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Heart of a Stripper

Page 11

by Harris, Cyndi

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mitchell raked his hands over his head, as he shut his eyes tight. Dropping his head into his hands, he sucked in a hard breath. He didn’t know how things had gotten to this point. He had been booked and fingerprinted for battery and assault, before being thrown into a tiny dark holding cell. Hours had ebbed by, and he wasn’t sure how many. He suddenly heard footsteps approaching his cell, and looked up. The guard was standing there with the keys.

  “You’re free to go, McCallister.” He barked, unlocking the cage.

  Shooting to his feet, Mitchell saw Kaitlin standing there behind the guard. She was wearing fitted black jeans, and a white and black blouse. The moment the cell opened, he rushed out and Kate hustled over only to throw her arms around his neck. Standing frozen, he had no clue what to do. A huge part of him wanted to push her off, but she had been the one to bail him out.

  “What are you doing here?” Was all he could ask.

  “I saw what happened. It’s all over the news Mitchell. There are tons of paparazzi outside.” She replied letting him go.

  A light bulb went off in his head as he stared at her. It was more than likely that she had only come to be seen on TV, not to be with him genuinely. All he could think about was Nevaeh. He wanted to know that she was ok.

  “We have to go out the back entrance.” She insisted, trying to grab his hand, but he moved away.

  “I don’t want anything to do with you Kate.” He snapped walking to the front to get his things.

  Going to the front desk, he gave his name and waited for his stuff. After waiting for a moment, they handed him a bag with his belongings. From his G-Shock watch, to his wallet, everything was inside. Grabbing his things, he slipped out the back door only to be bombarded by cameras and reporters. Throwing his hands up, he tried to block the bright lights as he and Kaitlin made it through the crowd. They were all shouting questions at him and his heart sank. He had been portrayed as a monster and could only wonder what his father was thinking of him.

  Getting to her car, they pulled off and he ordered her to take him to get his car from the school, but she refused. She drove him straight back to her apartment building and he grumbled. She had a valid point, which was that his house would be bombarded with reporters. As she pulled up to her apartment building, they saw a few reporters lounging around. Kaitlin drove to the parking garage and parked in her spot. Hopping out of the car, a woman rushed over to Mitchell with a tape recorder.

  “Mr. McCallister, can you tell us about the incident that got you arrested?” she inquired jamming the tiny recording device in his face.

  Mitchell stood stunned by the question. It was something he didn’t know how to answer. How was he going to say he was defending a student he just so happened to be having sex with? He couldn’t, that’s how. So instead, he just stood like a deer caught in the headlights.

  “He has no comment!” Kate shouted jumping in the way.

  “Just give me a statement so the world can hear your side! How does your father feel about you being arrested? Is this type of behavior why he never hired you at McCallister Enterprise?”

  “Have you ever seen him in trouble?! You need to get off this property before I call the police!” Kate shouted, grabbing Mitchell by the arm and pulling into the back of the apartment building.

  Making it to her apartment, Mitchell sank onto her pink couch. Placing his face into his hands, he sighed as everything whirled in his head. Kate sat beside him and caressed his back.

  “Thanks for what you did outside.” He muttered.

  “You don’t have to thank me.” She insisted.

  “I need to get home.” He replied finally looking up, and Kate placed a finger under his chin before making him look at her.

  “I want you to stay the night.” She replied softly.

  Before he could think, she had leaned over the sofa and placed her lips on his. Pushing him, she laid him on the arm rest of the couch.

  “No.” he said shaking his head, and grabbing her hands as she went for his belt buckle.

  “Why? You want me.” She said breathy. “I know you do.”

  “I don’t want anything to do with you.” He said looking her in the eyes.

  “Mitchell we love each other. Doesn’t that count for anything?” she asked kissing his neck.

  “You never loved me Kate.” He muttered hurt.

  “I did—I do. I know I hurt you, but give me a chance.” She replied unbuttoning his shirt. “I want to fix us.”

