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Return to the Traveler

Page 10

by Craig Martelle

  ‘It feels funny up here,’ G-War said as he staggered with the change in apparent weight.

  “We don’t need to fight them on the bottom of Oceanus,” Braden said. “We only need to keep them from hiding down there. What tricks do you have available to deny them that hiding spot?”

  “The Oceanus Level cleaning system is robust. We can scrub them away with a concerted effort. I’ll have to program the Bots to refuse outside direction once the system has begun...” Holly drifted away as he prepared his move.

  “Where will they go once cleared from the water?”

  The group stood in the corridor, uncomfortable in the near zero-gravity of the central spindle.

  “The Desert and Factory Level, the next level down in the aft core.”

  “Back on the elevator, people!” Braden called, twirling his finger in the air.

  “Humans are not well-suited for Oceanus. It is best that you don’t go there, which is probably why the Androids did.”

  Once the companions were re-packed into the elevator, it moved downward, one level and nearly a kilometer. When the doors opened, the ‘cats declared it fit to be walked on. G-War and Fea ran ahead.

  The Wolfoids looked tired.

  “Are you okay?” Braden asked.

  Bounder winced before replying. ‘The lasers hurt us more than we let on. I fear that we may not be able to continue.’

  Braden pulled his friend close. “We will hunt the Androids for as long as it takes. There’s no rush. Go back to the medical lab, join Pik on a bed, and have a Med Bot look at you. Were there any Med Bots up there?”

  ‘I did not see any, but we can’t abandon you.’

  “You’re not abandoning anyone. Sometimes, you get to be in the fight, and other times you don’t. This is one of those other times. Holly! Send a Med Bot to the lab to look at Pik, Bounder, and Strider.”

  Bounder hung his head and looked at the floor.

  “Wait until we’re gone, and then, Holly, send the elevator back here with directions to go to the level where Jocelyn is located. Let her know who is coming.”

  The group climbed aboard, two humans, two Hawkoids, two ‘cats, and a Tortoid. “Take us down, Holly.” Braden waved, and the Wolfoids feebly waved back.

  The doors closed and the seven remained quiet as they descended.

  “There are three Androids in the corridor where the elevator will stop,” Holly reported.

  “Doing what?” Braden asked.

  “Final clearing of the area. With their input, I’ve been able to update my inventory and records. When the new colony is established, they will not want for anything and be free to explore intellectual pursuits.”

  “As long as we take care of business,” Micah added. Braden pulled one blaster from its holster, dialed it to the narrowest beam, and faced the door.

  When the doors opened, they found themselves in a corridor completely clean of debris, equipment, and refuse. The Androids were there, as Holly described. Only three.

  “I can send them with you, if you’d like?”

  “Not a good idea, Holly. We’ve seen how quickly the others can subvert the supposedly-safe Androids, so no. I don’t want to have to watch my back. Keep the Androids clear of the fight. That makes it easiest on us. Where any Android is a bad Android, we can shoot to kill.”

  “I will keep them away from you. The scrubbers are on their way. I will lose contact with them shortly and won’t be able to confirm if they’ve moved the Androids until after they could reach you. I suggest you get yourselves into place at the bottom of the ramp.”

  “Cut the feeds in that area so they can’t see us. I assume that they can access everything you can access. We’ll stay in touch using our implants.”

  “I will cut the feeds now,” Holly replied. The group turned right and walked briskly toward the Desert Level. Micah pulled Aadi along as Braden continued to carry the two Hawkoids.

  The ‘cats ran ahead. “I really wish you had your armor,” Braden told the two ‘cat butts. They didn’t hesitate or acknowledge that he’d spoken.

  ‘I know that we are at a disadvantage fighting the Androids, but we will be fine, and we will contribute to the battle. The Android threat must end,’ G-War stated.

  “Not bored anymore, G?” Braden said as they approached the door.

  ‘This is what I was made for,’ G-War said, emphasizing the word ‘made.’

  “Much more than that, but I couldn’t ask for better people by my side. Is everyone ready to run?”

