Eluan Falls: The Inheritors of the World

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Eluan Falls: The Inheritors of the World Page 12

by Dane G. Kroll

  There were too many questions Nikali had to figure out. He couldn’t go back to his room. He could not trust Alexus, even when there was so much he could learn from him.

  Nikali needed to get his head straight first. He needed to feel like his old self again. He wouldn’t return until he did. Now, he had a way to do that.

  Chapter 20

  “What do you mean he is gone?” Heric demanded to know. He, Forman, and Abigail were together with Alexus at the medical ward. Nikali’s empty bed was cause for concern.

  Alexus was lying in bed. His injured foot was propped up like usual. “He snuck out last night. I couldn’t stop him. I told him to come back, but he just ignored me.”

  “Where do you think he went?” Heric asked.

  “I have no idea,” said Alexus. “He wasn’t talking to me the past few days. He was upset. I was only trying to help him.”

  “We know,” agreed Heric.

  “What do you want to do?” Forman asked Heric. “I can send some guards out to find him. We’ll check the taverns first. He was found easily before.”

  “Do that, but don’t go past the day. Nikali is his own responsibility. If he wants to disappear then he will. He knows we leave in a few weeks. I’m sure he’ll turn up. He just needs some time to himself. It’s what he’s wanted this whole time.”

  “What if he gets into trouble again?” Forman asked.

  “Then it’s his own fault. We’re not his security net. He knows the risk of being in an unknown city. He’s gone. There are other matters to deal with,” said Heric.

  “Heric, he’s your cousin,” said Abigail. “He’s the closet family you have.”

  “I know that,” said Heric. “The same goes for him. He doesn’t seem to care either.”

  The rest of the day was spent looking for Nikali. Heric went off with Forman to help with the search. Abigail stayed with Alexus. She regretted not staying with Alexus more since their arrival. Now, because of the disappearance she wanted to take the opportunity to spend the day with him.

  They chatted about the trip. Abigail left out the bits about Heric. She still did not want Alexus to know about them. He wouldn’t understand.

  Alexus was disappointed he couldn’t go out into the city with her. There was so much he wanted to show her. He told her of the things he had seen the last time he was in the Louson Kingdom. Abigail would comment on the places she had been to. The list was short of the areas she had missed. She and Heric had made plenty of visits into the city together.

  It was reaching the evening when they were interrupted by Prince Randall. He came strolling into the room with no presentation. When he saw Alexus and Abigail he smiled. His look lingered on Abigail before he spoke.

  “Hello,” he said. “I was told you were here, Abigail. I thought I would come by and see how you are both doing.”

  “We’re fine, thank you,” she answered.

  “The leg is healing, Alexus?” Randall asked.

  “Yes, I’ll be on my feet eventually. Heric worries that I will be limping for the rest of my life. I have higher hopes.”

  “A strong spirit makes for a stronger man,” said Randall.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” said Alexus.

  Abigail rolled her eyes to herself. She couldn’t understand why Randall was sucking up to Alexus. Then Randall turned to her.

  “I hope you like the wardrobe I had prepared for you,” Randall said to her. “I understand it is the best fashion that Louson has to offer.”

  “It is lovely. You did not have to do that,” she said.

  “It was my pleasure. Alexus told me you were a lovely girl. I just wanted to make sure all of Louson agreed with him. He is right after all.”

  “Thank you,” Abigail said, embarrassed. She was not used to this kind of flattery, except from Heric.

  “Would you like to take a walk with me?” Randall asked.

  Abigail was taken aback. “I don’t know. I can’t really leave Alexus,” she said, stammering for an excuse.

  “Nonsense,” said Alexus. “You don’t need to be cooped up in this room like me. Go. I’m sure Prince Randall can show you around the city better than I could any day.”

  “Wonderful,” said Randall, triumphantly. He stuck out his arm for Abigail to take.

  Not wanting to cause a stir, she accepted. Abigail wrapped her arm around his and he led them off into the city.

  They walked around the market. Abigail had already seen it all with Heric earlier. Randall offered some new insights to the area. He recommended different vendors for certain foods and merchandise. It took some time, but she was warming up to him.

  “What do you think of my city?” Randall asked her.

  “It is nice,” she responded. “Your family has built something great here.”

  “Thank you,” said Randall. “I look forward to seeing Eluan. You all speak of it with such reverence.”

  “It is never dull in Eluan. There is so much going on. It seems like there is always a celebration going on somewhere. We celebrate the holidays of many cultures.”

  “You’ve accumulated many other cities into your empire, I understand.”

  “Yes, Eluan has conquered most of their neighbors. It has finally lead to a time of peace for the first time in generations.”

  “I’ve read a few books that Alexus gave to me. The wars the Eluan Empire fought through: Were they worth it?”

  “In the end you might say so,” said Abigail. “It’s difficult to say for sure. What’s done is done. We cannot change that. We just have to find meaning and happiness in what we have at the moment.”

  “I wonder if Eluan will be celebrating any of our festivals in the coming years.”

  “I have no doubt about that,” said Abigail. “There are many cities just looking for excuses to drink the night away. You’ll have to send a calendar with dates marked for us. We’ll spread it around.”

