The Order of the Elements 01 - Breaking Point

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The Order of the Elements 01 - Breaking Point Page 23

by Jess Bowen

  Lucy blushed. “Oh, well, nothing really.”

  “Puhlease, you two are constantly wrapped up in your own little world,” Cynthia pleaded.

  “Yes, and I can’t read either of you when it happens, and I want to know why,” Phoebe added.

  Lucy fumbled with the hem of her shirt. “It’s hard to explain. I can’t tell you everything; I can’t even tell him everything.”

  What’s with all the secrecy around here? Phoebe thought irritably

  “Could you try?” Cynthia asked politely.

  Lucy sighed. “Okay, but if I say that I can’t tell you something, it’s because I really can’t; I’m not just trying to hide anything, okay?”

  Phoebe saw that she was being honest. “Okay,” Cynthia and Phoebe said together.

  “Well, Ethan and I have a connection…a special connection. Because of it, we can have conversations, share thoughts, between the two of us. The connection is private, so even you, Phoebe, can’t break into it. It’s protected. Sacrosanct.”

  “Does this connection explain why the two of you look like a match made in heaven while you’re together?” Phoebe felt a little better about knowing why she couldn’t read them. Although she was frustrated, too, because she had no idea what any of that meant.

  Lucy blushed again. Phoebe was right; she could already tell. “Well, sort of, yes.”

  “Can you tell us anything more than that?” Cynthia asked, seeming to have sensed that Lucy couldn’t or wouldn’t say any more.

  “Not really,” Lucy replied. As she said this, she sent Phoebe a searching look, and Phoebe felt like she was being X-rayed.

  “Okay, it’s better than nothing,” Phoebe said and then yawned. She was exhausted. She took a quick shower and then settled down in her bed. Her head had barely hit the pillow before she was deeply asleep.

  21. Expectations

  If my calculations are correct, you have exactly two minutes before Phoebe comes bursting into your room, demanding to know why you aren’t awake.

  Lucy’s thought jolted Ethan. He had been awake for a while, but he hadn’t realized that she was. Her thoughts had been silent so far.

  Are you kidding me? Phoebe woke me up two hours ago! I’ve just been listening to you. Your thoughts have been very entertaining this morning. I don’t know what you’re so worried about, Ethan.

  Oh, I don’t know, perhaps I’m worried about the fact that everyone in the entire Haven is going to be watching my every move in a few hours?

  Had the weeks really flown by that fast? Time had a tendency to pass rather quickly when all he had was training, training, and more training to keep him occupied.

  Wait, why is Phoebe so anxious this morning? Ethan asked through the mental connection.

  He could almost see Lucy grimace as she answered. Kali. She’s dying to close that hundred yard gap that Dorian keeps between them and give her the beating she deserves.

  That makes sense. Six weeks had gone by since the “incident” after which Dorian had insisted on keeping a comfortable hundred yard cushion between the two of them. It sometimes made training difficult, but Phoebe had seemed a good deal calmer ever since. But perhaps that was because nothing else seemed to matter to her when Dorian was around.

  I can’t read her thoughts. Well, at least not as well as I can read yours, but I would bet on option number two. Her mind revolves around Dorian.

  Much like mine revolves around you, Ethan replied; there was no point in Ethan trying to keep secrets from her. She knew them all already.

  Uh oh, your time has now been reduced to five seconds. Brace yourself, Cynthia seems equally as eager.

  “Lucy, will you please quit warning him when I’m coming? It really ruins all the fun,” Phoebe complained as she crossed the hallway. Ethan cringed. Ever since Lucy had reluctantly, sort of, explained the connection between him and Lucy, Phoebe always knew when they were communicating—whenever she couldn’t read them.

  Cynthia laughed, and Phoebe took the required seven steps across the hallway before she burst into the room with Sapphire standing just behind her. Phoebe’s jaw dropped as she looked around the room.

  “You three haven’t even gotten out of bed yet?” she said in disbelief.

  “Pathetic,” Cynthia added.

