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The Devils Apprentice

Page 7

by Cilla Lee



  As I get back to the clubhouse, I'm wound up so fuckin’ tight “Dude you need to calm down” Jordan tells me.

  “Fuck off Jordan; I'm not in the mood,” I tell him.

  “I can see that,” he says smiling at me if it's one thing Jordan knows how to do it's fuck me off

  “Don't,” I tell him

  “Don't what?” he says smiling still.

  “I mean it Jordan FUCK OFF” he laughs which fucks me off even more, and I run at him and tackle him to the ground, we hit the pavement hard, and I slam my fist into his face. He punches me in the ribs; I’m dragged off of my brother who's still trying to hit me

  “WHAT THE FUCK?” Razor yells coming outside with Preacher the President of the Oregon Chapter “You two, I fuckin’ swear, what the fuck is it now” he asks us

  “Nothing,” we both say, and Jordan and I look at each other

  “Fuckin’ bullshit.”

  “It's nothing Prez,” I say

  “Where the fuck, have you been?” he asks us

  “Tattoo shop,” Jordan says to him

  “Fuck this about the bitch again” he directs the question to me, but I don't say anything

  “Fifty bucks, Jordan can take Jaxson,” Cuff says, and we all turn to look at him

  “You think my brother can take me,” I say and Cuff smiles raising his eyebrows at me

  “Only one way to find out,” he says smiling, and I look at Jordan who nods.

  “Well, then boys maybe a fight night is exactly what the club needs, everyone's been at each other’s throats lately. Preacher you and your boys want in” he looks towards Knuckle and laughs at his new tattoo

  “You in,” he asks Knuckle and Knuckle smiles and looks at Cuff

  “I'm in,” Knuckle says


  Two hours later, the clubhouse has been turned into a boxing ring. All the guys have shown up with Razor giving instructions no women at all; Old Ladies are to stay at home even the club-whores are banished to their rooms. The first fight of the night was drawn out of a hat Blaze against Knuckle the two Enforcers against each other.

  Once, the bell rang the two guys danced around each other Knuckle throwing jabs here and there Blaze blocking them. Knuckle moves in closer and swings fast catching Blaze of guard the hit landing to the left temple he stumbles back, but rights himself before Knuckle can land another hit. Punches are thrown left right and center the Knuckle's nose is defiantly broken, and Blaze has a cut above his eye that's bleeding like a motherfucker. They go toe to toe until Blaze lands a punch to Knuckle's stomach forcing him to lean over and Blaze takes advantage finishing the fight with another punch to the head, knocking Knuckle out. The guys explode in yells and laughs, I watch money exchanged beers being poured. This is why I want in the club this brotherhood because I know when Knuckle comes to, he won't be looking for retribution. This is a night where men can beat the shit out of each other, and it's all in good fun.

  The next couple of fights go by fast, and before I know it it's Jordan and I up, we use to fight a lot as kids. There’s nothing like slamming your fist into another person’s face and feeling their bones break. Jordan and I may look like the all-American blonde hair blue eyes but behind our nice white smiles lives two Pitbull’s waiting to fuck you up. Between the two of us though, Jordan may seem like the uptight one, with the if you look at me wrong I'll kill you, demeanor. But he over thinks everything, he's methodical in everything he does, cautious to a fault but to me he's predictable. Where I'm a loose cannon, you never know what I'm gonna do and to be honest neither do I most of the time. I step into the makeshift ring and warm up; I know my brother his moves. What he's going to do how he thinks, I smile because he knows I'm fuckin’ crazy.

  We move around each other Jordan has a tendency to moves his foot before he swings, so I keep an eye on his body movements. I watch as his foot moves, and I know he's going to hit me on my left side. I don't block the hit letting it land hard; I wanna feel the pain. I wanna feel numb tomorrow, the thought of that fuckin’ prick touching Tink has my body ready to explode but I need the pain I want it. We move around the ring Jordan smiling at me, but I feel like a rubber band about to reach its limit. We go blow for blow, where evenly matched in everything apart from our mindset. Jordan calculates where I just go with the flow, He lands a punch to my face, and I fall back hard he follows through with another to my stomach, and I hunch over. Just before he can land the hit to my face, I step back he misses, and it gives me the upper hand as he leans into the punch lowering his body. I bring my fist up fast landing square on the jaw, and he stumbles; I go in for the kill, blow after blow watching my brother fall. I stop the roar of the crowd blasting into my skull, and I help Jordan off of the floor and hug him tight. He slaps me on the back, and when he smiles one of his teeth are missing, and I laugh, he looks like a jack-o-lantern at Halloween. The rest of the night was a bit of a blur, all thoughts of Tink disappear from my mind, and I'm drunk off my ass with a bitch on her knees sucking my dick, what more could a guy ask for.

