Book Read Free

Bare With Me

Page 3

by Pawnie Santana

  “Hey Doll, you finally made it. What the hell took you so long? I thought you’d stood me up and found a real date.”

  I roll my eyes at that. “You know I don’t date Max, nothing new there. You’re the only one for me,” I tease. She knows how I am with men so she just shrugs it off. The bartender heads back over to us when he sees me take a seat and asks me what I’m having. “What are you drinking, Max?” Whatever it is, it looks really good.

  “It’s called a sunrise mojito… I think? Jack, what’s this drink called again?” He gives her the same name she just told me so I tell Jack to go ahead and make me one too.

  “You won’t believe the day I’ve had, Max. I’m telling you, something in the Universe is totally off today.” Jack brings over my drink and after I take a sip, I immediately loosen up. Sweet Jesus, it’s amazing how much alcohol makes you feel instantly better.

  “Okay, so go on, what happened to your Universe today that’s got you all off balance? Enlighten me, oh wise one.” Max starts giggling.

  I start from the beginning and tell her everything except for why I was meeting Ken at the coffee shop. Once I get to the part where Liam asks if Max is my boyfriend, she starts laughing uncontrollably. I mean, she’s laughing so hard, I think she’s crying at one point.

  “Shut up Max! It’s not funny. That man seriously pissed me the fuck off. I mean, who does that to a complete stranger?” I shake my head because sitting here after the whole thing went down, I’m still pissed. Yeah, I hold a mean grudge.

  When she sees that I’m dead serious, she straightens herself up and rests her elbows on to the bar. She stops laughing, leaning right up to my face with a completely serious look.

  “Peyton, I think you’ve met your match, Honey. I haven’t seen you get so worked up over a guy since… well, you know, Him.

  “He’s got your panties in a serious bunch and by the sound of it, I think you’re interested, but you don’t want to admit it… to yourself or otherwise.” I must have lost some brain cells because I’m at a total loss as to what the hell she’s talkin’ about.

  “Max, did you not hear a single damn thing I said tonight? The man infuriates me. He grates every nerve I have.” A mental picture of him standing in front me comes through my mind and a slight shiver runs up my spine, creating goose bumps. Those goddamn green eyes that make me feel... things I haven’t felt in a long time. I can’t believe she’s really calling me out!

  “I heard you, Doll, and I stand by my observation. You’ve never lost a single second of sleep over any guy giving you grief before—until now. I should know. I’ve known you since we were in college. So don’t patronize me, Peyton. I know you better than I know myself. So is he hot? Please tell me he’s at least hot enough for you to be this worked up about.”

  Of course the only part she’s worried about right now is if he’s hot. Hell the fuck yes he’s hot, but I’m not about to tell her that. I’ll never get to live this shit down. I’m so over this. I’ve made a mental note to stop thinking about him. Yeah right.

  I quickly change the subject and ask her about this new bar she just started at called Roadies. It’s a biker bar on the north side of town. I’ve personally never been there, the clientele seems a bit… rough, but Max swears it’s a legit place. She’s been bartending for the past six years even though she has a bachelor’s degree in business. I keep telling her to open up her own bar, if that’s what she loves to do; but my advice always falls onto deaf ears. The hostess comes around to inform us our table is ready.

  Max takes care of the bill at the bar and gives the bartender a wink before we head to our table. I’ve never been to this restaurant before. It’s been open for about six months, give or take. The food must be really good, though, because there’s always a wait. The hostess hands us the menus and proceeds to tell us about the featured entrées for this evening. I take a look around while the hostess is talking and take in the ambiance. The dim lights give it more of an intimate setting than a place you’d want to bring screaming kids to. Thank God. She kindly tells us the waiter’s name is Antonio and he will be by shortly to take our order. With that, she turns and leaves.

  “So, what do you want to do for your birthday this year?” I ask her this question every year, and every year I get the same answer: nothing. For someone who’s an exceptionally outgoing person, she hates doing anything big for her birthday. We normally just have a quiet night somewhere, but this year, I want it to be fun! This is the first year Max, Ken, and I are all single at the same time. Usually it’s just me being the odd ball out. But this year, it happens to work in my favor.

