A Cowboy for Mom
Page 6
She was way, way too much like him. How Jen had stayed sane the entire time on her own, he didn’t know. But the woman fucking deserved a goddamned medal for it. Raising a teen was like going into a war zone in your skivvies, dangerous as all get out.
Spotting a parking stall, he slid into it and shut off the engine. He got out and went around to help Carrie down from their SUV rental, earning his ninth eye roll of the trip so far. Yeah, he counted those too. It was less than the trip before so he was aiming for a record.
Letting her go, first he followed her into the hotel that was hosting the wrap party. Nodding to one of the security guys he knew rather well after all their many trips, he found out where Jen was currently being held captive by some guy trying to talk her into doing his next film as the leading lady.
Grinning when he spotted her, Carson could tell by her shoulders that she was looking for an out, so he headed right for her. He stepped up behind her and slid his arms around her middle. “Mrs. MacDonald, you’re looking absolutely divine,” he whispered in her ear. Oh yeah, they’d gotten married too, but had kept it on the DL for her career. Apparently, single leading ladies drew bigger crowds of horny young men. Like a wedding band would ever stop a horny male for long.
When the arms wrapped around her, Jen was about to turn around and cold-cock someone, but when she heard Carson’s voice she went weak-kneed and all but melted. Turning, she grinned. “You’re here. You are really and truly here.” She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. This was what she needed—him.
When she pulled back, she was gasping for air but grinning stupidly. “And you brought our daughter.” She moved from his arms and gave Carrie a hug. She then pulled back and wrapped her arms around both of her favorite people and looked at the man who had been talking to her. “Sorry, but I have plans for the rest of my life. I appreciate the offer, I really do, but as you can see I have a daughter to raise. A husband to raise. And hopefully, one day a son or another daughter. So while the offer is tempting, I have to decline.” With that, she turned to her family and they headed for the door. Thank God.
Laughing softly, Carson hugged her to his side. “I think you done broke his heart, darlin’,” he teased, laying on the country boy a bit thick. Smiling down at her, he leaned in for another kiss. “For the official record, only nine eye rolls to get here, it’s a new low record for me.” They both looked to Carrie who rolled her eyes, right on cue. Gotta’ love the kid and her perfect timing. Chuckling at that, Carson reached over and ruffled her hair.
“Come on darlin’, we have a suite waiting where I plan on devouring you. And if you’re really interested, I think we should get started on some siblings for Carrie. She’s been terribly bored with life of late and a few late night feedings and nasty diapers do sound like the cure for that.”
Jennifer grinned when Carrie groaned, but she knew that groan, it was one of excitement. “I think that you are right, Mr. MacDonald. Just please tell me that the teen girl has her own room and will be able to order room service?” At his nod, she led them to the elevators, their happily ever after starting then.
The End
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