  They continued walking. Down the street was a building that Abigail had not gone into yet. It was decorated with statues and pillars of artwork. Figures were etched into the walls depicting stories. There was no chatter from the people as they walked in and out of the building. It had intimidated Abigail when she had walked past it. She gathered a sense of importance and solemnity from the area. She had never wanted to just walk in and possibly interrupt something important. Now, with Randall by her side, she had the courage to find out what it was.

  “That’s one of our temples. It’s where we talk to the gods,” said Randall.

  “I thought the gods were gone,” said Abigail. She recalled the story Alexus had told them.

  “They are,” said Randall. “That does not mean we cannot learn from them or try to bring them back. There are still a lot of dangers out there that we could use help with.”

  “What dangers? Do you have neighboring Kingdoms?”

  “No, not like that. When the gods left, they abandoned this world and everything they had created. That included the avadons.”

  “The avadons?”

  “Demons that survive out in the forest beyond our walls. They usually only come out in the rainy season.”

  “That’s approaching, isn’t it?” asked Abigail.

  “Yes, you’ll be leaving before that, and for good reason. They are dangerous. Every year it seems to be getting worse. They come out for longer periods of time, and in larger numbers.”

  “What do you do?”

  “We fight them, and we pray for the gods to return. Our ancestors scared them off. Hopefully one day, we’ll do better than that. We can show the gods that there is nothing to fear from us. We need their help.”

  “With this alliance, surely Eluan will be able to help,” said Abigail. “We can send an army to help defend your Kingdom.”

  “These things have been discussed. It becomes a matter of trust. It will take time before that solution is given the chance. There will be a few more years on our own.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Abigail. “I had
no idea. Alexus never mentioned anything like that.”

  “Our enemies are our own business,” said Randall. “It is a part of our lives. We expect it. That is why there is a Season’s Closing festival. We celebrate the last peaceful week.”

  “That last day must be dreadful,” said Abigail.

  “No, only the day after.”

  “How much longer do we have until then?”

  “A couple of weeks. It will be your last week here. You should not be around for the rainy season.”

  “Then I look forward to the next few weeks. I will take in everything that I can about your city.”

  “You will not be disappointed,” said Randall. “Then when the Seasons Closing comes, I will show you the greatest that Louson has to offer.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” said Abigail.

  Chapter 21

  The next couple of weeks became a blur for the Eluan group. It was less eventful as they melded into the Louson way of life. They all kept busy with their own activities.

  Heric trained with the Louson soldiers. He wanted to get to know the men there, and learn their fighting style.

  Abigail continued her sightseeing. She would visit the city sometimes alone, sometimes with Heric, and once more with Prince Randall.

  Alexus was back on his feet. He needed a cane to walk around, but he was glad to be out of the bed. He didn’t have the energy to walk around the city with Abigail, but he could at least do things on his own. Much of his time was spent at the Louson library. There was still much he wanted to learn.

  The final week of their trip arrived. It was the beginning of the Seasons Closing. The streets were decorated with flowers from the fields. People were out in the markets stocking up on supplies. They bought extra animals and extra food to feed them. There was always the worry they would be confined to their household. Supplies needed to be ready for the rainy season.

  On the first morning there was a parade. Prince Randall Arraw and the entire Louson army walked the streets in uniform. The crowd cheered for the men that would be protecting them that season.

  The Eluan group was sitting with King Arraw and Princess Marina. They watched the parade from a balcony on the tower. It was the best view in the city.

  “It’s an impressive military, Your Highness,” said Heric.

  “Thank you,” said the King. “I hear you have been working with them. They gave you quite a challenge I understand.”

  “In the beginning they did. I learned quickly,” said Heric. “I have to say, I rather enjoy your style of fighting.”

  “Will you be participating in the fights?” Marina asked. “I would love to see you in action.”

  “I do not think so,” said Heric. “I have advanced, but I’m afraid I would not be fun to watch. There is no flare in my technique yet. Fighting for a show is different than fighting for your life. I may win, but the crowd would not like it.”

  “That is unfortunate,” said Marina.

  At the back of the balcony, Alexus was getting up to walk around. He grabbed his leg in pain, saying it was a cramp. He needed to walk it off. He asked Abigail to join him for some company. She delightfully obliged. They walked off together down the hallway.

  “Are you feeling alright?” Abigail asked. “We can head back to your room. It’s not a problem.”

  “No, no, I’ll be fine,” said Alexus. “I just needed a little space to move around. I have to keep the leg strong.”

  “What’s wrong? I know something is bothering you,” said Abigail. She stopped walking with Alexus. He went forward a few steps before he realized it and turned around.

  “Do you like it here in Louson?” he asked her.

  “Yes, it’s a wonderful city,” said Abigail.

  “That’s good to hear because I might be staying here a bit longer,” said Alexus.

  “What? Why?”

  “I don’t know how well my leg will travel,” he said. “It may be easier if I stay.”

  “What about Eluan?”

  “They’ve gotten along without me before; they surely will again. I have taught all I can to Heric. It’s time to move on.”

