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Hiding Katherine

Page 5

by GG Shalton

  Claudia let out a whimper and cried, “I am afraid to get on that horse—it’s too big.”

  Deanna shrugged. “Then you stay here.” She mounted the horse and looked at Katherine. Katherine took a deep breath and mounted her horse. Claudia was crying but mounted behind Katherine and the girls took off through the woods of Scotland in the dark.

  Katherine followed close behind Deanna trying to keep up. It was dark, and the light of the moon gave very little light. Deanna yelled back, “Let’s go through the stream and try to lose the tracks.”

  Katherine followed through the stream and waited as Deanna made false tracks going back into the stream and around the trees. “This should throw them off.” She took the horses through the trail as the branches scraped the girls.

  “These branches are too thick, we must find an opening.”

  Deanna sighed in frustration. “Quit whining! We are dealing with warriors who can track our horses.”

  “You mean their horses.”

  Deanna ignored her comment and kept moving. After a few more minutes they reached an opening and took off across the field. Katherine yelled at her, “Slow down, we can’t see out here and it could be dangerous!”

  A crack of thunder made Katherine jump as rain started to pour down on the girls. Deanna looked back laughing. “The tracks will wash away now. We must keep moving.”

  The girls kept moving forward for a few more hours as the rain turned to sprinkles. Deanna slowed down to a stop and said, “We must rest the horses. Let’s ride near that loch and let the horses drink.”

  They steered the horses near the loch and huddled underneath a tree using the blankets Katherine brought. They ignored the dropping temperatures, grateful to be free.

  After a few hours, the sun peaked on the horizon. Deanna sat up and said, “Let’s go. The horses should be ready now. It’s near dawn because the sun is starting to rise.”

  “I agree, Sister. Derrek should be aware of our deception by now. The laird may know too. They will not be far behind.”

  Deanna stared at her not saying anything. They mounted the horses and took off toward the sun. “Let’s keep riding toward the sun.”

  Katherine looked at her. “How do you know that is the right way? Which way is England?”

  Deanna paused. “It has to be the right way. We have to stick to our plan.”

  Chapter 5

  The women kept riding all morning ignoring the rumbling in their stomachs. Katherine finally pulled out her oatcakes and shared them. It was all the food they had left. Not knowing how to hunt, they would have to find some berries to eat soon.

  The woman heard some voices and they stopped the horses and looked at each other. Deanna put her finger up to her mouth to silence the women. She held her hand up for them to stay as she took her horse near the opening in the woods.

  Katherine’s heart beat faster within her chest. Could they have found them? She heard her sister’s voice, unable to decipher whom she was speaking to. The trees obstructed her view as she leaned to the side to get a better view.

  “What do we have here?” Katherine jumped at the deep voice and quickly turned around to see a few men coming toward her. She grabbed the reins as the horse protested and she tried to gain control. Claudia let out a scream and the men tried to soothe the horse.

  Deanna came through the trees. “Katherine, pull back!” She pulled back as one of the men grabbed her reins from her, trying to subdue the animal. Smacking the man, she tried to regain the reins as she heard Deanna yelling at her, “Stop! He is trying to help you.”

  Katherine pulled her hands back and looked at her sister for help. The man petted the horse trying to calm it down. He then gave the reins back to Katherine.

  A man riding a huge black stallion came up behind Deanna, and she looked at Katherine and said, “Katherine, this is Sir Dorian from Clan Moore.”

  Katherine was unable to decipher if he was friend or foe and nodded her head in greeting.

  The man was of medium build and had dark red hair. Probably in his mid-thirties, his warriors mounted their horses and moved behind him.

  “Sir Dorian, this is my sister Miss Tolland and our maid Claudia.”

  He grinned looking at them. “It’s a bit dangerous out here for three lassies. Are you alone?”

  His tone was friendly, but Katherine couldn’t help but be leery. She pulled her cloak tightly over her head as she peeked at Deanna who raised her brow at the man. “We have reinforcements close by.”

  The man stared at Deanna losing his grin. “Lassie, I am no fool.” He said with authority. The women looked between themselves shifting in their saddles. The man made eye contact and smirked. “You need not worry. My clan is not into ravishing helpless women, but three lost English lassies all alone in the middle of Scotland, must be quite a story.”

  Deanna rubbed her lips together seemingly contemplating her next words. “Trusting men is not my strongest trait, but we find ourselves in a desperate quandary. If you would assist us, we would see that our father would reward you handsomely.”

  The man studied Deanna for a moment as he looked back at his men. “What kind of trouble are you in, lass?”

  “Our grandmother is Scottish and sent for me and my sister. She died when we arrived. The laird was ruthless and tried to sell us instead of returning us to our father in England. We would be indebted if you would escort us or at least point us the right direction.”

  Katherine looked down trying not to make eye contact with any of the warriors. Claudia buried her face against Katherine trying not to cry. Deanna watched the leader’s expression as he turned to his warriors and spoke in Gaelic.

  He turned back to the women and asked, “Which clan?”

  Deanna looked back at Katherine before answering, “Clan McEntee.”