  Lucy stood by the door frame smiling sweetly, and, as always, staying out of the confrontation. Evan and Jared were buried under their blankets, hiding from the wrath that was sure to come. Bree was already dancing around Phoebe’s legs.

  “What time is it?” Ethan asked innocently, pretending that he had no idea they were expected to be somewhere anytime soon.

  “Why do you even try fooling me? You very well know that it’s eight o’clock and we have to be down at the arena in half an hour,” Phoebe said, glaring at him.

  Evan muttered something completely unintelligible.

  Phoebe’s eyes flashed to him. “You better be deciding very quickly that you’re ready to get up.”

  Phoebe wasn’t usually obnoxious with her talent. In fact, most of the time she kept it shut down as much as she could. She complained that everyone’s thoughts drove her nuts, or in Ethan’s and Lucy’s cases, lack of thoughts. Using her talent to break into their thoughts that morning told Ethan that she was either really irritated, or really excited.

  Excited, Lucy supplied. You have no idea how much she wants to get her hands on Kali.

  Phoebe’s lessons were going well. It was less draining for her to use her talent, although she still looked like she hadn’t slept on the mornings after lessons. Her other talents were not as hard to use, or as difficult to suppress, but they still sapped her energy. She did better with her Elemental powers and combat and physical training.

  “Okay, time for drastic action,” Cynthia concluded after none of the boys had moved for more than a minute.

  “Excellent idea,” Phoebe exclaimed.

  Ethan only had to wait two seconds to understand what Phoebe and Cynthia considered a great idea. They moved forward at the same time, and Cynthia gripped Jared’s blankets while Phoebe grabbed hold of Evan’s. Ethan could see them silently count to three before they both ripped the protective covering away from the twins. Evan curled up into a tighter ball, if that were possible, and moaned about the cold. Jared sat up and glared at Phoebe and Cynthia. Ethan sighed and sat up on his own, afraid of the wrath that would be inflicted on him otherwise.

  Phoebe and Cynthia made sure the boys were all in the process of getting ready to leave before walking out to wait in the hallway. Ethan thought of the girls and could not come up with a single reason why any of them would be nervous today.

  Cynthia had complete control over her Elemental powers. She could produce fire and make it do whatever she wanted, including engulfing herself in flames, which helped her quite a bit during hand-to-hand combat. She was also quite good at handling a sword. Lucy was also in command of her powers and had destroyed most of the training arena twice in the past two weeks, which she had apologized for profusely as the karabs came in to clean up the room. Karabs were strange-looking beings whose talents were building and cleaning. At first look, one would think a karab was a short human, but closer examination revealed that they were something quite different. They had four fingers on each hand and averaged about four feet tall. They had brilliant purple eyes and short, bright green hair.

  That was disastrous, Lucy would think as she reviewed each episode in her head. She still felt horrible about all the work that had to be done on her behalf.

  Quit worrying, Ethan would silently assure her. It only took them twenty minutes to fix it. That was quite impressive. At least by human standards.

  Phoebe was probably the most advanced of the group. She could now use not only water but ice as well during battle and had defeated Cynthia twice during training. She was also the fastest learner and most accomplished of anyone in combat training.

  And strongest, don’t forget strongest, Lucy added as Ethan thought through the li

  I don’t think that’s easily forgettable, although I have no idea how she manages it with those tiny-looking muscles of hers.

  Same way Dorian does, I suppose. You, Evan, and Jared are all bigger than he is, but Phoebe is stronger than all of you, and Dorian is still stronger than her. It’s completely illogical.

  Then again, your short little legs are faster than everyone’s. I guess illogical applies to everything.

  Good point. Lucy was very proud of the fact that she was the fastest. It gave her the only advantage she had in combat, because strength and size were not on her side.

  Although no one outside of her closest friends knew, Phoebe’s talent of Truth Seeking helped her a great deal in combat. That was usually the only time she intentionally used her talent to read thoughts. Dorian had lost his ability to take her down. He was still stronger than she was, but she had mastered moves better than anyone, and being able to read what someone was going to do beforehand certainly did give an edge. The two of them would spar until Breanne cleared her throat, at which point they would break apart, calling a truce.

