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Jupiter's Shadow

Page 5

by Tl Reeve

  “Who’s first?” Mace grunted.

  “Well, big guy, I’m glad you asked.”

  “Oh, hell.” He crossed his massive arms and gave me a disgruntled look.

  “Mace, you’ll be taking me out tonight. Tomorrow, Benning.”

  “Shit.” Mace stood, then carried his glass to the sink. “Seriously?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  Dax laughed. “It’s not like you’re meeting her father or anything.”

  “Anyway,” I stated, cutting off whatever banter they might want to indulge in. “For the next five days, we’ll date. Have fun, and see where this all goes. Sex can happen. Making out is also allowed. What isn’t allowed is you guys bitching about what’s going on. You all understood when you came here what you were getting into and it starts today.”

  There were several grunts of agreement. “Great. If you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for work. Mace, I’ll see you at the sheriff’s department this evening.”

  “Yeah. If you’re not ready, I’m coming back here.” He started for the bedroom the guys had been sharing.

  “I won’t be late.”

  The tip line had been inundated with calls. Our suspect Jaime Sanchez had been spotted around the greater Chattanooga area. Each time an officer went to check out the lead, he was already gone, or the identification wasn’t right.

  Silvi and I spent our day going through the calls trying to give the best tips the priority. It also meant we didn’t have a chance to talk. I knew my friend was chomping at the bit to ask me questions about what happened last night, but I didn’t think I could explain it.

  “So, what are you doing tonight?” She sat on the edge of my desk, a stack of tip forms clutched in her hand.

  “Going out.” I pointed to the papers. “New?”

  “Oh, no, missy, you’re not going to avoid me. Who are you going out with tonight?”

  “Just someone I met a few days ago.” Not a lie.

  “Are you going to tell me anything about him?”

  “Not really.” I sighed. “It’s all so new. I would rather wait until I see where things are going.”

  She nodded. “Okay. But I expect details.”

  “Sure. But there won’t be much to talk about.” The growl of an angry voice, then the heavy steps coming my way drew my attention from Silvi. “Speak of the devil.”

  Silvi glanced over her shoulder. “Is that him?” she whispered, turning her wide-eyed gaze back towards me.


  I noticed the little things about Mace. He’d gotten a haircut. He also dressed up. Though he still wore jeans, which fit him like a glove. He also donned a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows—exposing his thickly corded forearms. Paired with his ruggedly handsome features…Be still my beating heart. I shifted in my chair. Arousal spilled through my veins, heating my skin, and dampening my panties. To think, he didn’t want to be here.

  “Jupiter.” He stopped in front of my desk and placed his hands on his hips.

  “Mace. This is my friend and partner, Silvi.” I motioned to her.

  He nodded. “It’s five. You’re off the clock. Let’s go.”

  “You heard him.” Humor and a bit of laughter filled Silvi’s gaze as she slid it towards me. “You’re off the clock. Get out of here.”

  “Have a good night.” I gave her a pointed look while grabbing my things before I turned off the computer.

  Once outside, Mace turned to me. “You work around too many men. I don’t like it.”

  I chuckled. “Men work in the law enforcement field. It’s a foregone conclusion they’ll be at the department while I am there.”

  “They look at you.”

  “Wow, after a whole seven minutes, you realized this?” I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation with Mace. Was he jealous? No, not him. He didn’t have a jealous bone in his body, especially where I’d been concerned. He hated me.

  “Yes. I wanted to bash their skulls in.” He wrapped his arm around my middle and pulled me close.

  I stiffened, unsure of the situation. “Um, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He lowered his face to mine and whispered, “I like you.” Then brushed his lips over mine. The vicious emotional storm raging in his blue eyes frightened me, while also lighting a fire of desire deep within me.

  “I like you, too, Mace,” I murmured.

  “I know.” He took my hand in his and practically dragged me down the sidewalk to his oversized truck. “Get in.”

