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Hiding Katherine

Page 3

by GG Shalton

  Deanna snorted. “What did you expect?”

  Katherine shrugged. “I guess I expected them to be a bit more barbaric in nature. Perhaps greet us with no teeth.”

  Deanna laughed out loud and quickly covered her mouth. She was trying not to bring attention to their presence. She leaned closer to her sister and whispered, “Grandmother would never marry a barbarian or allow us to travel to such a place.”

  Two young warriors approached the women as they were eating. They took a seat on the other side of the table. Both were large and a bit disheveled looking. It was obvious to Deanna that they had not bathed in a good while and took little interest in personal hygiene.

  The bigger one with red hair spoke first. “I am John, and this is Derrek. We have a bit of a wager with Orion’s table and was hoping you could solve a question for us.”

  Deanna wrinkled her brow confused. “Who is Orion?”

  John pointed to a table behind the girls. Deanna looked back to see a group of young warriors sitting at a table staring at them. Next to their table were a few young women with their arms crossed seemingly annoyed at the attention given to them.

  Deanna twisted back around staring at the brave young men. “What is your question?”

  John smiled and then looked over at Derrek who was staring at Katherine. Katherine kept her head down not engaging in the conversation.

  “They say English woman do not enjoy the marital bed and most choose to sleep alone. Is this because their English husbands are not satisfactory in their bedrooms? Perhaps if they had a Scot, they would choose to share a bedroom.”

  Katherine gasped, and Deanna narrowed her eyes as she voiced angrily, “You are vulgar, Sir. But given your Scot background, your manners are understandable. Let me assure you that Englishmen know how to satisfy a woman. You pig!” She took the bowl of gruel and dumped it on John. He stood up with gruel dripping from his forehead as he grabbed onto Deanna’s arm dragging her off her chair and twisting her to the ground.

  Deanna groaned in pain as Katherine stood up and tried to push him away from her. A flurry of guards ran over to the group as Derrek was trying to get Katherine away from John.

  “Enough! Release the wench at once.” The laird ran over breaking up the warriors. Deanna screamed and spat in John’s face. “Dirty Scot!”

  Derrek kept hold of Katherine as she squirmed in his muscular arms.

  Deanna was helped off the floor by another guard. The laird looked at the women with disgust. He turned to a few of the older Scottish warriors yelling, “In my solar now!”

  Looking around the great hall, a scowl grew across his face, “The spectacle is over!”

  He put his hand on Derrek’s shoulder. “I am surprised at you, Son. Take the women to their chambers. Put a guard at the door so they cannot leave. Then meet me in my solar.”

  Deanna straightened her shoulders, lifting her head and said, “We wish to see our grandmother.”

  The laird looked at Deanna, challenging her with his fierce stare as the hall stood still in silence. He finally spoke, his voice carrying out throughout the hall, “Your wishes are not my concern. You have insulted our hospitality and we will no longer offer it. My debt to my uncle was to bring you to your grandmother. It has been paid.”

  “I beg your pardon? Your men insulted me, and I demand they be reprimanded. If we are to be treated in such a way, then we ask for an escort back to England.” Deanna’s quick temper and mouth got the best of her.

  The laird shook his fist angrily. “Nay! You will demand nothing, wench. I make the rules here. You both are lower than a servant to me and unless you can find your way back to England by yourself, then you’re stuck here to do my bidding.” He looked over at the food on the floor. “That food was your only meal today. Your insolence will be punished. You pompous English wenches think ye can come in here and make demands? We will see what fate awaits you.”

  Katherine’s eyes widened as she struggled in Derrek’s grip. He loosened his hold and took her arm leading her out of the great hall. Deanna closed her gaping mouth and followed them out the doors breaking eye contact from the many spectators.

  She had never been so humiliated in her entire life.

  This had been a bad idea. Never wanting to admit defeat, her father was right. They were heathens and it wasn’t safe for either of them to stay any longer. They had to find a way back to England. Her father’s wrath was safer than being in the keep with the Scots.

  Derrek took them to their room and squeezed Katherine’s hand. “I will send Toby—he is a good man with mild manners. He will guard your door.” He leaned down and whispered close to her ear, “I will bring you some food. But it must be our secret.”

  Katherine was taken aback by his words and attention. Not sure how to respond, she answered, “Thank you, Sir.” He smiled and walked out the door.

  Deanna shut the door behind him and leaned against it. She closed her eyes as tears escaped. “Katherine, we must leave as soon as possible.”

  “What are we to do? I don’t think the laird will provide an escort. We have no one to help us. Have you seen Claudia?”

  Deanna shook her head, “Who knows if they will allow us to have our maid back. Grandmother is so full of herbs, I’m not sure if she will realize that we are locked in this room.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Deanna wiped the tears from her face and took a deep breath before opening it. Their maid stood in the doorway with a large man.

  She stepped into the room sobbing and shut the door behind her. Taking short breaths to be able to speak, she said, “Oh, ladies! The staff will not allow me to bring you any drink or food. They said the English could eat their own waste before they give you anything more to eat.”

