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Return to the Traveler

Page 4

by Craig Martelle

  ‘How serendipitous then.’ Brandt chuckled, but under it all was the pain he endured as he drove himself onward.


  Braden and Micah sat across Contessa’s neck and shoulders. G-War and Fea crouched on the cow’s head. The Aurochs and her riders ambled easily along the ancients’ road.

  “Thanks for taking us,” Micah said.

  ‘I am worried about my King!’ the cow said, her thought voice exasperated.

  “I’m sure he’ll be fine, but we will find out soon enough.”

  ‘Sooner than that,’ G-War said. The cow saw the King of the Aurochs ahead and broke into a run. Braden and Micah grabbed what hair and flesh they could to hang on. She made short work of the distance. Brandt stopped, the point of one hoof barely touching the ground as he balanced on three legs.

  “What are you doing? By all the stars in the sky, why are you out here?” Braden exclaimed, gesturing wildly as he talked.

  ‘Bringing your children home. I shall recover better in my home of New Sanctuary instead of in the field outside Livestel.’

  Contessa nuzzled the great King, mooing softly as she did so. Brandt looked smug.

  “Men,” Micah muttered. “The biggest babies on the planet.”

  “Good thing we’re not staying here.” The King started to hobble again. Braden and Micah each picked up one of the twins. G-War hopped onto Brandt’s back and chased his children off the King’s head. Fea shrugged as she joined her mate. Klytus and Shauna grumbled as they moved to the cow, but calmed quickly when they realized the ride was much smoother.

  “We tried to stop him!” Ax claimed.

  “I’m sure you did,” Micah replied with a smile.

  “He wasn’t mean, but I don’t think White Mountain wants to see him in Livestel ever again.”

  “Probably not. What do you have to say for yourself?” Micah pressed.

  ‘I shall miss going to Livestel, but such is life.’

  “Brandt!” Micah scolded.

  ‘I am kidding. I shall apologize when the time is right. You will take them wonderful gifts of meat and jewelry on my behalf.’

  “We will?” Braden asked.

  “Of course we will. Everything Brandt has done for us over the years? It is the least we can do.” Micah winked at Braden.

  ‘And I thank you for it,’ Brandt replied.

  Micah accessed her neural implant. Her eyes unfocused as the window appeared before her eye. ‘Holly, Brandt has a broken leg. Do you have anything that could help him heal more quickly?’

  ‘Of course. I shall dispatch a Medical Robot to your location. It’ll knit the bones together in a matter of an hour or so.’

  ‘How long have you had a robot that can heal people?’

  ‘Not long, Master President. This will be the first field test.’

  ‘Send it out. We’ll wait.’

  Micah raised her hand, calling for a stop. “Get this. Holly has a Bot that can heal Brandt’s leg in about an hour. It’s on its way.”

  ‘I’ll be as good as new today?’

  “I don’t know, Brandt, but Holly can work miracles.”

  “How long has he had something like that? Maybe we can take one with us to the Traveler.”

  “He said that it is new.”

  “I am not amused,” Braden added. “As much as we’ve gone through, Holly never built this thing before? Not amused at all.”

  “Relax,” Micah said softly. “Holly knows more than we ever will. We have to trust his judgment. At least we have the Bot now. I would like to think that it’ll be able to fix all species. If it can work on an Aurochs, it should be able to work with a Hillcat, too, just in case.”

  The thought of his friends and family being injured caused Braden the most pain. They had all had injuries and been treated in the field. Braden always worried that his skills weren’t good enough, and someday, one of them would die. He would think it was his fault.

  “All Holly’s knowledge, conveniently coming to an injury near you,” Braden joked. “I like it a lot.”

  “We shall see,” Micah said. They settled in to wait.

  It didn’t take the Bot long to appear as it had the same hover technology as the Security Bots. The size of the machine was intimidating. The children and the ‘cats backed away from Brandt, now lying on his side as he waited. Braden and Micah stayed where he could see them.

  The Bot settled onto the ground next to the injured leg. It waved an arm with something attached over the injury and then retracted the device.