  So much for a little romance. “What do you have planned for us?” I hoisted myself up into the truck and closed the door.

  “Bar. Baseball. Food.” He started the behemoth after settling into the driver’s seat.

  “I could use a beer.”

  “Me, too.” He pulled away from the curb and drove towards downtown Chattanooga. “What made you choose me first?”

  I shrugged. “We haven’t spent any time together and I’m curious about you.”

  He grunted. Something I noticed he did a lot. “About me?”

  “Yes. You’re surly. Abrupt. Contrary. I can’t figure you out.”

  “Good.” He glanced at me. “You’re an open book.”

  “Am I?”

  He grinned and holy shit, I think my ovaries fainted. For his gruff exterior and his dower expressions, when he smiled…wow. He became a totally different person. “You are.”

  “You should smile more. You’re gorgeous.”

  He frowned. “Why’d you have to ruin it?”

  I scrunched my face up, unsure what he meant. “What?”

  “You don’t have to be nice to me. I’m trying to impress you so you’ll choose me. Because my wolf has already picked you.”

  “So, this is all about mating?”

  He nodded.

  “Wow.” He stunned me. I felt it, too, but I wanted to get to know all of them. I didn’t want to hop in the sack, mate and be whatever for the rest of my life. I also knew once I took the final leap, I’d have to quit my job, pack rules and all. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Nothing. If your wolf feels the same, it’ll work.”

  It did. “Well, you’re a regular Don Juan.” I glanced out the passenger window as the streets of downtown Chattanooga faded away. “Where are we going?”

  “A place off the beaten track.”

  Off the beaten track could mean anywhere. The city was surrounded by forest, a trait I’d enjoyed all my life. There were places anyone could run away for a few hours and hide. As we drove along the tree-lined roads, the sun touched the horizon, giving the area a soft pink glow.

  Questions swirled in my head. How had Mace found this place? What kind of bar out here would have baseball and beer? The real questions about Mace, however, I pushed to the back of my mind. Like, if he knew we were mates, why did he try to push me away?

  I suppose a lot of it was a defense mechanism. Though, he didn’t seem to be an emotional guy, he might have been hurt way too many times, so now he turned it off. Or, he’d been beaten into showing no emotions. Or he’d been born an asshole, and nothing would change his surly disposition.

  “You’re thinking too much over there,” he grunted, taking the dirt road to the right.

  “Am I?”

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “I guess I’m curious is all.” I shrugged.

  “About what?”

  You. “Things.”

  “I don’t like talking about myself,” he replied. “It makes me uncomfortable.”

  I laughed. “And do you believe I’m not? My father has created a no-win situation for me. If this doesn’t work out, I have to watch my best friend get sent away to die.”

  “What if you could change it?”

  I blinked. “Huh?”

  “What if you could change it all?” He glanced at me as we pulled into the dirt parking lot of some hole-in-the-wall place.

  “I’d do it in a heartbeat,” I an
swered. The deep need to protect my pack flowed through me. My father’s ways, I’d come to realize, did nothing but hurt our pack, whether he understood it or not.

  “Good to hear. C’mon. Let’s have a beer and relax.” He popped open the door and got out, leaving me to catch up to him.

  “Why do I feel like we’re in a looped conversation?” I asked once I reached his side.

  “Because you’re chasing your tail.” He led us to the bar and ordered a bucket of beer. “Have you eaten anything today?”

  Besides the stale donuts in the breakroom, no. “Not much, been too busy to eat.”

  He sighed and put in a double order of burgers and fries for us. “What do you want out of life, Jupiter?”

  The question threw me a bit as we sat at a dinged-up table near one of the big screen televisions. “A happy, healthy pack. What about you?”

  “What if I told you I want a mate who can give me pups and isn’t afraid to take chances,” he said, bringing one of the bottles of beer to his lips.

  “I’d say, I’m impressed.”

  “How so?”

