Holiday: Annihilate Them, #2

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Holiday: Annihilate Them, #2 Page 16

by Christina Ross

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “I am.”

  “But it’s been a year since you first met him.”

  “My point exactly.”

  “I thought you two were in a relationship.”

  “Technically, I suppose we are. At one point, he did ask me to commit to him, which I agreed to because, well, why not? I certainly had no plans to see another man, especially after the train wreck that was Charles. Before I met Marcus, I was looking forward to spending the rest of my life alone with my girls, my friends, and with my extended family. And also with my work, which I love. And then Marcus came along—in Maine of all places—and since I came to like him so much, I figured that love might be worth a second chance.”

  “Are you in love with him?” I asked.

  “Let’s just say that he claims he’s in love with me.”

  “That wasn’t my question.”

  “But you got your answer, didn’t you?”

  “Actually, I didn’t.”

  “Look, if I meant the world to him—as he’s said to me time and again in countless conversations, emails, and voicemails—then he’d be here with me now, wouldn’t he? If I meant something to him, then he should have put his goddamned work aside and escorted me here tonight of all nights. I mean, doesn’t he remember that it was a year ago tonight that we sat down at that bar at Sugarloaf and talked for hours? That was the beginning of us, so shouldn’t that mean something to him? I believe it should have. But since this isn’t the first time that I’ve come in second after his work, I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever come first.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I said.

  “Look,” she said, with a roll of her eyes. “Let’s get real. We’re talking first-world problems here. Don’t think that I don’t know that.”

  “But don’t discount how you feel in the process,” I said.

  “That’s the thing, Jennifer—I know it sounds cold, but I feel nothing more than a touch of disappointment. Earlier this evening, when he called to tell me that he had so much work to do he’d have to meet us here later, I thought about who we were as a couple, and I not only came up empty, but I also came to the conclusion that maybe we shouldn’t be.”

  “Shouldn’t be? What does that mean?”

  She handed me her drink, which I took while she reached into her clutch and removed her SlimPhone. “It means that I’m breaking this off now,” she said.

  “You can’t be serious...”

  “I’ve never been so serious.”

  “But on Christmas eve?”

  “Oh, please—Christmas eve, Christmas Schmeve. Tonight clearly meant zip to him, Jennifer, so why not? And please don’t look upset. I’m strong, I know what I want, I know what works for me—and what doesn’t. Getting him out of my life now will be a blessing. If I continue to allow him to put me in second place, then who am I in this relationship? When did I stop respecting my own needs? Right now, it’s time for Marcus and me to take a final bow. So give me a moment. This won’t take long. I’ll be back and single before you know it.”

  Shocked by how quickly our conversation had turned, I watched Blackwell step away and put her SlimPhone to her ear. Since she clearly wasn’t being shy about any of this—she was standing only five feet away from me so I could hear the conversation—I listened to it.

  “Marcus?” she said. “Yes, it’s Barbara. I’m fine, fine. In fact, I’m feeling particularly festive tonight. Are you still at work? Yes? Always toiling away, aren’t you? Look, darling, not to ruin your holiday, but I’ve had an epiphany tonight, and I think it’s time that we call it a day. I think it’s time to break off whatever it is that we have between us, but before I end it, I wanted you to know that at the very least, it’s been interesting. And sometimes it was even wonderful.”

  She paused.

  “Well, of course I’m being serious, silly,” she said. “So, listen—there’s no need or reason for you to come here tonight. If you did, it would only be awkward. Instead, you can just cuddle up with your work. And as we go into the New Year, please know that I wish you the best and that I thank you for the truckloads of apologetic flowers you’ve sent to me over the past year.”

  She held up her free hand in exasperation. “Sorry? No, no, no—I’m not being sarcastic at all. In fact, I’m just being sensible. We gave it a shot, but you and I were never meant to be. Surely you know that, so know that I wish you well. I hope that in the future you’ll find someone who doesn’t mind coming in second to your career. Merry Christmas, darling. And have an even happier New Year!”

  And with that, Blackwell held out her phone at her side, severed the connection with a mere swipe of her thumb and then she turned to look at me with what could only be described as an expression of relief.

  “Over and out,” she said. “Thank God!”

  “Jesus,” I said. “You’re the holy roller of breakups...”

  “Let’s just say that I’ve never been anything but efficient.”

  “Are you OK?”

  “I’m fabulous.”

  “Are you? Because some of the things you said to him were pretty harsh, no matter how light you managed to keep your tone. If you’re hurting right now, Barbara, no one would blame you.”

  “Oh, please, if anything, I’m relieved. That whole ‘faux relationship’ thing had been weighing me down for months. To be honest, I’m ashamed that I didn’t end it sooner, because I’d known for too long that it wasn’t going to work. And frankly, it was about time that I did something about it.” She took her drink from my hand and tossed back the rest of it in one fell swoosh. “I will say this for him, though. At least he took it like a man.”

  “Are you going to share the news with your daughters?”

  “Later,” she said. “Perhaps after all of us have had a second drink.”

  “I can’t have a second drink,” I said. “You know, nursing.”

  “How positively politically correct of you.”

