Fallen Angel Part 5

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Fallen Angel Part 5 Page 4

by Alisa Anderson

  And he did love her. She was sure of that now.

  He never pushed her to face things she wasn’t ready to face. He would just listen to what she had to say and move on, as if she said nothing.

  She thought long ago, there wasn’t anything he could do that would make her love him anymore than she already did.

  She was completely wrong.

  He was essential to her now. Just like the air she breathed. He was her lifeline. He never pressed her to leave or venture into the outside world. He kept her safe from prying eyes, people who wondered why she had changed so much or looked different.

  She was gaining weight slowly, and looked a lot better than she did. Most of the bruises had faded. Most. The ones inside were still gaping open and raw. Only just beginning to try and heal. Through it all, Nick was there.

  She could not imagine her life without him now.

  This terrified her.

  “You have absolutely nothing to worry about from my end. Connie on the other hand-” She shrugged her shoulders, grinning.

  He shook his head, going to the nightstand, taking out a lock box. After putting in a combination, he took out a 9mm. He heard her inhale as he pressed the side of the hand grip, ejecting the magazine, making sure it was loaded.

  “Oh. She will be on her best behavior. That much I can promise you.”

  He quickly reinserted it, the click loud enough to be heard in the room. After making sure the safety was on, he shoved it into the waist of his dress pants. Pivoting toward the mirror, he checked his tie, making sure the gun wasn’t visible.

  “Since she’ll be there, you know the drill. It’s you and Angel, kid.”

  “Got it, boss. Be a good girl. Me. Angel. No you.” She stood on her tiptoes kissing him on the cheek.

  He took her face into his hands. “Why do I keep fucking doing this shit to myself?”

  “Um. Because you love me?”

  Nick walked to the door, opening it. He looked back at her catching her gaze. “I do love you, Jacinta. Never forget it.” He slammed the door after him.


  Pulling into her usual parking spot, she saw the place was packed more than usual. The air surrounding the club almost seemed electrically charged.

  While the place was packed, she knew the cars in the lot were not that of customers. They were all Nick’s business acquaintances.

  Hesitating out of fear for what seemed an eternity, she finally opened the door getting out of her jeep. She shut the door, tugging against the leg of her pants. Looking in the window, she checked her lipstick.

  Staring at her reflection, she was glad she decided to wear her sheer black shirt with her lace bra. It looked good with the low cut jeans and black pumps she decided to wear. Fixing a curl in her hair, she peered over her shoulder at the club, taking a long steadying breath.

  “You ok, princess? You sure you want to do this?” Joe touched her back, smiling supportively.

  She scanned the lot for her guardian Angel, finding him and Carlo leaning against the building, deep in conversation. She also noticed a large group of men, standing outside next to them, their eyes unapologetically looking her over.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be, Joe. Thank you for coming with me.”

  “Girl. You know I got you.” He took her hand, kissing it, taking a bow. “Milady.”

  Jess giggled.

  Walking slowly, holding hands, they made their way through the parking lot. In passing she saw Nick’s car, so she knew they were already inside. A voice inside told her to turn and go back now.

  Run like fucking hell.

  Of course she ignored it, instead moving slowly toward Angel. She laid her hand against his arm to get his attention. “Sup, papa?”

  “Jess. Wow. Jesus you look…Wow.” Angel grinned, happy to see her out and about.

  “Thanks.” She let her eyes roam over the front of the club. “I never thought I’d say this but, I think I’ve missed this place.”

  “I think it missed you, too.”

  “Guess we better go inside.” She squeezed Joe’s hand, who squeezed hers back.

  “Dammit, Jess. Connie is with him.” Angel said as compassionately as he could.

  Fucking déjà vu.

  “Oh hell no.” Joe snorted.

  “I know, Angel. Nick told me she would be here.”

  “The fuck you mean you know, bitch?” Joe was clearly irritated, looking at her like she’d sprouted a second head.

  “Joe.” Jess warned. She wasn’t trying to see a riled up Joe tonight, in all his reading bitches for blood glory.