  Deanna rolled her eyes. “Hush Claudia, we will need to think of a plan to get out of here and soon.” She walked across the room and sat on a chair.

  Katherine sat on the bed and asked, “Should we tell Grandmother?”

  Deanna shook her head. “No, in fact, I am not sure if we will be able to see her again. The healer says she only has a few days left, and once she dies, we will have no protection at all.”

  Tears welled up in Katherine’s eyes. “This is dreadful! We finally come all this way to see her only to be locked away.”

  Deanna rubbed her lips together in deep thought. She stared at her sister forming a plan as Claudia whimpered in the corner of the room.

  Katherine watched the worry cross her sister’s face. “What are we to do, Deanna?”

  After a few seconds, Deanna stood up from the chair. Placing her hands on her hips, she glanced at Katherine on the bed. “Katherine, we are going to need to use any resource we can to get back to England. You could be the key to open our passage.”

  Katherine shook her head not understanding. “Don’t speak in riddles, my sister. Tell me where to find this key.”

  Deanna smiled and went to kneel in front of her. Taking her hand, she whispered, “That guard named Derrek who escorted us to our chamber is the laird’s son. He is quite smitten with you and has offered to deny his father’s orders to bring us food. A certain amount of encouragement from you could get us a way out of here.”

  Katherine covered her mouth with her hand. “Eww. I couldn’t possibly. He smells and has dirty teeth.”

  Deanna’s smile faded. “Katherine! Stop acting like a child. You say you no longer want to be coddled. This is your chance to help us! Women make sacrifices all the time, my little sister. A woman with no protection needs to use her charms and wit to keep herself safe. It’s time you used your beauty to benefit yourself instead of the men who would use you.”

  Katherine widened her eyes, “I am not sure I know how.”

  Deanna grinned. “Of course, you do. You tried to manipulate Father on several oc
casions. And don’t forget Sir William and our brothers.”

  Katherine drew her head back defensively. “Our half-brothers never let me have my way. Always leaving me out of their fun. And Father was very stern.”

  Deanna laughed. “Nonsense. Our brothers were too old to play with you and our father was immune to your charms. But Sir William was besotted and so is the guard Derrek. You have to use your womanly abilities to make him bend to your will.”

  “Very well. I will try to do as you ask.” Katherine stood up and unplaited her hair. Golden curly locks fell to her waist and she pinned up her sides. Pinching her cheeks for some color, she also dotted some rose perfume on her wrists.

  Deanna smiled at her with approval. “You will open the door when he comes.”

  Chapter 4

  A light knock thumped on the door. The women looked at each other not saying a word. Deanna whispered, “He will be more willing to speak to you if he thinks we are not listening.” She motioned to Claudia who took the pallet and lay next to the bed pretending to sleep. Deanna lay on the bed closing her eyes.

  Katherine nodded knowingly at her sister. She slowly opened the door just a crack.

  “I have some food for you.” Katherine opened the door a little more and let the huge man enter. He carried a basket and a jug of ale. Derrek had noticeably bathed and put his unruly hair back into a band. Not a handsome man, but quite a change from earlier in the day.

  Katherine accepted the basket and walked with him to the table. Derrek glanced over at the women sleeping on the other side of the room. “I am glad you are awake.” His eyes fell on her as he nervously fumbled with the contents of the basket. He pulled out some cold mutton stew and two loaves of bread.

  Trying to remember her task at hand, she smiled brightly and thanked him. Carefully batting her eyelashes to encourage his attention, she tried to remember how to flirt as Deanna had taught her. She never really understood why men fell for such trickeries.

  He watched her closely, and she felt confident her ruse was working. He seemed almost in a trance for a few seconds with a bit of lust in his eyes. Breaking the silence, she tried to engage him in conversation. “We are in your debt.” She looked away shyly taking the stew and dividing it into three portions.

  “You must dispose of the food quickly. There can be no evidence of my deception.”

  She touched his arm softly. “I will do as you ask as soon as my sister and maid have eaten. I will not forget your kindness this day.”

  He looked at her blushing. “I wish for you to walk with me. The guard will allow you to pass by and I will take you to the roof of the keep.”

  Slightly panicked at being alone with him, she looked over at her sister who was still feigning a deep sleep. Not wanting to lose her chance, she agreed. “I would like that. Do you think we could see my grandmother?”

  “I am not sure. Perhaps, on our way back down. The healer should be gone by then.”

  Katherine took her shawl and covered her head. Derrek opened the door and spoke a few words of Gaelic to their guard who turned around ignoring the couple as he pulled her into the corridor. They walked toward the back and Derrek opened a door that led to three flights of stairs. They finally reached the roof and he assisted her over some structures to a clearing that had a blanket on top.

  “Have a seat. No one will disturb us. I come up here often to look at the stars.” He smiled as he sat down extending his hand for her assistance. Katherine hesitated but placed her small fingers into his large callused hand.

  “Your accent is different than your father’s.” Katherine noticed he was easier to understand.

  “I was fostered with a different clan while I trained when I was younger.” His eyes fell on her hair. “I like your hair like that,” Derrek said looking at her with more and more longing. Katherine’s heart beat hard in her chest as she contemplated how to react to his compliment. Not knowing how to encourage a man, she tried to smile as her sister had instructed her to.

