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Her Double Punishment

Page 12

by Daniella Wright

  “How are you feeling?” he asks.

  I snort. “Most accurate term? More frustrated than I’ve felt in my entire life.”

  He frowns. “In what way. Have you had enough of us?”

  I laugh. “Oh, I almost wish that were the case.” I shake my head, and hold his gaze. I’ve never felt so brave and bold as I do in that moment. “I haven’t had anywhere near enough.”

  Relief washes over his faces.

  “You have no idea how glad I am to hear that,” he says. He glances up at the sun. It’s not long after lunch, so the sun is still high in the sky. “Not long now,” he says. “A few hours and we’ll be free to fill the night however we wish.”

  “Marco?” Stefano’s voice calls down the row.

  “Better get back to it,” Marco whispers to me.

  “Marco!” Stefano says, as his brother emerges from the tree. “What are you doing? We’ve only got today – look at those clouds on the horizon. It’ll be raining by midnight. There’s no time for stalling.”

  I laugh to myself, glad to see Stefano’s work supervisor side is quick to chastise anyone slacking off, and not just me.

  There’s something kinda cute about how serious he takes his work, now I know what he’s really like, underneath his grumpy exterior.

  Finally, the day ends, and we take our days’ load to the mill, and unpack the crates.

  I still have to sit through a meal with the family, constantly aware of the brother’s eyes on me, constantly checking to see if anyone else seems to have noticed.

  No one does.

  “Another day in the mill tomorrow, eh Savannah?” Rosa looks at me. “You seem to thrive in the mill, working with all the machinery.”

  I grin. “I am enjoying it actually, working in the grove to working in the mill, and then working in the grove again. It’s nice to have that change, and so regularly too!”

  “And you like our fresh olive oil, too, don’t you?” Anna asks.

  “Deliziosa!” I say, making everyone laugh.

  “Ah, our American friend is picking up some Italian!” Giovanni beams at me. “So good! So good!”

  “Grazie.” I say. I hadn’t even realized I was picking up their words until ‘delicious’ sprang from my lips like that, though of course I recognize some of their most commonly used words.

  Stefano smiles at me. “I am glad you find our fresh oil so delicious,” he says. “You must make sure you taste it at every opportunity. Once you go home, you’ll never get the chance to taste such fresh oil again. And that will be very sad.” He holds my gaze, and I’m certain he’s talking about something else.

  Marco sighs. “Those first drops of oil. Perfecto!”

  There’s a murmuring of agreement.

  “Speaking of which,” Stefano says, sliding back his chair to stand. “We’ve all had long days, and if we want to be well rested for the party tomorrow night, we should have an early night tonight.” Marco stands, and so do I.

  “I trust you can excuse us from the dishes tonight, Mamma?” Marco asks.

  Rosa smiles. “Of course, Marco. Sleep well my boys, sleep well Savannah.”

  I don’t know how the whole family can’t find our actions suspicious. I’m sure if I was home and I suddenly demanded an early night and left the room with a man my parents would be horrified, even though I am twenty-two. And the very least they’d expect something was up.

  “Don’t your parents suspect anything?” I ask, as soon as we’re in the brothers’ home.

  “And what would they expect? That we are having a wild threesome?” Stefano grins.

  “Well, I don’t know...” I shrug.

  “You have been sheltered, haven’t you?” Marco asks. He lifts a hand to brush my cheek. “Our parents accept that we are adults, and you are an adult, and we are all able to make whatever choices it is that we wish to make. What is there to suspect?”

  I feel foolish for a moment, but then Marco leans forward and presses his lips against mine and all thought disappears from my mind as I press back against his full, soft, lips.

  “Hey, hey, hey!” Stefano’s voice breaks through the moment and we break away to look at him. “I thought we would be wooing some more.” He glances at me. “Do you not need more wooing.”

  I close my eyes, and shake my head. When I open them I see his brow is crinkled in confusion.

