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Hiding Katherine

Page 14

by GG Shalton

  Katherine smiled shyly. “Did I please you?”

  Ian bent down and kissed her on the cheek. “Very much. I love you more than you know.”

  She kissed him in return. “I love you too. Is it always like this?”

  He shook his head. “Definitely not. What we have is special. I think if you love someone, it can get even better. I have never loved anyone but you.”

  She took in a deep breath and rubbed his arm, deep in thought.

  He furrowed his brow. “What is wrong?”

  “Do you think your family will like me? After all, I am English.”

  “I will flay anyone who doesn’t like you.”

  “Stop teasing. I am serious. I hope your mother accepts me.”

  He bent down and kissed her again. “I believe she will. I told my brother, who is also our laird, that we will be coming home to marry within a fortnight of arriving. I want there to be no doubt that our marriage is legal. Besides, if I get you with child, I want no talk about the legitimacy.”

  She rubbed her lips together searching his face. He squeezed her. “Katherine, don’t worry. I don’t care what anyone says about the English. I love you. And I will fight to the death any man that tries to separate us. The wedding is only a formality, you are already my wife and now our vows have been consummated. We are married for better or worse.”

  He smiled and blew out the remaining candle. She snuggled beside him as they fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 14

  Katherine was woken the next day by Ian kissing her all over her face. She twisted around and pulled the blankets over her head giggling. He straddled and tickled her until she gasped for breath.

  “Stop! Oh please…” she begged, laughing hard until he released her, and she came up from under the covers. Sitting up, she spotted some bead and ale on the table. “I am famished. I slept like a rock.”

  He smiled, walking to the table to get her some food. “Hmm… You should be well rested. You took up most of the bed and I ended up on the floor listening to you snore.”

  Her face burned with embarrassment, a retort heavy on her lips. Before she could say anything, she watched the amusement in his eyes. “I love jesting with you. Seriously, how do you feel?” He sat on the bed staring at her with a satisfied smile on his face.

  “I feel wonderful. I love being your wife and can’t wait to spend my days with you.” She took a bite of bread, washing it down with ale.

  “I love being your husband.” He bent down and kissed her. “I will let you finish eating and getting dressed. When you are finished, we can take a walk and see the ocean.”

  They spent the day together enjoying the ocean breeze. That night they made love and spoke about their future. The next morning, they reached landfall and bid goodbye to the captain and his crew. Ian bought a few horses in Edinburgh for them to ride with his men. The riding was hard, and they spent the next two nights by campfires unable to be with each other intimately. They didn’t stop much along the way, as Ian wanted to get to his family’s castle as soon as possible and announce his intentions to marry Katherine.

  After a grueling day of traveling, they passed a ridge and Katherine eyed a huge castle surrounded by lakes and villages. The massive structure was built into the side of a mountain, surrounded by many towers. There were two villages encircled by the walls with separate gates with many village stores, stables, and numerous guards. It was the biggest castle she had ever seen.

  “My home, my love. Your new home.” He squeezed her tightly and rode a little faster. Ian’s men had traveled ahead once they reached his land to announce their arrival. A sudden bout of nerves ran through Katherine.

  Arriving at the gates, Katherine snuggled closer to Ian. She felt safe near him and wanted a shield from any prying eyes who questioned her heritage or relationship with him.

  The guards acknowledged Ian and opened the gates. Well-dressed women and men lined up near the entrance. Ian slid off the horse and spoke in Gaelic to the group. Katherine recognized his brother from the earlier meeting and she guessed the other men standing beside him were Ian’s other brothers. A couple of pretty women came up to Ian and embraced him. One was older and looked very regal. Ian turned and assisted Katherine off the horse. He spoke in English, “Mother, this is Katherine, my intended.”

  The woman smiled and hugged Katherine. “Welcome to our home. I could not be happier. We thought Ian was married to his work and would never take a wife. You are lovelier than I imagined. We must get you settled.”

  Katherine blushed and curtsied. “Thank you, my lady.”

  “She is to stay in my tower. I want her close by, so I can protect her. She can stay in one of my extra chambers until we are married.”

  His mother turned to protest, but her voice caught in her throat looking back at her son’s sulking expression.

  Jakub disputed, “Ian, please. It’s not proper. Katherine is well-bred, and what does it harm her to stay in a chamber in the family keep near Mother? She will only spoil the poor girl.”

  Ian’s expression was somber at being challenged by his brother. “We will be married within a fortnight. She will stay with me.”

  Katherine was a little embarrassed by his sharp tone with his family. None looked shocked or surprised by the finality of his request. Ian was never one to mince words or tolerate questioning.

  An older woman stepped up to protest. “Please Ian, reconsider.” She looked at Katherine and smiled. “I am Janice, Ian’s grandmother.”

  Katherine squeezed Ian’s hand and looked up at him, pleading with her eyes. He looked at her and his mood and stance melted away. Taking a deep breath, he lifted her hand up and kissed it. “Very well. If my future bride agrees to stay with Mother until we are married, let it be.” The group looked at each other seemingly shocked at this side of Ian. His gentleness with his intended was evident.

