Fallen Angel Part 5

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Fallen Angel Part 5 Page 5

by Alisa Anderson

  “Do I need to bring him into this?”

  “Do it, dickhead. I’m not getting involved with killing no feds.”

  Nick’s face completely shut down, watching as Jess danced with Joe and Wynter. Completely ignoring him.

  She was supposed to be his. Sitting next to him. Not the cunt who was. He was tired of playing this game with both of them. He was so ready for the light. He damn sure had enough of the dark.

  “And, we both know messing with someone ragazza is not allowed. I’d watch myself if I were you, Tony. Angel doesn’t take too kindly to people fucking with what’s his. You will get your ass killed. I’d leave that girl alone if I were you.”


  She was throwing pretzels into Angel’s mouth, laughing hysterically when she turned her head, finding Allie and Amy standing by them.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Seriously? We’re doing this tonight?”

  Jess never expected to see Allie. She wasn’t ready to confront her. Having put it all neatly away into a box to be dealt with at a later date and time. She was just not here for this.

  Wynter touched her shoulder. Letting her know she had her back if needed. Joe moved so he was standing directly behind her on the other side of Angel. She glanced over her shoulder giving them a slight smile, before refocusing her eyes on Nick.

  He and that DeMoretti guy were now heatedly arguing. She reasoned she owed him for what just happened with Angel, regardless it being his bright idea for them to act like a couple or not.

  Exhaling, she came to the conclusion she had to at least try to behave.

  Exactly like Nick asked…no, ordered her to do.

  “Allie.” She greeted her with no emotion in her voice. Her body however, was visibly shaking from anger. Tears tried to flow but she refused to cry in front of the rat bitch Amy or her skank of a friend Allie.

  “I’m…I heard you were out of the hospital.”

  Silence. Her eyes however, spoke volumes

  “I’m so, so sorry, Jess.”

  “Save it Allie. I don’t want your fucking apology.”

  “We’ve been friends-”

  “Friends?” Jess scoffed. “You have unbelievable nerve to call us that after what the fuck you did to me, you fucking rat bitch.” Her voice was now loud enough to be heard throughout the club due to the music stopping.

  “I’m the rat fucking bitch? I’ve done nothing but had your back.”

  “If that’s you having my back, I’ll take my motherfucking chances. Alone.”

  Allie started crying uncontrollably, raising her voice louder.

  “Jess I swear. I wouldn’t have left if I knew he’d-”

  “If you knew what Allie? That he almost kill me? Or, if you knew he’d rape me? Repeatedly. Brutally, Allison. Because he had never forced me before, right?”

  Jess felt the last shreds of her temper and emotions snap, screaming at the top of her lungs. Tears streamed down her burning face. It was the very first time she used the word rape for what he did, let alone that it had happened to her.

  “Fuck you.” She took a step toward them. Angel grabbed her arm, pulling her back. “Fuck you and fuck him. I hope the two of you are fucking happy together.”

  “I warned you the games you were playing were dangerous, Jess.” Allison pointed a finger at Jess’s chest. Her emotions running almost as high as Jess.

  “You shouldn’t have fucked Nick in the first place, and you know it.”

  “Do not fucking go there with me, Allison.” She broke free of Angel’s grip, grabbing her finger bending it back, causing Allie to cry out in pain

  “The only reason I haven’t kicked your cunt ass is because I’m behaving.” She shouted, letting go of her finger to point angrily towards Nick’s table.

  “You owe Nick for that. He told me to behave tonight.”

  Catching a glimpse of him and the look on Connie’s face, she realized they just told Connie in no uncertain terms she was fucking her husband.

  Damn, Damn, Damn. What did I do now?

  No matter what. No matter the cost. She would have his back and protect him. She needed to clean this up as best she could. Her face and emotions shut down completely, going calm.

  A very, very dangerous place for all concerned.

  “Get the fuck away from me Allison. If you don’t, I’m going to kill you.”