  “If we’re going to have some fun, then we probably should just jump straight into it. If you guys keep wooing me like that then I’ll fall in love with you, and you’ll never get rid of me!

  Stefano grins. “And would that be such a terrible thing?” He takes a step towards me, his gaze holding mine, his pupils dilated. “Having such a beautiful woman around, who is also a hard worker… I could think of worse.” He’s so close I could almost lean forward and press my lips against his, but before I have the chance to do so he pulls away, heading to the kitchen.

  Marco and I follow behind.

  If we’re just having fun then we need to discuss things, rather than just jumping straight in. We need to make sure we’re all on the same page here, so no one gets hurt.”

  “We did discuss things,” Marco says. “At least, Savannah and I did, earlier in the day.” He glances at me, and bites his lip. “Although, we didn’t really get past her desperate need for a kiss.” He shrugs, his brown eyes crinkling in the corners. “But I’ve dealt with that now, so I guess we can stop to talk.”

  I burst out laughing, I can’t help it. Marco’s excuse, Stefano’s raised eyebrow. It’s so funny.

  “Glad we’ve amused someone,” Stefano says, taking three wine glasses from the cupboard, and a bottle of white wine from the fridge. “Shall we start with a drink, and then sit down and discuss boundaries?”

  I frown. “That doesn’t sound very romantic. What happened to spur of the moment? Following your passion?”

  Stefano glances back at me, clearly amused. “Ah, you American women. You are brainwashed by too many romantic movies, where the man takes the lead and the woman just follows. Lucky for the woman, the man in those movies can read her mind, and does everything she wants, and nothing she doesn’t. But neither myself now Marco here can read your mind, Savannah, so we prefer to talk about it first.” He glances at Marco. “When we aren’t getting swept off our feet, that is.”

  Marco shrugs.

  Stefano continues. “It makes everything much more romantic when you know where each other stands from the start, and then you can behave accordingly during. Better than upsetting people during. Although, if you want anything to stop at any time during, just say the word.”

  I nod. There’s a strange warmth spreading through my body. I never would’ve thought this sort of conversation would turn me on but it does. I feel safe, right now, like no matter what happens I’m in good hands.

  “Okay.” Stefano fills the glasses with red wine, after checking that I drink it.

  “So. We gave you the options. And clearly you gave Marco the go ahead for a kiss.” He glances at his brother. “But I’d like to know where we all stand, first. Do you want both of us, are you more attracted to one of us? What are your thoughts? What do you want to try?”

  I bite my lip. My emotions are all a swirl inside, and my libido is through the roof. Can I trust my judgement on either of those things?

  I think about the poem Stefano recited to me, or his English translation of it at least. About taking opportunities when they arise, because you might never have another chance.

  “I’ve never been with two men before,” I admit. “And to be honest, until you suggested it, it never even occurred to me that it was possible.” I glance from Stefano to Marco and back again. “But now you have suggested it, I’m curious, to be completely honest. It sounds hot. I want to know what it’s like.”

  Both brothers smile.

  “Well, that rules out the need for competition,” Marco says, nudging his brother.

  Stefano snorts. “As if we ever worry about competiti
on,” he says.

  “Well, normally, but—”

  Stefano glances at him, a question in his gaze, but says nothing. Instead he turns back to me.

  “So both of us.”

  I nod.

  “And are we easing into this? Are you sure we don’t need to woo you some more? Do you want to stop at kissing until we know each other better?”

  I think of the few men I met at clubs, and how little I knew of them before falling into a hotel bed with them.

  “I’ve known you both for a couple of months now. I’ve lived with you. That’s more than I can say for previous flings.” I shrug. “I’m happy to go with the flow, and see where things take us.”

  “Okay.” Stefano nods. “Let’s do that then. Let’s go with the flow, and see where the evening takes us.” He holds my gaze. “Some reassurances, from us. We will always have contraception, so you never need worry about that unless you want to be extra certain. And as has been said before, but is always important to remember: You say stop. We will stop.”

