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Eluan Falls: The Inheritors of the World

Page 14

by Dane G. Kroll

  “They took him into the city,” said Heric.

  “It shouldn’t be hard to find him,” said Randall. “Nikali put on an impressive display down there. The people will surely want to go celebrate it. They’ll be at a bar drinking until tomorrow.”

  “Your cousin is quite the fighter,” said King Arraw. “He could teach my men a few things.”

  Randall scoffed at his father’s comment.

  “I don’t see why you are all worried,” said Marina. “Clearly, he is okay. Let him go.”

  “Nikali can get in over his head,” said Heric. “I’ve had to bail him out several times over the years.”

  “He is not your responsibility,” said Marina.

  “He is Eluan. He is my responsibility.”

  “We’ll find the bar, wait until late in the night when everybody is drunk, and we’ll grab him. It will not be a problem,” said Randall. “You’ll speak to him tomorrow.”

  “Thank you,” said Heric.

  Randall left the balcony after that. He made a promise to Heric and now he had a job to do.

  It did not take long for Nikali to be found. The bar was filled to the brim with people. Randall and his men waited down the street once they confirmed Nikali was inside. They were resolved to wait until nightfall. Randall could not risk another meeting like the last time. Nikali had the advantage. He was a hero, now.

  He had sent one guard in without his uniform. The guard was ordered to just sit and watch Nikali. If Nikali left, he would signal Randall and they would continue to follow him. Randall was surprised when the guard returned to him and his other men.

  “What are you doing?” Randall asked him. “What has happened?”

  “Charos would like to have a word with you,” said the guard.

  “Excuse me?” Randall said. It was more of a statement than a question. “Charos?”

  “Yes, sir, that’s what he wants to be called. They’re all calling him Charos.”

  Randall shoved past the guard in a fit of rage. He’d had enough of Nikali. He pushed through the crowd and into the bar. He could see Nikali sitting on a chair on top of a table. It was the throne of the people. The arck was at his feet. It looked bored and half asleep. Regardless, it helped insure a safe distance between Nikali and the others.

  Nikali sat up in joy. He saw Randall enter. Nikali gestured to his audience. He motioned for them to make a path. Randall then walked easily forward.

  “Prince Randall Arraw, we meet again,” exclaimed Nikali.

  “Nikali,” Randall said calmly. The crowd booed his use of the name. Nikali shook his head disappointed.

  “I believe I earned a new name today,” said Nikali.

  The crowd all shouted, “Charos,” in unison.

  Randall remained unmoved. “Heir Caning would like to speak to you.”

  “That’s quite funny, because I would like to speak to him,” said Nikali. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  “Then why don’t you come with me?” asked Randall. “You can return to your people shortly.”

  “You’re being so delicate, Prince Randall. Why don’t you just throw money at the situation? I understand that solves many issues.” Nikali tossed a handful of coins at Randall. The money bounced off of him and clinked against the ground. The crowd went dead still. They all heard the money hit. They were too afraid to make a move.

  “You are in the Louson Kingdom. I am its Prince. You will do as I say, and come with me. You have orders from your own superior, Heir Caning.”

  “I love words,” said Nikali. “They are so wonderful. They can convey a message in so many ways. They can be direct. I’m not going. They can be hidden: The river flows. Birds will fly. And some messages can wait: I will talk to Heir Heric Caning when I am ready. I’m sure he has his hands full with your sister, after all.”

  The crowd collectively sighed. Nikali was making it personal against the Prince.

  “Going after my sister is an awful strategy,” said Randall. “I could care less what that whore does with your cousin.”

  “That whore is going to be my Empress,” said Nikali, mockingly hurt at Randall’s words.

  “Our loss then,” said Randall.

  “Indeed,” agreed Nikali. “Of course, I’m sure you’ll still see her a lot. As Empress, she will have domain over much more than Louson. She’ll have her hands in so many cities.”

  “I am Prince Randall Arraw, and future King of Louson.”