  “You played the games, Jess.”

  “I’m asking you…nicely. Get the fuck away from me before I kill you.”

  She lowered her voice, speaking casually. “If you don’t think I will, you might want to rethink it. There are men in here who would happily clean up my mess. But, you know that deep down. Don’t you Allison?”

  Jess stood tall surveying the club, seeing every eye on the two of them. You could hear a pin drop. She had to cover for him. To make it believable. It was her job to do so.

  “Jess. Please.”

  “Allison. I will kill you for lying on me and on Nick. How dare you do that to Angel? After all the fucking shit he’s done for you? All the times he’s been there for you? Leave now.”

  She must have sensed something in Jess because she turned and practically ran out, Amy following after her, wisely choosing to keep quiet.

  Jess looked at Angel and took a calming breath.

  Show time.

  She stood in front of him, bowing her head. Dropping to her knees in submission in front of him. “I’m so sorry, papi. I hope you know she is lying. I wouldn’t do that to you. Especially, not with Nick. I love you, Angel. So fucking much.”

  Fuck…that’s not a lie. I do love him.

  “May I please be excused? I just need a minute.”

  He gently raised her head, nodding his agreement. Knowing exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. If she was his woman like everyone was to think, she would be at his mercy considering the allegations that were just thrown against her. He went along to protect her and Nick.

  “You get a moment, Jess. I’ll find you soon.”

  She rose, walking calmly through the club to Nick’s office.

  Unaware Connie was coming after her.


  Connie twisted wildly against his grip. “Get the fuck off of me, Nickolas.”

  “No. We need to talk first.”

  “About?” She shrilled at him. “You embarrassing me in front of everyone? The fucking family Nickolas!”

  “I’m not fucking that child, Connie. She’s Angel’s.”

  “Save the fucking lie. It’s written all over your fucking face. You forget I know you.”

  Connie tried to get out of the booth, Nick grabbed her arm yanking her forcefully back down.

  “I said no. What part of that did you not understand, Connie?”

  “I’ll leave your precious little whore alone. For now, Nickolas. Since you said we need to talk first, I’m going to the back. Get your lying, cheating ass up and come with me now.”

  Jess sat in his office chair.

  Sadness, anger, and fear overwhelmed her.

  She had to get away from all the stares. From the truth.

  Which just came out in more ways than one.

  Hearing the words come out of her own mouth forced her to actually acknowledge what happened to her for the very first time. What had been happening all her fucking life.

  Abuse. Violation. All at the whim of some piece of shit man who could only be happy at the expense and pain of someone weaker than them.

  The pain was staggering. Overwhelming. Emotionally and physically.

  She reached in her purse, pulling out an eight ball of coke. It’d been over five months since she snorted. She promised Nick she would stop, but she always kept a supply.

  Right now, she didn’t give a flying fuck what she promised him.

  This pain had to stop.

  Dipping her pinky into the bag, she filled her nail with it pausing before placing it against her nose, snorting. Leaning her head back against his chair, she
let the high overtake her. Hearing the door open she looked up seeing them walk into the office.

  She laughed under her breath, closing her eyes.


  When she opened them again she saw Nick, once again standing in the door frame holding the door open. This time struck silent, looking as if he wasn’t quite sure of what to do, now that the two women were face to face. She decided to let him off the hook.

  “I’m sorry, Nick. I’ll leave so you two-” She placed her hands on the arm of the chair, standing.

  “Tell me. Do you have any pangs of guilt, you trash whore?” Connie strolled to the chair opposite his desk, sitting, crossing her legs.

  So. They were actually doing this.

  Why the fuck didn’t she go home like Angel said?

  “Excuse me?” Jess sat back down, digging a file out of her purse. She began filing her nails, paying careful attention to the edges as she filed.

  If this was how she wanted to do this…

  “What? No remorse? What was I thinking you were actually a human being?”

