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The Stars of Areon (The Chronicles of Areon Book 1)

Page 8

by Aaron J. Ethridge

  “Dirk, Salvos, come with me,” he said, climbing quickly to his feet. “The rest of you stay here and guard the girl.”

  There was little time for the rogue to react. Three of the band were headed for Darian. The rest might decide at any moment to grab the girl. He looked around quickly, but he couldn't see Erana. Taking a deep breath, he whispered to the young girl.

  “I'm going to cut you loose.”

  “My hands and feet are tied as well,” she replied under her breath.

  “Oh, good!” Kilren said as he lay himself flat on the ground and began creeping up beside the maiden. “At least they're not going to expect anyone to be stupid enough to try something like this. So, really, I have the advantage...”

  “What did you say?” the giant villain asked as his horse stopped a few feet from where Darian's mount stood.

  The speaker had a large two-handed sword in his right hand, the blade leaning on his shoulder. Two men sat on either side of him. The first had a broad sword in one hand and a shield in the other. The second held a bow with an arrow already fitted on the string.

  Darian looked at him steadily. In that face, he could see evil. The Eilian opened his eyes and he saw a black and merciless heart. His life was forfeit. He had been weighed in the scales and found wanting.

  “I demand your surrender or your life. Which are you willing to offer?”

  The three rogues burst out laughing.

  “I am Sir Barlan, and I surrender to no one. I'm also rather fond of life, so I'm afraid I can't offer you anything. However, I think I'll take your head, and then I'll take that woman,” The villain said, looking past the young knight to the beautiful Sarena.

  “I don't think my husband would be very pleased if you tried,” she replied, in a light pleasant tone, “and I know you won't be once all is said and done.”

  “This is your last chance,” Darian said, drawing his sword.

  “I'm afraid you're wrong about that, little knight,” his foe replied, a wicked grin spreading across his face. “This is your last breath!”

  Chapter 4: To Battle

  There are moments in life when so many things are happening around us that it's very difficult to pull out the individual threads of the tapestry and consider them. All people face these moments; some more than others. Kilren was the type of young man who seemed destined to face them on an almost weekly basis. He was so accustomed to being right in the middle of such events that he had learned to separate the different elements and instantly decide how to react to each one.

  As he lay on his stomach, reaching slowly for the young girl's tied feet, he overheard almost every word spoken between the wicked mercenary leader and the gallant young knight. He was silently saying a prayer for Darian's safety, as well as his own, when his ears caught the sound of a horse galloping swiftly through the little wood. No doubt, Tealor had heard the commotion and, without hesitation, flown in its direction. At any moment, he would burst through the verdant walls surrounding the camp and the battle would begin in earnest. The maiden he was attempting to free had just taken in a sharp breath, no doubt intending to scream, when Kilren noticed the light level dropping around him. For several thousandths of a second this puzzled him but, at last, he realized it was merely a shadow. The rogue glanced up to see a scarred face glaring down at him.

  “Excuse me,” he said, smiling at the man standing above him, “I seem to be lost.”

  “That's all right,” the villain replied, lifting his sword above his head. “I reckon your soul'll be able to find its way to Kaldor just the same.”

  “Better move...” Kilren thought to himself.

  In an instant, the giant villain's blade lashed out at the young knight's head. Instinctively, Darian raised his shield. It was just in time to save his life. The sword struck with the sound of a hammer on an anvil and pain ran through the young knight's body. He had never felt such a blow before. The second of the Telian's adversaries raised his bow taking careful aim but, before he could loose his shaft, a bolt of fire leapt from Sarena's outstretched hand; striking him squarely in the chest. He screamed in agony as he tried desperately to extinguish the flames.

  “I'll finish the boy! You two kill the witch!” Barlan bellowed, his blade lashing out once again at the valiant Telian.