  Micah looked at the ‘cats and back to Braden. “It’s pretty much just you and me,” she said.

  “Then we’re off.” Braden opened the door, let the heat wave pass, and then headed onto the catwalk and down to the rough dirt of the artificial desert. In the distance, the factory lights flashed and material handling systems worked unabated. The enclosed vertical ramp stood near the factory. Braden pointed. “We need to be between the ramp and the factory. If they get in there, they could really screw things up.”

  “And we can’t let them get behind us.”

  Braden shook his head before he started to run. The footing was firm, but the heat was oppressive. The ‘cats raced ahead while the Hawkoids took to the sky, flying casually toward the factory. Braden and Micah started to sweat right away. Aadi hung on to a strap trailing behind Braden’s pack.

  “You probably like this,” Braden said over his shoulder between great gulps of air.

  ‘I’d be lying if I said I didn’t, but the purpose troubles me. Are we out for vengeance?’

  ‘We’re out to eliminate a threat that has repeatedly demonstrated its disdain for life and human life, in particular. There is no compromising with such an attitude,’ Micah said.

  ‘I know. I always hope that there is another way.’

  ‘We appreciate that, Master Aadi. As president, I decree that these Androids must die.’

  ‘I believe that they are not alive,’ Aadi countered.

  ‘But they walk and talk. In that, they feign life. Their actions also suggest a malevolent intelligence. I think the renegade Androids are more alive than we will ever know, and that’s why they are fighting so hard. I doubt robots would be as inventive or driven.’

  ‘You are right, Master President. I stand corrected. These Androids need to go.’

  “Now, you’re talking, old man.”

  ‘Who’s old?’

  Braden laughed between breaths. Micah had been right about everything. Braden needed a certain amount of conflict in his life.

  “Let’s wrap this up and go home,” he told them as they slowed to survey the land, see where they could remain unseen while waiting for the Androids, see where they could catch the enemy in a crossfire.

  Braden pointed out a number of spots, where scrub brush would conceal a person and a small rise would provide cover. “Aadi, over there, please.” Braden waved at a spot that looked like a berm. It would provide the most protection and was behind him and Micah. “Micah.” He pointed to a closer point near the factory. “And I’ll go over there.” Braden was closest to the ramp. If the Androids got past him, he would be cut off, trapped. Micah and Aadi would be able to retreat into the factory if they were pressed.

  The Hawkoids screeched from above. They found a place to roost at the highest point of the nearest building.

  “Don’t you get yourself killed,” Micah cautioned, before kissing Braden and running for cover.

  Braden headed for the spot he’d chosen for himself while the other two settled in. When he reached the position, he kneeled beneath a small tree, finding little respite from the heat. He tried to slow his breathing while checking his blasters one last time.

  Seventy percent charge on one and forty-six on the other. It would have to be enough.

  Ambush and Chase

  ‘We are on our way in. Please don’t shoot us, Jocelyn,’ Bounder said over the mindlink. He and Strider were arm in arm and moving slowly. Jocelyn hurried to the doorway to help them
in. She put them onto two separate beds.

  It wasn’t long before a squarish Med Bot appeared. It went to the Lizard Man first, conducting diagnostics but delivering no treatment before moving to Strider. The Bot stayed there for a while working on two laser burns on her ribs. When the Bot was finished, Strider slept peacefully.

  The Med Bot spent the longest time with Bounder, putting the big Wolfoid under before doing more extensive work that included invasive surgery.

  Jocelyn grew more concerned the longer the Med Bot took.

  ‘Worrying accomplishes nothing,’ Treetis advised.

  “I know,” she replied, before sitting down and accessing her neural implant. ‘Holly, what is the Med Bot doing to Bounder?’

  ‘Repairing a deep wound. There was significant internal damage from one of the laser beams. A testament to how hard the Wolfoids are as a race is that a human with the same wound would have died.’

  Jocelyn nodded, even though Holly wouldn’t see her response.