  Jess sat extremely still, gripping her hand so tightly around her nail file, her knuckles were turning white. She stared at Nick, who walked up behind Connie, placing his hands firmly on her shoulders.

  “You knew he was married. You knew he had children. You knew he slept beside me every night.” Connie’s voice was full of hate and scorn. “Is that what made it so delicious, cunt? So fucking tempting?”

  Jess continued to silently sit, filing. Not responding, though every ounce of her wanted to. She had to take it all for Nick.

  “Answer me you fucking whore. And stop filing you damn nails!” Connie slammed her hand against Nick’s desk, causing Jess to jump.

  “He doesn’t love your whore ass. He loves me. His wife. The mother of his child. But you know that deep down, don’t you?”

  Angel walked into the office, shutting the door. Walking past them, he smiled remorsefully at Nick moving behind Jess’s chair.

  “This stops now Connie.” Nick warned. “You aren’t mad at her. You’re pissed at me for something you think is going on but is not.”

  “Fuck you, Nick. I want to be able to kiss my husband without feeling overwhelming nausea when the thought I’m tasting that cunt enters my mind.”

  “You mean like I taste my uncles’ cock when I kiss you? Shut the fuck up, Connie.”

  His tone now firmer, darker. Warning her to ease up.

  “Boss.” Angel hesitated. “I’m very sorry about what happened.”

  “We’ll discuss that shit later. Right now you need to get your woman.”

  “His woman?” Connie snorted. “Don’t you mean your woman?”

  “She is not my woman, Connie. I’m not fucking her.” Nick was practically yelling at her. “For Christ sake, she is nothing but a child. Not much older than Junior. You know me enough to know I wouldn’t fuck a child.”

  “You had no fucking right to sleep with my husband. I don't know who you thought you were to think you could.” She lunged toward Jess. Nick grabbed her, shoving her back into the chair.

  “We all know you’re being used in some sick twisted game he’s playing. One he likes to play with all his dancers. Seeing them, getting a hard on, fucking them quickly. Is that how it went down with you, cunt? Did he fuck you within three….four days of meeting you? Telling you he loved you? That he needed you no matter what?”

  Jess looked at Nick, tears filling her eyes. Connie just described his actions perfectly.

  But she wasn’t one of his games. She couldn’t be.

  “I wonder if you know he holds all the power, and can and will quit you anytime he chooses? That the man standing behind you, pretending to love you, will be the one he uses to get rid of you.”

  Connie got up, turning toward Nick. “Choose. Now.”

  “Connie, there’s nothing to choose. You’re acting fucking ridiculous. Not to mention embarrassing me and everyone else here.”

  “Now, Nickolas. It’s either her or me. Family above everything, Nickolas. Do it now or I will call my father and he can handle this.”

  “Connie.” He placed his hands against her face. “I’m not fucking that child. I don’t know how I can make you understand that.”

  Jess watched it all go down in slow motion, as tears streamed down her face. She felt sick. Angel squeezed her shoulder in support.

  “Now then. Whore. You’ll need to continue to pay attention, because class is still in session. You’ve seen he’s chosen me over you, with your own fucking eyes. I expect for you to respect his choice. Stay the fuck away from my husband or you will be sorry. I promise you. You will not like the outcome if you don’t. Do you understand or is this too much for your bleached blonde brain to fucking comprehend?”

  Jess refused to answer her.

  “I said answer me, whore.”

  “Connie, with all due respect. Stop talking to my lady like that.” Angel cautioned.

  “Always loyal. Like a damn dog right, Angel?”

  Jess had enough. Her sanity was almost to the point of breaking from the realization of what Eric did to her. Connie was pushing her closer to the edge.

  She was tired and ready to jump.

  But before she did it, she had some things to get off her chest.

  Starting with this bitch, right fucking here.

