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Demonic Angel (A Touch Of Magic)

Page 22

by Maria Del Sette

  “Yes. I was upset. It's not like Tessa is here for me to talk to and Lara is nice and all but I barely know her.” I tell him and it comes out muffled.

  “What were you talking to her about, exactly?”

  “I was scared that it would kill one of us. You stormed off in such a panic the other day and it freaked me out.”

  “Oh Titch.” He sighs and comes to sit next to me but my legs are sprawled out across the swing. He lifts my legs and places them on his lap when he sits down. “Why didn't you speak to me about it?”

  “Did you not just hear me? You freaked out. Then when we were in the tunnels and you got all 'we can't' on me. So I was upset and went to someone I knew had experience with this kind of thing.”

  “Your mum?” I give him a look that says 'think about it Jaxon' and he makes a perfect 'O' with his mouth when recognition hits him. “Shit, I forgot about that.” He cringes and shudders underneath my legs. “So it is safe?” I nod. “How safe exactly?”

  “Um, very? Mum said our abilities just intensify the feelings.”


  He jumps up, almost knocking me off the swing. He jogs over to Aeron who screams in protest at being taken from his flower picking and then Jaxon disappears in the house, leaving me thinking 'what the hell just happened?'

  I am just about to close my eyes and lay back to sunbathe when I am lifted from the swing and thrown over a muscular shoulder.

  “Jaxon! What are you doing?” I shriek. He doesn't reply as he carries me through the gate of my garden and runs (superhumanly) down the road until we get to his house. He enters the house, ignoring my yelps every time he knocks me into something and lugs me up the stairs and into a room. He chucks me on to the bed and is grinning so wide, the Cheshire Car in Alice in Wonderland would be put to shame.


  After Jaxon dumps me on his bed, he disappears out the room, leaving me to take in the interior. His room is black. Like, everything is black. Okay, almost everything. He has pine style wooden flooring with a black rug in the middle of the room. A silver framed bed with black sheets and black and silver cushions. He has black black-out curtains and his walls are a stone grey colour with an enormous flat screen TV on the wall. There is a silver chest of drawers in one corner, a silver bedside cabinet on either side of the bed and a door that I am assuming is a wardrobe but apart from that. His room looks bare. No pictures. No photos. No mess. Nothing is out of place. He really does have some kind of OCD.

  I kick my sandals off and cross my legs on the bed. I want to ask why he brought me here but I think I already know the answer and that makes me both nervous and excited.

  Nervous because it will be my first time and excited because well its Jaxon and I have wanted this for quite a while now. I think.

  Jaxon comes into the room carrying a drink in each hand. The drink looks like rose wine? I don't actually know, I don't drink the stuff really.

  “I- I don't really know how to do this.” He tells me quietly.

  “Do what?”

  “Romance someone. I have never found the need to before.”

  “Yeah me neither.” Although, probably because I am a virgin and he is well, not. He studies me for a moment.

  “So...” Okay, now it's awkward. “I am sorry Calissa. I had this whole thing in my head where I would bring you here over my shoulder, bring you in here, we would talk and drink wine and then I would kiss you senseless and then well, I'd rip your clothes off and you know the rest.” Oh God. Do that! Do that!

  “And now?” Please say you still are going to do that!!

  “And now I feel kind of stupid. I don't even know where to begin.” I laugh and pull a fraying bit of fabric from my shorts and play with it between my fingers.

  “How about we start off with talking?” I suggest. He nods and takes a seat on the bed. “You start, ask me anything you want.”

  “Um, okay. Where were you when you did a runner?” I full a face at him and he grins wide.

  “Paris. Where my mum lives. What year were you actually born?” He stiffens and glares at me. I beam at him.

  “Nineteen seventy-seven.” My eyes widen and when he looks at me, I drop the shock from my face and act casual. Oh my gosh! Caroline wasn't lying when she said he was thirty-eight. Dad was born in nineteen sixty-nine. He is only eight years younger than my dad! Simon, not Raphael. I think Raphael is like ten thousand or something. Ewww! Mum slept with an old man. An ancient man. “What on earth are you thinking about?” I blush.