  Breanne was very impressed by this. She started sparring with Phoebe and was not able to bring her down, either. Other elves were going to start sparring with Phoebe to help expand her skills. Outside people were also going to be brought in for Lucy. She was so fast that not even Jared and Evan could keep up with her anymore. The instructors were beginning to wonder if she had a Speed talent along with her Telekinesis, and they were bringing in someone with the same talent to test her.

  Evan was the best fighter, aside from Phoebe, although his fighting was less technical and more dirty. He took any advantage he could, no matter how unfair it would be to the other person, Ethan noted.

  That’s good though, Lucy insisted. How many times do you think we’ll come across someone who’s going to play by the rules out there? It’s best if we’re prepared in every way possible.

  Don’t even get me started. You know how I feel about that.

  I will not be left behind, Ethan. Get used to it, Lucy added sourly.

  This was the source of their one and only disagreement. Ethan was completely against letting Lucy go anywhere when the time came for them to leave the Haven. She, on the other hand, was completely against staying. He tried not to think about it too much. She always gave him a headache from a mental tirade every time he did think about it.

  Ethan continued down his mental list. Jared was the most hesitant out of everyone, although exceptionally good when he applied himself. No one was a match for him when it came to the Earth Element. By Ethan’s estimation, there wasn’t anyone better than Jared was.

  Except for you, which is why I can’t understand what you’re so uptight about. You’re even making me anxious. Your thoughts are so conflicted. There’s no reason to size yourself up to the others. Just do your best; no one can ask for more than that. Whatever happens, I’ll be proud of you, Lucy told him, continuing to follow his thoughts.

  Lucy, you’re always proud of me, and I you, but it’s not just your opinion I’ll hear today. All these people who have so much faith in me—they’re going to be watching. What if I let them down? Not to mention I’m supposed to have these super talents or something, and I don’t.

  It was a sore subject, one that Lucy was more than tired of hearing about, Ethan was sure. But he couldn’t help it. The others didn’t even think about it, but every time one of them made use of their little gifts, he couldn’t help but be a tad jealous.

  Lucy mentally sighed. Ethan, I wish you could see how well you’re doing. You’re measuring yourself against some ludicrous expectation of perfection. Nobody is perfect; nobody is expecting you to be.

  He hated to admit it, but he did have an image of perfection to compare himself to. Dorian is as close to perfect as it gets. That’s what they’ll be expecting from me.

  Ethan could see Lucy shaking her head as he thought that. Dorian’s a good fighter, strong, fast, accomplished, amazingly talented, and completely in control of his Element. Oh, that made him feel so much better. But there are two things you have to remember. One, you are not Dorian; he’s had many more years of experience. And two, Dorian is not perfect; he has his downfalls. They maybe not be visible, but they’re there.

  You know, I meant to ask you about that, Ethan thought, putting his other thoughts aside for a minute.

  What? Lucy thought, surprised by his change of subject.

  How does that work, with Dorian being so much older than Phoebe?

  Oh, well, time, age, and maturity aren’t quite the same here as you’re used to in The Realm of Non-Magic. There, time is so limited that five to ten years seems like a huge gap between two people. Those ten years in that world would compare to fifty years here, so there’s a bigger range of acceptable age differences than what you’re used to. Dorian is also unique in that all those rules don’t really apply to him, anyway. They don’t really apply to any of you Masters of Elements. Believe me when I say that his and Phoebe’s ages are not a factor in their relationship.

  I’m guessing that you can’t explain that further? he asked.

  Not really.

  Ethan had finally finished breakfast and gotten dressed. He, Evan, and Jared walked out into the hallway. All of their companions were frolicking happily. They were all still very young. Shade and Beau were just now molting and growing in their flying feathers. Sapphire’s horn was poking out about five inches from her head. Thor was quite a bit larger since he was older than Shade and Sapphire, and Sadi and Bree also showed signs of an older age. They all still loved to play, though.