  “No doubt, you’ll rule over Louson wonderfully. I’ll even give you the entire land beyond the canyon, but really you must see the bigger picture. We Canings have been ruling for as long as our history goes back. We are Emperors, rulers over everything. You call yourselves Kings? Where do you think that word comes from? King? Caning? I wonder? You rule a city. We rule them all.”

  “Guards,” Randall shouted. The conversation was over. The guards rushed through the crowd toward Nikali. Just as they reached the table, Nikali threw his hands up in the air.

  “I give in,” Nikali said, cheerfully.

  The guards stopped. They watched as Nikali stepped down from his makeshift throne with his hands in the air. He walked up and stood face-to-face with Randall.

  “Are you enjoying this?” Nikali asked him.

  “Not at all.”

  Nikali walked forward toward the door. The guards right behind him. His arck scurried across the floor. It beat them all to the door and waited patently for its master. The crowd pleaded for him not to go. Nikali had to wave them off. When he got to the door he turned to the crowd.

  “I will miss you all,” he said. “Even you, Prince Randall.”

  Nikali rushed through the door, along with the fury arck, slamming it behind him. Randall and his men were quick to follow. They grabbed for the handle, but it would not budge. The door was stuck in place. All three men pushed against it, but they were stuck inside while Nikali got away.

  Then the door swung open. The soldiers went tumbling down to the ground. This surprised the young girl on the other side of the door. She looked down at the embarrassed Prince Randall.

  “That man told me to open the door,” said the girl. “He said there were some elderly persons needing assistance.”

  Randall barked at the girl to leave. She did as she was told. He dusted himself off, not entirely sure what had happened. All he knew was that it was the work of the gods.

  Chapter 25

  Heric and the others had returned to the tower after the last fight. For the first time since the parade, Heric found himself alone. Marina had returned to her own room to change out of her outfit and be fitted into a new one. It was a relief for Heric. He needed to find Abigail. There was a lot he needed to explain, and confess.

  Luckily, he found Abigail in her room. He did not have time to waste. As soon as she saw Heric enter she rushed to him for an embrace. She was clearly upset.

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t come here sooner,” said Heric. “What happened? How are you?”

  “It was Alexus. I haven’t seen him like that before. He was so angry. He knows about us. He’s known for a while. It’s over, Heric. It’s over.”

  “I figured,” said Heric. They remained silent for a moment, refusing to acknowledge what had to be done.

  “I heard about the marriage,” said Abigail.

  “I had no idea,” said Heric. “Maybe I can fight it. I can still challenge my father. We don’t have to give up.”

  “What would you do? Even if you do take the throne, you’ll be going against everything we have been working on here. Louson would become our enemy. You can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “There is more at stake than just us. There are two societies, thousands of people,” reasoned Abigail.

  “Why can’t I put us before them for a change?”

  “Because you’re going to be the Emperor, and I’m going to be staying in Louson,” stated Abigail.

  Heric tore himself away from her with her last wor
ds. He was shocked at this new development.

  “What do you mean you’re staying here?”

  “I think Alexus knew about the marriage. He told me changes were going to be happening. He said he’s staying here, and that I’m staying with him. That’s why I ran off. I couldn’t face that, but... but with the announcement. Alexus was right. There is no other way. I can’t be in Eluan with Marina by your side.”

  “I will fight this,” said Heric. “We just have to be patient.”

  “It will never work now, not with your wife being named. The Royal Council will not accept a drastic change like that. They would have me killed before they allowed me to be Empress.”

  “I would never allow that.”

  “It was a good sentiment, Heric. I believed in you. I still do, but the circumstances have changed. I don’t want you to fight this. It’s over.”

  She kissed him gently on the cheek. It was not one of passion. It was a kiss of good-bye. She left Heric in her room. She couldn’t be near him anymore.