  ‘Holly, tell us what’s going on.’

  ‘Yes, Master President,’ Holly replied. The speakers on the Bot crackled to life. “Good afternoon, Brandt Earthshaker. I trust you are well. Please stay still while we complete the process. We have scanned the injury. Next will be an injection of bonding agent.”

  An arm with two protrusions extended, wrapped itself around the limb, and slid slowly upward, slicing and removing the bandage that White Mountain had put in place while at the same time injecting something through the skin.

  ‘Ow!’ Brandt exclaimed. His leg spasmed, but the Bot’s size helped it to hold steady. ‘The pain is gone!’

  “A numbing compound is included as part of the bonding agent. It will wear off about the time that the bone is repaired. The last step is electromagnetic stimulation of the agent.” The arm extended one more time with paddles that it held in place on both sides of the leg, above the injury.

  “When’s the last time you’ve eaten?” Braden asked his son. The boy shrugged. Micah started digging in her pack and brought out a protein bar from the fabricator in the presidential suite. Braden did the same.

  “You don’t have any brownies?” ‘Tesh asked as she looked sideways at the bar.

  “Just eat it!” Braden ordered.

  Micah gave him the stink-eye, but the children began to chew. Once finished, they curled up against Brandt and went to sleep. G-War lay across the King’s neck and purred softly, relaxing the huge creature.

  ‘It is finished,’ Holly’s voice told them from the Bot. Braden snapped awake. Micah blinked against the sun. Braden wondered if Holly had put them all to sleep to help pass the time.

  The Bot retracted all its equipment and moved a safe distance away. “Brandt. I think you can try to stand.”

  The King of the Aurochs was tentative as he put weight on it. When it didn’t hurt, he put more and more on it, until he was standing. He took a few steps and then a few more. He trotted until he ran, then made a big arc as he returned to the others.

  “Climb on! I’m famished and there’s nothing like fresh vegetables to soothe the savage beast, eh?”

  “Nothing like them,” Braden said noncommittally.


  Jocelyn gaped at New Sanctuary. “Everything you do is done in these little buildings? That’s where this magnificent vehicle was built?” She pointed to the hovercar.

  “Most of the facility is below ground. What you see here is nothing compared to what’s below. There is a vast manufacturing level, storage areas, a command center, and a complete berthing area. You’ll see it on our way to the matter transfer chamber, the place that will send us to space,” Braden explained.

  “Can we go now?” she asked.

  Braden shook his head. “We need to talk with our friends first. Come and see.”

  The group had gathered in the clearing around the lake—Brandt and Contessa, Rabbits, Hawkoids, Hillcats, Wolfoids, and humans.

  Braden put his laced his fingers behind his back and paced as he talked. “We can only take twelve and because of the way that the matter transfer system works, going in two separate groups isn’t viable because it’s not safe. I won’t have us split up. I’ve talked with you all and think we have our twelve. Three ‘cats, three humans, two Wolfoids, two Hawkoids, a Lizard Man, and a Tortoid. This is the group I think gives us the best chance to accomplish our mission, which is nothing short of creating a section of the ship where it is safe for o
ur people to live and work.”

  Micah stepped in front of the Governor of Warren Deep. “For those of you who haven’t been on the ship before, Treetis and Jocelyn, don’t ever lose your bracelet as that is what you’ll need to move through doors. We’ll have a command-level bracelet which gives us access to almost every space. The ship spins to maintain the illusion of gravity. It will take a while to get used to. You’ll feel like you’re getting pulled to the side. Walking uphill will feel like you’re walking on the level. It’s bizarre, but you’ll figure it out. Assume everything and everyone you meet is hostile until they prove differently. In other words, stay behind us.”

  “The Golden Warrior is our key to success. He’s the one who makes it possible to talk with the creatures on the Traveler, although there were those ones in the corridor filled with jungle who you couldn’t talk with. Or Androids, and they were the greatest threat. Scratch everything I just said. Holly is our key to success!”