  “All right, we’re ready to go,” Evan said as the boys exited.

  “About time. We’re all going gray out here!” Cynthia exclaimed.

  “Why are you all so impatient to get to the tournament?” Jared asked as he stretched.

  Phoebe and Cynthia answered at the same time. “Kali.”

  Everyone laughed. “Is there any chance you two will just let that go?” Evan asked, although it was clear he was expecting a no.

  Phoebe’s eyes narrowed. Ethan didn’t blame her. Her arms were still slightly pink, so she was now sure that it was a permanent scar, and she was ready for revenge.

  Evan held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay, just a question!”

  Phoebe opened her mouth to say something, but then her expression changed. A smile appeared on her face, and she turned in anticipation. Ethan knew that look. It was impossible not to connect that look with the person associated with it.

  I never get tired of that, Lucy sighed.


  The way they feel about each other. It catches my breath every time.

  Ethan didn’t know how she knew what she did, but he didn’t ask. That was one of those things she couldn’t tell him. He snaked his arms around her waist, and she leaned back into his chest. She was always very content when Phoebe and Dorian were around and together. Their feelings for each other were very intense. Dorian rounded the corner. As always, he only had eyes for Phoebe. Not until after their morning greeting would he turn his attention to the rest of them. Today, Phoebe’s expression turned from contented to confused, and a second later Ethan knew why. Sebastian was trailing behind Dorian, looking extremely nervous with his eyes darting around anxiously, and he was sweating profusely.

  Ethan couldn’t understand that. The Annexus had recently been renovated by the karabs to include hundreds of fireplaces as the temperature dropped outside, but the conditions inside were always perfect. The renovations were all for show. Ethan had never once been too hot or too cold here. It wasn’t hot at all—warm, yes—but not hot. But Sebastian’s sweating wasn’t the only anomaly. Dorian’s assistant had rarely been seen at all lately. The last time Ethan had seen him was in the infirmary the day of the disagreement with Kali.

  Lucy mentally snorted. Disagreement?

  You know what I meant. What’s wrong with him?

  No idea. He’s pretty
twitchy, though.

  He was very twitchy and stopped halfway down the hallway as Dorian continued forward. Dorian seemed unshaken by Sebastian’s odd behavior. Phoebe shrugged and turned her attention back to Dorian. Ethan relaxed; if she didn’t sense anything worth worrying about, then there probably wasn’t anything there. Maybe Sebastian was just a very strange individual. He couldn’t be the judge of that; he had only seen him a few times, and the guy hadn’t been exactly normal then, either.

  Dorian wrapped one of his arms around Phoebe’s waist and brushed her cheek with his hand as he gazed down at her. Everyone was so used to this by now that it hardly triggered the gag reflex anymore. The look of adoration on each of their faces was similar to one in a fairy tale. Not that Ethan had room to judge. Everyone had assured him and Lucy that they were just as sickeningly infatuated as the other two were. He guessed it was different to see it from an outside perspective than to experience it firsthand.

  “You slept well?” Dorian whispered.

  “As well as can be expected, considering,” Phoebe replied. “You?”

  Considering the fact that they weren’t together last night, Lucy finished Phoebe’s thought. Ethan’s arms tightened around her as he stifled a laugh.

  “My night was long, as always,” Dorian replied.

  Long because she wasn’t there, Lucy interpreted.

  It was scripted at this point—same greeting every morning, same interpretations from Lucy.

  I don’t know why Dorian won’t just open their connection. It makes the nights much easier to manage. I can always feel your presence, even when we’re separated. Lucy sighed.

  Didn’t you say he was still trying to protect her?

  Yes, but it’s really pointless. She’s going to find out sooner or later. He might as well get it over with.

  Dorian cradled Phoebe’s face as delicately as if she were a breakable object and kissed her forehead before linking his hand with hers and turning to the rest of them.


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