Hiding Katherine

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Hiding Katherine Page 18

by GG Shalton

  Jakub shrugged. “I didn’t tell anyone. I have plenty of brothers to make alliances. Katherine is an intriguing young woman. Any man would love the blessing of a wedding with such a creature. I felt the match would please my brother, but I need your help.”

  “My help?” He questioned while twisting the wine glass in his hand.

  Jakub studied him for a moment. “Yes, if you could speak to the king and have him request it, then she would not be able to refuse. I am confident that once we are married, she will learn to have affection for me as well.”

  The earl put down his glass and rubbed his hands together. “There is a problem with your request. Yes, I believe this puts us in a quandary.”

  Drawing his brow down, he was confused by the earl’s choice of words. “My lord?”

  “I was with the king last week. We spoke of my concerns regarding the rebels and losing such a great warrior in your brother. I never had the honor to fight with him, but his reputation was known throughout Scotland.” The earl leaned back in his chair rubbing his beard. “Although our king is not a fan of the Earl of Delbert, he thought we should have sent Miss Tolland back to her family. I explained to him that I was convinced she acted on her own accord. However, once the information of your brother’s death reaches England, they will demand that we send her back. This could be dangerous for her because the Earl of Delbert will no longer agree to marry her anymore and she will be at the mercy of her father. I gave her my word that I would not make her go back and that she was free to marry Sir Ian. Now, I may not have a choice.”

  Jakub nodded his understanding. “Yes, and that is why I offered her marriage. She was distraught at the time and my timing could have been off. She is like a lot of females and dreams of love, not understanding the business of marriage. I plan to visit her soon.”

  The earl stood up and walked over to the table. He poured himself some wine savoring the taste before responding. “It may be difficult for her to live here. You may remind her of what she has lost. It’s difficult to say what her female mind is thinking. It’s been a few weeks and she may be faring better.”

  “We boarded up Ian’s tower, so no one could enter. She would live with me in the castle. I know I could be a good husband to her.”

  The earl walked to the chair placing his hands-on top of it without sitting down. “I knew not of the possibility of your marriage to her. I spoke to the king about marrying the girl to another noble. I thought it was best if we kept her protected.”

  Jakub tilted his head. “Another noble? Has the contract been signed?” His voice rose slightly with disbelief.

  “Not yet. But the king has given his permission after much persuasion. He is my cousin after all and owes me many favors. Not to mention that I am his largest landowner and command his biggest army. He has agreed to my request. It’s a bit of an unorthodox match, but for some reason, I felt an obligation to help her. We only met that once, but I didn’t want to see her return to England.”

  Jakub eyes widened in disbelief. “That is very kind of you, my lord. My family is very grateful for your influence with the king regarding our brother’s betrothed. If no contract has been signed, then I would still like a chance to marry her. Who is this noble? Has he been told of the possible marriage?”

  “The noble is me.”

  A flash of surprise mixed with annoyance came across Jakub’s face. “You? I don’t understand.”

  The earl raised his brow challenging Jakub. “I am thirty-three and I need an heir. Katherine needs protection and I felt a connection with her on my last visit. My last wife died during childbirth over five years ago. She was an alliance made by the king. I already did my duty.”

  Jakub composed himself. “I see. It seems we have a lot more in common than I thought.”

  The earl assessed Jakub for a long pause—almost daring him to oppose the match. With the authority of an earl, he announced his intentions. “We will be leaving within the hour for Castle Moore. I hope you understand my position. I have appreciated your past hospitality and will use my influence with the king for any future needs you may have. Katherine will be well taken care of, I assure you.”

  Jakub was visibly shaken by his announcement. His hands clenched at his sides and his breathing labored slightly. He made no derogatory comments, but simply stood up and bowed to the earl. “My lord, I wish you a safe journey.”

  The earl narrowed his eyes studying his reaction. Nodding his head, he walked to the door and let himself out. Later, he dined with Marion and her other sons. Jakub claimed fatigue and did not appear for the dinner. After dinner, the earl departed with his riding party to Castle Moore to see Katherine.

  Chapter 21

  Katherine vomited in the chamber pot. It was hard to keep any food down. She knew that she had to tell Deanna soon about her condition. Claudia’s sporadic help with her needs allowed her to hide the fact that her monthly flow had not come. She calculated in her head and thought she was around three to four months pregnant. Changes were slowly taking place in her body. Her mid-section was thickening a bit, although not too noticeable yet. Her breasts were tender, and she felt so irritable. Her sense of smell was heightened, and she had to avoid certain areas of the castle where the smells caused a gagging reflex.

  “Katherine!” Her sister came into her chamber without knocking.

  Katherine placed her hands on her hips annoyed. “This may be your home, but please knock before entering.” Running the cloth over her face, she hoped to mask the evidence of her sickness. She used her foot to slide the chamber pot under the bed.

  Deanna rolled her eyes. “We have guests. A distinguished looking riding party is about to arrive that gave no prior announcements. I have the staff running in circles. Apparently, he is an earl and cousin of the king. He will be here within the hour.”

