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Dawn of Steam: Gods of the Sun

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by Jeffrey Cook

  This book is dedicated to my parents. For my mother, Carol WellsReed, who remembers when I first said I wanted to be an author at six years old, and who has consistently supported me in that, and every other dream in all the years since. And for my father, Gerry Cook, for helping to inspire my love of story during those long road trips. Thank you.


  For Matt, who willing volunteers to help with everything and the kitchen sink, who eagerly asks how the book is coming every single time I see him, and who is a better motivator then any writing forum, calendar, or pie chart I have yet found.


  Copyright © 2014 Jeffrey Cook.

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN 1500848271

  ISBN 978-1500848279

  Dawn of Steam

  Book 2: Gods of the Sun

  By Jeffrey Cook

  With Sarah Symonds

  Table of Contents

  Return to New Orleans

  (January – February 1816)

  Peru's Cities of No Gold

  (February – April 1816)

  New Zealand and Survival

  (May – June 1816)

  Australia and Recovery

  (June 1816 – March 1817)

  Nepal and the Mountain

  (April – May 1817)

  Preface by Dr. Cordelia Bentham-Watts

  May 25th, 1887

  London, England

  As I stated in the preface to the first volume, these edited journals are intended to be a lesson in history as it happened, through the eyes of the one person who could truly claim to have been there throughout it all. I admit to my partiality to the claims of my dear departed husband to the title of explorer extraordinaire. He, of course, would be far too modest to claim any such thing. I have included those other sources, as close as possible to the events, to help illuminate those things which Gregory may not have seen or seen fit to record.

  Modern readers of the late nineteenth century must remember the very true differences of the early century. The war against Napoleon had just been won, although at great cost. England and her daughter colonies had proved the superiority of their technology, although that had never been the question. It was in fact the cause. Other countries, who had never thought to provide their intellectuals with the prestige, focus, and funding bestowed at Oxford, wanted the results of those labors. The shift of the Royal Society, including its name change to the Royal Society of Oxford for Improving Natural Knowledge, was seen by all of Europe and mocked by half of it. However, when this produced not only the trend of academic robes at society balls, but zeppelins, steam engines, and tide-powered weaving mills, the laughter quieted and the plotting began.

  Thankfully, due to the efforts of scientists and soldiers, we prevailed. Our colonies, some of which had so recently considered secession – but had fallen into line when the Mark 1 zeppelins flew over Boston – supported our efforts with materials and manpower. The changes brought about by this war, where every man, no matter his county, country, religion, or slavery status at birth, fought hard alongside his fellow countryman, were still new in 1815. There was potential for them to backslide, without the combined armies of Europe forcing co-operation.

  Our party was in part selected for their public reputations following the treaties. Their backer, Lord Donovan, had a bet with Lord Montague, who contended the works of Dr. Bowe were fiction, for no man could have traveled so far in a lifetime. Thus, a team was assembled to look for proof the world over. Sir James Coltrane, graduate of Oxford Mechanical with honors, was famed for not only inventing his steam-powered, rocket-shooting battle suit, but piloting it into the worst of the fray at every battle. His sister, Jillian, also portrayed the Coltrane wit and charm as a star of London, and, along with her colonial cousin, Miss Harriet Wright, would accompany Sir James on their private airship, the Dame Fortuna. Edward McBride, known to all his friends as Eddy, was the pride of Scotland for his sharpshooting and bravery behind the lines, even if his manner and independence confused the chain of command. My dear husband, Mr. Gregory Watts, was a former aide-de-camp who was handed a most extraordinary camera and suddenly became a feature of the serious papers. Samantha Bowe, daughter of the famous explorer, was an unknown at the beginning of the adventure, at least to London, but her knowledge was essential to retracing her father's steps. Giovanni Franzini, a stage magician and manipulator of cards, and his fortune-telling assistant, Miss Julietta Penn, were added to round out the party skill set. The crew of the Dame Fortuna, headed by Captain Fisher, as well as his wife, Mrs. Ruth Fisher, and their ward, Matthew Fisher-Swift, ably managed the ship and served this most notable company.

  Again, what lies within will begin as a familiar story to some people, the story of a tiny band of brave and noble souls who set out in 1815 to shine a light on the dark corners of the world. This is the story of how that band explored the western reaches of the American colonies, journeyed to the near-mythic East, helped to open Australia to expansion, and through heroic effort and sacrifice, played a heroic part in the difficult times following the Napoleonic Wars. While this is that story, perhaps only the greatest brushstrokes of its structure are truly familiar. While you, my modern readers, already know the high points of this story, the journey taken to achieve those headlines may still surprise you. It certainly surprised all those involved, myself included.

  I invite you to admire this masterpiece of history up close, to see all the little bits and blobs of paint that make up the greater whole. In these details, the story truly gains its gravitas.

