Eluan Falls: The Inheritors of the World

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Eluan Falls: The Inheritors of the World Page 13

by Dane G. Kroll

“No, he evidently did not,” said Marina. “I can see why. I’m your Empress and you throw me off like a bag of potatoes. Am I not desirable?”

  Marina leaned in closer to Heric again. He did not move. He was disinterested in her. His thoughts were on his father.

  “I spoke to Abigail about you. She had the kindest words to say. You are kind and gentle, but you hold back a lot. I know there is passion in you. I am your new battlefield. I won’t be easily beaten.”

  Marina threw herself on to Heric’s lap. Her first kiss was fierce and forced. Heric did not react. Then she moved her hands down to his groin. As she continued kissing, Heric returned the favor. He let his worries go. There was nothing he could do about them at the moment. They began to move in rhythm together.

  “This is nothing to resist,” said Marina. “I am your Empress. I am your desire.”

  The arena was already half filled with an audience. The sun beat down on the open grounds. Many of the attendants skipped the parade and went straight for the good seats. The shaded areas were always the first to go. The rest of the crowd was piling in. Despite the lines and the big crowd, moods were generally on the up rise. Everyone was excited to see the fights.

  There was a private viewing area set aside for the King and his guests. It was enclosed from the rest of the crowd. They would not be bothered. At the moment, only Forman was there. He sat alone mulling over the day’s events. Alexus had left him to return to the tower.

  The arena was full. It was standing room only. The crowd continued to surge in. Eventually, the walk-ways were filled with people trying to get a good view of the floor.

  Heric and Marina finally arrived. Marina kept herself close to her new fiancé. She hung on his arm as they walked across the platform to their seats. Only when Heric was going to sit down did she break herself away from him to take her own seat.

  “Where are Alexus and Abigail?” Heric asked.

  Forman shrugged, “Abigail never came back. Alexus went to go find her. Sounded like they had a disagreement.”

  Heric did not ask any more questions. Abigail and Alexus very rarely fought. It was something serious for both of them to disappear. He tried to hold back the thoughts, but it worried him that Alexus had found about his relationship with Abigail. Heric wasn’t going to push the subject further, especially with Marina right next to him.

  After a few minutes, Prince Randall and King Arraw made their appearance. The King walked in with his arms opened wide. Marina rushed to him for an embrace. Randall walked over to greet Heric.

  “Congratulations,” said Randall. “My sister looks very happy. It would seem that’s what royalty can give you.”

  “Thank you,” said Heric.

  “But enough with the pleasantries,” said Randall. “We have all the time in the world to talk about the future. Come, watch our men fight.”

  “Will you not be participating?” Heric asked him.

  “No, I see less battle than I used to. I lead my men to victories, but it is their hard work that gets us there. I will give them these victories as well.”

  “Do the fights go on all day?” Forman asked.

  “Yes, we open with participants from the city. Some of the men are looking to get into the military. Some are just here for show. They get easier victories, of course. Morale busters, you see, for the audience. They like local heroes.”

  “It sounds great,” said Heric.

  The first group of men came out. They wore Louson armor that looked quiet old. They stood in the middle of the arena greeting the crowd. They bowed and held up their weapons. Heric began asking questions.

  “I haven’t seen that kind of armor design at the base. Where does it come from?”

  “It’s an old design. We donate them to the outlying areas when we change armor. This group is from a community on the south side of the Kingdom.”

  Another minute went by and their opponents had not shown up. The men stood where they were. They bounced around in anticipation.

  “Who will they be fighting?” Heric asked.

  His question was answered before Randall had a chance to speak. The gates opened. In came a pack of four fury arcks. The beasts spread out. They began to circle the men.

  “They are fighting animals?” Heric asked.

  “Of course,” said King Arraw. “Does this bother you?”

  “No,” said Heric. “I’m used to fighting another man, usually an equal. Those are the types of fights we have in Eluan.”