  “Move on? You’re not thinking of staying here permanently?”

  “It’s crossed my mind. There are things you do not know yet. King Arraw will be making an announcement about the alliance shortly. It involves us all.”

  “How can it involve us? What are you saying?”

  “I know about you and Heric,” said Alexus, coldly.

  “I... I wanted to tell you. Heric wanted to tell you,” stammered Abigail. “I just didn’t know how you would take it.”

  “Your relationship with him needs to end.”

  “That’s what everybody keeps saying, but it does not matter. He will be the Emperor, and he loves me. I love him. We’ll wait for the right time.”

  “It’s too late. Arrangements have been made. I’m staying in Louson, and so are you.”

  “No, I’m going back to Eluan,” defied Abigail.

  “You will not disobey me,” said Alexus. His face became red. His eyes glared at her. “I have raised you as my own. You are my daughter, but in the end I own you. You will do as I say. There is much more at stake than you realize. You will be happy in the end.”

  “Alexus, please, don’t do this,” Abigail begged. “I just want to be with Heric.”

  “I’m sorry. Some day you will forgive me,” said Alexus. He turned from her and began walking back to the balcony. Abigail did not have the desire to follow him. She stayed where she was and cried. Her promise to Heric was being broken right before her eyes.

  Alexus returned to see the end of the parade. Heric looked back to see that Abigail was gone. Alexus shrugged it off, saying she needed to get some water.

  Once the parade was over, the crowd gathered into the streets. They all looked up at King Arraw standing at the railing of the balcony. He raised his hands and the crowd hushed.

  “The people of Louson, it has been a wonderful year, and I believe the next year will be even better. The rainy season will not stop us from growing and becoming a stronger Kingdom. No avadon will keep a Louson man down.”

  The crowd cheered. King Arraw took this moment to look at Heric. He gestured for him to stand and approach the railing. Heric did. He looked down at all the people. These were people that he was helping take responsibility for. He beamed in pride.

  The King continued, “I want to introduce to you, Heir Heric Caning. He comes from across the Hollow Canyon. There are people over there living the lives we dream of. They are the Eluan Empire. They built a bridge because they wanted to explore. Now, they want to meet us. The Eluan Empire and I have come to an agreement. They have opened their gates to trade. We can share supplies, and knowledge. We will learn from them and them from us.

  “And this union will be made possible by the marriage of our two houses, Heir Heric Caning and my daughter Princess Marina Arraw.”

  The crowd roared once again. Everyone was cheering, but the balcony was dead silent. Princess Marina walked up to the balcony on the other side of her father.

  The King grabbed her hand and he grabbed Heric’s hand. He raised them up high. Marina smiled to the crowd. She looked over at Heric. Her smile grew even bigger. Heric smiled back. It was a giant grin that masked his surprise.

  He had no idea this was a part of the agreement. Immediately, he knew it was his father who had to have arranged it. Letters had been exchanged for years. Emperor Cyrus would want more from this alliance than just trade. Heric looked over at Forman. Forman was just as stunned as the rest of them.

  Even Alexus was shocked. This was not what he was prepared for. He sat coldly in his seat, betrayed. He thought back to a few minutes ago. He had gotten so mad at Abigail. It looked like it was for nothing.

  Chapter 22

  Heric did not argue. He didn’t say a word. He had to take the shock of his marriage announcement with a good face. After the King was done with his speech they all s
at back down. This time Princess Marina sat down next to Heric. She hung on his arm from that point forward. Heric played his part. He did not shake her off. He did not object in any way. He had his role to play for the future of two societies.

  They watched as the crowd began to disperse. The speeches were over. There were more events elsewhere in the city for the Seasons Closing. The royal party was led to a number of carriages. They were to be taken to the arena for the beginning of the fights. It was a spectacle to show off the Louson soldiers to the city. Heric and Marina were given their own while the others went into a second one. The king went off to his own carriage.

  When Heric was finally alone with Marina he spoke to her for the first time since being up in the balcony. She laid her head to rest on his shoulder. She did not have a care in the world.

  “Did you know about this?” Heric asked.

  “I found out a couple of weeks back,” she said. “I wanted to talk to you about it. Maybe start getting acquainted, but Father said not to say a word. We had to wait for the announcement.”

  As she spoke, her hand rubbed up against Heric’s chest. She moved up and down feeling his muscles underneath his clothes.

  “How did this arrangement get made? Who knew about it from Eluan?” Heric said.

  “I know this is a bit of a shock to you,” said Marina. “But stop acting like you’re being held hostage. I’m going to be a beautiful Empress.” She nuzzled Heric’s neck. “I can’t wait to see you in action.”

  “Who was it?” Heric asked again. He was not allowing her to seduce him. He pushed Marina off of him. She settled on the other side of the seat they were on.

  “It was a letter from your father. We got it when you arrived,” she said.

  “My father did not send a letter with us.”

  “It was with a messenger. When you arrived here, you said that you heard the fury arcks attack somebody else. That was your father’s messenger. We recovered his body. He had the note in his bag.”

  “My father did not trust me,” mumbled Heric.


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