  “You know, Connie, I think I do understand. I understand you manipulate Nick by some fucked up agreement you hold over his head. I understand you threaten him with your father. I also understand you use your son against him, which is a pretty fucked up thing to do if you ask me.” Jess crossed her legs, leaning back into the chair, placing her hand on Angel’s.

  “He must like being controlled and manipulated on some level, you cunt. He keeps coming back for my pussy.” Connie smiled, unapologetic at her win. “Nick will always chose his family first. You saw that with your own eyes.”

  “I know exactly what I saw. I saw you manipulate him. I saw you threaten him. You have absolutely no fucking idea what the fuck is going on. None. You assume you do. But you don’t. Nick’s right. I’m not fucking him.”

  Jess stood, moving into Angel’s arms.

  “You came in here guns loaded, making threats. Calling me names. Do you know how pathetic that makes you look, Connie? Having to throw around some agreement to make everyone think he loves you.”

  “Me? Look pathetic? Oh, honey. I’m not the one who has to walk back out there with everyone knowing they are a home wrecking whore. You are, baby. And, let’s get something completely clear. I will always win. I promise you, I will make you sorry for what you’ve done to me and my family.”

  “Uh huh. You keep telling yourself that lie, Connie. Just like you lie to yourself about him loving you. We both know deep…deep, deep down who he loves. We both know whose pussy his dick craves. Who truly holds the true power over him without having to have an agreement. And it damn sure ain’t you, you tacky, Jersey,” She paused to sniff disdainfully. “Piece of white trash.”

  Connie turned to Nick, who was standing with his arms folded over his chest. Snickering from the things Jess said. Not bothering to interfere. Connie cheeks flushed in anger and humiliation.

  “Say goodbye to your whore, and meet me outside.”

  She kissed him on the mouth, before walking out slamming the door.


  “Nick.” Jess begged, seeing the look on his face. It being the same one he had right before their fight in Miami. Right before he put his gun against her chest.

  “I can’t do this right now. Please, Nick.”

  “I’m going back out. The two of you will walk with us. We will show solidarity. Angel, you know the deal.”

  “Yeah, boss.” Angel extended his hand taking Jess’s. “Follow my lead, Jess.”

  Nick turned his back to them, not saying a single word. He opened the door, swiping his hand motioning for them to leave first. They walked into the hallway where they were met by

  Nick took her hand, making sure they were positioned behind her and Angel. They walked out together in some fucked up posture of loyalty and respect Jess didn’t quite understand.

  Angel and she walked back to where they were sitting. He sat again placing her on his lap. Tightly holding her against his chest.

  “You ok, princess?” Joe was clearly worried.

  “I’m fine, Joe. I’m fine.” She lied.

  She saw Nick walk away after he made sure Connie was back at his table. She scanned the club, desperately searching for him, finding him by Mike’s DJ booth. He was talking to him motioning toward her. He raised his glass in salute, before going back to his table.

  Back to Connie.

  “Jess? It’s time for our surprise tribute to Nick. Are you sure you still want to do this?” Wynter looked skeptical Jess would be able to make it on the stage.

  “I have to. I have to act as if nothing happened.” She got up from Angel’s lap, kissing him on the lips as he returned the kiss, wrapping his hands around her waist holding her tightly.

  “Thank you for once again having my back, Angel.”

  He grabbed her hand, squeezing it. “Always, my bambino. You deserve better than this, Jess. Much better.”

  “You know what, Angel? You’re right.” She sighed as she stroked his cheek. “It’s too bad it took me this long to figure that shit out.”

  She followed the girls to the back of Mike’s DJ booth. Unbeknownst to Nick, they had been planning this for weeks. They all would do a routine and when finished, she would give him a birthday lap dance. That sure the fuck wasn’t happening now.

  Glancing toward his table once more she saw Connie now resting comfortably in the crook of his arm. Nick bent to kiss her on the top of her head. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  She stepped up into the booth, pulling Mikey down to whisper something in his ear. When he shook his head no, she spoke so the other girls could hear her.


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