  “I see,” said Randall. “These fights are for readying our troops for the avadons. They fight like no man. They are animals. We have to prepare ourselves for animals. Fighting against a man who thinks logically would do us no good. The avadons do not think like men.”

  “I thought the fury arcks were precious to your people?”

  “They are. That is why we fight them here. They are a majestic animal. If we can defeat them, then it means we are ready to defeat the demons. The ones out in the wild are our protectors. We could never attack them on purpose. We breed our own for this purpose.”

  Heric stayed quiet. It was not his place to complain about the way they ran their city. He sat back and tried to enjoy the show.

  The men from the southern community defeated the arcks after much struggle. It took all of Heric’s energy to not continually comment on their technique. He could have defeated the arcks in a swifter and more skilled fashion.

  The day continued on. They stayed and watched many more of the skirmishes. The combatants ranged from soldiers to local citizens. The number of opponents changed, sometimes giving advantage to the men, sometimes to the arcks. The injuries were sparse. All of the fighters were trained enough to defend themselves against the animals.

  As the afternoon rolled in, a new group appeared for the next contest. It was a local group that lived around the tower. The crowd cheered more loudly for them than the others.

  The group of five walked around playing to the audience. They were all dressed in mismatched armor. None of them truly fit the men.

  “Look at that one,” said Randall. “He’s wearing women’s clothes.”

  He pointed out the one he was talking about. Heric and Forman chuckled. They had no idea about the true difference in Louson men’s or women’s clothing.

  The man in the woman’s clothes stood still. He looked all around at the crowd. His arms spread wide, like he was taking it all in.

  “No way,” said Forman. He got out of his seat. He looked closer at the man dressed in women’s clothes, but he could only go to the railing to get a better view. Forman watched the man walk around some more, loosening up. Then he looked over at Heric.

  “I found Nikali.”

  Chapter 23

  Nikali was wearing a helmet that looked like a beast grinning from ear to ear. It covered his entire head and face. He was told it was the prankster god, Charos. Nikali found that amusing. He stood in the middle of his new found friends.

  He had met them the week he had left the hospital. The first few days he was on his own was spent walking around the city stealing food from different vendors. He needed to grab ingredients to make a drink for the leaves and berries he had found out by the woods. He knew how to make Tamor Blood, but he wanted something different.

  Then he remembered the drink the bartender offered him when he first arrived. He remembered the feeling he got from drinking it. He also remembered the night after. Nikali confronted the bartender about what the drink was made of. The bartender gave in to Nikali’s demands. He had been using the leaves from the forest. The man begged Nikali not to tell anybody. Nobody was allowed in that area.

  Nikali laughed at the man pleading on his knees. He did not want to turn the guy in: He just wanted to know how to make a better drink. Nikali explained that he could help him perfect a new recipe and the bartender could reap the reward. After that, they became friends. The bartender introduced Nikali to other regulars at the bar. They let Nikali stay with them. He never mentioned he
was being looked for- that was Nikali’s secret.

  Now on the arena floor, he could feel the new arcan flow through his body. It kept him warm, and alert.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Willam, the bartender, asked Nikali.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve seen these things in action. It’s time I paid them back for it,” he answered.

  Out came the fury arcks. There were five of them. They charged right out of the gate. The five men put up their shields and dug their heels into the dirt. Then Nikali sat down. He dropped his shield to the ground next to him. The four others were left to circle around and protect each other.

  Above, Heric and Forman watched the coming attack in awe. There was nothing they could do. By the time they got through the crowd, the fight would be over. Heric just had to hope that Nikali knew what he was doing.

  “Is he insane?” Forman asked.

  “He’s just sitting there,” said Heric, confirming Forman’s question.

  The arcks circled their prey. The rest of the bar men held their ground. Willam looked over at Nikali. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  “Get up, Nikali!” he ordered. “We’re going to need all the help we can get!”