  “I don't know, a bunch of crap runs through here on an hourly basis. Can't stop it either.” I smile and he chuckles. Swoon. “My turn.”

  “What? No way! That was not a question.”

  “Uh yes it was. You asked what I was thinking. Asked. So, my turn.” I sing and flop backwards on the bed. “Sooo... how many girls have you brought back here?” I don't actually want to know the answer, if he knows I mean.

  “None. You are the first.” That answer shocks me. None??? Did I hear that correctly??

  “None? Why?”

  “Nuh uhh! My turn.” Dick. “Why haven't you got horns when you fight?” He's lost me.

  “What?” He rolls his eyes.

  “When succubus fight, their horns show. Why don't yours?” Horns? What the hell is he talking about? I stare at him and blink. “Oh come on Titch, don't play dumb.” I'm not playing actually. I seriously have no idea what he is drilling on about.

  “I- I don't know what-” He frowns at me and then dives off the bed, eyes round in horror.

  “You are a virgin!” Oh fudge. I wince at his loud words. “Of course you are! That is why you have never drained someone before. It is why you freaked out so much from killing Crillin! You haven't killed before because you have never had sex before! Holy shit!!” I gulp and sit up, folding my hands in my lap. “Oh for fuck sake!! I do get myself into a load of shit sometimes.” My head snaps up.

  “Excuse me! A load of shit? You haven't done anything with me Jaxon! You chickened out and did a runner the only time we were ever even remotely close to anything. And what the hell is wrong with you? You have slept with like a million girls, you have known you are an incubus for what? Twenty years? You don't see me complaining about the other girls you have slept with and probably killed or possibly impregnated! ” I take a deep breath to steady myself. “Most guys would be thrilled to know that they were a girls first kiss. Happy to be a girls first sexual partner. First love. You? You freak out.” I get to my feet and grab my sandals from the floor. Jaxon stares at me open mouthed for a moment until I reach the door.

  “Walk out of that door Titch and I will just drag you back in here. Don't think I won't.” I roll my eyes. I don't care for his caveman act right now. Much. I walk through the door and turn towards the stairs. I am just about to take a step down when I am grabbed around the waist and carried back into the bedroom. Jaxon locks the door behind us before throwing me on the bed.

  “Hey!” I yell out in protest.

  “Shut up a minute.” My jaw ticks in anger. How dare he tell me to shut up! Cheeky git. “Okay so I am sorry for going off on one. Twice. I haven't ever been with a virgin before. And I have never impregnated anyone. Despite what my incubus blood entails, I always said I would have a baby with someone I love. Not some random. That is one of the only things I give my father credit for. He didn't love my mother but he did care deeply about her and it was her that demanded he stay away from us. Then with Aimee, he actually loved her more than anything. She was a dream come true for him. And now he is with Caroline, though I am unsure of his true intentions or feelings for her.” I stay silent.

  “I am happy that you are a virgin, it just took me by surprise is all. This is a first for me too. The only thing I know about situations like this is that the girl loves romance and her first time should be special. Not on a caveman whim. Right?” Usually yes. For me? Well, I am not like ordinary girls. Obviously. The angel in me tells me to wait and do what he says
but the demon? She over powers the angel by a smidge and that demon happens to be a sex demon and well... this is sex.

  “No.” He looks at me, startled. “If you want to take me on a date and romance my pants off, fine but I am succubus and right now, I can honestly say, if you kiss me, right this second, I will be putty in your hands.” I tilt my head down and look up at him through my lashes, biting my bottom lip.

  “I... Fuck it.” He charges me and pushes me down on the bed. My heart goes on overdrive as he kisses me. He nudges my lips open and I open my mouth to give him access. His tongue brushes mine and heat boils up in the core of my stomach. I lift my hands up and wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He pulls away from my lips and traces a line of kisses down my neck to my collar bone and then down my chest. “You sure about this?” He asks me huskily. I nod my head. He grins and my insides twist and dance. He places a small, sweet kiss on my lips.