  “Why don’t you go back to the apartment, bambino?” Angel almost begged her to do so, but their conversation got interrupted by a group of guys walking up to them.

  “Where’s the boss, Angel?”

  “He’s inside.”

  “Is he inside as well?” The guy took a puff off his cigarette, hanging immobile in his mouth.

  “He got here about an hour ago.”

  “So has he and Nick gone at it yet?”

  “No and they won’t. He’s his boss for fucking Christ’s sake. Nick knows his place, as you fucking should.” Angel’s lip curled in icy contempt. The look on his face caused the guy to shut up immediately.

  “You know what the fuck to do once you get inside. Do your damn job, and everything will be good. Capish?”

  “Got it. Fuck. Damn, man. What the fuck crawled up your ass? Oh and hello, Jess.”

  “Gentlemen.” She eyed them carefully, questioning how they knew who she was when she didn’t know a single one of them.

  “No worries, Angel. We got the boss.” He threw his cigarette on the ground, motioning for the other three men to follow him into the club.

  “Now. About your going home, bambino.”

  “I’m not going.” She said defiantly.

  Angel closed his eyes and started breathing slowly. She knew he was trying to reign in his temper when she saw him count to ten.

  “I’d like to see my friends, Angel.”

  “Then do it on another night.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

  She shoved through him and Carlo walking to the door. Taking the handle into her hand, she looked back at them over her shoulder. A smirk came to her lips as she tossed her hair.

  “Now if you gentlemen will please excuse us.”

  Pushing her way through the doors, she heard Angel curse in Italian, and Slow An’ Easy from White Snake, blaring from the speakers.

  “Girl-” Joe laughed loudly, nudging her.

  “Shut. Up. Joseph.”

  Grabbing his hand she yanked him, working their way across the club. Stopping along the way to talk with some of her old regulars. Glancing to the back she found Nick at his table.

  She could tell by the expression on his face he was not happy. Nor where the men sitting with him. Connie and the other wives were deep in conversation drinking and laughing.

  “Is that her? The one in white, sitting by him?” Joe inquired. His lips pursed like he’d been chewing on a lemon rind.

  “That would be her.” Jess couldn’t help but laugh at the faces he was making.

  “Humph. I can see why he’s all bent on you, daffodil.”

  “Be nice, Joseph.”

  “I’m being nice, bitch.” His nose wrinkled in distaste as he kept staring at their table. “You don’t want me to get started on how I really feel.”

  “Come the fuck on. I need a drink. I have been cooped up for way too long.” She grabbed his arm, leading him further into the club, toward the bar. Along the way, she waved to some of the girls dancing on stage, who immediately stopped to run and hug her.

  Jess was home.

  Glancing toward the back again, she saw Gino bend to whisper in Nick’s ear. He looked up, a half-smile at the sight of her. She smiled back, becoming lost in the intensity of his eyes. Biting down on her wine colored lower lip, she absent mindlessly started twirling a strand of her hair as thumping drum beats filled the ai

  As if remembering Connie was there, Nick shifted his attention to her, becoming aware of her freezing contempt zeroed in on Jess.

  Yikes. She was now in her cross hairs. Joe also saw the look on Connie’s face. Taking Jess’s hand he tried to steer her toward the bar, further away from Connie.

  “Let’s get that drink princess. You look like you could use one.”

  “A drink? Fuck that. Give me several at this point.”

  Jess leaned casually against the bar, ordering her usual. She closed her eyes, listening to the music. Her mind drifted back to Miami. It had been a long time since she thought about it, or about anything that happened. Eventually she knew her and Nick would have to discuss their relationship.

  “Jess. Here’s your drink babe.” She snapped her eyes open, startled by the bartender’s voice

  “Thanks Christopher. No one makes a Long Island like you do.”

  “Why?” Joe poked her hard in the arm. “Didn’t you tell me there would be a dick buffet up in here tonight?” He licked his lips, scanning the room.

  She shook her head at him, laughing humorously. “How could I tell you when I wasn’t aware of that fact myself?”