  He raises his glass and Marco and I do the same, clinking them together.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Savannah.” Stefano sets his glass down, and moves around the table to stroke my cheek. His gaze is so intense, if I didn’t know better I’d say I was the only woman for him. But I push that thought aside and let myself fall under his spell. This may not ever happen again; I want to make the most of it while it does.

  Chapter 9

  I take a deep breath as I lean towards him, tilting my body so I’m open to him, hoping he doesn’t need any more talk to understand what I’m trying to communicate.

  He moves close, pressing his lips against mine. They aren’t as soft as Marco’s, and his kiss is not as gentle, but the thrill of the moment, of having two men, all mine, has made me wet, and so desperate for more.

  His lips part and his tongue probes between my teeth.

  I open my mouth, meet his tongue with my own.

  Marco comes to stand behind me, running his fingers up and down either side of my body.

  His touch is light through my shirt, and when he moves his hands around to cup my breasts, and his lips press against the back of my neck, a shiver travels my entire body.

  I want to break off the kiss with Stefano to kiss Marco, but Stefano has a hand either side of my face and is holding me close, so instead I untuck Stefano’s shirt, sliding my hands up underneath to splay my fingers across his firm chest.

  I can feel his heart racing.

  I lower my hands, squeezing one down behind the waistband of his pants to cup his bulge. His cock is throbbing and I squeeze it, earning a moan of pleasure through his kiss.

  Marco has released my breasts, and is undoing the buttons on my shirt.

  Finally, Stefano releases me from the kiss.

  “We’re moving a little faster than I anticipated,” he says. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  I nod. “Let’s keep going. Please. I’ve never felt like this, ever. I’ve never wanted to be fucked as much as I want it right now.” My voice is breathy, and whatever Stefano hears it spurs him on.

  He glances at Marco. “My room, or yours.”

  “Yours has the bigger bed.”

  Stefano grabs my hand, and pulls me through the house, as though I wouldn’t be following him anyway.

  Marco isn’t too far behind.

  Once we’re in his room Stefano drops my hand, and busies himself lighting candles, spread strategically around the room.

  It gives everything a soft warm glow, much the same as the one that spreads through my chest at his actions.

  “Beautiful,” I breathe the words.

  “Just like you,” he says, kissing me again. But then he pulls away from my lips, trailing kisses across my jaw, and down my neck. He slides the shirt off my shoulders, reaching his arms around me to undo my bra, even as he clamps his lips over my left nipple, through the lacy material.

  It’s so hot, and I throw my head back and moan.

  Marco is behind me again, and he cups my right breast with a hand, sending kissing in the opposite direction to Stefano, up my neck, to my ear.

  “You’re gorgeous, Savannah,” he murmurs in my ear. “I’ve never met a woman like you before.”

  I turn my head, reaching an arm up to run my fingers through his hair. Soon his lips meet mine, and we kiss, and I push my tongue into his mouth, desperate to taste him.

  Stefano gets the clasp on my bra undone, and I can feel the weight in my breasts as their support is removed, as he slides it down my arms.

  Straight away his mouth is on my breast again, his tongue sucking and circling the small nub of my nipple. My other nipple grows hard in the cool air, but it doesn’t stay uncovered for long, as Stefano moves to that one, covering the first with a hand as he continues to tweak and pull, and I moan my enjoyment into Marco’s mouth as he kisses me.

  Marco’s hands reach down to the zip on my pants, and I drop my hand to cup his cock, straining against his pants, and give it a squeeze. He moans and rocks his hips, rubbing his cock against my hand. His hands slip inside my underwear, his fingers running through my thick dark curls, and brushing against my clit.

  My whole body jolts. His touch is electric, and Stefano’s is too. Every kiss and caress sends sparks of energy fizzing through my body, and already all I want is to be laying down with them, to be filled by them.

  Stefano kisses his way down my abdomen, stopping when he gets to un already undone fly.

  “Shall we take these off?” he asks, his voice husky.

  “Please.” I nod.