  He stepped toward Katherine and took her arm. “We are tired and wish to retire for the evening.”

  His mother straightened her shoulders. “As you wish. I sent a maid an hour ago to air out your room and provide clean linens. I will have them prepare a chamber for Katherine as well.”

  She motioned for Katherine, and she followed her into the keep. Katherine was amazed at the size and furnishings. Ian’s family was wealthier than she realized. Feeling a bit self-conscious, she remained quiet taking in her surroundings. Several servants addressed Ian’s mother and her demeanor was very pleasant.

  “You may use the chamber a few doors down from mine. It’s not occupied now and has a bathtub inside of it. I will ask the servants to bring you some water.”

  Katherine thought a bath would be wonderful. “Thank you, my lady. A bath would be most welcomed.”

  They reached her chamber and his mother opened the door. Stepping inside, Katherine was impressed with the tapestries and blue and gold coverings on the bed. Carpets and wood carved furniture decorated the room. “This is lovely.”

  “I am glad you like it. I must confess, I have so many questions that I wish to ask you, but of course, do not wish to overwhelm you.” She twisted her hands in the folds of her skirt. “It’s just that Ian barely comes home. He left to foster when he was very young and was never quite the same when he returned.”

  She walked around the room seemingly wanting to share more with her soon to be daughter-in-law. She ran her finger along the table deep in thought. “He looks almost happy.” Snickering, she quickly covered her mouth with obvious affection for her son.

  “We are very happy,” Katherine spoke gently trying to reassure her.

  “We were all in shock when he smiled earlier. You see, when Ian would return on occasion growing up, with each visit he seemed to grow more distant. His mind was only on the next battle. His brothers complained that he was closer to his men than
his own family.” Taking a deep breath, she looked out the window. “People feared him. Our clan members said he was without mercy in combat. As a mother, I have often wanted to coddle him, but he would never let me. It’s like he skipped his childhood and became a mercenary from birth.”

  She shook her head. “Forgive me. You must think I am horrible for saying such a thing about my own child. It’s just that, after meeting you, I am a bit overwhelmed. You are so beautiful. I never thought he would… I am just so happy.”

  “It’s quite all right, my lady. I can assure you that Ian is not without mercy. He treats me with respect and is very gentle.”

  “Jakub said he was even teasing you before you parted ways. His seriousness with all situations was always a concern for us. It’s nice to see this side of him.”

  Katherine smiled. “He is actually very funny.” His mother wiped a tear away and tilted her head giving her full attention to Katherine. “I know what people say about him. But they don’t know him is all I can say. He is my husband and I love him very much.”

  His mother looked at her confused. “You mean—to be your husband? Your fiancé?”

  Katherine’s heart beat faster at the blunder. She quickly corrected herself. “Yes, of course. We are to be married.”

  “I will send a tray of food up as well. Please enjoy your bath and rest. I will meet you for breakfast and we can start planning your wedding. Ian has not given us much time.”

  Katherine smiled with gratefulness. “Thank you.”

  Chapter 15

  Katherine tossed and turned all night trying to get comfortable. She missed Ian, so she placed a pillow beside her to take up some of the space on the bed. This was a strange castle. The family lived in different towers depending on their birth order. Most stayed at home rather than taking positions with other clans. Except for Ian. Why did he choose a mercenary life, hiring himself out for battle?

  A soft knock on the door disturbed her thoughts. Getting out of the bed, she slowly walked to the door carefully opening it. “Are you mad? Your mother is down the hall.”

  “Shh… Then you better be quiet.” Ian stepped into the room closing and locking the door. He slid his arms around her waist. “You’re my wife, and I won’t sleep without you. Ruse or not, we are married.” He swooped his hand under her legs, lifting her against his chest and carried her to the bed.

  “Ian, we can’t. What if your mother comes to look for me?”

  He shrugged indifferently. “I am sure she is asleep by now. But even if she is not, I don’t think she will disturb you. She knows you have traveled for hours and need some rest.”

  He laid his head on the pillow moving closer to her, running his fingers through her hair. “Your hair is so soft. I love the smell of it.” He lifted her hair to his nose taking in a deep breath.

  She giggled. “I assure you it’s the soap. When I am on the road for days, I start to smell like your men.”

  He laughed. “Never.” He took her hand and brought it to his mouth to kiss it and gazing into her eyes, he whispered, “I have thought about you constantly since my mother took you away. I need to be with you tonight. Please say that you agree.” He buried his nose into her neck and started kissing behind her ear. Gently moving her hair to the side, he took her earlobe into his mouth. She slid her arms around his neck allowing his roaming hands the access they craved.

  The next morning Katherine woke up alone. She missed his warmth but felt a little relieved that she wouldn’t have to explain their behavior to his mother. The last thing she needed was to have Ian caught in her chamber. She wanted the women to like her and not question her purity in her marriage bed. Her face burned with the memories of their previous night together. Her husband made love to her a few separate times and her reactions to him made her feel a bit like a wanton. Deanna said marital relations were horrible with her husband, yet Katherine enjoyed it. Was that wrong?