  ‘It makes noise, but no sense,’ G-War said with a sigh.

  “We’ll have a blaster for you, Pik, but it’ll be special. You’re getting a blaster, too, Jocelyn. Everyone wears armor. Even you, G. Everyone. The armor protected us from the Android lasers last time. With what Young Tom and Zeller experienced last year, we know that we still can’t trust the Androids. Holly?”

  A Bot rolled into the clearing. “I am here, Master President, Master Vice President, distinguished guests. It is my great honor to host you on this momentous occasion.”

  Braden held his hands up and shook his head as he looked at Micah. She didn’t know either.

  Holly continued. “A trip to the Resettlement Vessel Traveler, in space for well over four thousand years, a monument to humanity’s perseverance, mind over matter. The ship was lost for centuries until it was found again by Braden and Micah, who will now make their third trip into space.”

  “And G.”

  “With the indomitable spirit of Prince Axial De’atesh, once again, the descendants of Earth shall rise and take their rightful place among the stars!”

  ‘I don’t know what I just heard,’ Aadi commented.

  “What Holly meant to say,” Braden interrupted, “is that we’ll go to the matter transfer chamber first thing in the morning. I wouldn’t bother eating. Carry your breakfast with you so you can eat it once your stomach settles when we’re aboard the Traveler. Carry your blaster and don’t be afraid to use it. With Holly’s help, we’ll bring a good part of the ship under our control so the scientists from Cygnus VI can board and take up residence, continue their work which will eventually take us back to the stars. For now? We’re fighting against dung-throwing monkeys and death beetles.”

  ‘I’m full up on beetles, but a shipborne snack will be greatly appreciated.’

  ‘One of those wild hogs on Deck 10 sounds pretty good,’ G-War added.

  “You guys just ate, and you’re already thinking about food! You know how it is up there. We’ll lose track of days and nights and forget when we last ate.” Braden looked from face to face. Bounder belched, looked away, and started licking his lips.

  Skirill screeched the Hawkoid cry. Micah and Braden both jumped. ‘I will be happy to be on the Traveler once again. I will fly the spinning skies and dance among the twisting trees, being the eyes of my friends as they try to bring peace to yet another world. I’ll eat when I eat and sleep when I’m dead!’

  “What is this, speech day?”

  ‘I shall sleep when the sun shines...’ G-War started, but Fealona swatted him, so he stopped.

  ‘I return to a home that I remember, but haven’t known. It is the home of the one who came before me. I will honor his memory as I try to represent him among our people on the Rainforest Deck.’

  ‘I’ve never been there,’ Treetis said. ‘I add my senses to everyone else’s in order to find our enemies before they find us. And should we close with them, our enemies will feel my claws and teeth.’

  “We’re probably going to get sunburnt from all the time we’ll be laying in the sun drinking fruity water,” Braden replied with a snicker. “Stay sharp and be aware. Our job won’t be easy, but it’s not going to be as gloom and doom as all of you are making it out to be. Holly, bring everyone’s armor out here so we can make sure it all fits.”

  “It would be best if Jocelyn comes downstairs to the armory to get fitted. I have equipment for everyone else being delivered. Will the Hawkoids require the razor talons?”

  “Yes, but secured in a pack. They can put them on if we’re going into a rough area, but I don’t want them wearing them as part of their normal getup.”

  “Understood, Master Braden.”

  “Where are you going, G?” Braden asked as G-War was halfway into a bush. “Don’t make me fight you with the damn armor. It’s because I don’t want to see you hurt. Can’t you understand that? You always run in front of me, so you need your own protection. If you stay behind me, you don’t have to wear it.”

  ‘Done,’ G-War quickly agreed. ‘Make sure you get yours.’

  ‘If you’re not wearing yours, I’m not wearing mine!’ Fea declared.

  ‘You’re going to wear yours because I can’t have you getting hurt!’