  Nikali did not move. He did not turn to Willam to acknowledge him. “I’ve got everything under control.”

  “Care to explain your insight then? All I see is us needing to be saved by the guards in a few minutes!”

  “Nonsense, you just need to listen to me, follow my instructions. Did you know these beasts can smell your fear? There is no need to be afraid.”

  “Well, dammit, I’m afraid,” said Willam. “Don’t bark orders at us! Stand up and help fight!”

  “I could do that,” said Nikali. “That wouldn’t be as much fun though. Maybe in a little bit. I would charge.”

  The first arck made an attack. It charged forward. Willam stood frozen in fear. The arck bounced off his shield. It sent Willam back a couple of feet.

  “I told you,” said Nikali, not budging.

  Another arck began its run forward. It dashed left and right as it charged. Nikali looked over to the man it was targeting.

  “Aim low,” he told him.

  The man did as he was told. Just as his shield hit the ground to block, the arck ran unprepared into it. The man’s partner thrust the spear down into the arck’s belly. It squealed in sudden pain then died just as quickly.

  “Very good,” said Nikali.

  “How are you doing this?” Willam asked. His attention kept diverting between the arcks outside their defense and Nikali inside.

  “Now, that would be spoiling the secret,” said Nikali. “They’re going to make a double attack. Do not leave your position right now. They will come to you.”

  Two of the arcks stalked forward. Then they picked up their pace. Their paths crossed. The men held their places. If Nikali had not told them they would more than likely have tripped over each other’s feet. The arcks collided with their shields. One of them got away, while the other was not so lucky.

  “Two down,” said Nikali. “You boys are wonderful. You’ll be military men yet.”

  “What are you?” Willam asked. He was becoming more afraid of Nikali than he was the arcks.

  “I’m the prankster god, Charos,” gleamed Nikali.

  Willam did not find it amusing. “You stop this right now. You stop this, or I’ll retreat.”

  “You would leave me defenseless, all by myself?” Nikali asked. “After everything I have given you? I thought we were friends.”

  “The things you know...”

  “Yes, the things I know. I know you make a drink that makes a man stronger. I know how to make it better. I know how to read an animal’s mind. I know so much,” bragged Nikali.

  Willam’s stance was beginning to waver. The last three arcks were circling the group. They were not near him at the moment. He saw the escape. The door was a dash away. He told himself he could beat the arcks.

  “You are Charos,” whispered Willam. Then he ran. He dropped his shield. His spear went flying toward the arcks. It was a blind throw in the hopes it would hit something. He ran with all his might. The arcks took notice. They began to give chase.

  Then the other three men fled. They saw their opening. Their leader, Willam was fleeing and taking the arcks with him. Nikali’s actions had spooked them. They wanted nothing more to do with this conflict.

  The three men running caught the attention of the arcks. They changed direction mid course and tried to attack the rest of the men. Each man ran in a different direction.

  Nikali remained where he was sitting. He did not move. The arcks raced past him after their intended targets. As the men ran to the gates, the guards rushed out to the arena floor. They built a barrier of shields yards away from the walls. Each man charged forward into a gap the guards had provided. Once they made it past, the guards closed the gap. The arcks were blocked off from winning the fight.

  The arcks paced, their eyes locked on the men from the bar. The guards prevented them from getting to their prey. Then the guards hesitated. Nikali remained in the center of the arena. They had not been given instructions yet on how to proceed. The crowd was booing over how the fight was turning out. This would be the first retreat for the day. They began chanting for blood.

  Nikali could hear the crowd echo in his helmet. He smiled. All eyes were on him. He could sense the arcks. One by one their attention was drawn to him. He was just one man against three. He could feel the fight rise in their spirits.

  Nikali stood up. He held out his sword and turned for the crowd. The audience cheered in approval. He waved his hands, begging for more. The crowd obliged. They began chanting, “Let him fight! Let him fight! Let him fight! Let him fight!” Over and over again, they repeated it.

