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Cuckolded By My Landlord 2: Hotwife & Submissive Husband Group Cuckolding

Page 5

by Tinto Selvaggio

  I nod my head. Oh shit.

  “I’m conscious an increase may not fit in with your budget and you may ultimately decide you need to look elsewhere for accommodation.”

  He’s changed his mind about an increase! He’s trying to make sure we stay here.

  “Yes but we’re hoping it won’t come to that Arthur. Kelsey’s very keen to stay here.”

  “Indeed. But in case you don’t find that possible once you learn details of the proposed new terms - I’ve promised the other potential tenants some photographs of the interior of the property.”


  “The thing is,” he grimaces like this is painful for him to say, “the young man concerned is the son of one of my associates so I have to play it straight with them.” Arthur leans in close to me, "But between you and I Nicholas, I'd far sooner have Kelsey and yourself beneath me. Better the devil you know and all that.” he slaps my knee.

  “That’s good to know Arthur,“ I say but am unsure whether ‘good’ is actually the right word in the circumstances. “But what sort of increase in rent were you thinking of?” I rise to make us the drink I was determined not to offer

  “I’m hoping we, the three of us, can reach some sort of compromise about any potential rental increase Nicholas,”

  Something about him implying my wife’s involvement in any ‘compromise’ chills my insides.

  Once the coffee machine is heated I pour us an espresso each. Arthur is already standing and photographing around the living room with his phone.

  “May I?” he asks and slides the door open out to the terrace. Before I can respond he’s outside taking pictures of both the views and our apartment from the edge of the terrace.

  What if he did let the place to this other couple? What if the rental rise is too much? What does he really want from us?

  “What sort of a compromise did you have in mind about the rent Arthur?” my voice cracks as I speak, I’m not sure I’m ready to hear what his response could be.

  “That would rather depend.” He murmurs, inside now and holding his phone in position around the kitchen. “Is the bathroom presentable?”

  I nod and tell him to help himself. I wait in the living room squirming as I hear him lower the toilet seat and then his shoes move around on the tiles in there. He emerges and points to my office in the back bedroom before disappearing in there.

  Shit I better tidy our room.

  I’m pulling open our bedroom curtains when he knocks on the door.

  “Yes, you were asking about the rent increase and a possible compromise,” his voice is soft, his eyes moving across our unmade bed. “It would rather depend on the ‘shape’ of agreement we can reach.” He holds my gaze until I can quickly bare it no longer. I look away.

  ‘Shape’ of a deal?

  “For example, there’s the not insignificant matter of what you and Kelsey are realistically able to afford. Fortunately I’ll be able to understand this a little more fully in the next day or two.” He raises his Smartphone and snaps away at our fitted wardrobes and ceiling fan.

  “Please don’t take this the wrong way Nicholas. Kelsey was concerned about your finances and worried she may lose the property. I don’t know whether she may have felt insecure at what she perceived to be my indifference to her offer in my apartment yesterday. Either way, she sensibly appealed to me for my assistance.”

  “Your assistance? When?” What the hell has she done?

  “She caught me when she was on her way out this morning Nicholas. She wisely confided in me that neither she nor you are the greatest in the world with financial matters. Hardly a surprise to me though I must say.”

  What is he talking about? What’s Kelsey said to him?

  He continues moving uninvited around our bedroom, at one point pulling the covers across the bed before straightening them a little and photographing the bed itself.

  I’m biting my top lip.

  “Try to understand Nicholas, that not for the first time your wife is a young lady who’s concerned she may be about to lose her home. She gave me a file of papers and asked me whether I’d consider examining bank and credit card statements for the both of you. She felt I might be able to make some suggestions to improve your current situation.”

  Anger surges through me. How can he reel off something like this as if it’s no big deal? It can’t be true. What the hell was she thinking of giving him our private documents?