  “I love you.” A smile grows large on his face at my words. He looks like he just won the lottery. He bends down and kisses me again and lowers himself on top of me. He pulls his mouth away from mine and looks directly into my eyes.

  “Titch? I love you, more than anything.”


  Waking up in Jaxon's arms a few hours later, has to be the single best thing I have ever experienced. Okay second. Sex with Jaxon is the best thing. When we wake up, we go again. And it is even more intense than the first time.

  Right now we are in his bedroom getting dressed and resisting the urge not to touch each other again when a there is a knock at the door. I chuck on one of Jaxon's t-shirts which evidentially looks like a dress on me. And then I open the door as Jaxon pulls on a pair of jeans. Caroline is standing on the other side wearing a smile so large she looks creepy. She sees what I am wearing and catches Jaxon buttoning up his trousers and if it is even possible, her smile grows even bigger.

  “Well, well, well. About bloody time.” Her eyebrows raise so high, they almost disappear behind her blonde hair. I blush and pull the hem of the t-shirt I am wearing down to cover my bare legs even though I am wearing shorts.

  “Hi Caroline.” I say quietly.

  “Hey yourself.” She laughs. “I am about to cook up some dinner. Are you staying Cally?”

  “Dinner? What time is it?”

  “Almost six. I picked up Aeron already, he is downstairs colouring.” Oh no!! Does that mean they heard us? Jaxon, sensing my panic, comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder.

  “No thanks Caz, we are going out to grab a bite to eat.” We are? I look up at him in confusion. “I owe you a date.” I grin.

  “Okay no worries. Have fun.” She walks off towards the stairs. “I hope you two were safe.” She calls back and then laughs as she descends the stairs. My heart has stopped. I think I am having a heart attack. Oh my God!! My face is on fire. If Jaxon were to touch me right now, he would burn himself. I turn to him with my eyes wide and my mouth agape. He chuckles and this time it does nothing to calm me.

  “Relax, she is only trying to embarrass you.”

  “Well it worked.” I snap. He laughs harder and pulls me into him so my cheek is resting against his shoulder.

  “Come on, it isn't that bad. Let's go grab some food. I know a great place we can eat.” I let him lead me out of the house and we get into his car. It seems pretty pointless, us driving, when we both have wings but I suppose we have to at least look human to others.

  Jaxon doesn't disappoint. He took me to a really posh, expensive, French restaurant near the beach and even though the staff looked at me and my attire as if I was a piece of crap on their shoe, they treated us well. I love French food as am used to it from years of experience with the stuff from visiting mum and I even convinced Jaxon to try frogs legs. He hated them. I found that hilarious.

  When we leave the restaurant, we drive back to my house and he walks me to my door.

  “These past twelve hours have been by far the best I have ever had in my life.” He tells me. “I am so glad I didn't kill you.” I laugh. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  “It's okay. Thank you for stalking me.” Now it is his turn to laugh.

  “So, I gotta go back and convince Caroline to feed. I will see you tomorrow okay, girlfriend?”

  “Okay, boyfriend.” I smile wildly at him. He leans down and kisses me but before I can get too wrapped up in it, he pulls away and leaves. I watch him drive off down the road before turning around and going inside the house.

  The house is quiet when I enter. Too quiet. I kick my sandals off and chuck them at the bottom of the stairs and then walk into the kitchen. No-one is there. I check the study. Nothing. Frowning, I look out into the garden and see a silhouette of someone standing in the middle of the garden. It looks like Tessa. I gasp and run outside. The person turns around and faces me and due to it being dark, I can't see their face.

  “Tess? Is that you?” I ask. They don't reply, instead they walk towards me and then their face comes into focus. “Tessa, are you okay?” She stands before me with a rabid look in her eye. This isn't good.

  “You destroyed him.” She snarls. This isn't Tessa. Tessa is the most kind natured person I know. This person has murder written in her eyes. Oh why did Jaxon have to leave???? If I have to fight her, I am unsure if I will be able to actually hurt her. She will win for sure. “You took away the man he was and replaced him with something that shouldn't exist. Do you know what happens to someone who loses their demonic powers?” I shake my head.