  “When I see you, I see someone who is aloof. Distant. Calculating. Someone who isn’t ready to put himself out there. But you’re dedicated. Strong. Fierce. Brave.” All the qualities a good mate would bring to the table. My wolf enjoyed the idea of giving him everything he wanted—including pups. Which, come to think of, I never thought I’d have.

  “My actions speak louder than words.” He scratched at the label of his drink. “Sometimes, I forget talking is a social skill needed in situations like this.”

  “Can I ask you something?” I twisted the cap off one of the bottles and placed it in front of me.

  “You just did,” he teased. Another one of his gorgeous smiles graced his face, and I swore, every female in the place gave him their full attention.

  “Smart ass,” I muttered, trying not to laugh. “Why are you here? Why were you chosen for this experiment?”

  The mask of indifference he’d used to protect himself slipped back into place. “Does it matter?”

  To me, yes. For some inexplicable reason, I had to know. Their motivations mattered to me. If this was going to work, we had to be on the same page or the pack would never heal. “Yes.”

  He frowned. The scent of rejection washed over me and I shuddered. “It’s not a big deal. Can we forget about this and have a date? My life before here isn’t important anymore.”

  It was though, to me. “Sure. But I reserve the right to return to this topic later.”

  “Fine. Whatever.” Within seconds, the aloof veneer he used to keep people at arm’s length returned, kicking me out.

  The date wasn’t a rousing success, but it had been okay. I didn’t get to know him any better than I already had, which irritated me, still I learned enough. Mace was an outsider. If I had to guess, it was why he’d been sent to my pack. To get him off his pack’s hands.

  When we arrived at the door, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. “Thank you for tonight.”

  He shrugged, but I felt the ripple of awareness roll through him. Felt it in his stiff frame when he relaxed. “No biggie.”

  I suspected it was a biggie for him. “I’ll figure you out.”

  “You can try,” he scoffed.

  “Did I ever tell you I like a good challenge.” I grinned at him and cupped his cheek.


  “Now you know.” I brought his face level to mine and gave him a quick goodnight kiss, then opened the door and going inside, left him to trail after me. One down four to go.

  Chapter Six

  The next day didn’t bring me any closer to the answers I sought. Nor did it relieve any of the growing tension and guilt lancing my soul. I had five men in my house and I couldn’t choose one yet, and the clock was ticking. I had to save Jessy. How can I save someone else, when I can’t save myself? The thought rocked me to my very foundation.

  Since it was Saturday, I supposed I could make everyone some breakfast, then plan for the day. However, Benning had other ideas. When I rolled over, he was there, waiting for me. How long he stood at my door watching me, I didn’t know.

  “Morning.” I had dog breath and a severe case of cotton mouth. “How long have you been standing there?”

  He revealed a bottle of water when he crossed the space between us. “A little bit. I didn’t want to wake you.” He handed me the bottle. “I thought you could use this.”

  Lifesaver. I cracked the bottle open and took several gulps before closing it. “Thanks.”

  “Today is our day.”

  “Is it?” My heartbeat quickened. Benning and I had a different kind of connection. I felt it the first night I met him. It was almost as if I’d known him my whole life, and I could be myself around him. There were no pretenses or jockeying for position. We each had a role, and we filled it.

  “Yes.” He grinned and sat on the empty side of my bed. “Would you like to go for a run?”


  He laughed, the merriment reaching his grey eyes. “Yes. I thought you could show me the pack lands.”

  Ah, an ulterior motive. “Sure. I need a shower first.”

  “I’ll wait for you.” He sat back on my bed, relaxing into my pillows like he’d belonged there. I suppose in some way he did.


  “Yes.” He placed his hands behind his head.

  “Why?” I pushed the blankets off me, so I could stand.

  “Why not? We’re in this together. All of us. At some point, we have to push comfort levels to get past the awkward stage. If we don’t, we’ll be doing this circle jerk for the next twenty years, and this is important. Can’t have Jessy being shipped off, right?”

  “What?” Had I heard him right?

