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Hiding Katherine

Page 12

by GG Shalton

  He regained his composure and rejoined the group. “We ride in a few hours. Katherine belongs to me and I am taking her back.”

  Deanna’s voice cracked as she said, “She will already be married by the time you arrive.”

  He snarled at her comment. “I will kill any man who touches her.”

  Jakub touched his brother’s arm. “I will join you my brother.”

  Dorian echoed, “As will I.” He looked Deanna. “You will leave us detailed instructions on how to get to your father’s lands and any secret to the access.”

  Deanna nodded slowly, leery of Ian’s temper.

  Ian walked away to the castle. A few servants went to attend him as he barked out more orders to his men. They would leave later that night without delay.

  Deanna excused herself and went back inside, Dorian following. She gave him explicit instructions of her father’s properties and the layout of the castle.

  “Please do not engage in any conflict with my brothers. I could come with you.”

  “Nay, Deanna. The conditions would be too harsh the next few days and hard traveling would not be easy.”

  He held her in his arms. “I want to bathe and catch an hour’s nap before I ready myself to depart. Will you lie beside me?”

  She wiped a tear that had escaped. “Of course. I will let you freshen up and join you later.”

  Chapter 12

  Katherine could not sleep. She thought back to the day her brothers had abducted her from the castle. Being forced to ride with Drake was torture. He did not care if her joints were killing her or that she had to take care of her private needs. If it wasn’t for Sir William seeing the agony on her face, then she knew she would have died. Darin was on a mission and would not listen to any of her pleas. He wanted to prove himself worthy to their father.

  Lost in her thoughts, she barely heard the knock at the door. “Mistress, your father waits for you in his solar.” The maid was new, and Kathrine did not recognize her. Probably trained to be her father’s spy. With Claudia no longer in her service, it would be difficult to find out much about her father’s plans. As exhausting as Claudia could be, she was very resourceful.

  She had not seen her father since her arrival. Her brothers had advised her to stay put. A term meant for her to not leave the confines of her bedroom. Her only other human contact since her arrival had been Sir William. He was always her champion and even brought her sweets to appease her wait.

  “Give me a moment.” She held her stomach attempting to settle it to no avail. She would have to face the inevitable. Katherine left the room walking through the familiar corridors to the tower of her father’s solar. Each step brought her closer to his wrath. His punishments were never gentle, and his words would be sharp.

  Katherine approached the door and her brother Drake opened it, his body filling up the space as he looked at her with no emotion. “Father will see you now.” He stood by the door as Katherine made her way inside. Her father and Darin stood behind the desk. She heard the door shut and awaited her fate.

  “Have a seat, Katherine.” Her father’s tone was unreadable. It was direct but steady. Was he taunting her until administering his punishment? The anticipation of his wrath caused her to stumble and she grabbed tightly onto the top of the chair sliding her bottom across the seat as her feet touched the floor. She couldn’t look at him but felt his stare slice through her. Not able to face him, she looked at the floor holding her chin to her chest.

  Loud footsteps came closer and her father stood in front of the chair. Looking down at her feet, Katherine still refused to look at him. After a pause of silence, she felt a hand come toward her face. Waiting for the impact, she was surprised when she felt no immediate pain. Only a nudge on her chin as his hand tilted her face up to make eye contact.

  “Are you well?” His eyes met hers then skimmed over her body. His hold on her chin was tight but tolerable.

  Unsure of his intentions, she hesitated. “I am well.”

  He let go of her face and walked over to the desk sitting on the edge. “Are you untouched?”

  Her eyes widened at the personal question. Feeling her face turn warm with embarrassment, she briefly nodded looking away from the prying eyes of her brothers.

  A smile crept across her father’s face. “You are lucky. Had your answer been different, you would have suffered.”

  He rubbed his chin stubble with his hand appraising his daughter before speaking. “Although I blame your sister for your absence, you are not innocent and could have asked for help. I will deal with her insolence one day.”

  Katherine said nothing, only tried to steady her breathing. Sometimes silence was her only comfort.

  Clearing his throat her father crossed his arms as he waited for any response.

  When nothing came, Darin looked at his father before resting his eyes on his sister and asking, “What of the man you spoke about when we retrieved you? Practically crying his name as we pulled you kicking and screaming from the castle.”

  Her father’s jaw ticked as he scrutinized her face. “Speak!”

  Katherine’s body jerked at his demand and tears welled up in her eyes. “I did not lie. I am still a maiden. The man you speak of is an honorable knight and wishes to marry me. He has lands and is a great provider. They call him one of their greatest warriors in Scotland and he could help you too.”

  Katherine’s father stood up reaching toward the wall. He unhooked a leather strap hanging near the chair. The blood drained from her face. He bent the strap in half snapping it together as the sound vibrated through the room. Katherine lowered her head as her knuckles turned white holding tightly to the chair.

  Unaffected by her trembling legs—he took the strap and struck his daughter across her lap. Katherine cried out falling onto the floor.