  This time, Darian was ready and the powerful blow was turned aside. He returned the attack, but his assault missed its mark; falling harmlessly against his adversary's armor. Sarena kicked her horse and fled quickly away from her oncoming enemies before vanishing from sight. The two rogues pursuing her stared in wonder at her riderless horse before turning their attention once more to the embattled knight.

  Before they could reach him, however, another jet of flame struck the hapless archer. This time, there was no struggle to save himself; he had passed forever beyond the realms of earthly fear and pain. His smoldering body fell silently from the saddle. Once more, the sorceress was visible; sitting on her white beast and smiling at her wicked foes.

  “I told you to kill that witch! I don't need help with this fool!” Barlan yelled, swinging his sword into Darian's stallion.

  The blade ripped through hide and flesh alike. The beast reeled wildly in pain, throwing its young rider to the ground before fleeing the scene of combat. The mercenary leader stood in the saddle, raising what he intended to be a fatal blow above Darian’s outstretched body.

  Tealor burst through the underbrush like a storm. In an instant, he had struck down one of his foes and leapt from the saddle. The surrounding trees would make fighting from horseback difficult and the powerful warrior could fight equally well with or without a mount. As his feet touched the ground, two of the rogues fell upon him. There was no question that his enemies were skilled. It took all of his concentration and dexterity, as well as his sword and shield, to keep them from him.

  The pair spread out; attacking him together from each side. He blocked a blow to his left and quickly dodged an attack from the right before returning the assault. One of his adversaries cried out in pain as Tealor's blade bit into his arm. The warrior deftly turned the counter attack before aiming a powerful slash at one his enemies. The foe before him sprang back and Tealor's blade sank deeply within the trunk of a tree. Before he could free it, one of his enemies attacked him from behind; the warrior jumped to the side, quickly dodging the deadly thrust. He bent his sword arm to reveal a short metal spur that extended from the end of his bracer beyond his elbow. The spike struck his lunging adversary in the temple with all the considerable force that Tealor could muster; the villain collapsed never to rise again.

  Erana let fly an arrow that passed through the raised forearm of the vile mercenary standing above the prostrate rogue. Kilren now owed his life to her superior elvish abilities. As she drew another arrow, the valiant rogue leapt from the ground and fell upon his enemy. The pair collapsed in a pile; each one reaching for a weapon while holding the other at bay as best he could. Erana sighed. It would have been much easier if Kilren had just lay there and let her end their enemy's life.

  However, as the rogue lay struggling on the ground, another of the wicked band took an interest in her. Erana instantly loosed an arrow aimed at the mercenary's heart, but he deftly avoided it and continued in her direction. Arrow after arrow narrowly missed him as he flew quickly from tree to tree. He stepped out from cover just long enough to let fly a small dagger in the young ranger's direction. Erana let out a cry as the blade sliced through her shoulder. Instantly, she let fly another arrow, but it missed its mark and flew harmlessly through the underbrush. Again, he stepped out to cast a deadly blade. This time, Erana was ready; she jumped aside, narrowly avoiding the flying dagger.

  Darian rolled out of reach just before Barlan's blade struck. Once more, he asked the Eilian to give him strength and once more he was answered. The young knight leapt to his feet as the villain drew back for another blow. The blade fell like lighting from the heavens and stuck the raised shield of the valiant knight. Darian
was almost driven to his knees by the force of Barlan's attack. Even with the power of the Eilian flowing through him, he couldn't hope to match this foe in a contest of strength alone.

  The young knight glared at Barlan, apparently bracing himself for another attack. Again, the black hearted villain stood in the saddle and he again dropped his giant blade with all his might. This time, however, Darian stepped deftly to the side; spinning around with all the force he could muster to land a blow on his enemy's outstretched back. The mercenary captain was knocked from the saddle and landed heavily on the ground. A small trickle of blood ran from Barlan's back where Darian's blade had made its way through the villain's armor. The Telian stepped back, waiting for his foe to rise.

  “Already spent, witch?” the mercenary asked, glaring at Sarena over the top of his shield.