  “I took a quick look earlier Nicholas. How does Kelsey feel about some of those adult pay sites you subscribe to? Does she even know what the term ‘cuckold’ means I wonder?” He’s smirking at me. My face is burning. I want the building to swallow me up.

  “I’m not sure I can take any suitable pictures with items like this lying around the room Nicholas,” Arthur grunts and bends down towards the carpet over at Kelsey’s side of the bed.

  Shit, in my rush to open the curtains I didn’t even see her little black night dress in a ball on the floor. It must have fallen off the bed.

  “I had a word with Kelsey about yesterday too when I saw her earlier. But I’m conscious I didn’t get the opportunity to comment on it to you on the day Nicholas. Not with having to rush out like I did.” He seems to pick his words slowly, his voice thickened now. “I really appreciated seeing your wife dressed as she was in my apartment.”

  He’s still holding her nightie.

  “I enjoyed it immensely Nicholas, her figure is every bit as good as I remember it.” Without looking at me, he moves her clothing towards his face. As the fabric reaches his nose and mouth he closes his eyes.

  Oh my God.

  “I am a bit of an old sucker for an attractive young ladies worn clothing Nicholas.” He murmurs after inhaling deeply, “As you may remember......“ he holds the fabric over his face again.

  I lean back against the wardrobe door for support.

  “Mmmm, I can detect the fragrance of the perfume she wore when she came to me yesterday Nicholas,” he inhales the ball of delicate material in his hand once more and then shudders. “and I can smell her natural scent as well," his breathing is deep, “Do you know what pheromones are Nicholas?”

  It’s all I can do to continue standing and shake my head. My stomach and chest are rigid with tension– in my own bedroom.

  “You said you took some pictures of her in those outfits I bought for her.” Quick eyes move urgently to me.

  I nod my head and Kelsey’s nightie moves back over the landlord’s mouth and nose. He slips his free hand into his pocket.

  “Fetch them,” he rasps.

  Perhaps if I had time to formulate a different response I might stand my ground and try to argue with this old man. I’d ask him who the hell he thinks he is coming into our home and our bedroom. But I’m way past that now.

  I’m returning to him with my camera and handing it to him.

  He’s sitting on our bed.

  “Where did she put the dress she wore?”

  “I don’t know Arthur.”

  “Think boy, think,” his hand moves across the front of his pants and he’s wiping his wrinkled old face with my wife’s nightie.

  “Find her dress for me Nicholas.”

  My chest and stomach clench. I’m almost throwing up with a combination of anger and twisted sexual excitement.

  “She has such a perfect backside,” His voice purrs behind me as I rummage in the laundry basket.

  “So frustrating yesterday not to have the time to fully appreciate her Nicholas. Although if she feels somewhat ‘snubbed’ by me it won’t do any harm in the long run.”

  My hand is shaking uncontrollably as I hand him the dress she wore yesterday at his apartment.

  He’s got his cock out in our bedroom.

  Kelsey’s nightie is away from his face and is cocooning his huge, veiny erection. Gently he rubs himself. His other hand puts my camera down and reaches out to take the dress from me.

  What am I doing? What am I doing? A voice ins
ide me screams but I have no answer for it. I can’t stop myself now.

  “Oh, yessss” he twists the dress inside out with one hand and his nose traces the length of fabric at the front near the hem. He rubs it across his face. At one point his plump, pink tongue snakes out and across the black fabric.

  I think I’m going to pass out.

  “Hold the camera so I can see that picture of her,” he croaks, his fist pumping his bloated shaft. Our bedsprings start to creak.

  I take the camera and extend my arm towards him so that don’t get too close to him. In Wide-eyed he masturbates to a photograph of my wife’s rear in the dress he’s holding to his face.

  “God I need to have her again Nicholas," he pants through the dress. He’s snorting rhythmically as his arm pulls back and forth, Kelsey’s nightie swaddling his shaft. His head and chest move rapidly up and down on the edge of our bed as his pace quickens.

