Rival Love (The Blue Falls Series Book 1)
Page 45
“Did you miss me?” He was not expecting a response of any sort, but he felt the nod on his chest. He swallowed visibly and directed her to face him again.
“I missed you too. It was difficult seeing you and not being able to touch you like I used to.” His voice was quivering, and it was a feeling so new he was beginning to feel scared.
He brushed his knuckles against her cheek. She closed her eyes at the action, relishing the feel of his skin against hers.
A few moments after, there was a feeling of a pair of lips slotting against hers, and she gasped in surprise but did not pull away. Easton faced her fully and collected her in his arms until she was straddling him, hands entangled around his neck.
He kissed her slowly, passionately. The feeling of his lips against hers was making her dizzy with want. She did not realize she had been wanting for this to happen again for so long.
She mewled when he bit her lip lightly. A shiver shot up her spine, and he groaned when he felt her lose control. He began to press deeper, succumbing to his instincts to ravish her, to run his hands on her back and sides, feeling the dips and curves he had been fantasizing about.
Madison pulled back and panted harshly, her mouth barely an inch from his, her hot breath mixing with his.
“I want you so much,” Easton confessed. He heard her swallow and relished at the effect he had on her.
“I thought after spending time with you, this want would dwindle, but it only became harder for me to stay away. I want to be beside you all the time.” He mouthed kisses on her jaw and neck. Madison lolled her head back to give him access.
He lapped at the area where he had bitten her, and she moaned loudly, tugging his hair harshly.
“I want you too, Easton. Ever since the first day, there was something about you that I’ve been wanting so much. I don’t know what exactly it is, but it’s there.”
The revelation stirred his gut, and he left soft bites on her neck before returning to her mouth, kissing her fervently. Madison tried to keep up, but he was too eager; he was practically losing his self-control over his want.
They did not know what it was, but they understood one thing: the feeling was mutual, and they needed each other to survive.
She should have heard about it, but she did not, the sound of her door slamming open making her jump and scramble away from Easton, who, oddly, looked like he was expecting Richmond.
“You fucking dare go to my territory, you fucker.” Richmond charged on Easton who jumped out of his way.
“This is no territory of yours.” He bared his teeth and Madison saw his fangs, elongated and ready to sink on warm flesh.
“Madison is my territory.”
Easton straddled him and punched him on the face so hard, she could hear bones breaking. Richmond recovered easily and kicked him away. Their sounds alarmed Courtney, who showed up at her room, terrified of the two men who were snarling at each other, their large statures occupying the space.
Courtney reached for Madison and pulled her away from the tension. The two males rounded each other, waiting for the other to make a first move.
Easton was seething. Madison was no territory. The bastard of a hunter did not have a right to call her that. Reminded of the word, he snapped and attacked first, aiming for the hunter’s neck. He wanted to snap it off his body so bad, but the hunter ducked and hit him square on the jaw.
The impact sent a painful jolt all over his body, but he retaliated, kneeing his stomach.
The two male’s fighting skills were almost the same. Easton, admittedly, was not a good fighter compared to his brother, but he could hold his own ground. Now he wished he spent more time practicing fighting skills so he could just end the hunter easily.
Richmond was also agitated. He felt for his cheek, which was bruised and bleeding. His right eye was swollen, and his only good eye was also beginning to close. Easton hit strategically, knowing the weak points for a human like him. He cursed himself for pulling off all the enchanted ornaments he had been wearing and dashing to Madison’s room without thinking it through.
His anger clouded his judgment.
The fight ensued until they rolled down the flight of stairs, with Madison and Courtney screaming in terror. Easton grabbed for a chair and hit Richmond with it, breaking the wood into tiny pieces. The hunter picked one too and hurled it to Easton’s direction, which he easily evaded.
They grabbed at things that they can reach, and Richmond was cursing himself. He was caught unprepared, just as when he had the upper-hand. He thought it would take a few more days before the bloodsucker would try to get near to Madison but he was wrong. His blood pumped when he smelled the despicable creature instantly when he got home. The whole house was reeking with the smell of rotting fish.
Easton took a step and kicked him in the gut and Richmond took a few steps backward with the impact. He paused and feigned extreme pain but slid his feet on the floor when Easton came near to knock him off his feet. From his periphery, she could see Courtney holding a sharpened piece of wood. He stretched his hand and Courtney, getting the message, threw the wood at him. Richmond could smell his triumph.
Easton’s eyes got wide upon seeing the stake. He tried backing away, but the hunter had him locked with his thighs. He looked at the wood. From the background, he could hear Madison wailing and trying to break free from her aunt’s grasp. The hunter had prepared everything to take him down, and the stake needed to only be put through his body, and he will be ended.
