Book Read Free

Emergency Reunion

Page 6

by Abigail Gordon

  ‘You made a quick getaway last night,’ Jack had said when she’d arrived early that morning. ‘I don’t bite, you know. I believe you went home with the chief.’

  ‘Yes, I did,’ she’d told him with a conciliatory smile. ‘It was an economical arrangement as we live in the same apartment block.’

  He’d stared at her with mouth agape. ‘How come?’

  ‘When he first came he asked me if I knew of a vacant apartment anywhere and I told him I did, that there was one in the complex where I live.’

  His eyes had narrowed. ‘Why ask you?’

  So far no one on the unit knew that she and Kyle had met before. Perhaps this was the moment to make it known, as if it ever did come out there would be raised eyebrows at the way they’d kept quiet about it.

  ‘We know each other from way back.’


  She smiled at his amazement. ‘Yes, “really”, Jack. So you see why he—’

  ‘Has such an interest in you?’

  ‘Huh! That’ll be the day.’

  ‘Don’t you believe it, my child,’ he said with his good humour returning. ‘That guy is not immune to your charms. And speaking of those, neither are the rest of us.’

  The first alarm sounded at that moment so she was saved from any more of the pilot’s banter.

  In the middle of the morning as Hannah and Pete were chatting over a mug of coffee, Kyle appeared at her side. ‘Have you got a moment, Hannah?’ he asked quietly. As she got to her feet, he added, ‘In the office, if you don’t mind.’

  He closed the door once she was seated and she was tempted to remind him of what he’d said on that first day…that just because they were acquainted it didn’t mean that they would be closeted in his office all the time.

  When he’d settled himself behind his desk he observed her without speaking and she said quickly, ‘I take it that I’m in trouble of some sort. If it’s anything to do with last night don’t even mention it! What I do outside working hours is not your concern…even if you are involved.’

  ‘It’s funny that you should say that,’ he said as the vestige of a smile tugged at his mouth. ‘It’s what you do outside working hours that I want to discuss.’

  ‘You really have got a nerve!’ she told him angrily.

  ‘I’m afraid that you’ll think that even more when you hear what I have to say,’ he said blandly.

  ‘So what is it?’

  ‘My parents are bringing Ben up to London tomorrow but they can’t stay. ‘I’m anxious to see my son, as you can imagine, and intended spending the day with him, but something’s come up which means that I won’t be available for part of the morning.’

  Light was dawning and her spirits lifting. ‘So, as it’s my day off, you’re asking me to look after him for you. Is that it?’

  He swallowed hard. ‘Er…yes…that’s about it, Hannah. Would you?’

  Her face lit up. ‘Yes, of course. I’d love to. Let me know where and when I have to pick him up and what he likes to do.’

  He’d been frowning before but now his brow was clearing. ‘Thank you Hannah. I really appreciate this. I’ll bring Ben round to your place if that’s all right?’

  Hannah nodded. Of course it was. At this moment everything was all right. Kyle was going to trust her with his son. Maybe she’d moved up a peg, and for the rest of the day she was planning where she would take Ben and what they would do.

  Hannah didn’t get the chance to speak to Kyle again during the rest of the day. He was bogged down with showing some VIPs around the operations room and when they’d gone he went out with Graham on yet another emergency. When they got back the rest of them were on the point of leaving and he just bade her a brief goodnight.

  If she thought that the arrangements for the following day had been a bit vague Hannah consoled herself with the thought that at least he had asked her to help.

  For once he wasn’t keeping her at arm’s length. But was it anything to go by? The night before they’d been in each other’s arms and for her it had been like coming home after a long banishment, but what had it meant to Kyle? He’d soon backed off.

  Before making herself the nightly snack that went under the heading of ‘dinner’, Hannah took off her working clothes and went under the shower.

  As the water’s rejuvenating spray eased away the grime and tensions of a day amongst the rooftops she said to herself, ‘Live one day at a time.’