  Sipping on her straw, she saw the guy from the airport suddenly standing directly in front of her. The way he was intimately looking at her caused her to instinctively take a step away from him.

  She found herself entranced. The more she looked, the more she took in. Haunting grey eyes, framed by olive skin, Inky black ebony hair. His strong body, hidden beneath a black suit jacket. His white dress shirt casually unbuttoned at the collar. There was something very familiar about him. She just couldn’t put her finger on it.

  Her lips parted as a flush overcame her skin. She actually felt wetness start to pool between her legs. Joe elbowed her hard to get her attention.

  “Ouch. Dammit Joe? What the fuck?”

  “Princess. Uh, Nick.”

  She glimpsed toward Nick uneasily, seeing an emotion on his face she couldn’t easily recognize. The gentlemen eyes followed hers. Smirking, he raised his beer bottle in salute to Nick, before taking a long swig. It was if he knew there wasn’t a fucking thing Nick could do about his being that close to her.

  And he was reveling in it.

  A smile dangled from the corner of his lips as he turned back, taking a step toward her. He was now close enough for her to see the iris of his eyes was surrounded by the most beautiful bluish hinge of color.

  “H-hello again.” Jess’s voice broke. She took another step backwards, causing her back to be pressed against the bar.

  Dear God. I truly have nowhere to go.

  A hand firmly wrap around her waist, pulling her body forcefully back. Whipping her head, she saw Angel. Without uttering a single word, he yanked her into his powerful chest. His arms surrounding her possessively.

  What in the entire fuck did she just roll up on?

  “Boss.” Angel firmly, but respectfully greeted him.

  “Angel.” He angled his bottle toward her. “Who’s this?”

  “This would be Jess. She’s Nick’s woman.”

  He extended his hand to her, bending to kiss hers when she took it. A shiver went through her body so hard she was sure Angel felt it.

  “I’m Tony DeMoretti. I’ve heard quite a lot about you.”

  “Wish I could say the same.” Jess eyed him suspiciously. She felt extremely uneasy when he chuckled under his breath.

  “I’m sure you haven’t my dearest. I’m Nicky’s boss. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Or, should I say it’s a pleasure to meet you again?”

  “The pleasures all mine, Mr. DeMoretti.” Jess smiled kindly. Knowing she had to show respect just in case he truly was Nick’s boss.

  “Again?” Angel was clearly pissed.

  “We ran into each other at the airport when I flew back from Miami, Angel.”

  “So. Angel. You’re his cover?”

  “I am.” Angel pulled her tighter against him, possessively digging his fingers into her tender flesh till it was painful. His grip was possessive to the point she couldn’t help but question if he wasn’t jealous of the interactions between her and DeMoretti.

  DeMoretti eyes gleamed at Jess, as he slowly licked over his full lips. “Well, I should get back to the meeting. Have a good evening you two. I’m sure we’ll talk again, Angel.”

  He bowed slightly, “Jess, it was such a pleasure.”

  “Thank you Mr. DiMoretti. The same to you.” She watched him walk away, silent until he was out of earshot.

  She turned to Angel. “What in the entire fucking hell was that?”

  “If he comes near you again tonight, you are to find one of us immediately.”

  “I thought Nick was the boss, Angel.”

  “He is. In the Roman Family. That’s Connie’s dad’s man. He works for her family as well. All part of the agreement. It’s not known by many.” He stopped before saying too much.

  She gripped one of the hands he had wrapped around her waist, squeezing it.

  “How about you don’t leave me the rest of the evening?”

  “Never again, bambino. I promise.”

  Kissing the back of her head, he nodded at Nick letting him know he had her. He steered her and Joe toward a group of men, who worked under him, hanging out toward the side of the main stage. Sitting, he pulled her down onto his lap.

  She draped herself casually over his chest, leaning back against him. His chin rested comfortably on her shoulder. His arm casually wrapped around her, his hand falling and splaying over the front of her upper thigh.