He thrashed and tried to upend the man, but he was strong. Richmond had a newfound strength when he held the device.
Easton gritted his teeth and tried freeing his hands which were locked beneath him. He saw the hunter raise the stake with his two hands and brought it down rapidly, and he braced himself for the pain, for the poison to spread like wildfire across his body, for a gaping hole to be made through his chest, but felt nothing.
When he opened his eyes, Richmond was lying on the floor and was looking at Madison. She was snarling at him while standing in front of Easton, stretching her hands to defend him. Her eyes looked wild before they dilated then turned dark and she bared her teeth the way he did like she had her own fangs she could use to threaten the hunter.
Richmond was dumbfounded, not knowing how Madison, a woman who was much smaller than him, managed to push him away just as he was about to kill the bloodsucker.
More horrifyingly, she was snapping her teeth and was at a crouching position, prepared to pounce on him. If he did not know any better, he would think that she was acting like a vampire.
He got up to his feet, trying to get over his shock. Not taking his eyes away from Madison, he felt for the stake that he accidentally let go. He felt the wood in his palms but was once again rendered speechless when someone picked it up and broke it into two pieces.
No human could ever break an enchanted tool so easily.
He looked at the newcomer and in reflex, his nose wrinkled in distaste.
The guy was not as tall as Easton, but he was more intimidating, with his lean muscles and broad shoulders.
Richmond gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists. He looked from Easton to the other vampire, who was also fuming, eyes getting rounded and dark.
He contemplated his choices and opted for the best one.
“Fucking bloodsuckers.” He hissed before taking backward steps until he was near the door.
“I’m not yet done with you. I’ll come back.” He threatened before going out and disappearing.
Madison felt her knees go weak once Richmond was out of sight. She looked at the other man who broke the stake and figured that it must be Easton’s brother, judging by the way he looked furious upon seeing Easton in his battered state.
She crawled towards Easton, who was clutching his chest.
“Are you alright?” Tears fell from her eyes at a rapid pace. She did not even realize that she was crying if he did not wipe the
m away from her cheeks.
“I’m okay,” he rasped. He winced, the wounds on his face too many for him to ignore.
He was met with an armful of Madison when he sat up. She cried on his chest, and he tried comforting her even though his body was starting to feel numb.
“I thought you’re gonna die. I thought you’re gonna leave me!” Her words were muffled, but he heard them clearly. He smiled despite the pain.
“Shh, it’s okay now. Don’t cry anymore. I’m fine.” He carded his fingers through her hair.
He was by no means fine, nor did he think that this was all over.
Hunters were not the type to easily let go. By the time the hunter comes back to kill him, Easton must be ready.
But for now, he shushed Madison, his Madison who bravely put herself in danger to defend him. Feeling the want wash over him, he held her face and brought it close to his, kissing her lips and tasting her tears.
This was far from over, but for now, they ignored everything else and consumed the want they had for each other.
They would think of the consequences later.
The Start of a Beginning
It was dark and the air felt humid. An endless wall of red bricks was on her side as she ran. The pavement was uneven and made her trip on her own feet but she continued her long strides, looking back from time to time.
There was no moon and the illumination was close to nil. There was barely any source of light save for the lamp post meters away from her. She felt for the bricks to guide her and she panted as she slowed down with her pace while using the wall as leverage.
When she reached the end of the street, she stopped and leaned back on the wall, tilted her head up and heaved deep breaths. It was dead silent but she was aware that someone was coming near. No sounds of footsteps were heard yet her heart thrummed in anticipation.
A minute did not last when what little lighting she had was blocked. Her eyes were still shut but the world seemed to have become darker.
Her heart started to pound harder; she can feel the blood rushing through her veins. There was someone in front of her and it excited yet scared her. There was anticipation and dread enveloping her being.
The figure came closer and she could hear the loud breathing coming from a mouth, the air lightly hitting her face and making her knees buckle.
A hand rested on her shoulder before it traced to the dips of her collarbone and then her neck. Her blood was rushing and it was dizzying. The touch brought a pleasant sensation, it felt heavenly and she almost mewled in desire.
She tilted her head up in invitation and lips pressed down against hers, firm but not prodding. Her hands shook in anticipation and moved blindly to rest on broad shoulders.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” The whisper sent tingles down her spine and she shook her head vehemently.
“You won’t.” She protested, hooking her hands around the neck and pulling the other down.
There was a lick down her throat and she gasped.
Madison stared blankly at the ceiling as she woke up gasping for air while sweat misted her face. She felt a lick and that was when she registered that a man’s body was hovering over hers, sucking on her neck softly.