  “Thank you, it’s a bit of a mess.” She tried to force herself to concentrate on his face studying his reaction.

  “I noticed you when you first arrived wearing that veil. Who knew so much beauty hid beneath it?” He met her eyes, raising his eyebrows suggestively. He wetted his lips slightly, his eyes roaming over her body.

  She lost her breath and looked away. There was no way she could encourage his pursuit. This was madness and there had to be another way. She stood up frightened as he reached for her and said, “Please don’t leave.”

  She looked down at him pausing before sitting back down. “Forgive me if I have given you the wrong impression of me. I am still a maiden, Sir.” She wrung her hands trying not to make eye contact. “I am not versed in the conversations between men and women without a proper chaperone, and even then, my father would never have allowed it.”

  A look of concern swept across his face. “Is your Da a harsh man?”

  Katherine looked down and admitted, “Very harsh.”

  He reached for her hand. “You are such a wee lass. I can’t imagine anyone hurting you.”

  She looked at him and responded imploringly, “I miss my grandmother. She was my protector as well as my mother.”

  “She is in a bad way, lass. My Da owed his uncle a debt and promised to bring you and your sister before your grandmother passed. He made my Da promise before he died. He saved my Da’s life.”

  “I am grateful.”

  He smiled at her kindly. “I shouldn’t tell you, but the clan was not welcoming to her, even though she was kin. They were still mad she went to marry that Englishman years ago. She broke her betrothal to the man her parents chose for her and tainted herself with the English including her offspring. That punishment is complete abandonment by the clan. But my uncle wanted her back his whole life and never took a wife. The clan shunned her when she returned. But he treated her good and the clan respected him. Especially my Da, as my great uncle was a legendary warrior. He defended her actions as being young and naïve and then forgave her. Before my great uncle died, he made my Da promise to watch out for her.”

  “I never knew my grandfather. He died before I was born. My grandmother spoke of her clan often. I didn’t know about the resentment because we had never met the clan. I had no idea the trouble it would cause. My father had warned us not to come, and now after everything, I wish we could go back to England.”

  He studied her face intently. “I wish for you to stay.”

  She rubbed her hands together, pleading with him, “Sir, if you could favor me with your assistance, I would be indebted. I am but a woman and can’t make it back to England without an escort. My father would reward you handsomely and I too have some gold saved that I would give to you. Would you consider?”

  “My Da would never allow it. Your best option is to let me protect you. I can ask my Da for your hand. Miss Tolland, there is more I have not told ye and I need you to listen carefully.”

  Katherine furrowed her brow as he took both of her hands in his. Placing a warm kiss on them, he said, “My Da met with the council today after seeing your beauty.” His voice broke and lowered slightly. “He is planning to make an alliance with some other clans. Claiming you are under his protection, he has told the others you are his kin by marriage. Since he is your closest male relative in Scotland, he thinks he can sell you to a rich noble for quite a bride prize.”

  She felt her breath catch in her throat in surprise. “I should have kept my veil on as my sister warned me. She said we would be bartered in marriage if we stayed in England and now we will be bartered off in Scotland.”

  He looked down, hesitating, seeming to want to say more.

  She looked at him wiping away tears. “What? Is there more you want to say?”

  He nodded his head fumbling with his kilt. “I c
ould be sent away if I told you.”

  “Sir, please tell me.”

  “The council feels your sister is a threat. They said she is unruly and cannot stay in the keep past tomorrow. They are selling her to the McGregor’s the day after tomorrow.”

  “Selling? I don’t understand.”

  “I am sorry Katherine, but the decision has been made. It’s out of my hands. They are making her a serving wench, and probably some warrior’s whore. Forgive me, but they said she is a widow. Her bride prize would not fetch a high enough amount and they think she causes too much trouble.”

  Katherine gasped. “Nay! You must help us. Please Sir, my father can compensate you. My sister tries to act brave, but she is not. She was forced to marry an old man when she was fifteen, he died and left her alone. She is not trouble—she’s just trying to protect me. This is a nightmare.”

  He rubbed her hand watching her cry. “Please, Miss Tolland. I would take you to England if I could, but we would never make it. Even if I agreed to escort you, my Da would send his men after us.”

  Catching her breath between sobs, she tried to plead with him. “Please Sir. What can be done? I just can’t bear it.”

  “Miss Tolland, I will ask my Da for your hand. I will take care of you.”

  She dropped her hands from her face and looked up at him. “I can’t… I do not know you, Sir. My father would not allow it.”

  Derrek’s face turned red and he narrowed his eyes, “I am a laird’s son. Many women hope for a match with me. My offer is not in haste. I may not be able to court you properly. But you could be subject to a worse fate.”

  “Forgive me if I have offended you. I am a bit overwhelmed by everything that has transpired.” She looked down trying to appear submissive and stole a glance at him assessing his appearance. He was not a man she wished to marry. His kindness was evident, but she felt nothing for him. He seemed to be trapping her into a marriage proposal. Presenting an impossible choice, she didn’t want to make.


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