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Heart of a Stripper

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by Harris, Cyndi

  “The love that lasts the longest is the love that can never be.”

  For twenty-five year old Mitchell McCallister, that statement never seemed true. Finding the woman he loved happened in a snap, or so he thought. That was, until he found a connection with someone else, in a place he least expected. One kiss was all it took to keep him breathless and wanting more, but falling for a stripper he would never see again seemed foolish.

  Being abandoned by her mother and living with her alcoholic father, Nevaeh Sky never really knew what it meant to feel wanted. Moving to a new town still wouldn’t change that, right? Waltzing into the office as a senior transfer to her new high school, Nevaeh is bemused to find the very mysterious stranger who was too shy to make a move on her at her new job. Having Mitchell as her new principal, she’s sure it will cause more harm than good.

  With an impending marriage, Mitchell struggles to keep his distance from Nevaeh, until he finds her beaten and bloody on the school steps. Taking her in and learning her secrets, the explosive forbidden attraction between them leaves Mitchell wavering; not only with her, but in his own life. Determined to save her from the life she’s chosen, Mitchell has no idea his world will never be the same again.

  But will saving Nevaeh be worth destroying everything he’s worked so hard for?

  To the Love of My Life, Eric.

  Thank you for pushing me even when I want to be lazy and thank you for bearing with me when I threw crazy ideas at you.

  Most of all, thanks for being a big inspiration, and not letting me cave in with my ideas due to others perception.

  To my dearest friend Deyanna, thanks for reading my work when you hate to read! Hahaha!

  I truly appreciate you during the writing of this book in particular. Without you I wouldn’t have completed this book in the time frame that I did.

  To my cousin Danielle, thank you for your brutal honesty! Without you, I wouldn’t know when an idea sucked, and with your choice of books, I know my work is in the right hands before it hits the public.

  Heart of a Stripper

  Author: Cyndi Harris

  Artwork by: Cyndi Harris

  Published by: Cyndi Harris

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

  (c) Copyright 2013 Cyndi Harris

  All cover art and logo (c) Copyright 2013 by Cyndi Harris.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

  Heart of a Stripper


  Cyndi Harris

  Chapter One

  Mitchell sighed deeply, as his best friend Adam shoved him into the dark club. The room was dim, and full of the stench of smoke and alcohol. Looking around, he saw nothing but bare chested woman dancing on stripper poles, in front of drunken men. Walking to the VIP area, he passed a few females giving elderly men lap dances. Turning around, he tried to leave but Adam shook his head.

  “You are going to enjoy this night if it kills me!” he chuckled, shoving Mitchell down into a seat.

  Along with Adam, his two buddies Scott, and Brad surrounded him. Not too soon after, a half-naked waitress stood at their table.

  “What can I get you guys?!” she shouted, over the loud music.

  “Get us the best beer this fine establishment can offer!” Adam laughed, and she nodded.

  “Four beers coming right up!” she replied, before disappearing.

  “You know I don’t drink!” Mitchell replied, looking at his already buzzed friend.

  They had already been to a bar, and had a few drinks. Mitchell only drank about half a bottle. Drinking really wasn’t his thing, but his best friend had planned a night out just for him. Adam had rented a limo and they were having what was known as “a night out on the town”.

  “You are tonight!” he laughed, as the waitress came back with the ice cold beers and they all took one.

  Twisting off the cap, Mitchell forced a little of the bitter drink down, as his friends downed theirs. Looking at the spotlighted stage, he saw a blonde haired woman taking her top off. Averting his eyes, he heard all of his friends cheer in excitement. He never understood the whole notion of having a strange woman tearing her clothes off for you—or your money rather. Looking around, he caught the eye of a young woman dressed in sky blue lingerie. Her caramel legs were smooth and stretched on for days, and she had long black hair to match. She smiled at him as a male walked up to her. Clearing his throat, he turned away.

  “I want to get out of here, Adam.” Mitchell insisted, as his cell phone rang.

  Reaching for his pocket, Adam stopped him before shoving Mitchell’s drink to his mouth.

  “Ignore it; you’re out with the guys. Enjoy yourself.” He ordered.

  Sighing, Mitchell tried to relax as the phone went silent. Taking another small drink, he gulped hard as the girl he was eyeing walked up to their section.

  “Hey boys, what’s the special occasion?” she smiled brightly.

  Giving a goofy smile, Adam retorted. “My boy here is getting married on Christmas.”

  “Hmm, so you’re the unlucky guy everyone is buzzing about.” She smiled still keeping her eyes on him.

  “I wouldn’t say unlucky.” He whispered, trying not to look at her as he walked over to him.

  “An honest groom, we don’t get many of those in here.” She smiled, towering over him as he slowly looked up to her.

  He wanted nothing more than disappear as she held a hand out to him.

  “Let me show you a good time.” She insisted.