  “In a few months, I’ll be able to be fun again—I promise.”

  “And thank God for that, but at least the others will imbibe with me. Here’s what you should know—while Daniella did like Marcus, Alexa was beginning to disapprove of him for all the reasons I just told you. She’ll be happy to hear the news. As for Daniella, she’ll just be sad for me and filled with romantic dreams of what could have been. All I can say is that thank goodness Alexa is pragmatic. She’s the one who will get it, while poor Daniella will worry about my happiness and wellbeing, as if I need a man to have either. Still, once I explain my reasoning to her, I do think she’ll eventually come around. That one just takes time...”

  I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “I support your decision,” I said.

  “I’m glad that you do.”

  “I love you,” I said softly into her ear.

  “And I love you,” she said as we parted.


  “Jennifer, it’s good. It was necessary. And please, allow me to revel in the fact that I’m now out of something that was going nowhere. I mean that. I’m good right now.”

  “Marcus is the one who missed out,” I said. “He got lost in his work, and in the process, he lost you.”

  “But here’s the thing,” she said. “In the end, I won.”

  At that moment, the elevator rang.

  “You have company,” she said.

  “I guess I do.”

  She pointed toward the hallway and then started to look around for a waiter.

  “Drink,” she called out. “Drink?”

  “I think the waitstaff is in the library,” I said. “Let me get someone for you.”

  “No need—I can do it myself. Now go with Alex and see who’s arrived,” she said. “Hopefully, it will be somebody fun.”


  “YENNIFER!” EPIFANIA said as she stepped into the foyer with her handsome boyfriend Rudman Cross on her arm. “You look like bottle of lube!�

  “I look like a bottle of what?” I said to her.

  “You know—lube! You look so the sleek. Your hair so the shiny. Your skin so the dewy. Every bit of you glisten! And since you give birth only week ago, how you even manage it?”

  “As for the hair and skin, that would be my hormones, Epifania—they’re still raging through me, but they do have their benefits.” When she took me into her arms, I whispered into her ear, “And as for how sleek I look, that would be due to the Spanx—not that anyone should know.”

  “They know nothing from me, the kitten,” she said in a whisper as she stepped away. Then louder, “Because you look like superstar!”

  “And you look like you’re especially happy tonight,” I said to her.

  She reached for Rudman’s hand when I said that and squeezed it tightly. “That because I with my Rudsy,” she said.

  “And how are you, Rudman?” I asked. “I’m so glad that you could come.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it,” he said. “Thank you for having us.”

  “It’s our pleasure.”

  “Hello, Epifania,” Alex said as he kissed her on each cheek. “And it’s great to see you, Rudman,” he said as they shook hands. “I’m very happy that both of you could join us tonight.”

  “It’s also good to see you, Alex,” Rudman said. “And you too, Jennifer. I have to agree with Epifania—you look radiant.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I kissed him. “I’m so happy to have you both here.”

  “We feel the same,” he said.

  And, by the way, Rudman, could you possibly look any more handsome? I thought.

  He and Epifania had been seeing each other seriously for eight months now, and it was clear from his muscular physique alone that Rudman had been going to the gym. The last time I’d seen him about four months ago, he looked terrific for a man in his mid-fifties. But now? Now, he looked ten years younger, with a body so fit, his muscles strained against his overcoat.

  I had to tell him, so I did.

  “OK, so you’ve totally been working out, Rudman,” I said.

  “I have,” he said as he cocked a thumb toward Epifania. “I’m back in the gym, because you need a fair amount of energy to keep up with this one.”

  “And keep up he does,” Epifania said. “Oh, how he does. You know, when we have the sex now, I can feel the muscles in his stomach rubbing against me, and it so over the top, it makes me go pop, pop, pop!”

  And here we go...

  But I didn’t mind. Epifania could lift any party with her unpredictable mouth, especially because of her lightness of heart and kindness of spirit. I’d come to absolutely adore her.

  “Let me take your coats,” Alex said.

  “So fresh!” Epifania said. “Look at you, Alex—already going for my clothes!”

  “Just your coats!” he said.

  “That OK,” she said as she slipped out of her chic black overcoat. “Because Rudsy help me take off the rest later, won’t you, you big, tall drink of tequila?”

  “You can count on it,” he said.

  As Alex put their coats in the foyer closet, I just stared at what Epifania was wearing.

  “Epifania,” I said. “My God—you look beautiful. That gown!”

  “Oh, look, the cookie. I know it over the moon and back, but it all because of Barbara. She took me shopping last week. We ended up at Bergdorf—surprise, surprise, I know—and we found this. It was tailored to me three days ago. I yust got it back today!”

  “Alexander McQueen?” I asked.

  “You know I love me some McQueens,” she said.

  She could joke all she wanted, but that gown of hers was to die for. As she turned around for me, I admired the metallic, off-the-shoulder halter gown—especially how it hugged her beautiful curves. It was the color of shimmering pewter, and it had a sweetheart neckline, an open back that fell to the base of her spine, and a column silhouette that just touched the floor. A bevy of diamonds adorned her neck, ears, and fingers, all of which I’d seen before—with the exception of one.