  Joe side-eyed the both of them. “You two look real comfortable, don’t you think?”

  “Extremely.” Angel winked at him. Joe was not impressed, nor was he fooled.

  “Uh. Huh.” He pursed his lips. “And you, princess? You extremely comfortable, too? I mean, did I miss something between the fucking two of you?”

  She beamed at him, being the brat she so easily could be. “Nopety nope, nope, nope. Nothing. Just behaving like we’re s’posed to. We’re supposed to be a couple, remember? And, I’m extremely comfortable. Thanks for asking.”

  Oh yeah, she was comfortable, all right. Just give her time.

  She show everyone. The old Jess was back.


  Several drinks later, a drunken Jess had forgotten all about Nick, Connie and the bullshit earlier with that DeMoretti guy. She was just having a good time.

  Like she was supposed to.

  Yeah. Right.

  Without thinking, she started dancing against Angel’s lap, who was sipping on bourbon, talking with the guys in the group. Angel stopped talking long enough to place several soft kisses on her shoulder.

  Closing her eyes, she let the music take over. Raising her arms, she wrapped them around his neck from behind her head. Circling her hips against his lap, rocking and grinding to the sexually charged music.

  He leaned back against the chair, allowing his hands to effortlessly rest on her hips. She leaned back further against him, rocking her hips harder over his now clearly visible erection with her firm bottom. She swallowed at how large he felt against her.

  Lowering her arm slowly over his body, she dropped her head back against his chest, raising her chin. Without stopping to think about the consequences of his actions, he placed a finger under her chin turning her head forcefully, hungrily kissing her.

  His tongue mingling with hers, felt like velvet. She relaxed further into him, allowing him to deepen the kiss. His hands slowly ran up the sides of her waist as she turned slightly, draping her arms around his shoulders.

  Angel’s kiss was heaven sent. Pun intended. She felt her nipples tighten, hardening against his chest. They heard Joe clear his throat loudly as Angel finally broke the kiss. Both of them staring at the other, breathing heavily….shocked.

  And totally turned on by their actions.

  “What the fuck, you guys?” Joe looked at them, his eyes as big as saucers. H
e shifted his head toward Nick’s table. “You guys are in so much trouble.”

  Jess refused to look at Nick. She knew exactly what he would be thinking. She didn’t need to see it over his face.

  He was the one that told them to be a couple.

  Couples kiss, right?

  Why in the fuck do I keep doing this shit? What the fuck is wrong with me?

  From where Nick was sitting they looked exactly like a couple should look. A little too much for his taste, which fucking pissed him off. He knew he had no right to be angry with either one of them.

  He was the one that ordered them to be one. Didn’t make any of it easier to swallow. He became lost in thought, completely oblivious to Connie staring at him or DeMoretti sitting down at the table.

  “Roman.” DeMoretti barked, trying to get his attention.

  “What?” He yelled back. His self-control slipping.

  “Do we have a problem?”

  “No, sir.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

  “Then rejoin us.”

  “I never left.” He scowled, downing his scotch. “Tell me again, why the fuck I should do something like that. Especially for you?”

  Connie leaned over, whispering into his ear. “I see your whore truly is a whore.”

  “Stop it, Connie. Now.” He snarled, his eyes darkening. Anger boiling to a point he knew he wasn’t going to be able to control it much longer.

  “There is no room for argument on this, Roman.”

  DeMoretti downed his drink, pouring himself and Nick another.

  Nick’s self-control snapped.

  “Fuck you, Tony. Fuck you.” He rubbed his hands over his face in an effort to regain it, failing miserably. “My brother is already working to get me off those fucking RICO charges. Why in the entire fuck would I tie myself or any of my men up in this shit?”

  He tilted toward Nick, his voice now raising to match Nick’s. “Because he told your ass to do so.”

  “And I’m just supposed to jump like some sort of micio because he told me to?” He chuckled. “Motherfucker if I get caught I go to jail for life. Life, bitch. I don’t give a flying fuck if God himself told me to do this. The answer is, and will continue to be, fucking no.”


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