  ‘Get some rest,’ Treetis said as he sat, keeping his eyes on the clear tanks. Tubes and wires trailed from the Hillcats as they grew at a phenomenal rate, their bodies finalizing their shape.

  “In due time, I will rest, but for now, anything these stalwart warriors need, I’m here for them.” Jocelyn moved from one to the next. She found the Med Bot closing the last of Bounder’s wounds before moving to the corner of the room and powering down. Bounder’s rhythmic breathing told her that the worst had already passed.

  She unpacked her bedroll and laid it on the hard floor next to the ‘cat. She curled up around him and was soon asleep.

  ‘Can you hear me?’ Treetis asked.

  ‘We hear you, Father,’ the voices replied as one.

  ‘Good, now listen carefully as I tell you the story of your people’s king. He was born Prince Axial De’atesh, and he knew the future of life on Vii depended on humanity and ‘cats working as one. As a mere kitten, he selected a human named Braden, shaping him into one who would lead humanity...’


  There were two doors on the ramp. A small door for people set within a large roll-up door to accommodate vehicles. The small door opened quickly and then closed.

  Braden blinked to make sure he didn’t miss someone coming out.

  ‘Did you see anyone come out?’ Braden asked.

  ‘No,’ Skirill replied. ‘I will move to a better vantage point.’

  ‘Don’t let them see you,’ Braden warned.

  The Hawkoid leapt into the air and flew quickly to a point opposite the door. He made a figure eight as he stayed well out of range, but in an area where he could see within even if the door cracked just a hand’s width.

  They didn’t have long to wait. The door popped open and the Androids ran out, accelerating across the hard ground. Braden fired on the first Android using the narrowest beam. It staggered but kept running. Braden fired again and it went down, but it had taken too long. He thumbed the setting to a little wider and fired both blasters, not bothering to aim.

  The Androids were hit, but they used each other as shields. Three of them slowed and dropped, but the other six ran by. Micah fired, killing the new frontrunner.

  Aadi hit the bunch with his thunderclap, but he was too far away. It barely fazed them. Braden hesitated for a moment before pulling the triggers on both his blasters and washing the fleeing forms in flame. Micah followed suit.

  Two more dropped. The final three, trailing smoke, made a beeline toward the factory’s front door. Micah started to run.

  Zyena dropped from the roof and arrowed downward. Her titanium-augmented, razor-sharp talons ripped into the back and shoulders of an Android. She tried to lift it, but it was too heavy. She let go and winged away. The Android ran with a sideways tilt, but made it into the factory after its fellows.

  ‘One more has just exited the ramp,’ Skirill ‘shouted.’

  Braden had taken a number of steps toward the factory, already having left his cover. He dropped to a knee when he turned. A laser flashed overhead. He fired, but his beam was too broad for the distance. The Android fired again, and the laser creased the side of Braden’s head, making sparks dance before his eyes. He fired and rolled away from his position. The Android ran a lazy zigzag as it approached. It varied its speed, making it a hard target. It fired again and scorched Braden’s chest armor.

  Braden fired one blaster on the wider flame setting as he dialed his second to a tight beam. When he adjusted his weapons, the Android ran behind the berm where he’d recently been hiding. He stood and jogged forward, both blasters aimed before him.

  A ‘cat’s scream sounded nearby. Braden listened and watched. He couldn’t see. ‘Where are you, G?’

  ‘Where you were hiding,’ Skirill advised.

  Braden ran ahead, swinging wide around the stubby tree. G-War and Fea were blurred as they slashed and fought, staying clear of the Android’s weapon. Braden didn’t have a clean shot. He kept trying to get an angle but none would appear. The ‘cats were too fast and the Android was matching their speed, defending itself against their attacks.

  They weren’t hurting it, but they were keeping it from whatever it had intended. Braden roared and charged. He jumped and hit it in the chest with two booted feet. He activated the jets to increase the power of the impact. All that managed to do was send him into the tree and flinging the ‘cats away. The Android flew to the ground, rolled, popped to its feet, and sprinted away, reaching the ramp and closing the door before anyone could follow.