  “I—I—don’t think—”

  “Show him a good time!” Adam shouted, giving her a wad of money.

  “Come on tiger, I don’t bite.” She said, still smiling.

  “Go!” Adam and Brad shouted, at the same time pushing him up.


  “Don’t worry. I’ll bring you back in one piece.” She replied, seductively grabbing him by the hand and pulling him from VIP area.

  Tugging him through the crowd, she held his hand tight. Taking him towards the back of the club, he noticed more naked girls and grew even more uncomfortable. Going through a door, he followed her upstairs to private room. His nerves were definitely kicking in. She sat him down on a large sofa and locked the door. Swallowing hard, he watched her intently as she turned on a stereo and dimmed the lights. Walking back to him, she slowly began to dance in front of him.

  “Don’t!” he shouted nervously, putting his hands up.

  “No dancing?” she asked, curiously.

  “Ok.” She replied, straddling him.

  She leaned in to kiss him, but he pulled away.

  “Please.” He said, nervously looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

  “You just want to get to it?” she asked, going for his belt buckle, but he grabbed her hand.

  “I only came up here so my friends would leave me alone. I don’t want to do anything.” He insisted.

  “I can’t leave without giving you a good time.” She insisted.

“I’m fine really.” He replied. “I’ll even pay you extra.”

  “Am I not attractive?” she asked, getting off and sitting beside him.

  “No! I mean yes!” he said, as she smiled at him.

  “You’re a very attractive woman. You’re gorgeous.” He insisted.

  “And you’re cute. First time?” she asked, sitting closer to him.

  He nodded, timidly looking away from her.

  “Would you like to talk instead?” she inquired.

  “Actually, yeah.” He nodded.

  “Are you always this shy?” she asked, leaning her arm on the couch.

  “I’m not—shy.” He proclaimed, and she chuckled.

  “You are.” She nodded.

  “Ha-ha.” He replied, sarcastically. “What’s a girl like you doing in a dump like this?”

  “Hey, don’t knock my job. I just made five hundred dollars, and a bonus from you and your friends alone in a few minutes.” She chuckled.

  “Five hundred dollars?!” he barked. “How many people have you slept—I mean…” he bit his bottom lip as he stared at her.

  “Sorry. That was an ass-holic thing to say. I didn’t mean to insult you.” He said, clearly.

  “None taken, but to be clear you would’ve been my very first client.” She insisted.

  He looked at her as if she was feeding him a bunch of bullshit.

  “Seriously, I’m new here. Last night was my first night.” She pushed.

  “Then why do this?” he frowned. “How old are you? You look old enough to be my—”

  “Sister? Because you don’t look too old yourself.” She laughed and he smiled brightly.

  “You have the sexiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen.” She replied, caressing his face and he blushed.

  ‘I’m only twenty five.” He replied, clearing his throat.

  “So what do you do for a living, Mr. Twenty five?” she inquired, still staring into his sapphire eyes.

  He shifted uncomfortably as he looked away briefly. She was too close for his own comfort.

  “Um, I do a lot.” he replied. “So, is all of this really worth the money? I mean from the little bit of time I’ve known you I can tell you’re a really smart girl. You could be doing anything you wanted to.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled. “You’re the nicest guy I met so far.” She said, leaning into him and he began to breathe heavily.

  “So, why have you decided to get married so young?” she asked.

  “Twenty five isn’t young.” He grumbled, as if the subject tore at him.

  “Really?” she asked, tracing her finger gently around his earlobe.

  He swallowed hard again, and looked over to her.

  “She must be pretty.” She replied, and he nodded.

  “She’s a great woman. Everything I should want and more.” He said, quickly.

  “Should?” she asked, curiously. “You said that like it was rehearsed. Do you love her?”

  “Of course.” He answered, looking away from her.

  “Do her kisses make you all warm and fuzzy inside?” she whispered.

  Looking at her, she could see doubt in his eyes.

  An instant later, her lips were on his and he kissed her back. Her lips we soft and he was sure they were decadent. Being in her line of work, she must’ve kissed dozens of guys. At least that what it seemed like because she was very experienced in kissing. She slowly climbed on top of him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Grabbing his hands, she moved his hands down to her tight round ass. He looked up to her as she stared down at him. His bashfulness was definitely a turn on to her. She was used to guys barking orders at her all day, and to find a decent gentleman left her wanting more. He was damn sure a breath of fresh air.


  “Ssh.” She replied, kissing him once more.

  Letting him ruin the moment was not an option. Running her hands through his short cut brown hair, she felt the bulge in his pants. She moaned as she rocked against it. A groan escaped his lips as he clenched her ass tightly. Kissing him softly, she slipped her tongue in his mouth as she ran her hands down to his chest. He tasted of alcohol, but beneath that it was pure seduction. There was no doubt in her mind that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. He was just too scared to show it, but by the way he was gripping her ass, she was sure she could get him to loosen up.