  In another tower, Alexus was having his own disagreement. He was in the throne room arguing with King Arraw and his son Prince Randall. The King sat on his throne while Alexus paced back and forth trying to comprehend what the situation had come to. Prince Randall stood in between the men, not happy with either of them.

  “We had an agreement,” scolded Alexus.

  “You lied to me,” said the King.

  “I have not lied once,” denied Alexus. “You are the one throwing lies around. You were supposed to announce the marriage between Randall and Abigail, not Heric and Marina.”

  “I do like her, father,” said Randall.

  “This decision does not actually concern you, Randall,” said King Arraw. “I saved your reputation. Abigail is not royal. Alexus just tried to pass her off as one.”

  “Where did you hear this?” Alexus demanded to know.

  “Marina found out. Abigail told her. It was what changed my decision. It would seem your Emperor is not as feeble-minded as you thought, Alexus. He is the one who sent a counteroffer without even realizing what you had planned.”

  “Marina has no idea what she is talking about,” said Alexus. “Cyrus is just protecting his son. Heric cannot lead the empire. Abigail can. I can.”

  Randall rolled his eyes at Alexus’ comment. “Oh, do I have no bearing in this either?”

  “Abigail is twice the leader you will be,” said Alexus. “You would be lucky to have her as your Queen and Empress when the time comes. You could have sat on the throne and done nothing. We could have taken care of the rest.”

  Despite being insulted, Randall was rather impressed at the idea of doing nothing while still ruling.

  “You have a lot of faith in your servant,” said King Arraw.

  “She is more than my servant. She is my daughter. She would have done what I told her. I taught her well.”

  “The fact remains, she is not royalty,” said King Arraw. “Your plans have failed. You should move on before you fall deeper into this conspiracy against your Emperor. I have allowed it to go this far because I shared the interest of extending my authority beyond the canyon. It’s over. Emperor Cyrus has given an offer where I can comfortably secure the future that I am looking for. Your overzealous plan was too much of a risk.

  “None of the Canings are dead despite the opportunities you were given. One of them has even made himself into a local hero,” continued the King.

  “Nikali was an unforeseen complication. I’ll admit that,” said Alexus. “He should never have been on this trip, but I thought I could have taken him out as well.”

  “Charos surely has his back,” mumbled Randall.

  “What’s done is done,” said the King. “Marina will marry Heric; I will be protected by the Eluan Empire.”

  “They will conquer you,” Alexus screamed.

  “No, we will be family. I will influence Marina, just as you wanted to influence Abigail. I will remain in control of my Kingdom.”

  “You could have had both Abigail and Randall,” said Alexus. “You are throwing this opportunity away for security. You will have so much more than Louson after we take over. The Eluans will follow Abigail. There are supporters.”

  “I said this is done,” said King Arraw. “I suggest you drop the issue, or risk being executed for treason. Be satisfied that I will not mention this to Emperor Caning. This secret will go to my grave, as it should for you.”

  The King waved off Alexus, but it did not matter. King Arraw stood up and left the throne room. Alexus remained where he was standing, still arguing his points until the King was out the door.

  “Your father is an idiot,” Alexus told Randall.

  “People have been put to death for saying less,” said Randall.

  “Will you do it publically?” barked Alexus. “I dare say how that will go over with the Eluans. Perhaps you’ll do it yourself right here. I assure you I am more powerful than you can imagine. Do not touch me.”

  “I ran into Nikali earlier,” said Randall.

  “I hope you killed him,” Alexus said. “That boy has caused too many problems. I cannot drug him any more.”

  “No, he got away,” said Randall. “He’s changed. He was overconfident before, but now the gods protect him.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He escaped through a door that would no longer open. I could not follow. How did he do that?”

  “He’s using arcan. Apparently, Nikali has been busy the past couple of weeks. You won’t find him again now that he knows you are looking for him. I know where he will go. I’ll end this, and get my plan back on track.”

  “How can you beat him?”

  “Because the gods are with me as well,” said Alexus. He turned away from Randall as he said this. The first day of the Seasons Closing was becoming less and less of a celebration.