  “I was thinking maybe we can take a short weekend trip or something. Head over to Hilton Head beach. You, me, and Ken. Just a girls’ weekend. What do you think?”

  Her face lights up as soon as I say beach and I know I hit it spot on. She loves the beach. “Oh my God! I love that beach. The Westin resort has the best spa!” Told you—she loves the beach.

  “Okay, well since I only just thought it up right now, let me get with Ken and I’ll start setting everything up. The only thing I have going on in a couple weeks is the Powers’ wedding, but your birthday weekend is the week before that so we’re good.”

  “Sounds great, Peyton, I could really use some fun in the sun time. My pasty ass needs some vitamin D desperately.” I roll my eyes because she’s full of shit. Having a Filipino mom guarantees you never look pasty. Me, on the other hand—I’d probably blend in with the walls if it weren’t for my clothes.

  I see our waiter making his way to our table. “Good evening, ladies. I’m Antonio and I’ll be taking your order tonight. Did the hostess go over the specials for the evening?” I nod and let him know she has. We each order our food and decide we need more alcohol. Antonio leaves us to put our order in and returns with a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.

  “You and Ken should come by the bar this weekend. There’s a bike rally in Florida so a lot of people are making a pit stop at Roadies on the way down there. It’s going to be SO crazy, but sweet mother of chaps! You should see some of the bikers we get at the bar. It’s totally worth it. And plus, you haven’t been by there yet. You’re not scared, are you?” She starts to laugh.

  “No, it’s just… different? I don’t know, I’ve never really been to a ‘biker’ bar so I have no clue what to expect. I may have some preconceived notions but that’s about it. Anyways, if it’s going to be packed, I’d rather not. You know how much I hate people invading my personal space.”

  “Doll, you act like you’re 40. Stop worrying so much and just have fun. Life is way too short. You should know that better than anyone.” Yeah, I’m not going there.

  “I’ll try. I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try.”

  “That’s all I want for you, Peyton. You haven’t been…”

  “No, Maxine. Don’t.” She gives me a small smile, nods, and lets it go.

  Our food finally comes out and it’s delicious! Oh yeah, I’m definitely coming back here. Conversation flows easily throughout the rest of dinner and I’m feeling good. I can finally feel the wine kicking in.

  We both pay our bill and start heading out. When we make it to our cars, I give her a hug and thank her for inviting me out tonight. A little girl time is always great and I really needed it. Plus, it got my mind off of a certain Mc Sexy for a while. That Bastard.

  I tell her to be safe and then get in my car and head home. Before I do, though, I need to stop by the pharmacy. Roger and I have a date later.

  Pulling up to my house, I shut the car off and sit there in silence for a moment. I take a deep breath and exhale. What a weird day. I grab my pharmacy bag, my purse, and my work bag and head inside. Once I get to my front door, I realize my porch lights are on. I don’t remember leaving them on, though. Odd… I shrug it off to probably being half asleep when I left the house so early this morning. I have my keys ready in my hand so I unlock the door and go inside. Nothing out of place. I’m being paranoid again.
Stop it, Peyton. You’re driving yourself mad. I hang my keys up by the entry table and drop my bags down next to it. I’m too lazy right now to put them away properly. I start walking toward the kitchen to get some water. All that wine has my throat feeling really parched. I get to the island that’s in between the sink and my refrigerator and notice my cleaning lady Giselle must have come by today. The kitchen looks so… sparkly. I love that just-cleaned feeling.

  I open the fridge, grab a bottle of water, and head upstairs when I forgot about the pharmacy bag that has my batteries inside. Shit. I’m going to need those soon. I run back down and over to the entry table. I get the bag, and head up to my master bedroom. Finally!