  “I wouldn't bet my life on it, little villain,” Sarena laughed. “Why don't you flee? Surely, this isn't worth dying over.”

  “If you still had the power to kill me, you would!”

  “Maybe I'm soft hearted,” the sorceress smiled.

  “Maybe you think I'm a fool,” the mercenary barked.

  “Oh, I do,” she replied, a look of surprise on her face. “I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear from the beginning.”

  “You and this child knight are going to kill us all? There are more of us on the way, you know. We're not alone.”

  “Neither are we.”

  “You're lying!”

  “Now that's not a very gallant thing to say,” she mocked. “Anyway, if I were you, I wouldn't count on anyone coming to my rescue. For the moment, it's just you and me.”

  “Then die, witch!” the rogue growled, spurring his horse onward.

  Sarena sat, chanting softly to herself as the villain rode quickly in her direction. Just before he reached her, she stretched out her tender hands and flames shot from her delicate fingertips. Both horse and rider were engulfed. The beast ran wildly as the villain screamed and beat out the blaze that engulfed him. The pair seemed to agree that this battle was no longer theirs. The steed and its burden flew quickly into the distance and away from the consuming flames of the red headed sorceress.

  Without hesitation, Tealor's last standing enemy lashed out at him. The first blow was dodged and the second was blocked by the warrior's shield. The next swing went wide and Tealor took the opportunity to reach for his blade. It was embedded too deeply in the tree for him to have any hope of freeing it until after the battle. Again, his foe attacked and, again, the assault was dodged. The warrior stooped to pick up the sword of his fallen foe, but the flashing blade of his still standing enemy prevented him.

  There was nothing to do but wait for an opportunity. The villain swung and swung again; finally his blade touched its target. Tealor's side was cut and bleeding. The warrior had to admit that this was getting more serious than he liked. Still, he had a number of surprises left. Tealor threw down his shield in apparent rage, and his enemy took advantage of the moment. He drew back his blade for a devastating blow. As he did so, Tealor closed the distance between them in a single lunge. In a flash, he raised his foot and kicked his adversary in the chest with enough force to shatter bone. His foe collapsed in a heap and the warrior immediately reached down and snatched up the sword of the villain's dead companion. Tealor's opponent was no sooner down than up again. This time, however, he was bent on escape rather than battle. The warrior let him run. He was here to save the girl; not to kill every member of this wicked band.

  Kilren rose from the prostrate body of his foe, dropping a dagger at Gwendolyn's feet as he stumbled into the woods. The young maiden stared at the weapon a moment before reaching for it with her bound feet. She couldn't help but wish that her rescuer had been able to take a moment to cut her free or at least place the knife in her tied hands before he dashed off. Still, she had heard the cry from the woods; he was undoubtedly rushing to the aid of some ally. She prayed he would make it in time.

  The dagger lay almost out of reach, but not quite. Gwendolyn slid as far down as the ropes that bound her would allow until she could just touch the blade. Slowly and carefully she lifted it from the ground, caught between her feet, drawing it toward her outstretched hands. Just as her fingertips brushed the weapon, it slipped and fell to the ground beneath her.

  She sighed heavily. Now, she was effectively sitting on the tool she hoped to use to free herself. Under normal circumstances, that would have been perfect. She could have just reached down and picked it up. At the moment, however, her back was tied to a tree and bending down was all but impossible. Still, there was only one thing to do: Try again.

  The villain who was trying to bring Erana's life to an end had taken cover behind a tree. The elf was an excellent archer and luck alone had already saved her opponent more than once; one mistake would finish him. His face appeared for a moment at the side of the trunk as he was clearly trying to get sight of her. As he drew his head back, an arrow flew through the space where his face had been an instant before. She had missed him, but only just. Her bleeding shoulder was partially to blame; she would have to concentrate to ignore the pain. The elvish ranger had a keen eye and a good aim, but her foe was both fearless and clever. Once more, he stuck his head around one side of the tree before instantly turning to step out around the other side. Erana could see what had happened, but it was too late. She had loosed her arrow at her enemy's face only to have him duck back around the tree as she was drawing another arrow. Although her hand was already on it, she wouldn't get it to her bow in time. The rogue's hand was drawn back for the throw. She was slightly off balance and wouldn't be able to dodge. She had to hope that her thin leather armor would be enough to save her life.