  The guards held their ground. All eyes turned to King Arraw. He was the deciding factor. The King in turn looked over to Heric.

  “He is your cousin,” said the King. “It is up to you.”

  Heric thought about it. He was unsure. “Can he do it?”

  “It is possible to beat three fury arcks,” said Prince Randall.

  “He got himself into this mess. You do not need to protect him,” said Forman.

  “Well, Heir Caning? The people want to know,” said the King.

  “I have no intention of turning the people against us,” said Heric. “Let him fight.”

  The King gave the signal. The crowd cheered as the guards returned to their posts. Nikali looked up at the King. He bowed.

  The arcks kept a tight circle around Nikali. He never once picked up or touched his shield. He held out his sword ready to attack.

  Nikali did not wait for the arcks to attack. He ran forward to the arck farthest away from him. It was caught off guard, and scurried away a few steps. Nikali took that moment to change direction. He sidestepped over to the next nearest arck. He struck his sword into its neck before it could bite him. The arck went limp.

  Nikali never let it hit the ground. He picked up its lifeless body. He used it as a shield for a moment from the other two arcks while he sawed off the dead arck’s head.

  When he was done, he flung the carcass at the closet arck. It dodged the attack. But then it was sideswiped by the arck’s head. It was a direct hit between the eyes. Nikali charged head-first after it. He took another swipe to the arck’s head with his own helmet. He tackled the beast to the ground and continued smashing in the arck’s head with his helmet strikes. The repeated headbutts caused the arck’s skull to collapse, killing it. There was only one arck left.

  Nikali could sense the fear the arck was feeling. He smiled knowing that. Nikali dropped the sword. He would finish off the last arck with his own hands.

  The arck instead ran away. Nikali gave chase. Just as the arck was out of his grasp, Nikali caught it by the tail. It whimpered, begging for mercy. Nikali wrapped his arms around the arck. Then he lifted it into the air to the crowd’s amazement. Nikali held the
animal in his arms. It struggled to bite him, but he held its jaw shut. Its feet stabbed Nikali several times, but Nikali did not feel a thing. There was too much arcan and adrenaline running through his body. He was unstoppable.

  He whispered into its ear, “You are the spared one. Until I say this is over.”

  He dropped the arck from his arms. It landed on its feet. It did not run away. It did not attack. It was now Nikali’s.

  Nikali stood in triumph. He bowed one more time. Only then did the crowd begin to roar. They finally understood that the fight was over. Nikali had won.

  He reached up and took off his helmet. The crowd cheered louder having finally seen the face of their newest hero.

  Basking in his glory, Nikali shouted out to the crowd, “I am Charos. I do not run away!”

  Chapter 24

  The entire crowd was on their feet. Nikali walked backwards to the gate of the arena floor. He never took his eyes off his audience. At the exit, a group was waiting for him. When Nikali got within arm’s reach, dozens of hands grabbed for him. They pulled him in and embraced him. The fury arck kept close to Nikali. It shook some people away from his new master. Nikali was bursting with pride. He let the crowd take him off his feet. They carried him off to celebrate his victory.

  Heric was unable to make his way down to the entrance. The crowd was too thick to maneuver through. He wanted to get to Nikali. This was the first time he had seen Nikali in two weeks. They needed to talk. Nikali needed to be brought back into the fold.

  Heric fought through the crowd. He moved faster, and began to push people out of his way. The people around him chanted, “Charos,” over and over again. Finally, Heric realized his attempt was no good. He could only watch as the mob carried Nikali out of the arena.

  “Nikali,” Heric shouted. It did no good. His voice was muted by the crowd’s chanting. Before Heric knew it, Nikali disappeared into the streets of Louson. He was gone again.

  Heric returned to the private balcony. He was not amused about missing Nikali, neither was Forman when he saw Heric return alone.

  “Where is he now?” Forman asked.


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