  Looking down at him, she smiled slightly as she caressed his face.

  “Your lips are so soft.” She replied, staring him in the eyes.

  He nibbled his bottom lip and looked down. She was sure that he doubted what he was doing with her. Putting an index finger under his chin, she made him look back up to her before kissing his cheek. He was red faced and trembling beneath her.

  “Has she ever kissed you like that?” she asked, curiously because of his reactions.

  “Never.” He whispered truthfully, looking up to her.

  “And you want to marry her? You’re missing out tiger.” She said kissing him again.


  “It’s ok.” She said cutting him off, and kissing his lips once more.

  The kiss was hot and heavy, until his cell phone rang. He froze as the ring tone seemed to echo in his mind. Pushing her off, he dug in his pocket, but it was too late. It had stopped ringing. Shooting to his feet, he paced the room as he obviously dialed the number back.

  “Please answer.” he replied anxiously.

  Hanging up the phone, he dialed the number again and waited.

  “She’s got you on a short leash.” The girl replied watching him nervously wear a hole in the floor.

  He shot her an evil glance as he closed the phone.

  “I have to go.” He replied, digging into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. Taking out a bunch of money he gave it to her.

  “Here’s what I promised you.” He replied, as she caught his hand.

  “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a sweet guy.” She insisted, kissing him on the cheek.

  Staring at her blankly for a moment, he nodded before disappearing from the room. Rushing back down the stairs, he searched the club for Adam and the guys. An instant later, he saw them at the bottom of the stage, throwing dollars at the naked females in front of them. Brad had his tongue stuck down a female’s throat, and Mitchell grimaced as he made his way through the crowd to them.

  “We need to go.” He insisted, grabbing Adam by the arm.

  “Mitchell, chill out. You’re supposed to be having fun.” Adam replied.

  “No, I need to get home." He insisted.

  All he could think about was Kaitlin, his fiancée. She had been calling him off and on for the last few hours and he’d missed the last three. That wasn’t like him. Anytime she called, he made sure to reply in some way. Adam and the guys always teased him for being on call whenever she called to keep tabs on him. He just brushed it off because at the end of the day, she was the woman he wanted to make his wife. She was the one he needed to please and keep happy.

  “Jeez Mitchell, you can’t even enjoy your own pre-bachelor party?” Adam hounded.

  “I just want to go.” Mitchell said walking off and heading to the exit.

  Looking back, he saw the young girl who had definitely etched a memory in his head. She flashed a smile at him and waved. Hesitating, he smiled slightly before leaving the club. Adam grumbled as he rounded up the other guys and they followed each other out. Some guys night out they had. He was sick of Kaitlin always ruining things when it came to Mitchell. She was like his puppet master, and Mitchell was damn sure Pinocchio.

  Chapter Two

  Mitchell paced his office as his mind wandered. For the past three days, all he could think about was the gorgeous stripper who peaked his interest. Not only had she been beautiful, she had made him feel like no other woman had. The kissed they shared lingered on him and he tried to experiment with Kaitlin, but she was always so damn standoffish. She didn’t even like to show PDA. But that
was neither here nor there because she was his all. Sitting in his seat, he stared at the files in front of him. Being a principal was everything he could ever ask for. Ever since he could remember, he wanted to have a huge impact on the youth in some way.

  Closing his eyes, his mind wandered again and landed on the smooth legs of the girl who straddled him. The way she touched him set him on fire. Sure, he knew it was just her job, but she made him feel relevant. She made him feel like he was the only person that mattered. A tap at the door startled him, and grabbed his attention. Shaking his head, he realized how stupid he sounded. Fantasizing about a stripper was the craziest thing to waste time on, especially since he didn’t even know her name.

  “Come in.” he replied softly, and the door opened.

  His secretary Hillary stuck her head in and smiled. She was a brunette woman with a medium build that wore glasses. Since he’d hired her about a year before, she had been the ideal employee. Never falling behind on anything, and there even when he didn’t need her. Once she saw everything was decent, she walked over to his desk and handed him a file.

  “Your new student is here.” She smiled, brightly.

  She’d told him about a new girl that would be joining their roster over the weekend. He usually did his research on the new students to make them feel comfortable, but hadn’t that weekend. He was too busy trying to fix things with Kaitlin because she had refused to talk to him after he never answered her.

  “Send her in.” he insisted.

  Stalking to the door, he stood as he held the file in his hand. Hillary opened it, and stepped to the side as the young woman walked in. She had on the school uniform, a white button up shirt and a tiny black skirt. Her hair was curled and cascading down her back, looking at her face, he sucked in a hard breath. He felt like he had been kicked in the chest by a donkey.

  It had been the girl from the strip club.

  His heart sank as she smiled at him seductively. Obviously, she had recognized him as well. Twirling her hair around her finger, she walked over to his desk and sat in the chair in front of it. Swallowing hard, he clutched the file in his hand.


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