  Chapter Nine


  After the guys left Lilly and I made our way home “So” Lilly says, and I look at her

  “So” I repeat

  “You and Markus,” she says


  “So, you’re going to give it a go” I nod

  “Yeah, he’s nice,” I tell her

  “What are you two going to do tonight than?” I look at her


  “Just curious that’s all.”

  “Your just curious” she nods

  “He said watch a few movies and dinner that’s it”

  “Sounds good, do you have condoms” I look at her


  “What I thought…... you know” I shake my head at her

  “No, we are nowhere near that yet” she smiles

  “And if it was Jaxson,” she says

  “Jaxson’s got the club-whores,” I tell her and she frowns at me

  “What club-whores” I roll my eyes not wanting to talk about it “Tink.”

  “Summer ok, he’s always fucking her.”

  “Have you seen them.”

  “A few times.”

  “Oh, Tink I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine, I’ve got Markus now, so Jaxson’s a non-issue.”

  “Still I can’t believe he fucks her” I laugh

  “They all fuck her, that’s her job.”

  “Yeah but still I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine.”

  When we get to the house, and I message Markus to come over and pick me up early “Thanks for coming to get me” I say getting into his car

  “Closed up early I see, that keen to see me huh,” he says and grabs my hand kisses my knuckles, I smile at the gesture

  “The guys had to go to the clubhouse, and I didn't have any appointments.”

  “Well then lucky me” I smile and put my seat belt on

  “Ready,” he says, and I nod

  “As I'll ever be.”

  The ride to his house he tells to me about his day and the kids he teaches and my mind drifts to Jaxson and what he’ll be doing tonight “Earth to Tink” Markus says squeezing my hand to get my attention.

  “Sorry,” I say looking at him

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “I'm a good listener,” he says making me smile just as he pulls in front of a modern house with sleek lines open windows very grey and black. I look around, and all of the other houses on the block are identical

  “Wow” is all I say I don't mind it, but it's just way too modern for me

  “Come on,” he says, and we both get out, he waits for me to come around to the front of the car taking my hand. We walk to the very black huge front door “It’s all new, I only moved in a few months ago.”

  The interior is just as modern concrete flooring black leather
sofa glass coffee table black blinds black shelves with a few ornaments, it feels stale un-lived in cold “What do you think” shit how can I say it's horrible without sounding horrible, I smile and so does he “It's great isn't it” he says like a proud owner, I just smile and bite my tongue and just nod “All new appliances I haven't had much time to use them, but I'm hoping tonight will be the start of me using them all the time. I watch Markus work his way around the kitchen; it's the same as the rest of the house black concrete and stainless steel. The bar stool I'm sitting on digs into my legs it's a wire framed black seat with no back support, he talks as he moves around telling me about his day and his students all the while I stay quiet and just smile. He seems so animated talking about them, and it makes me smile, but my mind keeps me wondering back to Jaxson “Tink” I hear and look at Markus

  “Sorry I spaced out for a second,” I tell him feeling stupid why in the hell do I keep thinking about Jaxson he couldn't give a shit about me

  “Anything you wanna share”

  “Nope I’m good, so the movie,” I say, and he smiles at me

  “I never figured you for a Die Hard fan,” he says, and I smile.

  “Come on, Bruce Willis popcorn and wine what every girl dreams of,” I say, and Markus laughs

  “Do I have to be jealous of Bruce,” he says smiling teasing me

  “No,” I say, and he leans over and pecks me on the lips

  “Good cause I like it when you look at me,” he says winking at me and grabs the popcorn



  Waking the next morning my body aches from the fight, the arm draped over my stomach has me turning to the women next to me (fuck my head is killing me) I know I have a black eye a few bruised ribs a fat lip and my knuckles sting “Morning” Summer says and I get out of bed and head into my bathroom (fuck I can't even remember coming to bed). I walk out, and Summer is sitting up leaning on the headboard smiling at me, I frown at her (man I gotta stop fuckin’ this chick)

  “What the fuck are you doing here Summer?” I ask her

  “You dragged me in here last night.”

  “Right so after we fuck you get out” she frowns at me.


  “Summer you’re a fuckin’ club-whore, what did you expect a fuckin’ ring on your finger or something cause let me tell ya that shit is never gonna happen.”