  If he was nothing else, Kyle Templeton was full of surprises, and just as long as they were pleasant ones like tomorrow’s arrangement…and those bone-melting moments the night before in the light of the streetlamps, she would go along with them.


  AT HALF past ten Hannah was watching the end of a play on television and fighting off sleep at the same time when her doorbell rang, and immediately her drowsiness fell away.

  Visitors were rare, especially at this time of night, and her heartbeat quickened. She’d put on a nightdress and a lightweight robe after her shower and having to open the door to a caller in such attire was the last thing she’d expected.

  There was only one person that it was likely to be and he’d left it a bit late if he was calling to discuss the next day. Before she could get to the door the bell rang again, and when she checked to see who it was Hannah saw that her assumption had been wrong. Richard was standing on the mat.

  ‘I hope I haven’t got you out of bed,’ he said stiffly when she opened the door to him.

  Hannah shook her head as disappointment washed over her. Richard was the last person she wanted to see, but he was here and she supposed that for old times’ sake she ought to ask him in.

  ‘I was just about to turn in,’ she said as she stepped back to let him pass. ‘It’s been a long day. What can I do for you?’

  She was trying to be pleasant, but he was already seating himself. Seeing him sprawled against her cushions, it made her realise just how much she’d wanted the late-night caller to be Kyle.

  ‘It’s what I can do for you.’ he said with a patronising smile.


  ‘Yes. I’ve won a holiday for two in Barbados and am offering you the chance to join me. I’ve been dining out with some of the folk from work and was on my way home when I thought of you as a possible candidate for sharing in my good fortune.’

  Hannah sighed. He was thick-skinned this one! They hadn’t seen each other in weeks and on the last occasion when they had she’d made it clear that she’d wanted nothing else to do with him.

  If Richard was expecting her to fall upon him and say ‘Yes! Please!’ he was mistaken. But she supposed there had to be some goodwill behind the offer and so she told him politely, ‘I’m sorry, Richard, but if you remember I did say that last time we met that our acquaintance had run its course.’

  He was staring at her in disbelief and it was all she could do not to smile.

  ‘You don’t want to come?’ he spluttered.

  ‘I’m afraid so.’

  He was on his feet.

  ‘Right. Suit yourself. I thought you’d be—’

  ‘Falling over myself to take you up on the offer?’

  ‘Something like that…yes.’

  She could almost pity him for the size of his ego. Letting him off lightly, she said, ‘I’m sure that there must be lots of other women who would jump at the chance of holidaying with you.’

  For a second his superior façade crumbled and he said with a wry smile, ‘If I were more easy to get on with, perhaps.’

  He was at the door, ready to make his exit, and as he stepped out on to the corridor Hannah felt sorry for him. Giving him a quick hug and a fleeting kiss on the cheek, she said softly, ‘If you’ve worked that out, you’re almost there, Richard. Good luck with the holiday.’ As he walked slowly towards the lift she went back inside and closed the door.

  It was gone ten o’clock before Kyle left the helipad. It had been as the sun was setting in a midsummer sky that he and
Graham Smith had returned from that last response of the day, and he’d been fretting ever since because he hadn’t made proper arrangements for the next day with Hannah.

  He could have phoned her, but it seemed churlish not to speak to her in person when they lived so near to each other. He’d been truly grateful at the way she’d so willingly agreed to do what he’d asked. After all it was her day off and, after a week on the helipad, they were all ready for a rest.

  A quick word before he turned in for the night was what he was intending and as the lift deposited him on the floor where she lived he was about to stride across to her door when it opened.

  He halted. A man of a similar age to himself was coming out and as Kyle moved back into the shadows on the landing he saw Hannah framed in the doorway behind him.

  When her visitor turned to say his farewells she hugged him to her, with her lips against his cheek, and with the movement the neck of her flimsy robe fell away, revealing a smooth shoulder and the cleft between her breasts.

  Kyle was writhing inwardly. It wasn’t the clinging brother-in-law this time. Though the fellow looked a similar type, he thought irritably. But as it was none of his business who Hannah spent her free time with, there was nothing he could do about it.