  “Are you okay?” Braden asked while extricating himself from the branches. The ‘cats didn’t answer. They were already running toward the factory. Braden hit the hard packed sand and ran after them.

  Micah caught a glimpse of one of the Androids as they ran down a narrow passage with a door at the far end. Micah leaned against the wall and fired a series of narrow beams. Two of the Androids kept running, reaching the door and disappearing through it.

  The rear Android lost power and its body slumped, slowly toppling. Micah started running again. When she reached the body, she didn’t bother checking it, opting to blast it twice more before jumping over and continuing to the door. She grabbed the handle and stopped.

  On the door, she saw the faces of her children. Was she willing to leave them behind?

  Fight smarter, not harder. We have them outnumbered now, she thought. ‘Braden, I’ll wait for you. Only two left, but they are somewhere in the guts of this place. I’m not going to search alone.’

  ‘On our way,’ G-War replied. ‘One escaped up the ramp, too.’

  ‘Holly, we need your help finding the last three. One went back up the ramp and two others are somewhere in the factory. The odds are a little more even.’

  ‘I am activating the monitoring systems while shutting down factory operations. We don’t need the Androids to churn out a hundred new bodies while you are elsewhere.’

  G-War and Fea trotted down the passageway, stopping to sniff the dead Android before rubbing against Micah’s legs.

  “Where’s Braden?” she asked.

  The ‘cats looked back down the way they’d come. Braden jogged up, slowing to a walk when he saw the group. He had Aadi in tow.

  When Braden reached Micah, he pulled her close for a long hug.

  “I don’t think I can express how much I hate Androids,” Braden said. G-War and Fea waited at the door through which the Androids had gone.

  Micah saw a light flashing before her eye. ‘Any information on the Androids in the factory, Holly?’

  ‘The Androids have exited the factory and made it into the access shaft linking the aft core with the forward core.’

  Micah held up one finger to tell the others to wait.

  ‘What about the one that escaped back up the ramp?’

  ‘The best I can do is lock out Oceanus, prevent any egress. It’s not a place to visit for humans so it won’t be missed.’

  ‘Lock out Oceanus and show me the way to the neare
st access to catch a vehicle to the forward core.’

  ‘I will need to deploy Androids to physically seal the access points of Oceanus. Be aware that any Android you see in the aft core is under my control. They will be in pairs, so you can tell them apart from the lone escapee.’

  A map appeared on the screen before Micah’s eye. Exit the factory and around the back side, they’d find the wall. Avoid the vines and take the nearest stairs to the nearest landing. The door would lead to a platform where Holly would have a tram waiting.

  Micah blinked her window closed. “Follow me,” she said, heading away from the door. No one questioned her. When they made it outside, Braden whistled for the Hawkoids. The great birds circled as he pointed to the stairs against the bulkhead behind the factory that signaled the forward end of the aft core section.

  The Hawkoids met the others on the catwalk landing, where Micah hurried through to the platform beyond. The tram was waiting as Holly said it would.

  “If my mental map is correct, the next stop is your home deck,” Braden said.

  ‘Yes. I look forward to it.’ Zyena ruffled her feathers with the excitement of seeing her former home.

  When they started toward the forward core, Braden brought the Hawkoids up to speed. He finished with, “We’ll need your help to talk with those who live in the aviary to show us where the Androids have gone.”

  ‘As soon as we arrive,’ Zyena promised. She started to bounce, unable to contain her energy. Skirill started bouncing, too. Micah smiled at her partner, who was trying to stand still while two Hawkoids rocked out of sync.

  ‘We will find them,’ G-War promised.

  The car came to a stop well short of the forward end platform. “What’s going on, Holly?” Braden said aloud, looking out the windows to discern a reason for the delay.

  “The Androids have departed their tram and are traveling along a catwalk beside their car. They are now behind you, but in the radial. You will have to hurry to catch them.”

  “Can’t we wait for them at the other end?”

  “I can’t guarantee that you can access the door from the Aviary.”


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