  “Nnnnngg” a throaty grunt bursts from his mouth, erupting around the room. I jump backwards and away from him as he burrows his spewing cock deep into Kelsey’s lace nightie.

  Once he’s finished and cleaned himself up I’m still in shock at what I’ve witnessed and been a party to. The landlord though is behaving like what’s just happened is the most natural thing in the world.

  “Rochella is anxious to have Kelsey pose for her Nicholas.” He stops at the front door of our apartment on the way out and reads a newly arrived text message on his phone. “She’s suggesting this Tuesday night.”

  “But I think I’m supposed to be away that night Arthur. On business for Rochella.”

  “Yes, she mentions that here” a smile spreads slowly over his face.

  Chapter Eight

  Wednesday afternoon on my way back from the business trip and the last thing I needed was to be stuck in shitty traffic like this. Before I left home to come away, Kelsey and I had a blazing row about her giving our financial info over to Arthur to look at. I couldn’t believe she’d do something like that. Letting him know all our business.

  While I’ve been away though, most of last night in my hotel room in fact, I was thinking about it. Well, in between imagining how her modelling session with Rochella was going.

  I know Kelsey would have had the best of intentions when she gave our private details to Arthur. She just wanted to make things better for us money-wise. What kind of a hypocrite am I? What was my justification for letting the landlord ‘invade our privacy’ in our bedroom last weekend?

  I texted Kelsey several times last night, apologizing for losing my temper. I told her again she didn’t have to go through with the modelling session for Rochella. I said we’d work something else out. But she said it was OK, that she really didn’t mind. She said Arthur told her she should make more of her looks and that the extra funds would help with our budget. My blood ran cold when I read that – even as it excited me. But I also knew that what he’d said was probably true

  The fact is; we’re going to need every extra penny now. One of my two other smaller clients emailed me while I was away. They’re letting me go at the end of the month. It turns out now we’d be really in the shit if we lost the contract with Rochella. I guess if nothing else, at least Kelsey modelling for her should help keep us in her good books.

  Finally this traffic has started moving again and I put my foot down.

  I’m back home around an hour later than I originally expected to be. There’s no sign of any lights on in our apartment. Shit, I can’t wait to properly make it up with Kels and find out exactly how it went for her last night.

  I unpack my case in our room, trying to keep at bay the memory of Arthur sitting there on the corner of our bed beating himself off with my wife’s underwear. I shudder again at how I had to soak Kelsey’s nightie and work like hell to get the stains out before secretly trying to dry it and slipping it into the laundry basket.

  “Nick, I’m home,” Kelsey calls and the front door closes.

  I expect her to come straight through to the bedroom but by the time I’ve unpacked and changed she still hasn’t appeared.

  “Hi Babe, sorry again about what happened before I went away.” I press myself up against her behind as she stands rinsing a glass at the sink. Her ass always looks so good when she wears this tight pencil skirt for work. I lift her hair at the back of her neck and kiss her there. A slight trace of her fading perfume teases my nostrils.

  “Mmm you smell good,” I rub my groin gently into her ass.

  “Don’t do that Nick,” she pushes past me, glass in hand towards the fridge.

  “Come on Kels; I’ve said I’m sorry.”

  “I know. I’m just not in the mood tonight.”

  “OK no worries. Sorry. How did it go last night anyhow?”

  “It was OK. How was the trip?” she pours from a wine bottle and it glugs into her glass. “Beer?” she asks without looking at me.

  “The trip was a bit of a waste of time. I don’t know why Rochella couldn’t have dealt with it herself on the phone. No idea why she needed me to meet with her associate in person” I shrug.

  “But you were OK last night?” I repeat, leaning back against the worktop and folding my arms.

  “I would have preferred it if you’d been there Nick.” She swirls the wine in her glass.

  “Me too babe. So what did you wear?”

  “Rochella said she didn’t mind what I came in so just a two-piece blouse and skirt. She stands against the fridge, legs crossed nursing her wine glass. “

  “So what happened?”

