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Some Kind of Monster

Page 21

by Albany Walker

  “It’s not the wolf, but someone he knows.” I raise my brows. “Maybe the witch from the club can track where this spell came from.”

  “Shit!” Calix curses. “That’s a good idea.” He’s already scrambling out of the room. If I had to guess, he’s on his way to get his phone to call Torin.

  Gunnar peers down at me, and one side of his lips tip up the slightest bit. It’s the first time since leaving the clearing he hasn’t looked completely wrecked. Snapping his hand out, he grabs the back of my neck and drags me forward for a hot, hard kiss. I lean into him and the kiss, bracing my hands on his impressive chest. When I pull back, I look right up into his eyes. “I think you’re the perfect monster, even if you don’t have the teeth to prove it,” I whisper. Gunnar places his forehead on mine and lets out a heavy breath.

  I feel Grim’s portal opening, so I spin around to find my angel holding a very disgruntled Torin by his upper arm. “Wolfy! Just who I wanted to see.”

  “You could have called,” he mumbles, and wipes his hands over his face. “Damn, are you having triplets?” He eyes me up and down.

  Grim sends him stumbling with a well-placed jab of his elbow, which causes Torin to snicker and hold up his hands in surrender. “I’m just kidding, doll, you look great.” Grim hits him again with another jab.

  “So, not that I’m complaining, but to what do I owe the honor?” Torin looks around. “This your bedroom? Damn, where do you even get a bed that big?”

  I snap my fingers. “Focus.”

  Torin blinks at me a few times and a slow smile forms on his lips. “I forgot how much I like you.”

  Gunnar growls, proving the loss of his magic hasn’t changed him too much. “I need a meeting with the witch from Savannah. I thought Calix was going to call you, but it seems Grim decided not to wait.”

  “The witch, what was his name?” I tap my forehead.

  “Gregory,” Grim supplies. I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing that the Grim Reaper remembers his name. Oh, well.

  “That’s it. Do you know where to find him?”

  “I’m sure he will be at the club tonight. He is most nights,” Torin replies. I look over at the clock. It’s six a.m. Most days I’d be sleeping or getting ready for bed at this time.

  “Do you have his number or another way to get a hold of him?” I question, not feeling very patient. Antonio may already know we were at the school and what happened to Gunnar.

  “I can get it if it’s important,” he offers, as a more serious expression falls over his features. “Is everything okay?”

  “I’m hoping with his help, shit is about to get a whole lot better,” I answer.

  Chapter 25

  Torin hits a button on his phone and shoves it back into his pocket. “He gave me an address. You sure you want to deal with this guy? Witches are sketchy.”

  “I agree, but yes,” I reply. “Grim, can you go fetch him?”

  “I’ll get him, but I don’t want to bring him back here.”

  “Don’t want him in the love den, I get it,” Torin quips. It’s been several months since I’ve seen him, but he seems more relaxed and comfortable than I’d ever known him to be. It’s nice.

  “Can you stop worrying about my sex life for a few minutes? Where should we take him?”

  “I would say the club, because he’d probably be comfortable there, but I don’t want the other witches knowing our business,” Gunnar muses.

  “Where did you live before you moved in here? If you say that office with the dumpster couch, I will seriously question your judgment.”

  “No,” Gunnar scoffs, then he lets a little wince slip. “I had an apartment. It wasn’t much better, but I hardly spent any time there,” he defends, before I can even say anything.

  “I know a place,” Grim interjects.

  “You?” I can hear the shock in my tone.

  “Yes, it will do.”

  “This I gotta see,” Gunnar mumbles under his breath.

  I’m just as curious. “So where is it?”

  “I’ll give you the address, it will take you a little time to get there. Call me when you arrive.” With that cryptic statement, he disappears.

  “So, I should just wait here, cool. It’s not like you pulled me out of bed or anything,” Torin mumbles into the air as if Grim might still be able to hear him.