  “I didn't ask for anything; I know what I am ok, do you have to be an asshole.”

  “Yeah, I do now get the fuck out” she grabs her clothes and storms out the door slamming it, and I go back into the bathroom and take a shower.

  By the time I make it into the kitchen the rooms buzzing with all of the guys the smell of bacon toast, and coffee has my mouth watering. As I walk in, I notice all of the Old Ladies walking around talking laughing and serving the guys. I look around and Tink's nowhere to be seen so I head over to Lilly “Where's Tink” she looks up at me and frowns

  “She didn't come home last night,” she says


  “Don't worry she text she's fine but she stayed at Markus’s” My mind must have stroked out, because I don't remember the ride to the douches house, but I do remember the second she opened the door in nothing but a man’s t-shirt, her hair down and the complete look of shock on her face as she opened the door

  “Oh, Jaxson what happened to your face?” she says reaching for me

  “Did you fuck him” is all I say, her bare legs her painted little toenails and her fuckin’ gorgeous hair, that I've never seen down. It goes all the way to her ass; I can see she's not wearing a bra her nipples standing at attention but I look into her blue eyes, and she has tears in them. But my anger spikes the second I see a hickey a fuckin’ hickey on her neck “Did you fuck him” I say slowly, and she blushes

  “Jaxson” is all she says just as the douche comes to the door pulling her to him and kisses her neck, making the claim loud and clear. I walk back to my bike and book it as fast as my Harley will take me. When I get back to the clubhouse, Lilly is waiting for me

  “Did you see her?” she asks, and I nod

  “Yeah” I grind my teeth as I say it.


  “And what?”

  “How does it feel,” she says, and I stop and look at her

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “How does it feel to see Tink with another man” I frown at her.

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “You and Summer,” she says

  “What about me and Summer” she shakes her head.

  “I mean, you fucking Summer all the time and Tink seeing it, now you know what it’s like to have that shit rubbed in your face.”

  “I don’t rub shit in Tink’s face.”

  “So, her finding you fucking Summer is what?”

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

  “So, you're saying that you haven’t fucked Summer” I look down, and Lilly sighs and I look at her

  “You fucked her last night didn’t you.”

  “You know what it’s none of your damn business who I stick my dick in.”

  “Like it’s no business of you who Tink sleeps with,” she says walking back into the clubhouse (fuck Tink, fuck bitches I'm over it)


  The next few days go by fast I've kept myself busy, doing the jobs any jobs for the guys. Last night Oki needed me at the strip club where the Bambi one of the strippers tried to get me to fuck her. But my dick is off limits, for now, I've decided I'm concentration on getting my patch nothing else. Theirs a knock at my door the next morning and Razor opens the door “Yeah boss you need something.”

  “Yeah get ya shit together you and your brother are heading to Oregon with Preacher.”


  “Yeah, they need help with someone, and you and your brother fit the bill. Now get ya shit ready for a few weeks away” I pack the essentials jeans shirts socks jocks nothing else and I head out to the main room where all of the guys are waiting, Razor calls us over to him

  “Yeah man.”

  “You two be safe,” he says, and we both frown at him

  “We need anything else boss” meaning do I need a piece.

  “Nope Preacher’s got it” we both nod as Knuckle comes over.

  “You two sure know how to fight” Jordan, and I look at each other and smile I laugh because of Jordan's missing tooth

  “What?” he says, and I laugh louder



  It takes just over four hours of riding, to make it to the Oregon clubhouse. It's a lot like ours it’s a large warehouse building and the club emblem on the large gate, as we pull in, we park at the end of the bikes “Asphalt show the boys where their bunkin’” Preacher says

  We follow Asphalt into the clubhouse and head down a long corridor then up a flight of stairs and stop at a door “This is you two you'll be sharing” we both nod and walk in, Asphalt standing at the door when his phone pings, I watch him frown at the message

  “Problem,” I ask him

  “Nope be at Chapel in twenty minutes,” he says walking off, and Jordan looks at me

  “Chapel we've never been invited to Chapel before” I shrug my shoulders

  We pack our shit away and have a quick shower before we head down to the room where the club has Church standing outside of the doors is a huge fuckin’ guy as tall as me and Jordan but a fuckin’ tank. He watches as we get closer to him.

  “Sniper” is all he says opening the door for us to go in, my heart is racing we've never even been allowed into our Chapel at home, the only people allowed in there are the fully patched members.

  “Sit,” Preacher says pointing to two seats on the far wall. We watch as the meeting starts with Preacher banging his hand on the table and the room goes deathly quiet.


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