  A maid brought in some warm water with a clean washcloth and placed it on the table. She looked over and smiled when she saw that Katherine was awake.

  “I brought you some water, Mistress.” She curtsied and walked out the door. Katherine made herself get out of bed and went to wash. Afterward, she put on a clean shift and gown. Plaiting her hair was a little challenging, but she managed. A few dabs of rose water behind her ear and she was on her way.

  Ian’s mother was waiting for her in the great hall. “You look very lovely this morning. I believe you have the curiosity of our entire clan.” She chuckled and winked her eye. “I spoke to Ian a few minutes ago. He had to check on his men but told me I only had one hour with you for a dress fitting because he made plans to take you for a ride. He asked the kitchen to prepare a basket.”

  Katherine smiled and ate quickly. They went to a weaving room, and a few women came to take her measurements. Katherine picked out a light blue color for her dress. The women commented how excited they were to have a wedding at the keep. Ian’s mother told them she had invited many other clans to celebrate.

  “Come child, I must get you back to Ian. But don’t stay on your ride too long. We are having an annual clan celebration tonight and of course, we will celebrate the new engagement as well.”

  “As you wish, my lady.”

  The woman smiled and took her hand. “Please, call me Marion. After all, you will be my daughter-in-law soon.”

  “Very well, Marion. I want to thank you for your hospitality today. I only wish my own mother could have been here to help me prepare to be a married woman.”

  Marion knitted her brow with concern. “Where is your mother?”

  Katherine took a deep breath and replied, “She died shortly after I was born. Her mother raised me until a few years ago when she returned to her homeland of Scotland to marry an old suitor from her childhood.”

  “So, you do have a bit of Scot in you?”

  “It would seem so. Although my mother was half English and my father never allowed us to acknowledge our Scottish roots.”

  Marion looped her arm through hers. “I think that makes you very special, my dear. I see why you have taken my son’s heart.”

  Katherine smiled as she walked with Marion to the yard. Ian approached them soon after. “The horse is saddled, and I have a surprise for you.”

  Marion let go of her arm and gave them each a hug. “I will see both of you later.”

  Ian nodded and took Katherine to the horse. They shared one and he took her into the woods away from the inquisitive eyes of the keep. Katherine loved to lean back on him as he took them through his familiar stomping grounds. After an hour of riding, he stopped the horse and dismounted. He placed his hands around Katherine’s waist and helped her down. She was a little confused as to where they were because all she could see was brush. He tied the horse and took the basket. He guided her through a maze of bushes and trees and over hills. She could hear water rushing but had no idea how close they were to it. After climbing up what seemed like a mountain, they looked over the edge and her eyes widened in surprise.

  “It’s beautiful!” She tried to take in the scenery. There was a beautiful waterfall on one side of the mountain, the sparkling water falling into the river below. It was pristine, and the color of the water was like nothing she had ever seen before. Lush greenery grew up the sides of the rock with a ledge on the cliff big enough to jump from. Ian took her hand and helped her down the side, so they could relax on the edge of the river. Not a lot of room, but enough to put their basket and lay out a blanket to relax. “What is this place?”

  “We call it Private Rock. My brother Eli and I discovered it when were kids on one of our visits. It’s our secret place—we have never told anyone about it. If others know about it, no one has ever mentioned it.”

  Ian began to remove his boots. He then disrobed, and Katherine turned a bright shade of pin
k. “What are you doing?”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “There is a hidden cave behind the waterfall that I want to show you. You better take your clothes off or you will get soaked.”

  “I am not taking off my clothes. What if someone sees us?”

  “No one will see us.” He stood in front of her with his clothes off, not an ounce of modesty. He turned to the water wading into it up to his buttocks then turned back to face her. Ducking his head beneath the surface, he came up for air with his long hair dripping with water.

  “Well?” he asked in amusement, shaking the water out of his hair.

  “I can’t swim.”

  “I can. I will carry you through the water. Don’t be afraid.”

  She shook her head in denial. “Ian, I can’t take off my clothes with you staring at me like that.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, please turn around.”

  He made a grunting noise and turned away. Katherine quickly removed her gown and shoes but kept her shift on. There was no way she was going out there in that water in the middle of the woods completely naked.

  She walked into the water and reached his back. Touching him, she whispered, “You can turn around now.”

  He turned around immediately losing the smile on his face. “What are you wearing?”

  “My shift. I don’t mind if it gets wet.”

  He pulled her toward him and kissed her on top of the head. “I am not sure how long you will be able to keep it on.” She laughed out loud and allowed him to carry her through the water.

  Ian took a deep breath looking at his wife in his arms. Her wet shift stuck to her body and was very transparent. He tried to concentrate on swimming to the waterfall instead of her voluptuous curves. She was oblivious to her own attractiveness. The water came down hard by the falls and he turned to Katherine saying, “We will need to go under the water together, so you have to hold your breath.”


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