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The War of the Gilded Beasts (Magnus Dynasty Saga Book 2)

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by Grady P. Brown

  After a tense moment, Caelum whispered, “I wish I spent more time with my mother. Why did she have to die so that my siblings and I could live?”

  At first, Wil did not know how to answer Caelum until he explained, “Your mother sacrificed herself during childbirth to ensure your future. If she did not use her magic to save you, your brothers, and your sister, she would have survived. However, she would also never get pregnant again and the possibility of you and your siblings surviving would have been nil. She did what any mother would. She chose to save her children instead of herself. All you can do is honor her memory and make sure her death was not in vain.”

  Caelum remained silent afterwards as he returned to a contemplative state. At that moment, a guardsman entered the library and announced, “My Prince, Sage Wil, the king requests your presence at once.”


  Prince Daegar Magnus was dressed in training gear and armed with a wooden mace and shield. Standing before Daegar were two men-at-arms who wore similar equipment. The three of them circled one another in the courtyard, ready for someone to make the first move.

  Then the two men fell on Daegar, one attacking high and the other low. Daegar blocked one opponent with his shield and struck the second in the head with his mace, knocking him unconscious instantly. With his first foe incapacitated, Daegar shoved against his first adversary with his shield before throwing it at him. As the man-at-arms struggled to regain his balance, Daegar gripped his wooden mace with both hands and delivered a crushing blow against his sparring partner’s breastplate that shattered his weapon. After that, the man-at-arms lay flat on his back, dazed with his armor dented.

  Daegar stood victorious over his sparring partners with his splintered weapon in hand. He felt a vibrant rush of satisfaction swell within his heart as he basked in his victory. It was an intoxicating sensation Daegar became addicted to whenever he trained or participated in a tourney. Still, Daegar dreamed of when he would fight a real battle like the heroes of old.

  Then Daegar felt someone coming behind him and blocked a wooden sword with his shattered handle in the nick of time. Smiling, Daegar’s spirit was uplifted when he saw his younger sister, Princess Ymir Magnus, who attacked him with a quarterstaff. Ymir was three years younger than Daegar and had the appearance of a tomboy with a muscular build and short hair. Like her father and brothers, she possessed red eyes and black hair with a streak of white. Her face bristled with fiery determination and childish mischief.

  “You are as strong as an ox, but you need to learn discipline, big brother,” Ymir playfully chided.

  Pushing Ymir’s sparring blade aside, Daegar countered, “Says the little runt who has never tasted combat except in the courtyard. In the chaos of battle, it will be strength that decides the battle and not discipline. Also, you lose to our beloved hostage Regan Baal every time you spar with him.”

  Blushing, Ymir protested, “Oi! That brute always uses dirty tactics to win!”

  “If he is so dirty, then why do you blush when I mention his name?” Daegar asked, sneering.

  Shrugging, Ymir announced, “Our brothers and I will be gathering for training later today. You should come with us when time permits, Daegar.”

  Tossing aside his ruined handle, Daegar replied, “I intend to. Besides, I am sure that Nergal misses me.”

  Chuckling, Ymir added, “Aye. I think Faxia feels the same way about me. We better not keep them waiting.”

  Suddenly, before Daegar could comment further, a guard entered the courtyard and said, “Prince Daegar! Princess Ymir! His Majesty requests your presence immediately!”

  Sighing, Daegar complained, “Sorry sister, but we must go to father. We will meet with the others afterwards.”

  Bowing deeply and sarcastically, Ymir answered, “As you wish, big brother.”

  After that exchange, Daegar and Ymir left towards the keep.


  In the forests outside of Magnus Keep, Vaeron Magnus was accompanied by a dozen hunters and four hounds. Vaeron and some of the hunters were armed with boar spears while the rest of the group possessed crossbows. The group was on the trail of a two-hundred-pound wild boar that had been destroying crops in the area. As a prince of Umbran, Vaeron had an obligation to find the beast and kill it. On the other hand, Vaeron loved the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of winning. They had been tracking the wild boar for half of the day and it was clear that they were getting close to their quarry.