  I get a text on my phone a few seconds later with an address. I show the screen to Gunnar, who just shrugs in response.

  We get Torin all set up in one of my guest bedrooms, making sure to avoid the rooms Gunnar and Calix have taken for themselves. He’s leaning back on the bed with his arms behind his head. “I’m kind of awake now, got anything to eat?”

  “Kitchen’s downstairs. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

  “You still get all those visitors?” Torin looks around like a monster might crawl out of the closet. “Maybe I should just go with you.” He moves to sit up and I snicker.

  “What’s the matter, Wolfy, scared?” I taunt.

  “No,” he scoffs, but he still eyes the room dubiously.

  “If you don’t want anyone stopping by, just leave a light on. No one would bother you anyway.”

  “Where’s the Brownie?” he asks with his head tilted a little to the side.

  I lift my finger to my lips and make a shushing sound. “Can’t tell you, or she would have to kill you.” I grin at the way his expression falls. “You don’t become one of the top assassin bands by eating bon bons on your bestie’s couch. She’s working.”

  “Fine, whatever,” he grouses.

  I go to leave the room but poke my head back into the open door. “If you go into the pantry, knock first. Let Dare know you’re coming in.”

  “Who’s Dare?” Torin looks at me sideways.

  “My friend. She just had a mischief and she’s a little cranky.”

  Torin blinks. “A what?”

  “Babies, she just had six babies.” I guess not many people know a group of rats is called a mischief. It sounds way better than saying a litter.

  “Six, I won’t bother her,” he mumbles.

  “It’s okay—just knock. I don’t want her poisoning you or anything.” Torin opens his mouth but then snaps it closed and shakes his head in a weird up and down and side to side motion. “I have to go meet Grim. Be back in a few.”

  Calix and Gunnar are at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. “Got the address?” Gunnar leans over as I show him my phone. “I think that’s downtown.” He pulls out his own phone, and within a few seconds, he confirms the location with a navigation app. “Let’s head out, it’ll take us a least twenty minutes to get there.”

  “Not quite what I expected,” Calix comments, as we pull up to an old hotel. The building is grand in the way that newer construction can’t manage. There are even a few gargoyles stationed on the front façade.

  “You thought it would be a cemetery?” Gunnar quips, which makes Calix chuckle.

  “Where are we meeting him?” I look around, expecting Grim to step out of the shadows.

  “Text him and let him know we’re here,” Calix suggests. I do just that, and before I get a reply, Grim does indeed step out of the shadows of the building. We all climb out of the car and head to the alleyway.

  “Where’s the witch?” I look around.

  “I left him on the roof.” When we’re close enough to touch, Grim takes my hand.

  “The roof?” Gunnar leans back and looks up at the impressive building. It must be close to twenty stories high. “Did you used to come here and look down on the lowly humans and brood?”

  “I’ve never brooded,” Grim deadpans.

  Calix snickers. “You don’t do anything but brood.”

  I squeeze Grim’s hand in mine. I’m happy that they’re all so much more comfortable with each other, but we need to get to the witch. “Please tell me this place has an elevator?”

  “I can blink you there,” Grim offers, even though he knows how
I feel about supernatural travel right now.

  “Yeah, that’s a no for me. Let’s hope they let us in this joint.” All four of us make our way around to the front of the building and into the entrance. There’s a man waiting to hold the door open, and he dips his head at us as we pass through the glass and gold door.

  Gunnar walks right past the front desk and to a bank of elevators off to the side like he’s completely familiar with the place. No one stops us, but I don’t think getting to the roof is going to be this easy though.

  Sometimes I hate being right. The elevators need a special key to get to the top two floors. We debate going back down and renting a suite, but we just don’t want to waste that kind of time, so Calix ends up breaking the lock on the door blocking the stairway. That was easy enough for him, but walking up the two flights of stairs nearly kills me. My stomach is even tightening a little. It’s been too long since I’ve done anything that could be considered a workout. Unless you count vigorous sex, then I do that daily, but let’s be real, even then the guys do most of the work. I’m a lucky girl.