  While speaking of gravitas, I must say this, the names of politicians and Lords, have, for the first time, not been changed to save embarrassment for the living. Those who trade on the names of their fathers may object, but these names are truly required to fill in all the details. Gregory wrote the truth, as he knew it, at the time. This shows in his characterizations, not only of Lords, but also of his compatriots. Be patient, dear modern readers, you have knowledge of great betrayals and great loves that he does not.

  The first book spanned from January 1st, 1815, to January 1st, 1816; an extraordinary year indeed. It covered a trip from London to the Pacific coast, a distance estimated as 4,300 nautical miles. The crew covered a far greater distance, setting about all of their tasks and stumbling upon an intercontinental war. By the end, at least one crew member had been converted to a true believer in their task, and the others were gaining faith. Miss Sam Bowe cannot be said to have faith in the truth of her father's stories (as faith is for those things we believe but do not know). Rather, her conviction and determination to honor his name and prove his veracity showed in her actions.

  This second anthology starts just after the first, on their return trip, all the quicker for its lack of walking.

  Notes on the Overseas Edition

  My good reader, I hope you will understand when I inform you that the edition of this history for overseas print has been slightly edited. Specific locations of Military Bases and Advanced Mechanical Workshops have been removed, as have the few photographs showing dirigible controls or technical drawings. Colonial citizens may view more information on these topics at their local universities, should you be blessed with such, or at Cambridge. As always, complete information is at Oxford, and those who apply for clearance to study there may see the unaltered documents, as well as working models, in the Bowe Memorial Wing of the Second Coltrane Building. I do recommend at least three days for the visit, should you be in the area.

  – Dr. Cordelia Bentham-Watts, 1891

  Note from the American Publishers

  July 1891

  New York, New York Colony

he American Publishers of this history wish their readers to know that the spellings and punctuations have been modified from Dr. Cordelia Bentham-Watts manuscript, and thus from the original documents. This has been done in accordance with the delineated differences between the two varieties of written and spoken English, as Codified most recently in the Cambridge English Dictionary, Complete Volumes, Issuance 1890. In places, colloquial emphasis via capitalization has been left for edification of the original intent.

  Editor's note:

  I included, again, that very extraordinary piece of paper found tucked into Gregory's journal. It is the original listing of things which the explorers were intended to prove. The depth of the mission can be seen from the underlined entries, copied from the original.

  This listing started as a simple advertising broadsheet, printed as an index of Dr. Bowe's novels. One can easily see why credible sources think that such exploration is far beyond the capabilities of a man's lifespan. The Journals of Dr. Bowe were widely read in the 1810s, as an escape when travel was restricted due to the war. Those who did not skip the first volume of my humble series will recognize a few of the marked objectives as having been attained, perhaps in more depth than intended.

  -C B-W

  Bowe, Dr. Robert Set of matching volumes, with subheadings.

  North America – Primeval Florida – The Northwest Passage – Brimstone and Geysers – The Great Mississippi – Gentle Savages and Wild Men – Walking to the West

  South America – The Magic Amazon – Lost Cities and Civilizations – Navigating the River of Doubt – There is No El Dorado – South South America: Cold, Ice, and Feathered Fish

  Africa – Timbuktu – The Nile, Sourced and Mapped – The Nile's Great Falls – Ancient Egypt's Treasures – Small Hunters – Deepest Jungles – Inland Mountain Ranges – Crossing the Kalahari and Sahara Deserts – Into the Great Rift Valley – Navigating the Congo River

  Australia and New Zealand – Australia's Unforgiving Nature – Through the Blue Mtns – Across the Desert – The Friendliest People on Earth – Reef the Size of England – New Zealand's Eden on Earth – The Deadliest People on Earth

  Islands of the Pacific – Mysteries of 'Tiki' – Living on the Edge of Volcanoes – Tides of Life

  Near Asia – Riding the Steppes – Russia's Court

  East Asia – Climbing the Tallest Mountain – Monks in the Wilderness – Where Wisdom Rules – Forbidden China Explored

  Tropical India – Tea Fields and Temples

  Hidden Japan – The Closed Land Open'd

  Return to New Orleans

  From the journals of Gregory Conan Watts,

  January 4th, 1816

  46º N 123º W

  When we were hired to take Lord Donovan's part in his wager with Lord Montague, I was under the impression that we would be taking part in a gentleman's wager. Two dirigibles would race one another to possibly fictional points on the globe, following the accounts of a supposed explorer. Since then, I have been disabused of that notion. We have been shot at, hunted, ambushed, nearly trampled, and otherwise hindered at every step by those hired by Lord Montague. There is no proof, of course, that he has any idea of the behavior of his hirelings.

  Now, at last, we have some further information on one of said hirelings, and it raises even deeper concerns. I was in the process of developing my photographs while we were at rest. As I needed an extra set of hands, Matthew Fisher-Swift was only too happy to volunteer. I was shocked, however, when he swore that he recognized one of the people in my photographs, beyond any question. Specifically, from the pictures taken at the party in England, he immediately recognized the gentleman that had been so intent on capturing Miss Coltrane's attention, while in turn being accidentally assaulted by Harriet Wright. Matthew, however, insisted that this was the man he had seen giving orders to the people on the other airship back in New York.