  Vaeron possessed the athletic build of a runner. He possessed the traditional Magnus features of red eyes and black hair with a streak of white. His hair was unkempt, he had a slight stubble on his chin, and his ruby eyes had a crazed glimmer. The expression on Vaeron’s face was an almost-constant sneer, as though he did not have a care or worry in the world.

  The hounds whimpered and growled, which caused Vaeron to raise a hand to signal his men to stop. Through the dogs’ noise, Vaeron could vaguely hear another creature grunting somewhere in the bushes straight ahead.

  Grinning, Vaeron threw down his arm and ordered, “Release the hounds!”

  On command, Vaeron’s hunters unleashed the dogs, who ran in the direction of the grunting. There was a loud mixture of squealing and barking in the air as Vaeron and his men chased after their hounds. Once through the bushes, Vaeron and company found the dogs gripping the ears and neck of a large wild boar. The boar was a desperately trying to free itself from the hounds’ teeth, but to no avail.

  A jolt of excitement surging through his psyche, Vaeron gripped his boar spear tightly before launching himself towards his prey. Vaeron plunged his spear into the boar’s back, but the pig became so frightened and enraged that it shook free of the dogs and knocked Vaeron aside. After rolling across the forest floor, Vaeron looked up to find the boar running away with the spear still in its back. The pig continued to flee until a massive noise halted its advance a few yards away.

  Curious about what happened, Vaeron and his hunters ran towards the boar and were shocked by what they saw. Apparently, the pig ran into a tree as it fled. Due to its caved in skull and broken tusk, it was clear that it was the tree that killed Vaeron’s quarry instead of his spear.

  In disbelief, one hunter exclaimed, “Did that boar just kill itself?”

  Scowling as he removed his spear from the boar’s carcass, Vaeron commented, “Bah! The stupid beast ruined the hunt for me! It took its own life rather than face its fate with dignity. I was the one who should have taken it down! Clearly, animals are just as cowardly as men!”

  Shrugging, another hunter said, “At least we managed to kill the beast at all, my prince. You could fashion its broken tusk into the hilt of another dagger.”

  Smirking, Vaeron replied, “Aye. You’re right. Now let’s get this piece of filth back to Magnus Keep before nightfall.”

  “Yes, My Prince,” the hunters declared in unison before turning their attention to the boar carcass.

  As his men tied the boar to a rack, Vaeron picked up the broken tusk and examined it with dark intensity. Under his breath, Vaeron mused, “Another trophy for the collection.”

  At that moment, a guard on horseback bearing the Magnus sigil emerged from the trees, guiding a spare horse by the reins behind him. Slipping the tusk into a pouch on his belt, Vaeron surveyed the newcomer with annoyance.

  When the rider stopped in front of Vaeron, Vaeron bitterly demanded, “Who dares interfere with my sport?”

  Bowing his head briefly, the rider answered, “My prince, the king has requested the presence of you and your siblings. Return to the castle at once.”

  Sighing with contempt, Vaeron lazily mounted the spare horse and furiously rode ahead of the messenger, leaving his men to tend with their catch.


  Eighteen years earlier, the castle formerly known as Blood Arrow was a crumbling and declining stronghold that possessed a grim, haunting architecture. After House Magnus took over, they used their new wealth from their Ferruman
mines in the Territories to completely renovate the former seat of House Baal into a proper castle that became the envy of all of Umbran. The normal stone walls were replaced with black, mirror-shiny marble with veins of red rippling through them. In terms of size, all of the castle’s curtain walls and towers became ten feet taller. In addition, a trophy room had been tripled in size, while complex works of art decorated the halls.

  Within an hour, the Magnus siblings convened in the throne room of Magnus Keep. The throne room was a big chamber that possessed ancient pillars, stone statues, and tapestries that bore the Magnus sigil. At the back of the room was the king, Numen Magnus the First, who sat on a great oaken seat that was intricately carved. On top of Numen’s brow was a glimmering crown made from Ferruman while a large pelt cloak draped over his shoulders and a livery collar consisting of bear claws around his neck. Resting next to Numen was the Sword of Power, Gramfyre, which slept in its scabbard against the throne’s armrest.