  Once the unknown visitor had gone and she’d shut her door, he walked slowly up the stairs to his own apartment. He didn’t want to have to face her, not having just witnessed the departure of lover boy. That seemed an apt description after an eyeful of what Hannah was, or was not, wearing.

  Hannah had just slid between the sheets when the phone rang, and this time it was Kyle. ‘Sorry to ring so late, Hannah,’ he said flatly.

  ‘It’s all right. I wasn’t asleep.’

  Don’t I know it, he thought grimly.

  ‘It’s about tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes. I thought it might be,’ she replied, and he could tell that she was smiling, which could have been for a variety of reasons and none of them anything to do with him.

  ‘Mum and Dad will be in London by ten so I’ll bring Ben round to your place about half past ten. Is that OK?’ he questioned in the same flat tone.

  ‘Yes,’ she said immediately. ‘And, Kyle…’


  ‘Get some rest, or you’ll be too flaked out to enjoy your time with Ben.’

  ‘I’ll try,’ he promised abruptly. ‘Goodnight, Hannah.’

  When he’d gone off the line she stood looking into the receiver. He’d sounded odd. Was he all right?’

  On impulse she dialled his number.

  ‘Yes?’ he barked.

  ‘It’s me again, Kyle,’ she explained. ‘Are you all right? You sounded a bit strange when you were on before.’

  ‘Of course I’m bloody all right!’ he bellowed into her ear. ‘Don’t fuss, Hannah.’

  Her face flamed as she replaced the handset. If that was all the thanks she got for being concerned over him, he could get lost!

  Kyle groaned as the line went dead. Could he do anything right where she was concerned? It was clear that any feelings she’d had for him were long since dead, and the fact that she had other men in her life wasn’t surprising.

  Hannah was beautiful, a good doctor and kind with it. What more could any man ask? What more could he ask? That he hadn’t wasted the last eight years for no reason? Because if he had he was some fool.

  When the bell rang the following morning Hannah was ready. In jeans and a comfortable cotton shirt and with trainers on her feet, she was geared for action.

  She’d decided to take Ben to the zoo if Kyle approved. It would be too much to fit in during a couple of hours, but she hoped that he might decide to join them when the meeting was over.

  ‘Here we are, Hannah,’ Kyle said with what she immediately recognised as false heartiness.

  He looked down at the small fair-haired boy holding tightly onto his hand. ‘And this is Ben.’

  Hannah went across and knelt beside him. ‘Hello, Ben,’ she sad softly. ‘I’m Hannah, and I’m sure that we’re going to have lots of fun getting to know each other.’

  He didn’t answer, just nodded and then buried his face against his father.

  Kyle was observing her over his head and he said quietly, ‘He’ll be all right once he gets to know you.’

  She was smiling. Nothing was going to throw her today. ‘Yes, of course,’ she agreed. Turning her attention back to the boy, she said, ‘I thought we might go to the zoo. Would you like that?’

  He fixed her with one eye, while the other remained hidden against Kyle’s shirtsleeve.

  ‘Mmm,’ he murmured.

  ‘Yes, please, if you don’t mind, young man!’ Kyle said with an apologetic glance in her direction. ‘You’re not going to see much of the zoo in the time I’ll be at the meeting.’

  ‘I thought that maybe you could meet us there,’ Hannah said hesitantly.

  He was eyeing her blankly. ‘Er…yes…I suppose so…if you’ve got nothing else planned.’

  It was an innocuous enough remark but she sensed there was something behind it. What did he think she was involved in on her day off? A mad social whirl!

  Usually it was shopping in the morning, lunch somewhere and then a film in the evening. Pleasant up to a point, but doing the same thing every week did take the excitement out of it.

  ‘I haven’t got anything else planned,’ she assured him. ‘So where shall we meet?’

  ‘By the lion house?’

  ‘Yes. that will be fine.’

  He was looking at his watch. ‘I have to go, Hannah.’ With a quick hug for Ben he prepared to leave. When she went with him to the door he said in a low voice, ‘Keep your eye on him, will you? Mum said he was very listless on the train and that isn’t Ben. It’s probably because they had an early start but you never know with kids.’