  We find the witch perched on the ledge of the building, his back to the wide expanse of darkness behind him. “That took considerably longer than I expected,” he remarks conversationally.

  “Most things do. How are you, Gregory?” I make sure my voice is even, that I’m not panting from being out of breath before I speak.

  “Surprised to find myself in Washington.” His brows are high on his head.

  “You did say you would be willing to help,” I remind him.

  He nods. “Why am I here?” he questions, cutting right to the chase.

  I fist the leather cord in my pocket. “If you have an object that belongs to someone, can you trace where it came from? Who it came from?”

  “A homing spell?” His brows dip low. “It depends on what the item is and how important it is to the person it belonged to.”

  I drag the string from my pocket and open my palm, exposing it to him. “This held a spell.” I purposely don’t look over at Gunnar. He’s already explained that there is nothing Gregory could do to get rid of the spell, not even cutting off his hand would take away the binding.

  “Where’s the spell?” Gregory gives me a dubious look, as if I’m somehow trying to trap him. “What kind of spell was it?”

  “Does that information help you track the person who cast the spell?” I counter, folding the cord back in my fingers.

  “Not likely. I just like to know what I’m getting in to.” Gregory is proving he’s smarter than most of the witches I’ve met.

  “Antonio gave this to a girl, a human girl, and it didn’t affect her, but it put a binding spell on a Charmed one.” Gregory’s eyes dart around our group. I’m sure he’s wondering which of us has been muzzled.

  “I already know where the girl is. I want to know where the witch is. Can you use this to track him to where he is now? Or at least where he was?”

  Gregory’s eyes come back to me. He swallows and lifts his hand, showing me his palm. “I can try, but I’m not making any promises. The human may have complicated things if she contaminated it with her essence.”

  I fist the rope for a second longer before dropping it into his palm. This is our best hope at getting a step ahead of Antonio, and I’m not ready to let go of that hope yet.

  I stand back and wait for something to happen once it’s in his hand, but Gregory just examines it for a moment and looks back at me. I hold my breath, waiting for his response. “I can’t do it here,” he blurts when we all just stare at him. My shoulders fall a little. “I need a circle and my scrying mirror for the best results,” he mutters defensively.

  “Calix and I will take Damiana home. Death will make sure you have what you need.” Gunnar steps up to my side and takes my hand after his statement.

  “It would be best if I were near my coven,” Gregory adds.

  “Whatever will give us the best chance of finding him,” I concede. I wish we had a definite answer if it was possible or not, but I guess a ‘maybe’ is better than a ‘no.’

  After a quick but hard kiss, Grim places his hand on Gregory’s shoulder, and in the next moment, they’re gone.

  Calix and Gunnar lead the way off the roof. I take a second to look around, noting I need to ask Grim why he is familiar with this place.

  Going down the stairs is easier, but still not wonderful. My stomach is tight again when we reach the final landing before we can go over to the elevator. “Should we worry about these cameras?” I lift my chin at the black domes dotted along the ceiling.

  “Nah, they probably only look at them if there’s an issue. No one will even know we’ve been here.” Gunnar pushes the down button for the elevator.

  I rub the side of my stomach where it feels the tightest. The baby shifts positions, and I get a jab to my bladder. “Oof, I need a bathroom.”

  Calix chuckles good-naturedly. “What’s new?”

  “You try having a watermelon dancing on your guts and see how you like it.” I roll my eyes.

  “I’ll leave that to you, thanks.” He wraps his arm over my shoulders and pulls me in tight. “Can you wait until we get downstairs, or do I need to break into one of these rooms?” He nuzzles the side of my head a little.

  “I can wait.” I sigh. The early stages of pregnancy were kind of fun, weird but fun. Now I’m at the point where I’m just uncomfortable all the time. There’s still a big part of me that doesn’t want to rush things, though, since I’m nervous about the birth and what comes after.