  “They become so frantic, they are borderline insane. Of course, this didn't kick in until we surfaced back up here so he went crazy in front of a beach full of people! He has been sectioned into the psychiatric ward!! In a fricking padded room! It is your fault!”

  “My fault? You knew the plan Tessa. You were up for it. Then you left me! You left Jaxon, Mike and I to fend for ourselves. Caroline was passed out on the floor and you left her too.”

  “You ruined my dad!!”

  “He wasn't your dad Tess!! He hasn't been your dad for over a year! Your dad died along with his marriage. His true colours came out after then! Don't you see that? You were with him for merely three hours and already had a bruise and blood on your face! I saw it! He bloody hit you again! And you STILL served him!” She is panting and I see tears in her eyes.

  “NO!! That isn't true! I knocked over an expensive vase! I deserved it!”

  “NO-ONE DESERVES TO BE HIT LIKE THAT TESSA!!” I yell, anger spitting from my words.

  “He is my dad Calissa.” She says sadly. “You took away his manhood.”

  “No Tessa, a bunch of other demons did. We just helped.” She looks down to the ground and then back up at me. Her hands clench and unclench. She looks dirty. She is still wearing the same clothes as she was wearing when we headed out on the mission but there is a tear in the trousers at the knee and her top is in shreds, barely covering her body.

  “You still gave him that potion.”

  “No, Caroline did.” I state.

  “You let her give it to him.” That is true. I can't deny that. “I can't go on like this Calissa.”

  “Like what?” I question.

  “I can't come back here and pretend everything is all hunky dory when it isn't. I should have let him kill you!” I gasp and so does someone else from behind us, I turn around and see Lorraine and my mum walking towards us from the house, Lara in tow.

  “Tessa! Don't say things like that!” Lorraine remarks.

  “Don't get involved mum! This doesn't concern you!” Tessa screams at her mother.

  “Wanna bet!! You are my daughter, everything you do concerns me!” Lorraine stands next to me on one side while mum stands on my other side.

  “She needs to pay mum.” Tessa holds up a hand and faces her palm towards me. “I have to make her pay.” Tears are streaming down her face. I am sure they'd be falling down mine too but I am too shocked to cry. I stare at the hand she has facing towards me.

  “This all happened because she had to be half angel. Her father had to be Raphael. She had to fall in love with a demon. She just had to be the centre of attention! You came to rescue her when she was in need but when dad hit me, you said you didn't believe me!” She is now screaming at her mum. Lorraine tenses up beside me.

  “I did believe you! He said he would kill you if I came back. He made me stay away.” Tessa shakes her head at her mums words.

  “You are a liar!” Tessa screams. “You don't care!! About me or anyone else but Calissa! So that is why I need to do this.” A ball of fire flames up in her hands and both of our mothers stand in front of me to protect me. “Don't do that! Don't protect her! She needs to fight me back or I will kill all of you.” She has officially lost it. I know this isn't Tessa.

  “I am not fighting you Tess.” I say surprising calmly considering she has a huge ball of fire aimed at my face.

  “Then you die.” She shrugs and throws the ball towards me. Lorraine extinguishes it before it even gets anywhere near us. “Mum! Go to sleep!” Lorraine collapses in a heap on the floor and I look at my mum in panic. “You too Serena.” Then my mum falls to the ground. Oh shit! “We are going to settle this Calissa. You can't be the heroin in this story. I won't let you.” She conjures up another fire ball and throws it at me. I dodge out of the way and it hits the side of my house. She throws another. I dodge it. I can see her getting frustrated as she starts to shake. I need to stop her. But how?

  A large gust of air resembling a small tornado, comes rushing towards Tessa, knocking her to the ground. She yells out in pain but composes herself quickly. I spin around to see Lara holding her hands up in the air. Her blue eyes are glowing as if lit up by Christmas lights and her wings shimmer under the moonlight. Tessa places her fingers to her temples. Oh crap! I know what she is doing. I panic and raise a hand and throw a lightning bolt her way she screams when it makes contact with her thigh. I don't want to hurt her! I don't! But I can't let her lose control like this.


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