  He tugs on the waistband, sliding them down my legs, and helping me step out of them. He runs a finger along the outside of my panties and grins. He must feel how wet I am.

  “How about we get you onto the bed?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Stefano lifts me up, carrying me the few short steps to his bed, and dropping me right in the center. He pulls off my underwear, running his fingers through my curls below as he leans up to kiss my mouth.

  “Do you like oral?” he asks.

  “I love oral,” I murmur, my breath hitching at the very thought.

  I’ve only actually experienced oral once before, but it absolutely blew my mind, and I have no doubt that Stefano and Marco’s administrations will be infinitely better.

  Stefano kisses his way back down my body, and behind him I see Marco has pulled off his shirt.

  “Want to take off those pants, too?” I ask, eyeing off the bulge in his pants.

  He grins. “For you, anything.”

  He slides them off, and I see the way his muscles move under his skin as he bends and twists to remove them.

  I bite my lip. Stefano has reached my cleft, and he’s holding his tongue against my tiny sensitive nub. There’s scarcely any pressure at all, and yet the feelings spiraling up my spine are far more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced before. He pulls his tongue away, and then dabs at my clit, ever so softly and gently.

  “Oh, my...” I drop back onto the bed. “That’s...” I shake my head. I’ve no words.

  Stefano raises his head. “Good? Bad? Terrible? Should I stop?”

  “God, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” I raise my head and shake it. “It’s amazing. Keep going, please.”

  Stefano grins and lowers his head, while Marco climbs onto the bed to lay next to me.

  I reach up, and pull his face to mine. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I want to kiss him and Stefano both, and press my body against theirs. I want to merge with them.

  I reach down to wrap Marco’s throbbing cock in my hand, and I give it a gentle squeeze before beginning to stroke it.

  His eyes roll back into his head as he throws his head back.

  “That feels so good,” he murmurs.

  “Let me suck you,” I whisper.

  His eyes fly open and he stares at me. “Are you sure?”

Stefano begins licking my cleft, all the way along the slit, and now it’s my turn to close my eyes. I feel like I’m overflowing with pleasure, so much so that I have to share it around or I’ll explode.

  “Yes,” I say. “Please. Let me please you.”

  Marco doesn’t need another invitation. He moves to a kneeling position, right by my head, and I grasp his cock in my hand, pausing for only a moment as Stefano’s tongue pushes inside me.

  “Oh my god.” My hips thrust ever so slightly, and my legs spread wider of their own accord, inviting him deeper.

  I turn my attention to Marco’s cock, stretching my neck so I can circle the head with my tongue, and then twisting slightly so I can lick from the base to the tip and back again.

  “Sei bella,” Marco says, his fingers brushing through my hair. “Sei bella. Ti amo.”

  His Italian sends shivers down my throat. I have no idea what he’s saying, though I’m fairly certain bella means beautiful, the rest of it sounds so sexy, I just wish I could take all of him.

  His breathing gets heavier, and when I glance up his gaze is fixed on me, his pupils so wide his eyes are nearly black.

  I open my mouth and throat, taking as much of him as I can. He groans in obvious pleasure, and his groans spur me on to try to take him deeper with each bob of my head. I can’t take him all, so I wrap my hand around the lower part of his shaft and stroke him in time with my bobs.

  He runs his fingers through my hair, and then moves his hand to cover a breast, squeezing my nipple between his thumb and the fleshly part of his hand.

  Between my legs, Stefano returns to my clit, and my whole body jumps as though electrified. All of a sudden the pleasure building inside me bursts out, and I have to release Marco’s cock from my mouth as I throw myself back on the bed, my hips thrusting against Stefano’s mouth as an orgasm tears through my body.

  Stefano sits up, a very satisfied smile on his face.

  “That worked for you?”

  I close my eyes, my hand still wrapped around Marco’s cock. “That was amazing.”

  Stefano moves up my body, to press his lips against mine. I can taste my juices, but it doesn’t stop me from pressing my tongue against his.


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