  Lying back, Mitchell stared aimlessly at the ceiling as Kate kissed his chest and trailed down to his stomach.

  Nevaeh drummed her fingers against the desk as scribbled on her note pad. Whatever the teacher had been yammering about for the past half an hour had went into one ear and out the other. Her mind was stuck on Mitchell. She needed to know he was ok. She had seen the news report that he had been released, but she’d also seen Kate trailing behind him. Bruce had been right, and so far everything he wanted was happening. Scribbling harder, she snapped the pencil point off. Just the thought of Mitchell with Kate was sickening.

  The classroom door opened, and the teacher grew quiet. Looking up, Nevaeh spotted Mitchell leaning halfway into the classroom. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a regular t-shirt. She had never seen him dressed like a regular person before. He was either always in a suit, or naked. Ok, occasionally he would wear boxers and a t-shirt, but never jeans. It was cute.

  “Can I speak with Nevaeh?” he asked with a hint of urgency in his voice.

  “Sure.” Ms. Howard, her heavyset, red headed teacher answered.

  Nevaeh stood, and immediately walked out of the classroom with him. Going into the empty hallway, the faced each other. Grabbing her hands, he tried to embrace her, but she brushed him off with an awkward smile.

  “Are you ok?” she asked, not making eye contact with him.

  “I am now that I see you. Your dad—”

  “I heard.” She muttered still looking anywhere but at him. “Sorry I couldn’t help.”

  “It’s ok. I got a call from my lawyer this morning saying the charges were dropped.” He smiled.

  “Really?” she asked finally looking him in the eyes.

  “Yeah, Nevaeh I came to take you home with me. I can’t stay here today, I just need to clear my head.” He responded.

  “I can’t. I have class.” She replied looking away again.

  He picked up on the fact that she was being distant. It was like he was having a conversation with Kaitlin. That damn sure wasn’t a good sign. The fact that she was throwing school at him as an excuse let him know something was wrong. Being principal, he could always excuse her for a day that he pulled her out.

  “Come on Nevaeh, I need you today. I just want to be with you.”

  “I can’t!” she snapped, and he frowned as she eyed him.

  “Is it because of what happened yesterday?” he asked, noting that him being arrested may have scared her.

  Moving closer to her, he grabbed her by the hands and tried to ease her, but he could tell she didn’t want him touching her. His heart was racing as dread swallowed him whole.

  “That’s not it.” She assured, taking her hands out of his and stepping back.

  “Then what is it? What did I do wrong?” he inquired heartbroken.

  “Nothing, you’re—we’re just not good together.” She protested glaring at him coldly.

  “What do you mean by that?” he frowned.

  “I was toying with you ok? I wanted to see if I could get you—and I did.” She insisted, still giving him the cold stare.

  Mitchell’s heart shattered as her words left her mouth, and burrowed into his brain. Running a hand through his dark hair, he let out a strangled sigh. All he could think about was how stupid he must’ve looked. Falling for a student. Sure it was all a game; and he fell for it. It also made him wonder why no one wanted to love him. What was so wrong with him? He could never seem to find anyone to give
a shit about him truly. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and because of that it was always being demolished.

  “Please don’t do this. I need you today.” He insisted, hoping she was just scared.

  “Mitchell, you’re better off being with Kate.” She huffed.

  “Kate?!” he asked glaring at her furiously. “After knowing everything she did to me you of all people have the nerve to say that?!”

  She heard the despair in his tone, but kept her composure.

  “I saw you two together last night. You belong together.” She smiled.

  “I can explain.” He offered.

  “There’s no need. I was serious about what I said. I’m sorry I pulled you away from her.” She insisted.


  “Things just got out of hand.” She whispered. “I lost interest a while ago. I’m sorry.”