  “Jessy is depending on us to protect her. We can’t protect her if we’re resting on our laurels.”


  He was out of bed and behind me in a flash. He crowded me against the wall. The hard press of his body heated me, and sent my inner bitch’s tail swishing. The indention of his erection fit at the cleft of my ass, and oh, my he was impressive. “Whatever you think you heard me say, you’re wrong.”

  “I won’t be used in order to fix a problem. I’d rather fix it before it becomes a problem,” I muttered pressing back at him.

  His big arms bracketed me in, trapping his wild musky scent in our small confined area. It drove me insane. Made me want to roll over and beg him to fuck me. “When I use you, you’ll know it’s because I want to fuck. Hard. You’ll crave it and beg me for it.” He pressed his dick against my ass. He slid his hand up my stomach and palmed my breast.

  “Benning.” Electricity slid down my spine.

  “Tell me you don’t want this.” He nipped my neck, then licked away the sting. “Tell me you can’t smell us day in and day out, and it doesn’t drive you insane.”

  It did. Every time I walked into the house, their combined scents drove me wild. I wouldn’t be controlled by some baser instinct. “I—”

  “Don’t lie.” His hand fisted in my hair, the tendrils of pain seeped into me.

  “I wasn’t going to lie.”

  He growled.

  “I can’t do this.” I bit my bottom lip to hold back a cry of pleasure. I ached. My clit throbbed. My nipples were hard. The muscles of my stomach quivered as his warm breath grazed my nape.

  His thumb swiped across my nipple, and I gasped. “What’s stopping you?”

  “I’m confused.”

  “By?” He continued to tease me. He splayed his free hand over my belly.

  “This whole thing. It’s—”

  “A lot to take in?” His lips fluttered over the curve of my ear.

  “Yes. I feel like a piece of meat put up for auction. May the best man win.”

  “We all plan to win, Jupiter. Whether you accept it now, or later. It’s going to happen.”

  His rough voice did nothing to help set
tle my raging libido. “And if you all hurt me before this is over?”

  “I’ll kill them. I won’t give them a chance to do anything to you.” The pure conviction in his voice, brought about a new reality. He meant what he said.

  “And my father? He started this.”

  “He is a fool. A man out of his prime. A man hell bent to destroy the many lives of those in his pack.” Benning’s large body sagged against mine. “He is hurting you and his pack and doesn’t see his actions have consequences.”

  Truth. The fact Benning could see it made me wonder how many others in the pack could and when they’d challenge him or myself to become alpha. “I have to fix this.”

  “We will fix it. Together.” He released me, so I could face him. “No matter what.”

  I nodded. “Thank you.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “You’re welcome. Now, go shower, then we’ll run.”

  “So pushy.” I rolled my eyes as I headed for the bathroom.

  “The scent of your pussy said you like a dominant wolf.” Cocky asshole.

  “We’ll see.”

  * * *

  We ran for miles through the mountainous terrain, only stopping at small creeks to grab a drink. By the time we climbed the bluff overlooking the pack lands, my muscles burned from exertion. Benning stood in front of me, his dark fur blending in with the muddy ground. He stood proudly on the perch, his head held high as his tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth.

  He glanced over his shoulder at me. The air around him changed and shimmered with magic. It snapped in the air caressing me with its tendrils. The small coaxing to shift and give over to his power left me in awe, but I refused it. In a matter of seconds, he stood in front of me, completely naked.

  “I have never met anyone who could resist my pull.”

  First time for everything. I called to the magic within and allowed the shift to wash over me. The welcomed burst of heat spread through me as the white light grew brighter. There was no reason for me to be embarrassed by my nakedness, yet images of earlier in my room replayed through my mind. I felt exposed. Open to him.

  He took a step forwards, his hand outstretched. I took a moment to take my fill of him. His broad shoulders gave way to a narrow waist, and massive legs. Not to mention the thick, semi-hard shaft between his legs. “Pip.”


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