  Katherine narrowed her eyes at her sister in concern. “The Earl of Barragan?”

  Deanna sat on her bed and stretched out. “Yes, that is his name. Dorian said he has no idea why he would come here. Apparently, he is one of the richest men in Scotland and commands the biggest army. He has asked for a private audience when he arrives with Dorian. What do you think it could be about?”

  Katherine shrugged. “I met him once. He was the one that told me about Father. He did not send me back to England and allowed me to stay with Ian. I danced with him.”

  Deanna sat up and looked at Katherine. “You danced with him? Hopefully, his news is good for Dorian, if not—perhaps you can persuade his favor.” Deanna kissed her little sister on the cheek and left the room.

  Katherine changed her dress to a more appropriate one for company. She took extra care with her appearance and met the others downstairs to welcome the earl.

  The gates were opened, and the men filled the bailey. The earl swung his leg over his horse and approached the laird, Dorian’s uncle. The laird bowed. “My lord, welcome to Castle Moore. We have planned a feast for you and your men and will provide accommodations.”

  He smiled. “Thank you. I am happy you can accommodate my men and me. Forgive me for my surprise visit today. I have requested a meeting with one of your knights, Sir Dorian.”

  Dorian stepped up beside the two men. The laird smiled proudly at Dorian. “Sir Dorian is my nephew and one of my best warriors.”

  Dorian bowed. “It’s an honor to be of service to you, my lord.”

  The earl straightened his jacket. “Thank you all for the warm welcome.” He walked past the men spying Katherine standing beside her sister and the lairds wife. He ignored the inquisitive stare and took Katherine’s hand. “Miss Tolland. We meet again. May I say how lovely you look this day.” He pressed a warm kiss on the back of her hand.

  Katherine blushed as the group turned to watch the exchange. “My lord, it’s nice to see you again.”

  He took
his fingers and smoothed his beard. “My deepest condolences regarding your fiancé. He was a fine man and will be deeply missed.”

  Her throat tightened as she tried not to cry. “Thank you, my lord.”

  He turned around to the laird. “Is there a place I could wash up? I would like to change and then meet Sir Dorian for our meeting.”

  The laird waved his hands to the servants. “Of course, my lord. Please follow me for a drink while the servants prepare your chamber.”

  Dorian paced the solar nervously waiting for the earl. He looked at his uncle. “I am at a loss as to why he would want to speak to me?”

  The laird patted Dorian’s arm. “It must be good news. Why else would he personally come all this way? I have never met the man but have seen him from a distance when I was at the king’s court once. A powerful man indeed.”

  A knock on the door interrupted their talk. The laird patted his nephew one more time on the shoulder and opened the door. “My lord. Nice to see you. I was just leaving. Please let us know if you need anything. I will see you both at dinner.”

  The earl came in and motioned for Dorian to sit down. He sat across him and leaned back in the chair. His broad frame dwarfed the size of the chair. “Sir Dorian, I appreciate your hospitality to me and my men. My request today is of a personal nature.”

  Dorian raised his brow inquisitively. “I hope I may help, my lord.”

  “So do I. It is my understanding that your wife’s sister is under your protection.”

  Recognition swept across Dorian’s face. “Yes, my lord. I have agreed to help her until she is married. She doesn’t wish to go back to her father. According to Deanna, he is an abusive man.”

  “I have heard the same, unfortunately. It’s a pity.” The earl wiped his hands on his pants as he sized up the knight. “Sir Dorian, I will get to the point of my visit. I wish to offer for Miss Tolland’s hand in marriage. I know her mourning period has not been long, but I believe that I can offer her protection and a good life. I would require no dowry and would be happy to reimburse you for any expenses she has acquired since her stay here at Castle Moore.”

  “No need, my lord. She has been a breath of fresh air and my wife’s been so happy since she came. I give you my permission to ask her.”

  “Thank you. Do you have any advice for me? Any help in knowing how to win her affections?”

  Dorian laughed. “Many men have tried, only Ian Travis succeeded. We have no idea why she fell for him. My only thought is that she looks at a man’s heart first before anything else.”

  The earl stood. “Good to know. I will speak to her tonight after dinner.”

  From the corner of Katherine’s eye, she could see the earl being sat next to the laird at dinner. She kept sneaking a few looks at him as he visibly tried to meet her eyes with a warm smile. Quickly turning away from him to not appear curious, she tried to become oblivious to his presence.

  Katherine was listening to the women when she felt a presence behind her. Looking around, she noticed the earl leaning down near her ear. His warm breath tickled her cheek. “Miss Tolland. May I interest you in a walk this evening?”

  She felt a chill at his closeness. “My lord, thank you. I would enjoy a walk.” She stood and took his arm bidding the other women goodbye. He walked her outside to the gardens.

  She came in a little closer and whispered to him, “Today was a surprise. I was not aware that you were acquainted with Dorian, my lord.”

  He smiled down at her. “This is the first time I have met him. He seems like a good man.”

  She noticed his white teeth and dimple near his mouth. Looking away, she bit her bottom lip. “Was your army moving near the castle? Is that why you stopped?”