  Once I’ve done my bedtime ritual—wash, rinse, brush, and moisturize—I slide into my soft 1200 count luxury Egyptian cotton sheets. They are crazy expensive but totally worth it. It feels like you’re surrounded by a cloud of butter. Yeah whatever, don’t hate. I pick up the iHome dock remote and put on some good ol’ Michael Bublé. That man’s voice has the power to turn me into jelly. I lie back and relax my body and lean over to grab Roger and a bottle of lube out of my nightstand. Well, HELLO Roger… I got him a few years ago, and I’m pretty sure that’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

  I add some lube onto the clitoral stimulator first and open my legs. I run my fingers down the slits of my pussy and find that I’m already wet. Shit—I’m so fucking horny. I turn Roger on and hold him with my right hand and use my left to massage my pussy so I’m nice and ready. I hold Roger down onto my clit and I automatically shudder in response to the first vibration hitting my core. Ohhh Sweet Mother of Mary! It feels so incredibly good. I run it up and down, letting the feeling of ecstasy take over me. When it comes to self-pleasure, you’re either all in or you’re out. Tonight? Tonight I’m all in. I need this. I’m wound up so tight that I need the release. I crave it. I add more lube and start to work Roger into a rhythm… nice and firm on my clit, and then he enters me slowly so I can feel every rotation he’s making inside me. That’s when Liam’s face pops into my mind. I can picture him so clearly. His beautiful green eyes with flecks almost the color of gold. His strong jawline defining every move his face makes. Those full lips that form a perfect cupid’s bow. That messy, dark brown hair that I want to run my hands through. That hard body that makes me lick my lips with thirst…

  I imagine him running his cock along the slits of my wet pussy, teasing me slowly… achingly slowly. He takes his index and forefingers into his mouth, and licks them while he’s eye fucking me. Liam then rubs my swollen clit with his salivated fingers, all the while staring at me through narrowed eyes as he puts pressure on my nub and pinches it. He takes two fingers and enters me going in and out, fast and hard. I start to hum to myself, letting the overwhelming feeling of lust and need wash over me. I give it all I have and let him finger fuck me until I see little flashes of stars behind my eyes. Damn that’s so hot…

  I open my eyes and wonder what the fuck just happened to me. Did I really just masturbate to Liam finger-fucking me? I really need to finish myself off. Like now! Working the head in and out, along with the vibration on my clit that’s simultaneously feeding my need to orgasm, I feel my drenched cunt start to contract… I’m so close, I can feel it and feels so fuckin’ good… Ken doesn’t know shit. I increase it to the highest setting, and moan as my head rolls back from the deep sensation of pure pleasure. I adjust the stimulator to my engorged clit and work it hard and fast. My left hand is fisted around the sheets, holding on for dear life as Roger fucks me into oblivion. I scream out my release, chanting over and over. Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh God, yes!

  After my body calms down and my muscles relax, I turn Roger off and thank him for his service before putting him away. I’m feeling blissfully sated and I welcome sleep as it takes over. My eyes start to feel heavy as I drift off to a peaceful slumber.

  It’s been exactly four days since I’ve seen Peyton. Four days of wondering where she is and what she’s been up to. I’ve had to restrain myself from looking up her address and going to her house. I may be a lot of things but adding stalker to that list just doesn’t sit well with me. Not yet, anyway.

  Saturday is usually the night I meet up with my boys. There isn’t much of a night life in Monroe, so we usually meet up at my place and head out to Charleston. It’s amazing what people will offer you when they know that your family is extremely influential and well-connected with politicians. That being said, I get VIP status to all the hot clubs in South Carolina. I don’t like to abuse it, but my boys could give a flying fuck. They’re all about that VIP treatment. I find it amusing so I go along with it and play my part. Just being a good friend, right? Hey, I’m all about the ladies. Well, I used to be anyway.

  Colt is the first to arrive. I hear his car before I even see him. He owns a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS. It’s a 7.4L V8 that runs on 450 horsepower. The car is stocked with all original parts. All muscle. All Man. The car can go 0-60 in under six seconds. It’s beautiful. About four years back, we heard about it being auctioned off at an estate sale, but we didn’t believe it until we got there and saw for ourselves how immaculate the car was. Apparently, the original owner was a serious recluse. He bought many cars that ultimately just sat covered up in his garage on a sprawling estate in upstate New York. When he passed away, his whole estate went up for auction because he had no living relatives to claim any of the property. It’s sad, really. Living your whole life completely alone? No one deserves that.