  Smiling gently, Numen said, “My children, I have gathered you here to discuss your forthcoming wedding at the Festival of Summer a month from now. After a decade of brokering, we have gained the allegiance of the other northern kingdoms of the Empire. Kemrin will marry Princess Lyra Rosa of Valai, Daegar will marry Queen Mya Barran of Varland, Caelum will marry Princess Yarma Ganjol of Aemarr, and Vaeron will marry Princess Freya Donard of Storuuk. These marriages will not only seal these alliances, but it will give us Valai’s food and wealth, Storuuk’s warriors, Varland’s steel, and Aemarr’s fleet. As you are aware, your future brides have been visiting Umbran every summer for eight years. Have your brides met your expectations?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Kemrin replied, “Aye, Father. We have gotten to know one another very well. Even so, I have doubts if everything will work out.”

  Sneering, Vaeron said, “I hear there will be a grand tourney and many feasts after the ceremony. It will be a glorious time.”

  Daegar added, “Rumor has it that over a thousand knights will be competing in the tourney and the tourney itself might last a week. I agree with Vaeron. It will be a glorious time. Will we get to compete, Father?”

  Sighing with annoyance, Caelum countered, “If we compete, can I do the horse race? I am not a warrior in any respect.”

  Assuredly, Numen answered, “Aye. In order to display the prestige and might of House Magnus, you will all compete in the tourney. Kemrin will compete in the joust, Daegar will compete in the melee, Vaeron will compete in the archery contest, and Caelum will indeed compete in the horse race. To further display our power for all the north to see, all six of our dragons will fill the sky.”

  Curious, Daegar asked, “We will obviously carry the honors of our brides during the tourney, but can we also carry the honors of our sister?”

  Ymir turned to her brothers and blushed, saying, “You four still are my protective big brothers, aren’t you? I love you dolts, but I don’t need your protection. However, I look forward to my own wedding. When will that day come, father?”

  “I tried making arrangements with some of the southern kingdoms, but they are staunch supporters of the Sylva Dynasty and will not side with potential rivals to the Imperial Throne. So I will have to make do with the strongest barons I can find since we already have the allegiance of the other northern kingdoms. Unfortunately, it is becoming difficult to find suitable matches for you so you won’t have the time your brothers had to get to know your consort. I’m sorry,” Numen calmly explained.

  “Shall we wait for you in the field, father?” Kemrin asked.

  Brushing his children away, Numen said, “Aye. Go to the field. I will join you shortly.”

  Annoyed, Kemrin shouted, “Aye! Aye, Father!”

  After those words, the Magnus children ran out of the throne room in a disorganized fashion. Once Numen was alone, the atmosphere became frosty and he sat on his throne in uncomfortable silence. That silence quickly ended when a new group of visitors entered the throne room. Escorted by a pair of guards was Sir Regan Baal, son of the late King Robar Baal. After House Baal was overthrown, Numen kept Robar’s only surviving heir as a hostage to guarantee the fealty of any surviving Baal loyalists. However, Regan’s status swiftly changed from being a hostage to Numen’s adopted son. Being only an infant when his parents died, Regan had no memory of them and no desire to avenge them. In addition, Regan gradually learned the truth about his family history, but even though many saw him as the true heir of the Umbran throne, he had no wish to be a king out of fear of being a tyrant like his father. When Regan was old enough, he served as Numen’s squire and was promoted to knighthood when he was eighteen. Due to Numen’s status as his surrogate father, Regan was fiercely loyal to him.

  While Robar Baal was a disfigured hunchback, Regan was a lot more handsome than his father with high cheekbones, silky black hair, and dreamy blue eyes. Having discarded his royal status, Regan wore a simple, white surcoat that bore no sigil and his armor was plain and undecorated.

  Upon reaching the dais, Regan kneeled before Numen and announced, “Your Majesty, I have collected this month’s taxes. It is a little short of the usual quota, but it will be sufficient for the time being.”

  Nodding in approval, Numen said, “Well done, Regan. Is there anything else to report?”

  After some thought, Regan replied, “As my men and I travelled from village to village, we heard rumors that some of the barons are planning a coup and they looked at me in a disturbing fashion.”