  ‘I will. Rest assured,’ she told him, and as he went striding off there were tears on her lashes. He was a strange mixture. Clever, loyal, passionate, a devoted father.

  From the looks of it he was happy to be a single parent to his son. A lot of men would have had second thoughts about that sort of responsibility. But, then, they weren’t Kyle Templeton, were they? Yet when it came to herself he had a low tolerance threshold.

  When she went back into the sitting room Ben was curled up on the sofa, fast asleep, and she thought whimsically, So much for getting to know him.

  Yet there was plenty of time. The speed with which he’d gone to sleep was a bit unusual, but obviously he was tired after the journey and the early start.

  Dragging a tired child around the zoo would be no fun for either of them. She would let him have his sleep out, and then they would go.

  An hour went by and Hannah knew if she didn’t rouse Ben soon Kyle could be there before them. But when she bent over him she saw that his face was flushed. When she felt his brow he was burning.

  He opened his eyes at that moment and croaked, ‘Can I have a drink, Hannah?’

  ‘Yes, of course, darling,’ she said, and hurried into the kitchen.

  When she got back he was sitting up. ‘My head hurts and the light is too bright, Hannah,’ he sobbed. ‘I want my daddy!’

  She rang Kyle on his mobile and had barely finished telling him what was happening before he said he was on his way. When she went back to Ben he was worse. He was having trouble swallowing, as if the membranes of his throat were affected. This was a nightmare, she thought desperately.

  What would he think when he knew that the moment he’d left his son in her care it had all gone wrong? She loved the man. Always had. She couldn’t bear to think that he would never again trust her with his child.

  ‘Hannah!’ Ben was croaking. ‘Where’s daddy? My throat hurts as well as my head.’

  She was trying to get him to have a sip of water but he pushed it away. The purple rash was still there, and as she eyed it thoughtfully she wondered.

  ‘Ben,’ Hannah said softly, ‘do you know what an allergy is?’

/>   ‘Mmm. Grandma says its something that doesn’t like you.’ he wailed.

  ‘And do you know of anything that doesn’t like you?’

  He shook his head without speaking and she had to be satisfied with that.

  Hearing a noise outside she ran to the window and was relieved to see Kyle flinging himself out of a car.

  When she opened the door Kyle was coming up the stairs two at a time, his face grey with anxiety. ‘Where is he?’ he asked as he pushed past her.

  ‘In the bedroom,’ she whispered.

  By the time he got to the bed where she’d laid the sick child he’d switched from the mantle of the anxious father to that of the doctor and was making a swift examination of his little patient.

  Hannah noticed that he hadn’t asked for her opinion but, like it or not, he was going to get it.

  ‘Is Ben allergic to anything?’

  ‘Er…what?’ Kyle asked absently as he took Ben’s hot little hand in his, and then it registered what she’d said.

  ‘Allergy!’ he exclaimed. ‘You might have something there, Hannah, darling! Mum mentioned that Ben had been stung by a bee yesterday, so she took him into the surgery.’

  ‘And they gave him an injection,’ she finished off for him.

  ‘Yes! Indeed! If it’s an allergy from that, an antidote will do the trick. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it is.’

  He picked Ben up in his arms. ‘Let’s be on our way—and if you’re right, Hannah, I’ll love you for ever.’

  Words! she thought wryly as they went. But she’d liked the sound of them.

  She’d ached to go with them but was aware that Kyle might not want her to tag along. And once Ben’s grandparents knew about his condition there would be enough of them by his bedside without casual acquaintances. She would have to wait, and pray that there would soon be some news.

  Pete rang her later on behalf of Kyle to confirm that Ben had been admitted and tests were being done to see if her surmise was correct. It would be some time before they had any answers.

  ‘Kyle says he’ll be in touch as soon as he has any news,’ he told her and then commiserated, ‘What a way to spend your day off. Having someone else’s precious child go sick on you to that extent.’


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