  I open the front door and let Colt in before he starts banging it down. I swear he’s got zero patience.

  “What’s going, my man? You ready to party it up?” He comes in and slaps me on my shoulder with a half sideways hug. “I need to meet some new ladies tonight. I’m convinced the entire town of Monroe is full of women that are so pretentious, I just can’t take it anymore.”

  I laugh because he has absolutely no fucking clue how true his words ring.

  “Yeah man, I hear ya. Besides Ophelia, of course, I haven’t met a woman here who hasn’t given me some kind of grief. You tell them upfront, you’re interested in one night only. All of a sudden, they feel used, expecting dinners and a commitment in the morning? It blows my mind.”

  Colt shakes his head and it’s the universal silent code for yup, crazy bitches.

  “Hey, how is O anyways? I haven’t seen her in a while. That mysterious fiancé of hers keeping her tightly under lock and key, huh?”

  “Naw, she’s good. She’s just been busy with the wedding planning and all. I just saw her a few days ago.” Hmm Peyton…

  “I see. Well, when you talk to her again, let her know I said hi. I can’t believe her wedding is in less than a couple weeks. I still need to find a date. Hopefully tonight will be a good night. It’s been slim picking as of lately. Where the hell are all the hot chicks at?”

  I shrug my shoulders and grab my cell. It’s almost nine o’clock and I still haven’t heard back from Aiden. I send off a text to him, letting him know we’re still at my place waiting for him to get here. I walk to the kitchen and grab two beers from the fridge. Colt’s standing by the high-top counter in front of the main island so I chuck the beer at him. I take a seat on the stool, open the bottle up, and take nice long pull.

  “If Aiden doesn’t get here in the next ten minutes I’m lea…”

  “I’m here, Arsehole.” Aiden cuts me off before I even finish my sentence.

  “Why are you always late, man? We’ve been waiting for your ass so we can leave already.” I know I’m exaggerating but shit, he’s ALWAYS fucking late.

  “Yeah, yeah… stop ya bitchin’ and let’s get the fuck out of here, Princess, yeah?”

  I flip him off and grab my keys from the bowl by the front door. Aiden thinks because he’s from England, time doesn’t apply to him. Cocky motherfucker.

  It takes us about 40 minutes or so to get to Charleston so we decide to go to the club that’s nearest to the highway. Club Red is at
the top of our list. I pull up front to the valet and toss the kid my keys.

  We walk up to the door and immediately I see a familiar face. Xavier. He has a few clubs all over South Carolina, so I’m not surprised to see him here tonight. He’s very hands-on when it comes to his businesses. I glance to my right and see that there’s a long line that stretches to the back of the building. Business must be good.

  “Welcome back, Mr. Powers. Please, come with me. I’ve got you set up in one of our VIP suites. Your hostess for the evening is Grace. She’ll take care of anything you need. Tell your father I said hello and that I’d like to set up a meeting with him soon.” And with that, he disappears behind a black concealed door that’s blocked off after you walk through the main entrance.

  Once we get situated in the suite, I notice there are a variety of bottles already set up on the red table in the middle of two long, white velvet couches. There’s everything from vodka to bourbon to tequila, and an array of juices and cocktails. I run my hand behind my neck and shake my head because I know it’s going to be one long ass night.

  Colt’s the first to grab the vodka and I follow suit. Bourbon and I don’t do well together. Aiden, on the other hand—he’s the only one out of the three of us who can handle the hard shit. He’s all about the bourbon. Must be that English bloodline. Colt gets his cocktail together and heads out to the main dance floor. Aiden and I chill back and look down through the railings from the second floor suite. There’s a flock of blonde beauties here tonight in short, next-to-nothing dresses and fuck-me heels, but I only have one girl on my mind, and she is hotter than any blonde I’ve ever met. I spot Colt chatting it up with a few girls that look like they’re still in college. He needs to be careful with that shit. I look further down toward the bar area and stand up to get a better view when someone catches my attention. It can’t be… This must be my lucky night.


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