  Grim pops up while I’m just dipping my toe in the water for a bath. I know I’m not supposed to elevate my body temperature too much, but everything aches, and I want a bath, damn it.

  “Stars, you each need a bell,” I grumble.

  “You’re just distracted. I got home several minutes ago. I also made sure the wolf was returned.” I let out a long breath as the water surrounds me and I become buoyant. I’ve always taken my body for granted, which is not something I can easily do now that I have a belly that could double as a watermelon. Grim’s statement is true though. I’ve become complacent, relying too much on the guys, especially while I’m at home.

  We’ve only been home from the hotel for a little while, so I don’t know if his quick return is good or bad. “What did the witch say about finding Antonio?”

  Grim perches on the edge of the tub, not caring about the water that has splashed on the side and will soon soak into his pants. “The tracking spell leads back near the school.”

  “Shit.” I slap my hand on the water. Dead end.

  “But… he doesn’t think it’s attached to the girl. He thinks Antonio is close to the school or was when he made the amulet. I sit up a little, beads of sweat already dotting my upper lip. Grim’s eyes travel over my exposed flesh. “He said the magic is strong on the cord. It’s too heavy to come from the human.”

  “Holy hell, he could have been right under our noses. Did he narrow down the location?” I prepare to stand, but Grim stops me with a gentle hand on my shoulder.

  “We’re not going until later. The witch is making us a few things to make sure once we get him, he can’t get away.”

  I let my arms sink back into the warm water, and allow the thought of finally getting rid of the fucking witch sink in. “Do you think he knows one of us absorbed the spell?”

  Grim dips his fingers into the water then traces them over my arm and up to my shoulder. “I don’t know much about witch magic, but I would assume he would have some way of knowing if the spell was activated,” he mutters distractedly.

  “What if it had been you or I who touched it? I wouldn’t even be able to eat if it were I, and who the hell knows what would have happened if you weren’t able to reap. I don’t like knowing something like that can happen—has happened to Kitten. I know it’s making him crazy. The Berserker has been with him for so long.” I let all my thoughts trickle out as Grim moves around until he’s rubbing his strong finger
s over my shoulders in a massage.

  He kisses the side of my head and mutters, “Yes, I’m very relieved the Berserker took the spell instead of you. You were very close to touching the pendant. Not something we will allow again.”

  “I don’t think Gunnar is relieved.”

  “He is, Omnia, we all are. I assure you. He can survive without the beast—we all could. But you would slowly starve.” His voice grows hard. “The spell will die with the witch; there is nothing to worry about,” he declares with complete confidence.

  I wish I shared it.

  Chapter 26

  “That’s it?” I inquire. In my warrior’s scarred palm are several little amulets. I’m apprehensive about him touching them, especially considering he still has the marks from the last spell he touched on his hand, but he and Grim have assured me he’s perfectly safe.

  I woke up from my too-short nap feeling slightly anxious, and my stomach still feels tight after climbing the couple flights of stairs last night. After we get rid of this fucker, I need to start yoga or something. I can’t stand being this uncomfortable.

  I look over at the clock, and it’s barely ten a.m. I should still be sleeping, but I’m already dressed and ready to search the area Gregory pinpointed.

  Knowing he might have been this close for all this time pisses me off. His running off to Savannah made sense to me. I’m sure he knows if we get a hold of him, he won’t stand a chance, so why stay so near? There has to be something we’re missing. Or he’s no longer by the school, but that’s too depressing to even think about.

  “What will those do, and how do we get them to work?” I motion to the little trinkets Gunnar has.

  He pinches one between his fingers, moving it left and right to catch the light. “They are designed to trap the witch much in the same way he was able to trap Aeson. Only he doesn’t need to step on these for them to activate.” He tosses the little thing in the air and snatches it back into his fist. “We do, however, need to get close enough to him for them to actually be effective. If we can put it on him in some way, that would be the best, but if we get that close, we might as well just let Death do his thing.”


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