  In the corner of the throne room a door was standing ajar. It was open just enough for somebody to peak through and listen in on a conversation.

  On the other side of the door was Nikali. He had never truly left the side of Alexus. Everybody had assumed he went deep into hiding. He hadn’t. He had stayed at the bar because it was close by. He was always close to Alexus. For the first time in his life, Nikali had found it easy to walk through a palace. Nobody questioned him there. They only knew he was Eluan, and he was welcome anywhere. It was an invaluable asset. Nikali wanted to be nearby when Alexus made a misstep.

  Nikali knew his actions that day would speed up his schedule. But there were still many unanswered questions. Nikali was not going to go to Heric until he had more and Alexus was at his disposal. That was why Nikali was glad when he knew exactly where Alexus was going to be looking for him. He couldn’t disappoint his former teacher.

  Chapter 26

  It was nighttime. The stars and moon lit the field enough for a traveler to see what was ahead of him. Alexus walked through the grass past the military fort. He figured if Nikali had been using arcan then he would have to return at some point to get more leaves for the Tamor Blood.

  When he arrived at the bushes he normally grabbed from he noticed that more leaves than usual were missing. This confirmed his suspicions: Nikali had been to the area. He was collecting a lot of the leaves, more than Alexus was comfortable with.

  “You really had me fooled.”

  Alexus jumped. He turned around to see the source of the voice. Nikali came out from the shadows. He had been waiting for Alexus.

  “Nikali, what are you doing here?” Alexus said, feigning ignorance.

  “You can drop the act,” said Nikali. “I heard everything. I was listening in on your conversation with the King.”

  Alexus stood up straight. There was no further point in trying to pretend he was innocent.

  “My uncle trusted you. You were his arcan master. He let you put him in a doll-hold. He was at your mercy because he trusted you.”

  “He used me,” said Alexus. “He used me to get more power
. He would not be where he is today, had it not been for me. And I got nothing for it. Nothing!”

  “How can you say that?”

  “All I want is to relax. I want some time where I can live in Eluan without the Emperor breathing down my neck about some city across the world. Cyrus keeps sending me off to other places to do his job. I have to make the alliances and break them. My word has built an empire and destroyed civilizations. That is the power I have and I have never been able to reap the benefits. That is going to change.”

  “You were going to kill us,” said Nikali.

  “You could have been spared, Nikali. You did not have to come on this trip. Heric would have died, and I could have taken over. You could have vanished into the crowd. Nobody cares about the forgotten Caning. I had nothing to fear from you.”

  “I won’t let you kill Heric,” said Nikali. “He is the Heir Caning. He will inherit the throne, not you.”

  “I have put too much effort into this plan. I am not going to give up on it because of one setback. Heric can still die on this trip. So can you,” glared Alexus.

  The wind rushed around Alexus and Nikali. It was Alexus focusing his arcan. Nikali lifted into the air. He struggled to return to the ground, but Alexus was stronger. Then Nikali turned his attention to Alexus, himself. He forced a doll-hold on Alexus’ leg.

  Alexus screamed out in pain as his leg bent in a direction it should not have. His wound pulsed in pain. Nikali was forcing more pressure on the open wound. Alexus dropped his hold on Nikali. He fell to the ground.

  “It’s funny. When I first discovered your handiwork on the Emperor I wanted to meet you: I wanted to learn from you. I wonder now, if I had figured it out earlier, would things have gone differently? I know you’re more powerful than I am with arcan, but you still have your weaknesses.”

  Nikali held tighter to Alexus’ leg. He began to twist it at the shin. His leg would break in a matter of moments. Alexus reached out in desperation. He used every bit of his strength to grab hold of one of the trees in the forest line.

  The tree cracked under the pressure of the arcan. Then it came tumbling down. Nikali had to break his concentration to avoid being crushed by the falling tree. It came crashing down between the two men.


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