  “Jocelyn? Now sounds like a great time to go to the armory. Follow us.” Braden glanced back at the ‘cats as they began to snarl and face off. Klytus and Shauna were lining up to watch while the others started working with their various armor, from blankets to coverlets to sleeves and vests. There was something for each of Vii’s different creatures.

  “Is it that dangerous?” Jocelyn thought of her daughter. She couldn’t leave her motherless. “Maybe I shouldn’t go.”

  Braden and Micah both stopped. “Why did you come?” Micah asked more pointedly than intended.

  “Have I earned the right to lead the people of Warren Deep?”

  “People earn the right once they’re in the position, not before,” Braden answered. “And you have helped them from the dire lives they had in the time before you. They have hope, and you were the one who gave them that.”

  “My husband used to be a good man,” she said softly. “The intoxication of power… I don’t get it. Each day, I feel unworthy to lead the good people of the north.”

  “And that makes you the best person to be the governor.” Braden tipped her chin up so she’d look at him. “Why do you want to go to the Traveler?”

  She pursed her lips and pointed to the sky. “The future is up there, not down here.”

  Braden smiled. “That’s what I think.”

  “I believe in both. Look at what we have in New Sanctuary. And then look at what you have in the north. There is so far to go to bring power and convenience to people, make their lives easier, while also giving them a higher purpose. Education. The north has schools, but the south is still struggling to get those started. But what is being taught? They are the future.” Micah pointed to the twins, who were trying to put small armored shirts on Fealona and Treetis.

  It wasn’t going well. G-War sat to the side, dutifully ignoring the withering gaze of his mate.

  “And Leah. Yes. Maybe her education will take place on the ship. I need to see for myself and maybe have a hand in shaping a better future.”

  “You will have a hand, regardless. You don’t need to go up there to do it.”

  “In my mind, I do.” Jocelyn nodded curtly.

  “Then let’s get you set up. Have you ever killed anyone before?” Braden asked. Jocelyn shook her head.

  “After our trip to space, you still won’t have, but you have to be ready to, just in case. The good news is that if you see what looks like a person on board the ship, they aren’t. There were two scientists up there, but they returned because they were afraid and had taken to living in the engineering section. They became ineffective. Doctor Johns brought them home and has been on us to go back and make it safe for his people. It’s time we did that.”

  Braden continued walking toward the elevator. When they s
tepped in, Jocelyn looked confused.

  “It is a mechanical room that takes us underground. Climb in and you’ll see. It operates on a pulley system or something like that.”

  The doors closed behind them, and the elevator started down. “Armory, please,” Micah said.

  When the doors opened, they were at the front of the weapons and armor section. In the background, combat vehicles of various sorts were parked.

  Jocelyn frowned when she saw them, easily determining what they were for.

  “If any of those see the light of day, then we will have failed spectacularly,” Micah said. “The job I do as president will be judged by that equipment never leaving this space.”

  “Maybe you can make sure they don’t. Can you recycle them into something that isn’t meant for war?”

  Braden and Micah looked at each other. “Holly?” Micah asked.

  “Yes, Master President,” the AI replied.

  “Take these combat vehicles and recycle them into gardening and production Bots. How many Security Bots are operational, for reference?”

  “There are thirty-four Security Bots. Are you sure about the recycling? These vehicles take some time to produce from scratch and in time of need, you risk that they won’t be available.”

  “The Security Bots can protect New Sanctuary if need be. Anything else is overkill and something that we don’t need. I would rather we all die than go to war, but that isn’t a possibility with the new world that the ‘cats have helped us create. I predict that we won’t ever need these vehicles, not for Vii anyway. So, please, move them to the factory level and let’s turn them into something that will help everyone.”

  “You humans carry a wisdom that my poor old circuits cannot match. I envy you, Master President. I will move them as soon as matter transfer is complete. Until then, I’ll focus my attention on getting you safely on board the RV Traveler. Now, let’s see if we can get the governor into something a little more comfortable.”

  “That’s pretty creepy, Holly,” Micah said.

  “Not my intent, Master President. Full body armor like you have, a blaster, integrated backpack, energy-assisted boots, and a neural implant.”


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