  I brought this to the attention of the rest of the crew, only to learn that the man was a Colonel, specifically, Col. Bartholomew York. He had, after all, introduced himself to Miss Coltrane. Sir James, on gaining this news, immediately launched plans for a quick return to New Orleans, for the officer who was to relieve him of command there was also a Col. York. While a reasonably common name, it would be quite a coincidence.

  More importantly, Col. York was supposed to relieve us to go on our way and hold the gains we had taken from Spanish aggression. If he is also the head of the other airship crew, then we have seen his ship following us. At the very least, Sir James wants to make certain of the whereabouts of the Col. York who was supposed to be taking command in New Orleans.

  If there is some treachery afoot, then there is at least also reason to believe that Lord Montague was deceived as well. After all, few reach the rank of Colonel without gaining some distinction. Until we know more, we will hope they are not the same Col. York at all. If they are, we must then hope that Col. York simply deceived a member of the House of Lords and is solely responsible for his crimes so far.

  Miss Coltrane has already begun to write to Lord Montague and to others among her connections within British society. As a woman of letters, she has amassed, as have I, a stack of correspondence, ready to be sent once we reach civilization. If it is simply a matter of chance that there are two Colonel Yorks, or even more likely, that Matthew is simply seeing some resemblance in two different men, the letters need never be sent. Otherwise, we certainly have a number of larger concerns on our hands than simply this wager.

  From the journals of Gregory Conan Watts,

  January 18th, 1816

  42º N 108º W

  Miss Penn has been about her cards again, and while I do not believe there is a great deal of merit to her statements, she seems to have the attention of some of the more superstitious of our crew, at the least. There is the continuing prediction of a year of darkness lying ahead of us, which is not a comforting thought. I must admit that the specific nature of the statement, when combined with the darkened skies that grow more and more obvious and ominous as we travel further east again, is somewhat chilling. She believes that some great revelation we have sought lies ahead for us in New Orleans as well, which we are fast approaching. Despite this, she does not believe we will be pleased with the answers we find. I should not even report this much in my documentation of the trip, but she is both most insistent and having a marked effect on some members of the crew.

  Even those of us who do not believe Miss Penn is given to any particular prophetic gift have been in a somewhat dark mood since we set our sights upon returning to New Orleans. Sir James has been especially busy in trying to draw up various plans regarding dealing with the likely avenues of Spanish retaliation to the attacks on their northernmost fort, which threatened New Orleans. Many of these plans also regard the possibilities of dealing with the pirates who are said to be allied with the Spanish, as confirmed by some American scouts and spies, including Mr. Franzini's contacts.

  Eddy has been only slightly more sociable in the days since we have turned back towards the east. News that we may be aiding the war effort seems to distract him, and he has often joined Sir James in going over maps and tactical plans in case we are required further to support the defense effort. Though we have been called to duty as explorers now, it seems once a soldier, always a soldier, to some degree.

  On the note of exploring, however, Miss Bowe remains completely firm in her assertion that every one of our goals is simply following an already beaten path, and we are certainly not explorers, but simply documenting and proving what has already been done. While she has proven quite correct as regards the Americas, there is a great deal of world left to see, and I remain skeptical. While in this day and age, the miracle of flight may allow us to traverse the world and put us down in many lands in a period of but a few years, we shall sooner or later find proof that in earlier ages, the limitations of sailing ships and a man's lifetime would never let him visit, let alone explore and map so many regions. And even in our e
rrand now, we but begin to touch upon some of the more notable of Dr. Bowe's supposed journeys into strange and exotic lands.

  I do find myself wondering about the lands of South America. It is perhaps a close enough distance that some part of his account may indeed be true. If Dr. Bowe was nearly so unusual a person – and as skilled a navigator and woodsman – as his daughter, we may yet find the ruins of earlier civilization there.

  Right now, I am more concerned with finding my way to a warm bed and shaking off the enduring chill of the American West. Despite the dangers lying ahead, I have been away from England and all news of its affairs for longer than I have ever been, and I am looking forward to at least being certain what has transpired in our absence.

  From the journals of Gregory Conan Watts,

  January 22nd, 1816

  New Orleans

  29º57'N 090º04'W

  We have returned to New Orleans to at least find that the news is not so dire as we had feared. Col. Bartholomew York held his post here and has served with distinction since his arrival. His are the only troops to have arrived, though he has assured the locals not only that more reinforcements are arriving soon, but that he sent his own dirigible back to England to retrieve additional officers, as only a few other craft are in shape for military service currently.

  Out of the feeling of military necessity, the city government approved the building of an airship mooring station, if a makeshift one. After apparently much debate, it was constructed on an empty outskirt of the city. They are looking forward to the reinforcements after Spanish forces attacked the fort we had helped to take from New Spain, though it held.


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