  “You dare speak to me of a filthy Scot? Are you daft?” He brought up the strap to strike her again and Darin stood up. “Father! No, she can’t be marked! Her betrothed will be here soon, and she must be able to receive him tonight.”

  Her father slowly looked at his son and threw the strap across the room. “Get up!” Katherine was shaking unable to catch her breath. The sting of the strap burned her legs and she didn’t think it was possible to stand. Darin walked over to her and grabbed her underneath her arm to help. She braced herself on her wobbly legs and took a seat back on the chair.

  Her father straightened his coat and took a deep breath. “I will send a maid to attend to you. You will behave and welcome the Earl of Delbert to our home at the banquet this evening. This match will provide us an alliance with one of the wealthiest allies this side of England.” He smirked, rubbing his hands together. “He has over five thousand men at his disposal and his properties are renowned.”

  Katherine swallowed hard unable to meet his stare. Her father stepped in front of her grabbing her chin in his hand. “And to think I thought such an alliance would never be possible. I was hoping for a rich baron or a lower earl. But the Earl of Delbert? Not in my dreams did I think such a match would be possible.”

  He let go of her chin and walked to the door.

  Darin looked down at his sister asking, “Do you remember him?”

  “I do not.”

  Her father huffed. “No matter. He remembers you and that is enough.” He looked at Drake and pointed at his daughter. “Take her back to her chamber and put a guard on the door.”

  Katherine followed Drake in silence. When they were younger, Drake treated her better than Darin or Donald. Donald was the second oldest and already married. He lived far away and was fostered the furthest while she was growing up. She barely saw him. Darin was the heir and fostered close by so her father could keep an eye on him. Drake was the youngest boy and only fostered for a few years, then took care of the keep. Reaching her room, she tu
rned to her brother hoping for some sort of kinship. After all, she was most familiar with him and had a few memories of them chasing chickens together or playing in the gardens.

  “May I ask you a question?” Katherine stepped inside, and Drake followed.

  “What is it?”

  “Have you met the earl?” She watched his face hoping for a clue as to his true feelings about the man.

  “On a few occasions. He is a rich nobleman and hardly gave me any attention. I have never conversed with him.”

  Katherine sat on her bed and looked up at her brother. “I want you to know that I am sorry if I caused trouble for any of you when I left. It was not all Deanna’s fault. My truest intention was to say goodbye to our grandmother. I had planned to return. Were you not fond of her as well?”

  He looked away and dropped his arms to his side. “She was your grandmother. Not mine. I know you cared for her, but honestly, her request was a selfish one. It put you in danger and could have cost us our future. I know that Father is harsh with you. But he does have your best interest in mind. We had to risk our lives to rescue you.”

  “I am sorry Drake. I hope you don’t hate me.”

  “Katherine, I am angry with you. But I don’t hate you. I hope you will do your duty to this family and marry the Earl of Delbert and become an obedient wife. If you can do that, then I will forgive you.”

  Her throat tightened. “I know you think I am young and naïve in this world. But I have grown up. I will be seventeen tomorrow. This is not easy for me because I love another man. Please don’t ask me to do this. Please help me get back to him.”

  “You’re too young to understand what you felt for this man. I doubt it was love. Besides, marriage is not about love, Katherine. You have known your entire life that Father would pick a match for you and Deanna. The Earl of Delbert is a fine match. I have heard no rumors of any abuse. You must take these silly girl fantasies out of your head. Many women would love to be in your place.”

  A knock on the door quieted their conversation. Drake walked to the doorway and opened it for a maid. “My sister needs to be ready for the banquet tonight. Please attend to her.” He looked back and said nothing but closed the door as he left.

  Katherine readied herself pushing the feeling of nausea aside. She felt physical pain in her chest at the thought of marrying a man who she did not know. Thoughts of Ian consumed her, and she knew in her heart, her life would never be the same. Finally dressing, she was able to get the necklace hooked together without assistance. She had insisted on brushing her own hair asking the maid to leave her alone.

  Opening the door to her room, she spied a guard. “I am ready.”

  The guard nodded and whispered to another guard. “We will let your brother know. He will escort you.”

  Katherine nodded and closed the door waiting for her brother. Drake appeared a few minutes later in dinner attire and offered his elbow. Katherine hesitantly took it as he leaned down. “Father will be pleased that you took care with your appearance.”

  She stayed quiet as they walked through the castle to the great hall. She took note of many people she did not recognize. They were dressed in colors that were not her fathers, and she could only imagine they belonged to the earl. The room fell silent as Katherine made her way up to the dais to join her father and a group of his knights. A few other men sat on the other side of him. She tried not to stare but couldn’t help to wonder which one was her betrothed. She concentrated on not looking their way until approaching them. The men stood, and her father gave a smile.

  “Ah. My daughter has graced us with her presence. May I introduce you, my lord?”

  The man beside him stood. His size was large, and he appeared a bit younger than Katherine imagined. She took note of his dark auburn hair and light brown eyes. He was clean-shaven and smelled of strong cologne. Not quite the brute of her imaginations, and some may consider him handsome. He took her hand and brushed a kiss over it. “You are stunning, my dear. So nice to formally meet you.”