  “Hmm. Are you trying to find out why I came to Castle Moore?”

  She laughed. “I admit that I am just curious. If it’s a private matter, please forgive me for asking.”

  He squeezed her hand. “If we could sit for a minute, I will explain it to you.”

  Katherine sat on a bench and the earl sat beside her. “Miss Tolland, when we last spoke you told me that you were in Scotland on your own free will and had wished to marry.”

  She looked into his eyes as tears threatened to come down at the mere mention of her previous wedding plans. Taking a sniff, she breathed in deeply trying to control her emotions. “My lord, the memory is fresh. I guess our lives don’t always turn out the way we want them to.”

  He lost his smile. “There are times to mourn and times to be happy. It seems you can’t have one without the other.”

  “My lord, that is profound like a poem. I guess in my seventeen years, I have had plenty of both.”

  He took her hands in his and rubbed them with his thumbs. “Please call me Alexander when we are alone. I would like to think of us as friends.”

  “I would like that. Please call me Katherine.”

  “I must admit I was concerned that your father would send his men to come get you. You remained unmarried and he could use that to his advantage.”

  “I have thought about it too. There are limited choices for me, I am afraid.”

  “Ian’s brother Jakub told me that he had offered for your hand.”

  “He did offer, and I was grateful. It’s just that…” she rubbed her stomach unconsciously. Her body shivered, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Worried lines creased on his forehead. “What is it? You can tell me.”

  “I can’t tell anyone,” she said, losing control as the sobs she tried to control escaped.

  “Katherine, please talk to me.”

  “It’s a secret… I have said too much. Please, I wish to leave.”

  “Oh, sweeting. Trust me. I only wish to help you. You have to tell someone, or it will consume you.”

  She wiped her face trying to stop her crying. “Pardon my outburst. Please, may we speak of something else?”

  “We could. But I am afraid we need to finish this conversation as your safety is at risk. If you don’t wish to marry the laird because of a secret, then is there someone else you would marry?”

  She rubbed her arms trying to warm herself. “Perhaps a widow or a farmer. I was going to ask Dorian if he knew of any man that needed a wife.”

  “A widow or a farmer? What about an earl?”

  She looked at him in confusion with her red-rimmed eyes. “I don’t understand?”

  He reached out and lightly touched his thumb over her jaw. “I wish to marry you, Katherine. I would treat you well and you would want for nothing.”

  She took a moment staring into his brown eyes. He was a very handsome man with chiseled cheekbones and smooth skin. His light brown hair was short in the back and longer on the sides. He was tall and broad, with well-tailored clothes that hung on his muscular build. She knew many women must be attracted to him.

  Coming out of her woolgathering, she realized he was waiting for an answer. “My lord, you honor me with your offer. It pains me to have to decline.”

  He looked a bit wounded as his shoulders sagged. “Why would you decline? Is there another man you wish to marry?”

  “No, it’s not that.” Tears threatened again. “There are things about me that you do not know. If you did, you would not want to marry me.”

  He cupped her face. “Look at me, Katherine.” She raised her eyes to meet his. He bent down brushing a soft kiss across her lips.

  She stiffened and pulled away. “I can’t. I apologize, but this is wrong.”

  “Is it Ian?”

  Shaking her head. “It’s not what you think. I have a secret that could destroy me and any who would marry me. I decline your offer to protect you.”

  “Lass, I don’t need your protection. But I have a feeling that you need mine. I want to h
elp you. Please trust me.”

  Her heart fluttered with nervousness, but she decided it was time to tell someone. “You must promise me your discretion.”

  “I promise.”

  She looked down at her lap. “Before I was taken to England, Ian and I spent an evening riding in the woods. We were in love and knew that our circumstances would be difficult to overcome with my English and his Scottish background. I knew my father would be coming for me soon. Ian thought we should say our marriage vows in the woods and then slowly let our family get used to the idea of our relationship before announcing our wedding. He said in Scotland, it would be binding. So, we tied our hands together and said our vows.”

  He stayed silent, masking any emotion. She looked away afraid of his reaction and judgment. Shifting in her seat, she continued, “That same night, there was a battle and he left to fight. The next day, I was taken by my brothers and didn’t tell anyone that I was married to Ian. When he rescued me, we decided to keep it a secret and marry in front of his family when we got back to Scotland, so there could be no question that our union was legal. We consummated our marriage on the way back to Scotland, and no one knew. When Ian left a few days before our marriage ceremony, I was distraught that I may be with child and unmarried. My fears have surfaced, and I find myself with Ian’s child. I am a few months pregnant and I know no one would believe that I was married. My child will be a bastard and no decent man will have me. My only hope is to marry a widow that needs a wife to help with his children.”

  The earl’s expression was hard as he took in the news. After a long pause, he covered her hand with his. “That is not your only choice.”

  She looked up at him confused at his statement. “What are you saying?”

  “Katherine, being a countess is usually reserved for higher nobility. It’s not an easy life, but one that I want you to have. If you agree to take me as your husband, then we will need to form a trusting partnership.”


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