  The warriors looked at each other, and the man smiled. “They will not come this far away. They have no allies here. But you are still not safe. Other clans will treat you the same way when they find out you are traveling alone and are English. My men and I have a few more miles to cover. But you are welcome to join us tonight and you can decide your course tomorrow. I can offer you shelter and safe passage through my land until a message can be sent to your kin in England. We will require repayment when your kin arrive. Or you can stay here and wait for the wolves to eat you.”

  Katherine’s eyes widened, and she looked at Deanna. Deanna looked back at the man and said, “We accept your hospitality and thank you, Sir.”

  He winked at her. “Very well, please keep up and stay in the middle. We must be on constant guard as this land is not friendly. We will travel until we can get to our allies’ land a few more miles away. We will camp there for the night. After that, we will have another few days before we reach our keep.”

  The constant riding was taking a toll on Katherine. But at least some of the anxiety had left her and she stopped constantly looking over her shoulders. Putting their fate in these strangers could be a dangerous consequence, but they had no choice.

  Katherine noticed Deanna’s eyes fill with awe as she gazed upon the leader of the group. She knew that look—it was the same one she gave Lord Robertson who rejected her suit before her forced marriage. Katherine pulled the cloak tighter over her head, hoping to disappear from her circumstances. Could this be worse than an arranged marriage by her father?

  After more riding, she was relieved when the leader spoke to them. “We are now on friendlier land. We can speak if you wish. There is a loch and a few caves a few miles from here. We can take shelter there out of the wind.”

  “We are in your debt,” Deanna said thankfully.

  The leader lifted the corner of his mouth in a smile. “It will be nice to be around females for a change. Having so many men as companions can sour anyone’s mood.”
  Deanna laughed flirtatiously. “I am sure your wife at home gives you plenty of companionship.”

  Katherine rolled her eyes at her sister’s blatant attempt to find out if the man was married.

  The leader let out an exaggerated sigh. “If only that was true. It seems I have not found one yet that meets my fancy. My uncle is the laird and married for alliances. I am free to choose.” He winked at her lightheartedly.

  Katherine looked away from their playful banter. This could end badly if her sister continued this liaison with the leader. It’s true she was no longer a maiden but was far from a whore. What kind of payment would they expect if her father would not pay? How angry could he be? Known as a harsh man and strict disciplinarian, she shuddered at the thought.

  Katherine finally spotted the loch as they crested the hill. It was a beautiful setting next to the cliffs. A night out of the wind sounded fantastic. A few of the warriors dismounted to collect firewood. Others went hunting. Deanna slid off her mount into the leader’s waiting hands. He paused as he slowly set her down meeting her eyes with a seductive smile. She smiled back as he went to help Katherine and Claudia dismount. Quickly without the same affection, they were able to walk. Her wobbly legs could barely hold herself up.

  Dorian whispered to the women, “I will set your bags in the cave, you can wash up in loch if you wish, and there is some privacy in the tree line.”

  Deanna’s smile was plastered on her face as he spoke. “That is so kind of you, my lord. We will go freshen up and meet you soon.”

  He bowed. “Dorian, please call me Dorian.”

  She curtsied. “As you wish. Please call me Deanna.”

  The loch was freezing. The trees gave a false sense of privacy as Katherine could see prying eyes trying to get a peek at the women.

  “Don’t remove your cloak. Wash around it,” Deanna warned.

  Katherine sighed in frustration. “The men are watching us.”

  “Do you see Dorian?”

  Katherine rolled her eyes, “You warn me constantly, so I will warn you, my sister. We are going back to England. This will end badly when the other women of this clan see you flirting with one of their own.”

  Deanna chuckled. “I find him handsome and kind. I could do worse.”

  Claudia smiled and agreed. “He is clean-shaven when the others look like savages. Though I did find one savage winking at me.” She giggled and covered her mouth with her hand.

  Kathleen whispered loudly, “Stop it. We must not become attached! Remember they are Scots and they hate us.”

  Deanna threw some water on Katherine. “Cool down!” Katherine narrowed her eyes and she splashed some water at Deanna. Claudia got between them and yelled, “Ladies!”

  The women started laughing and walked back to the fire to warm themselves. Dorian came up beside Deanna and announced, “The men have arrived back with five rabbits. We should have something to eat soon.”

  The women thanked him and sat down on some blankets. The men took out some ale and started drinking. Katherine declined when they offered her some. She wanted to keep her senses in order. Deanna accepted and so did Claudia. The food was served shortly afterward and some of the men started telling bawdy jokes. Katherine walked to the cave and made a sleeping pallet.

  Dorian assigned a few of the warriors as guards that kept an eye on the outskirts of the camp. Katherine could see her sister’s silhouette illuminated by the fire from where she lay. The women were laughing at the jokes and drinking more ale.

  Katherine covered her face with the blanket trying to block out the noise. Her whole body ached from all the traveling and her nerves were on edge. Her thoughts turned to her father, she could only imagine the beating she would receive at her insolence and running away. Hopefully, he would have mercy on her and let her return. Perhaps her marriage would be pleasant, but she couldn’t help but worry it would be to someone like her father. His punishments could be severe.

