shape. The gaps around your wife’s flesh underneath I mean. “ he almost moans his last sentence.

  My own breathing is labored.

  “Whereas this one,” he switches garments and holds the second aloft towards the light.

  Beyond two vertical black strips which run down the length of the mini-dress is a lattice-work of thin black string. “This will present a far greater challenge. Not least of all because of the intricacy of design. The sheer number of diamond-shaped openings and holes to draw over and around your wife’s body.”

  I’m not sure what he expects me to say but I am sure my mouth must be gaping.

  “I can only imagine how she might look displayed in either of these Nicholas. What do you think?” he tilts his head at me.

  “I’m not sure Arthur.” my throat has all-but dried up but shamefully I feel a familiar stirring between my legs.

  “I should like you to suggest to Kelsey that she wear these when she sits for me Nicholas. Will you do that for me?”

  I’m not sure whether I reply but Arthur seems satisfied with my reaction.

  “In fact, I was rather hoping you might take one or two photographs of her in them beforehand. With the new camera I brought for you. Perhaps allow me see them before she sits? That way I can give some thought to what position I want to put her in.” He smiles like a python.

  “The book I bought for Kelsey actually suggests this technique. If you have a look through it Nicholas it might also give you one or two ideas for poses for the photographs you could suggest to Kelsey.” He places the dress on top of the other on the back of the seat.

  Is he serious?

  Before I can ask him, his doorbell is ringing.

  Arthur excuses himself and I sit staring at the dresses on the chair with my head spinning. Somewhere in the background I’m sure recognize the female voice.

  “Rochella, this is Nicholas: – you meet in person at last.”

  With her steady, steel-blue eyes and short-cut dark red hair she’s facially as I remember her from Skype. Pretty for an older woman; but shorter and more broad-shouldered than I expected.

  “Nicky, Nicky my designer supreme. How the devil are you?” stocky arms grab at me like powerful claws. She hugs me to her, drenching me in more perfume than any one female should surely ever wear.

  “I hope you’re grateful to this man!” she jabs a surprisingly slender index finger repeatedly up towards Arthur.

  The landlord shrugs his shoulders.

  “It was Artie, Arthur who nagged me to give you a try with that first project Nicky. He’s your guardian angel.” She stands on her tip toes and Arthur bends his shoulders so she can peck his cheek.

  “But I’m glad he did Nicky. You’ve more than earned all the design work I’ve put your way.”

  Why the hell does she still insist on calling me ‘Nicky’? How many times have I told her on the phone?

  Arthur interrupts to ask if she wants coffee.

  “New sketch Arthur?”

  Oh shit she’s noticed the drawing of Kelsey.

  “That’s the young lady I was telling you about Roche.” Arthur says as he pours his other guests drink. “It’s Nicholas’s wife Kelsey.” He smiles at me and hands Rochella her steaming gold-rimmed cup on its saucer.

  “Oh my, said she was a beauty but Nicky...what an absolutely lovely-looking girl she is.” Rochella gazes at the drawing for several seconds.

  “It’s hard to believe it I know,” she says clearing her throat and facing us both in the dining area, “but once upon a time I was nice and slim. Never as pretty as that young lady of course. Sadly these aren’t natural like hers clearly are either.” Rochella laughs and nods to each of her own breasts in turn

  “Nicholas: Rochella and I have some business items we need to atten
d to now.” Arthur smiles at me without opening his lips. “Would you mind excusing us please? I’ll be in touch regarding timings on the matter we were discussing.” he takes my coffee and looks at me expectantly.

  “Oh yes right, of course. “ I rise, mumbling and embarrassed.

  Rochella is fumbling with a packet of cigarettes and pushing her way out through the terrace doors. Arthur ushers me to his front door and lowers his voice to a whisper.

  “Quickly, just before you go Nicholas. You’re probably aware that our rental agreement is due for renewal shortly. I think it’s only fair to warn you that in line with all my other tenancy agreements I‘ll be reviewing the overall terms of yours. I need to give you notice that a monthly increase in the rent is fairly likely.“

  An increase?

  “I’ll be in touch with firm details very shortly. In the meantime, try to focus on getting Kelsey in some poses which best display her finest assets.” He winks at me.

  Bye for now Nicholas.”

  Chapter Six

  “How do you feel about modelling for Arthur tomorrow?” I stand at the bathroom door as Kelsey brushes her teeth. She holds her hair behind her head and leans over the wash basin spitting out her toothpaste. My eyes linger on the back of her cream nightie which accentuates the firm roundness of her ass.

  “But I thought it was all arranged?” she wipes her mouth and her reflection looks at mine.

  “Well yeah, it is arranged. But you don’t have to do it do you? We can find some other way to make extra income. I could get a call from a potential client any time. We could go back on ebay. Or better still, just reign in our spending like we talked about.”

  Kelsey looks away from me and twists open a jar of some face cream or other.

  “Maybe just stop the gym membership or cut back on the nights out we have” I shrug my shoulders at her. I’m almost sick with excitement about tomorrow even though something inside keeps telling me it’s wrong. But I don’t want Kelsey thinking she has no choice. On top of that, I don’t know how she’s going to feel about what Arthur wants her to wear tomorrow.


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