  With that, she disappeared back into the classroom. Mitchell stood quietly as he tried to pull himself together. Walking off, he left the school. Hopping in his car, he sped off and reeled from the words she’d thrown at him. Gripping the steering wheel, he zoomed down the freeway and pondered the time they spent together.

  How could he now have known she was toying with him?

  Just like Kate had. He was too trusting, and always fell flat on his face for it. Tears burned his eyes as he tried not to dwell on the pain tearing through him. Thinking of the night before, he sucked in a hard breath. Kate had pushed and pushed to sleep with him, but he threw her off. Nevaeh had been the only thing on his mind, and hurting her in that way was something he never dreamed of. But had he known she was going to trample his heart a few hours later, he would’ve probably taken Kaitlin up on her offer. Having meaningless sex would’ve numbed him for a while he supposed. Driving, he drove until he couldn’t drive anymore.

  A few hours passed, with him sitting in his car and pondering his next step in life. A red car pulled up beside him, and Adam hopped out.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he replied stalking to his best friend’s car.

  “Am I not allowed to come see my best friend anymore?” he asked and Adam could tell he was hurting.

  “Of course, always. I just mean after yesterday you should be careful. Reporters are still coming around for statements.” Adam assured.

  “Yeah.” Mitchell mumbled.

  “It looks like you had a rough night? How long you been sitting out here?” Adam inquired curiously.

  “About two hours.” Mitchell muttered.

  “Two hours?! You know sometimes I don’t come straight home from work right? You’re lucky I did today. Let’s go in and get a beer.” Adam insisted and Mitchell obliged.

  He wanted to do something to numb his pain, and drinking seemed like the answer. Heading inside, he sat at the kitchen table and waited for Adam who was removing his suit jacket and tie. Adam was a broker and made a good living on his own. He was a bachelor and always had different women in and out of his place. He and Mitchell had been best friends since high school started, and had been inseparable ever since.

  Even though they were total opposites, it seemed to keep them balanced. Mitchell had been shy, and Adam had been popular. Same applied with women. Adam was the reason Mitchell had had the many dates that he did. It wasn’t like Mitchell was a bad looking guy, all the women found him attractive, but when it came down to getting to know them, he never knew what to say. His mind had always been in other places and the girls hated that. It was either them or the highway, and that was usually where it ended.

  Adam handed Mitchell a drink and sat beside him.

  “Care to fill me in on what the hell happened yesterday?” Adam pushed, opening his beer.

  “I got arrested for beating Nevaeh’s dad up.” He replied fiddling with his beer.

  Since he wasn’t a true drinker, he was hesitant to take a drink.

  “You beat her dad up?! You? Why? Over her?!” he shouted stunned.

  “Yeah, but not for what you’re thinking. He was abusing her and I happened to step in.” he said opening the beer.

  “Wow.” Was all Adam could say before taking a drink,

  “Yeah.” Mitchell sighed.

  “So, what’s going on with you two?” he flat out asked.

  “She dumped me today. I mean not that we were together, but she ended it.” Mitchell muttered.

  “Whoa, didn’t see that coming.” Adam shrugged.

  “Yeah, me neither.” Mitchell replied swigging his beer.

  “I’m guessing she didn’t like what you did to her dad?” he asked.

  “That’s not it. That happened a few days ago, and she was fine. She said she was toying with me.” He grumbled angrily, but hurt was seeping through the words.

  “That’s—wow.” Adam said speechless. “Sorry Mitchell, but you knew she was a kid. What did you expect?”

  “Her to be different.” He whispered, taking another drink.

  “So what’s happening with you and Kate then?” Adam inquired.

  “She wants to fix things.” Mitchell replied rolling his eyes.

  “And do you want to?” he pushed.

  “I don’t love her.” He sighed.

  “What are you going to do then?” Adam asked.

  He hated seeing his friend so broken.