  “What’s that on your wrist?” I asked.

  “Maybe something the Rudsy gave me tonight...”

  “Well, show it to me, for God’s sake!”

  She held out her arm and I admired the bracelet while I caught a glimpse of Rudman blushing.

  “It’s stunning,” I said as I admired it. “And it’s so wide. Unless I’m mistaken, I must be looking at several hundreds of diamonds.”

  “Or more! Who know! I just the grateful. Being with my Rudsy this year made my dreams come. Finally, I have real man in my life. Finally, I have someone who love me for me—which I know can’t be easy on the poor guy, but he does. And then he go and give me something like this! It too much because he alone is my Christmas gift. I love him so much, you don’t even want to—”

  And then she stopped cold.

  “Hola!” she called out. “Stop the donkeys! What that on your wrist, lady?”

  “It’s a Chanel watch that Alex gave me tonight. Isn’t it amazing? Here, you have to have a look!”

  She held her hand in mine and soaked in the watch before she went straight to Alex and gave him a hug.

  “You the best,” she said to him.

  “Actually, Jennifer is,” Alex said as they parted.

  “You want to know what Epifania think? She think that you two going to love each other forever. That watch is a symbol of your love. He gave you timepiece for reason, Yennifer. It his way of saying ‘forever.’ Am I right, Alex?”

  “Actually, you are, Epifania. Diamonds are forever, and so are Jennifer and I. Our love will defy time.”

  “Now, I’m going to start crying again.”

  “Don’t ruin the makeup!” Epifania said. “And by the way, guess what Epifania also know? She know that you two going to grow old together.”

  “I already know that we will,” Alex said. “Perhaps now more than ever, Epifania, especially since we’ve had Aiden.”

  “Where is the baby boy?” she said. “Epifania and the Rudsy love to see him!”

  “He’s with Helga,” I said.

  “Who the hell is Helga?”

  “His nanny for the night.”

  “Oh,” she said. “I get it. Boy might get fussy with too many people around, right? Maybe too much noise once things really get rolling. Still, I wish I could see him. Especially on tonight of all nights. I’d like to give him a beeg Christmas blessing!”

  “Would you mind if we saved that for another time?” I asked. “Aiden hasn’t been sleeping well. I’d hate to wake him up.”

  “Whenever you want, the cookie. You name the day, and Epifania be here to visit you and precious baby boy.”

  “Shall we go into the library?” Alex said. “Blackwell and her daughters are there. And Kate, Ben, Tank, and Lisa should be arriving shortly. How about if we get you cocktails?”

  “Epifania love a cocktail,” she said. “But why you no mention the Marcus, Alex? Isn’t he here?”

  Alex had no idea about Blackwell and Marcus, so he just looked at me in question. “He should be here, shouldn’t he?” he asked.

  “He had to work,” I said. “He’s already sent his regrets that he won’t be coming tonight.”

  “Seriously?” Alex said. “It’s Christmas eve, for God’s sake. He should be here for Barbara.”

  And if we were alone? I promise I’d tell you the whole story, Alex...

  But since that wasn’t the case—and since none of what had happened between Marcus and Blackwell was for me to reveal in front of Epifania and Rudman—I just deflected and distracted.

  “Speaking of Blackwell,” I said. “I think she might be admiring you right now, Epifania. Do you see her over there?”

  “The devil in the red Chanel? Of course I see her.”

  “Devil or not, I think that she might be trying to conceal her approval of how beautiful you look tonight. Even from here, I can see the admiration on her face. So, com
e on—let’s go and join the others. I know that everyone is excited to see and be with each of you.”

  IT WAS ONLY A FEW MINUTES after the group exchanged holiday greetings—and after Epifania and Rudman got their drinks—before Epifania stated the obvious.

  “Well?” she said to Blackwell. “Where the hell is the Marcus?”

  “Oh, him,” Blackwell said as she touched her half-empty martini glass against Epifania’s. “Let’s just say that he’s dead to me.”

  “Heyzeus Cristo,” she said. “The motherfucker die on you? Like my Chuckie die on me?”

  “No, no—nothing like that. The relationship is over. I ended it with him about twenty minutes ago.”

  “You what?” Alexa said.

  “I ended it with Marcus.”

  “Oh, no, you didn’t!” Daniella said.

  “Well, yes, I did. While I was in the living room with Jennifer, I made a decision I already knew I had to make, and then I gave Marcus a call. We had a little chat, and in a matter of minutes, we were over. Finished. Kaput. It was all perfectly respectful and friendly.”

  “Brava,” Alexa said.

  “But he loved you!” Daniella said.

  “What he loved was the idea of us,” Blackwell said. “And what I’ll never be to anyone is a mere ‘idea,’ Daniella. And neither should you. So all that anyone needs to know is that I did the right thing for me tonight, and that I’m perfectly happy that I went through with it because I won’t be strung along by anyone. So, please, let’s not make a fuss about this because I’m actually rather relieved by it. If anything, we should celebrate.”

  “You’re my hero,” Alexa said. “I knew he wasn’t the one for you. He never made any time for you. All he ever did was send you roses.”


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