  Katherine curtsied. “Thank you, my lord.”

  The earl pulled out the chair next to him and Katherine sat between him and her father.

  Platters of food came out and the earl assisted Katherine with each course. He kept the conversations light and they spoke of the room, weather, and other mundane subjects. Her father seemingly kept his thoughts to himself allowing the couple to converse freely. After dessert trays were displayed and people had finished the feast, her father stood with a glass of wine in his hand.

  “It’s with immense pleasure that my daughter has returned home and will be joined in marriage to the Earl of Delbert. May I be the first to congratulate the couple on their betrothal?”

  The rest of the hall stood and pointed their glasses to the couple. Katherine blushed with the attention and the earl placed his hands over hers to ease her discomfort. He stood up with his glass and spoke to the hall. “Thank you. I look forward to the ceremony.”

  He sat down beside Katherine as she took a drink of her wine. The hall was loud and yelling their support of the union. Her father held up his hand to quiet them. “We will move the tables and set up music for your enjoyment. Welcome to our home.”

  The servants came out to set up the hall to accommodate the masses of people who were coming for the betrothal celebration. The earl leaned over and whispered near Katherine’s ear, “Will you walk with me?”

  Relieved, she nodded wanting to escape the crowds. She was overcome with all the strangers and the noise levels. The earl helped her out of the chair and whispered to her father. He nodded his head and continued his conversation with a couple of knights.

  Katherine accepted his arm and walked with him out the doors to the garden. They walked in comfortable silence until they reached a break in the path. The earl slowed and stopped walking as she turned to look at him.

  “Do you remember the day I came to visit? I watched you from afar in the garden.”

  Katherine was embarrassed at her lack of knowledge. “I apologize, my lord. I vaguely remember our encounter. I was kept away from most people.”

  He smiled reassuringly. “It’s all right, my dear. The important thing is that I am here now. I will not keep you away from people. I will take you to court soon to meet the king.”

  Katherine looked down unable to keep eye contact. The earl was polished and refined. One the richest noblemen in England, yet her heart belonged to someone else. Ian may not have courtly manners, but she loved him. His rugged looks and massive size scared a lot of people, but she found him handsome in his own way. Ian captured her affection with his gentleness and she would never love another man the way she did him.

  Breaking her thoughts, she answered the earl, “That is very kind, my lord.”

  He studied her face and took her hands in his. Bringing them to his mouth, he kissed them and stared into her face. “Please call me Robert. May I call you Katherine?”

  She nodded and smiled at his gentlemanly tenderness. “Very well, Robert.”

  He put her hands down and took a deep breath, walking a little farther into the garden. He sat on a bench and patted the seat beside him. Katherine sat down looking out into the darkness.

  “I heard you were recently in Scotland visiting your grandmother? I offer my condolences that she passed away.”

  Katherine’s heart pounded a little faster not knowing the story he was told. Unable to understand where the conversation was leading, she swallowed and tried to think of something to say. “Yes, she was like a mother to me.”

  He shifted in his seat. “I am happy you are back now. I must tell you that I was very pleased that your father had not betrothed you to another. My wife died last year from fever and we never had children.” He looked down before looking toward the garden. Taking a second to gather his thoughts, he t
urned his head trying to capture her attention. “I never forgot the day I saw you in the garden. And after my mourning period, my first thought was to find out about you.”

  Katherine bit her bottom lip. “Most people say my father was unwise for not betrothing me at a young age like he did my sister. I guess it doesn’t matter—he is over the moon that you made an offer. I must admit that I am perplexed by your interest—my dowry cannot be tempting.”

  He chuckled. “I need no dowry. I am a very wealthy man. My prior wife came with a huge dowry, but our marriage was out of obligation. It was not what I wanted and was arranged years ago by my parents. I finally upheld the agreement around three years ago.”

  Katherine met his gaze confused. “Why do you wish to marry again so soon after an unhappy marriage?” He slowly reached out to touch her face. “I am choosing this one. I saw you two years ago and could never get you out of my mind. I will be a good husband to you.”

  Katherine wanted to pull away as she saw his face coming toward her. She stiffened as he brushed his lips across hers. She felt nothing but betrayal in her chest. The earl leaned back and smiled. “You are as sweet as they come.”

  Katherine tried to put some space between them and slid away from him standing from the bench. “I think we should head back. My father will scold me for not having a chaperone.”

  He smirked. “I doubt that, but I will escort you back all the same.”

  Katherine said her goodbyes and the earl deposited her back with Drake. A kiss on the hand and seductive stare caused her to look away from his parting. Her brother escorted her back to her room. She was happy to avoid her father most of the evening. The last thing she wanted to hear about was his triumphed match. The neighboring lords were shocked at their good fortune. Her father would brag to anyone who would listen. The household was very pleased that they would be aligned with the earl’s protection. Once near her chamber door, Drake stopped and looked at her. “You did well tonight, Sister. He doesn’t seem like a tyrant. You may even enjoy the marriage.”


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