  She peeked out of her cocoon of blankets and no longer saw Claudia. No telling where she was and who with. There were rumors back in her English household about her maid. But what surprised her more was her sister’s wanton behavior. She was acting like a giggling maiden when she was a widow of nineteen. Her face was very close to Dorian, and he kept touching her hair.

  Katherine’s eyes grew heavy. What she thought was for just a moment was longer when she woke to darkness and silence. She removed the blanket from her face and saw flickers of light from the dwindling fire. Looking at her surroundings, she noticed mounds of blankets and plaids, but could not see who occupied them. Feeling a little frantic to locate Deanna and Claudia, she stood up and peeked at the people sleeping. After tripping over a few warriors, she finally spotted some light brown hair and bent down seeing her sister wrapped in the arms of Dorian fast asleep. She was livid. How dare her sister leave her to sleep in a cave full of unknown men to fend for herself? Although no one had bothered her, it was not the point. A few steps from her sister she spotted Claudia inside a fur with another man. What kind of women had they become? She walked back to her sleeping pallet and dragged the blankets over her head hoping to get some more rest. Unable to sleep, she watched a few of the warriors bending next to the fire. She thought they must be guards and watched them circling the camp putting more branches in the fire. A few moments later dawn broke the sky and the warriors made a call to wake the others.

  The mounds of blankets began to stir, and the men stood up folding up their pallets. Deanna stretched and smiled at Dorian. He touched her face with a grin and turned to help pack up the camp. Katherine walked over to her sister glaring at her. “May I have a private word?”

  Deanna narrowed her eyes and in a sarcastic tone replied, “Yes, Your Majesty.” She stood up and took a bow. “It’s too early for your attitude.”

  Katherine huffed and grabbed Deanna’s arm. “Let’s go wash up down by the trees.”

  Claudia followed the women and they stayed silent until they were obscured by some brush. Katherine placed her hands on her hips and whisper-shouted, “Are you both mad?”

  Deanna smiled and placed a quick kiss on Katherine’s forehead. “Oh, little sister, don’t be cross with me. I am walking on the clouds this morning. Dorian is unlike any man I have ever met.”

  “You have known him less than a day. Don’t fool yourself.”

  Claudia giggled and said, “The one they call Bufford told me I had eyes the color of the sea. He is very romantic.”

  Katherine’s patience was at an end. “You two are being ridiculous. Instead of falling all over yourselves for these Scots, we should be planning our escape.”

  Deanna straightened her shoulders trying to fix her dress. “Katherine, you need to grow up. We would never make it back to England alone. At least we are safe with them and they have offered us a place to go. After meeting Dorian, I am not sure if I want to go back to England and be forced into a marriage with an old man that drools and tries to touch me. No thank you. I will take my chances here.”

  Katherine stared at her in disbelief. “Are you serious?” Tears welled up in her eyes. “Do you think Father is looking for us?”

  Deanna’s face softened, and she reached over to hug her sister. “Katherine, listen to me. I know you have romantic ideas of marrying some great man that Father has picked out, but you need to get that idea out of your head. Father will sell you to the highest bidder which most likely will be an old noble. It would be a miserable life. Stay with me and I will take care of you. You’re only sixteen. You have never known a man’s touch and you don’t want it to be decided by your father who will make love to you.”

  Katherine wiped her nose and nodded. Deanna looked her in the eyes. “Stay covered for now. Once we reach Dorian’s keep, we can decide when it will be safe to take it off.”

  The wo
men completed their ministrations and joined the warriors to continue their journey. Dorian helped them mount their horses and they took off over the hill toward the north.

  They rode hard and rested for lunch. A quick snack of leftover rabbit and some berries kept the group satisfied until they reached late afternoon.

  The day grew tiresome and Katherine was sick of watching her sister fall all over herself flirting with Dorian. Claudia’s never-ending giggling was also raking on her nerves. It was obvious to her that the men accepted the women due to their charms and lack of female companionship in the woods, but what would happen once they arrived at their destination? Her worries and frustration came full circle as she contemplated her future and options. There was no escape and her lot in life may be to stay hidden.

  “Hold!” One of the warriors yelled and lifted a spear. He looked a bit wild in the eyes and gestured with his hands for all to be quiet. He pointed toward a path of trees and a few other warriors smiled. Katherine’s vision was a bit obscured by her covering and she could not tell what they were looking at. A few of them galloped toward the woods and she heard loud grunts and growl sounds. She looked back at Deanna who kept her finger in front of her closed mouth shushing her. One of the warriors let out a cry and the others hollered aloud. Katherine was finally able to see the fuss and award of skilled hunting. Two of the men had hunted and killed a wild boar. It was huge and would make quite the meal for the night’s supper.

  Dorian smiled delightedly. “We will feast tonight!” One of the other warriors laughed and added, “We will feast for a few days!”

  The men spoke in Gaelic and asked Deanna for her horse because they needed it to help carry the boar. She was happy to ride with Dorian, and the men celebrated and laughed at their prize as they took off toward the open fields.


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