  “Marry her.” He replied seriously.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mitchell walked into his penthouse and saw Kaitlin planted on his sofa. For the past month, this was how things were. Him coming home after working a late night, and her lounging around his place. He never knew that one person could make you so miserable day in and day out, but she did. He hated seeing her in the morning, and when he came home. He actually liked the days that she had to stay away for work, but lately she was just with him. The wedding had been drawing near. Since Thanksgiving passed, time had flown by.

  The wedding was creeping up and had been just around the corner. Spending time with Kate was the last thing on his agenda. Since the whole incident, he had been distant towards her. There was no way he intended to be intimate with her, especially not after his father touched her. The thought still made him cringe. Even when she cuddled him at night, it made his skin crawl. He was just a vacant shell of himself. Broken and hurt, but on the outside he smiled and went on like the perfect fiancé. She never had to want for anything. And he guessed that’s how the rest of his life would be.

  His daily routine consisted of him getting up super early and slipping out to work. While at school, he watched Nevaeh as she and Jaxon grew close. It tore him apart inside because even though she had broken his heart, his feelings were ever present and accounted for. Seeing her was harder than he thought it would be. He knew it was the fact that he had to see her every day. Ok, granted he didn’t have to see her, but he wanted to. Watching her from afar was torture, but for some reason he put himself through it. They hadn’t spoken since the initial “break up”, and that was due to the fact that she’d done everything to avoid him.

  Since home wasn’t a place he desired to be, he worked late every night hoping that Kate would be asleep by the time they got there. Walking in the house, he always wanted Kate to surprise him and have dinner ready. Maybe that would show him that she changed. Had she truly made an effort to be a better girlfriend he probably would’ve—no, not even then. She was forever going to be known as the woman who broke his heart by sleeping with his father. As much as he hated to deny it, at one point in time he did love her. Not the head over heels type of love, but there still was love. He was hoping to one day learn to love her again.

  But that wasn't the case. Kate was always lounging around either watching TV or texting, and right now she was on the damn phone texting. With her unfaithfulness still looming in the air, and his wounds still raw, he was always suspicious. Setting his things down on the counter, he walked to the fridge.

  "Who you talking to?" He asked as he always did.

  Hesitating for a moment, she glared at him, and it was obv
ious that she was sick of him asking her that. But she answered anyway.

  "Bridgett. She's telling me the plans for my bachelorette party." She giggled.

  "Bachelorette party? So you're having one of those?" He asked more than a little annoyed.

  Pulling out the chicken he'd left to thaw, he closed the fridge before sitting the pan on the table. Rolling up his sleeves, he began seasoning the chicken. A late night meal always made him feel better, but having someone else prepare it for him would’ve been ideal.

  "Yup, maybe a Vegas trip." She smiled brightly.

  "Vegas? Let me guess, I'm paying for this expensive trip right?" He asked sarcastically.

  "Of course." She shrugged.

  "What a surprise." He said sarcastically.

  "Are you trying to pick a fight with me tonight?" She sneered.

  Sighing, he sliced the vegetables and bit his tongue. He had to do that a lot lately because of the anger building inside of him. Most days he just wanted to kick her out and be alone. It would be better than being miserable with someone he loathed.

  "No, I'm not." He smiled fakely, and she smiled back.

  He really couldn't understand why she never picked up on his unhappiness. Or maybe she had, maybe she just didn't care as long as she got what she wanted like his father had made clear.

  Nevaeh pushed Jaxon off before sitting upright. They had been in a hot and heavy make out session in his room. His parents weren't home and it was abundantly clear what he wanted. The moment he went to unbutton her pants, she stopped him.

  "Nevaeh we've been dating for about a month. I want to—" he paused and obviously searched for the right words. "make love to you."

  Nevaeh shivered at the thought and shook her head.

  "I'm not ready." She insisted.

  “Babe, come on.” He replied kissing her shoulder.

  “I’m not into this right now.” She replied throwing her feet off the bed and standing up.

  “What did I do wrong?” he asked and she frowned.

  Mitchell immediately popped into her head because he had asked her the same question.


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