  “Arthur was there as well.” She lowers her eyes.

  “Arthur? I thought you were meant to be modelling at Rochella’s?”

  “So did I but there was a change of plan. It was Arthur’s apartment. At least it meant I didn’t have to travel” she shrugs again, her voice quieter.

  My throat is tight.

  “Rochella offered me extra money,” a rose-colored rash has spread up Kelsey’s throat and over her cheeks. She takes a large mouthful of her white wine.

  “Go on,” I feel my heart accelerate.

  “I knew we needed the money Nick,” she’s looking at her glass not me.

  “What did she want you to do?”

  “She asked me if I’d pose nude for her. She can’t look at me.

  Oh God.

  “In front of him as well?” the words crack in my throat.

  Slowly Kelsey nods.

  My insides have turned to ice. Mental images surround me of my gorgeous young wife alone with this old couple and being offered money to strip so they could ogle her. I wasn’t even there. Even as my insides battle with what my wife is telling me; my cock has thickened between my legs. My heart is hammering away in my chest

  “They said I could take off my clothes in one of the bedrooms,”

  “Right,“ I say conscious that my erection is probably obvious in my pants.

  “Did, did anything you know, happen?” I can hardly make the words sound.

  She’s not answering.

  “Rochella just kept telling me how beautiful I was.” Kelsey’s voice is thin.

  “Arthur didn’t try anything?” My own face flushes.

  Kelsey shakes her head.

  “What about with Rochella? Did anything happen with her?”

  She shakes her head again, but she won’t look at me.

  “She asked me if I realized how beautiful I was. It was stupid really.” She shrugs.

  “What else Kelsey?” She’s not telling me everything.

  My wife’s eyes fix mine but for several seconds she doesn’t speak.

  “She asked me if I thought you appreciated me,” Now Kelsey’s mouth sounds dry. She takes another sip of her wine.

  “I hope you told her I do?” I move towards her taking her in my arms; suddenly insecure.

  “She came into the bedroom when I was getting dressed afterwards. She kept playing with my hair, telling me how she loved it. Saying how hers would never grow as strong or thick
no matter what she did with it.,” Kelsey’s eyes are on her hands.

  “Sounds like you made quite an impression on her Kels,” I pull her to me, letting her feel my stiffness against her belly.

  “She told me I was like a princess” Kelsey laughs.

  “Sounds like old Rochella’s got it bad,” I say, moving myself against her.

  “Nick, she asked me if I’d ever been touched by another woman.”

  “What? What did you say?” still holding her I move back my head and shoulders so I can examine her face. My face and ears feel like they’re on fire.

  “I said no of course,” Kelsey frowns at me.

  “Yes, yes of course.” I nod but my whole body feels ready to erupt.

  Chapter Nine

  Dusk has always been one of my favourite times of the day. But now, with the sun retreating from the fields either side of us, my insides are churning. Kelsey’s hand is in mine and we walk in silence along the cycle track.

  I thought we needed a change of scenery for an hour or so after work. Somewhere we could talk things through and where I could try to figure stuff out in my head. Everything’s happening so fast.

  “I can’t believe Arthur actually wanted to take pictures of the inside of our apartment for those other people,” Kelsey looks at the ground, slowly shaking her head as we walk. “After everything I’ve done...” her voice trails away.

  “Well I can’t believe Rochella tried to come on to you like that the other night.” I say. My head is still scrambled by the whole of idea of it.

  “Like I said,” Kelsey sighs, “I think she’s just lonely. It was quite sweet really. She was as embarrassed as I was when she saw my reaction.”

  A cycle bell sounds behind us and I pull Kelsey to the side of the track. A guy on a bike waves his thanks and swishes past us.

  “What are we going to do Nick, if he lets the place to this other couple or he puts up the rent so we can’t afford it?” slender fingers move a lock of hair away from her eyes.


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