  Focusing on Regan, Numen processed this information as insecurity and fear crept back into his mind. Numen had held onto the Umbran throne for eighteen years and faced every rebellion that sought to overthrow him and his family. Numen may have kept Regan close as a hostage, but these tactics did not always work. Sooner or later, Numen was afraid that not even his dragons would be enough to permanently bring Umbran to heel. Hopefully, such an uprising would not happen and what Regan reported was just the surviving Baal loyalists bantering. Either way, the whole situation filled Numen with uncertainty, which were feelings that Numen did not enjoy. In the dark corners of his mind, Numen could still hear Gramfyre’s feminine voice whispering to him. The sword was commanding him to hold onto his throne no matter the cost, which Numen had struggled to accomplish for nearly a generation.

  “How shall we address this, Your Majesty? Shall I gather men to bring these conspirators to you?” Regan asked.

  The question haunted Numen as Gramfyre continued to claw at his psyche. Even though he had known Regan all his life, Numen always entertained the possibility that Regan would seek to usurp him and take back his father’s throne. Was Regan really asking to crush these dissidents or was he looking for an excuse to lead the supposed traitors in a revolt? Numen did not know which choice to make. There was a fifty-fifty chance that he could lose his crown with this one decision.

  Ultimately, Numen instructed, “Send spies to survey their activities. If anything treasonous should come up, inform me at once.”

  Bowing his head deeply, Regan replied, “As you wish, Your Majesty. Anything else I can help you with?”

  “That will be all, Regan. You are dismissed.”

  Regan gave Numen a curt nod before rising to his feet and leaving the throne room. Again, Numen pondered on the supposed coup that may take place. Was Regan involved or were others behind it? What Numen feared more than losing his throne was losing his children. While Numen loved his children dearly, the crown could always be retaken as long as a dynasty’s bloodline survived.

  Stiffly rising from his throne and strapping Gramfyre to his belt, Numen said, “I am going to join the others for training.”


  Kemrin and his siblings were escorted by dozens of guards as they rode towards an open field outside of Magnus Keep. As they traveled, they engaged in playful banter.

  “Look on the bright side. Even if you don’t find a proper husband in the near future, you can still meet lots of handsome knights at the tourney,” Kemr
in assured.

  “Aye. Maybe I will find a big, strong knight to be my first paramour. I can picture him now,” Ymir said.

  “We meant what we said back there. In addition to carrying the honor of our brides, we will be carrying your honor as well. If any of us win, that should give you plenty of chances to find proper husbands,” Caelum pointed out.

  “Aye. Even if none of us win, we will still compete with everything we have. We will do it all for you, sister,” Daegar added.

  “It never hurts to cheat the competition so that we can win and get our sister a husband. Who’s going to know?” Vaeron suggested slyly.

  Riding next to Vaeron, Kemrin playfully smacked him over the head and chided, “You know we can’t do that. If we get caught, we won’t only get Father boiling mad at us, but we will disgrace House Magnus and destroy any chance of finding our sister a husband. If we want to help our sister, we have to win the tourney fair and square.”

  Pouting, Vaeron scoffed, “Where’s the fun in that?”


  After talking for some time, the Magnus children finally reached their destination. It was a field that was vast enough to fit an army. Finally, six winged shapes appeared in the heavens like a flock of regal birds of prey. Each one of the reptilian beasts released a series of roars that started as high shrieks before transforming into deep bellows. Gliding towards the Magnuses were dragons led by Vaerox the Blood Demon, who was the largest of the dragons. As the dragons drew closer, the Magnus children took a few steps back to make room for their visitors. One by one the dragons landed in the field and surrounded the humans. The male dragons were larger and broader than the females while the females were smaller and sleeker than the males. Despite the ferocious appearance of the dragons, the humans were not afraid at all.

  Eighteen years ago, Vaerox the Blood Demon was the last of the dragons until Numen used Gramfyre’s magic to give Vaerox’s eggs life. Due to the unique magic of the Sword of Power, Vaerox and his descendants were mystically bound to the Magnus bloodline. After securing dominion over Umbran, Numen distributed Vaerox’s eggs to his children when they reached the age of ten. Currently, they possessed six dragons, all of whom were present in the field. Four of the dragons were almost as big as Vaerox himself and the sixth was the size of a small whale. These dragons were the reason the Magnus bloodline had become the most powerful dynasty in the present day. Because of their association with the dragons, the Magnuses became popularly known as Dragon Riders.


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