She groaned at the feeling.
“You’re awake?” The teasing voice made her smile despite still being perturbed by the dream.
She rested her hand on Easton’s head and tugged his hair lightly. “What are you doing here? It’s…” She glanced at the clock on her bedside table. “Four AM, why are you here?” Despite her question, she carded her fingers through his hair, enjoying the soft moans he let out whenever she barely pressed on the scalp.
“I missed you.” She shivered. She had known him for months but his deep, raspy voice still had the same effect on her. It was calming yet at the same time, it spiked feelings she could not explain.
He pulled back and dropped a soft peck on her lips. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her again, gently and loving.
“I dreamed of something weird.” Madison turned to her side and Easton followed, setting behind her and wrapping his hands around her.
“What dream?” He nestled his face on her neck comfortably, snuggling as closely as possible.
“I…” Madison’s brows furrowed. “I can’t remember. It just feels weird.”
Easton hummed and rubbed his hand down her arms. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be here.”
She felt her lids drooping and she managed to tell Easton to make sure to leave early so her aunt, Courtney, would not see him. She was off to dreamland as soon as she mumbled out those words, not bothering to wait for his reply.
Let’s Ignore the Questions and Bask in the Bliss
Madison collected her things from the desk and slung her bag on her shoulders before trudging out of the room. The hallways were filled with students on their way to their next classes and she slowed down her steps. She did not want to stumble against someone, not when she was a minute away from falling asleep.
She blinked and fought down a loud yawn. With the way she was echoed by the other students, she supposed she was not the only one who had a hard time waking up early again after a short break from school.
Her eyes felt heavy so she shut them for a while in an attempt to gain back normal consciousness. She walked in small steps but she did not get far before let out an “Oomph,” and took steps back when she crashed into someone.
“Oh! I’m sor--” The rest of her apology was left unheard because of a chuckle. The sound was melodious and soothing to her ears. It was the voice that she always yearned to hear first thing in the morning. Sometimes, it was the only reason why she wanted to wake up and start her day.
“I told you, you shouldn’t have stayed up too late finishing that book.” A large and heavy hand ruffled her hair affectionately and she ducked to prevent him from ruining her already unflattering hair.
She yawned again. “Can we go to the library?”
“Of course.” He kissed her temple lightly.
She felt an arm wrap around her waist and he started to walk slowly, guiding her and shielding her from the students loitering the hallways. She leaned on him, basking in the security he always gave her when they are together.
She chanced a glance on their way every now and then, checking if he was indeed leading her to the library. The next time she felt conscious was when he let her sit on a chair gently. Madison immediately folded her hands on the table and settled her head, yearning to take the nap she had been daydreaming of while she was in her class.
It was an hour later when Madison woke up. She could hear the faint shrills of ringing bells and she searched for her phone frantically, sighing in relief when she confirmed that she did not oversleep to be late for next class.
“Morning sleepyhead.” She turned around, smiling at the sight of Easton, with his face propped up on his palm while he rested his elbow on the table. It seemed to be one of his favorite poses whenever there is a table nearby. He tended to just keep silent and brood about whatever he was thinking while his head was rested against his hand.
The action makes Madison sigh dreamily. With his dark eyes, prominent jawline, and sensual lips, it was hard not to regard him as a gorgeous being. Sometimes, Madison pondered why would he even be attracted to her when she was far from having ideal traits, though she always jokingly credited it to the weird preferences of a vampire guy. He was probably fed up with beautiful girls of his caliber with how long he had lived that he just settled on mediocre choices.
Easton winked at her and she felt the heat creep up her cheeks.
“I haven’t seen you blush like this for a while.” He pinched a cheek as he chuckled. Even the sound of his laughter attracted Madison like no other. She was smitten with Easton and apparently, he was extremely attracted to her, too, enough to even risk dying in the hands of
a vampire hunter.
It had been a month since the fight between Easton and Richmond. Back then, Madison’s normal, dull days became days when she had to be in the midst of the tension between a vampire and a vampire hunter. It was unnerving to be the witness of how much they detested each other until it broke up into a real fight that rendered Easton injured for a week.
Madison never left his side while he was recovering. Deep down, she felt guilty for triggering the fight. If things had gone worst, Easton would probably dead by now.
She remembered how furious and panicked she was, how much she wanted to help Easton and save his life from the looming death. Seeing him weak and helpless hurt her and pushed her to teeter on the edge. She snapped at Richmond and bared her teeth on him, all on instinct. She did not have long and sharp fangs like vampires did and she often realized how stupid she must have looked for doing that.