  In that moment, Kilren leapt on the villain. He had arrived just in time. She may have saved Kilren's life, but she had to admit that he had just saved hers. The pair lay on the ground struggling, but the young rogue was not as skilled as his opponent. In seconds, the mercenary was once more on his feet. The villain reached for a dagger hanging from his belt, but his hand never reached it. As soon as he was fully erect, Erana's arrow passed through his heart; his lifeless form collapsed silently to the ground.

  Barlan raised himself from the ground laughing. “Boy, you just missed the one chance you had to save your life. You should have killed me while I lay at your feet.”

  “I couldn't strike you while you lay helpless,” the young knight replied, carefully circling his rising opponent.

  “Oh, you could have. In a moment, you'll wish you had.”

  “I would rather die than strike without honor.”

  “Then you're in luck!” the huge mercenary yelled, lashing out once more at Darian.

  The speed with which Barlan wielded his prodigious great sword surprised the Telian. Blow after blow struck the young knight's raised shield while each of his counter attacks were turned deftly to one side or the other. His shield arm began to ache under the strain of the constant assault. Once more, the villain attacked with all his strength. Darian ducked beneath the giant blade and thrust his sword into his enemy's chest. Barlan's armor was well made, but the dwarvish blade of the valiant Telian was better. A small hole appeared in armor and flesh alike; again, blood began to flow from the giant mercenary.

  Barlan grinned at his enemy and stepped back for a moment, panting. Sarena rode quickly up to the scene of conflict, having disposed of her own adversaries. The large villain glanced at her over his shoulder. In an instant, he dropped his right hand from his sword and drew a dagger from a sheath on his side. Spinning around, he let it fly at the beautiful sorceress. The blade was well balanced and well-aimed. It struck her squarely in the stomach, causing her to let out a cry of pain as she collapsed on the back of her horse.

  “Now, it's just the two of us again,” Barlan grinned.

  Darian didn't speak; his anger was too great for words. Instead, he flew at his enemy in a rage. The sword in his hand flashed time and time again, seeking any openin
g in the giant rogue's defenses. He thrust his weapon once more at his enemy's chest, but Barlan stepped quickly to the side. The young knight then aimed a sweeping blow at the villain's head only to have the assault blocked by the giant sword of his enemy. Each of his attacks met with failure and, in seconds, the young knight stood breathless before his foe.

  “Allow me to give you some advice,” the mercenary captain said. “Never fight angry. It'll get you killed. It's too bad you won't live long enough to profit from the lesson.”

  Having said this, the villain renewed his attack on the young knight. Blow followed blow with a rapidity that almost defied belief. Finally, the massive rogue drew his mighty blade back for a devastating swing. Darian stepped to the side, placing his weapon between himself and the oncoming assault. However, Barlan swung his sword around and attacked the Telian from the other side in one fluid motion. The valiant knight raised his shield, but the blow landed with such force that it broke one of the straps that bound it to his arm.

  Again, the prodigious villain renewed his lightning fast attacks. The knight's shield was now useless and it hung from his arm as an awkward weight rather than as a useful tool of defense. Darian had no choice but to fling it to the ground and defend himself with his blade alone. For seconds that seemed like hours, Barlan hammered away on the champion. He raised his two-handed weapon above his head; apparently meaning to beat his way through his enemy's defenses and slice through his skull. The Telian raised his sword quickly to protect himself, but he had been out maneuvered once again. The giant mercenary stepped quickly in and struck Darian in the chest with the butt of his massive blade. The young knight fell to the ground as his foe lifted his giant sword above his head.


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