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Jupiter's Shadow

Page 9

by Tl Reeve

  “My alpha wants your pack,” Mace answered with a shrug. “I’m here because he thought I could secure your hand and give him what he desires most, power. I came here to provide for my mother and sister. Both of whom are scorned by our pack because our father refused my mother’s bite.”

  I frowned. “We’re fucked up.”

  Dax gave a humorless chuckle. “Our packs have gone to shit since our alphas have come into power.”

  “So, what are we going to do about it?” Scout folded his hands on the table and sat forwards. “You asked what kind of a lawyer I am. I’d like to know why, please.”

  “I think it’s time to shake up our packs and change how things are done.” I tapped my finger on the table as the guys finally grabbed a bottle of beer for themselves. “We’d have to do it together. One unit, the six of us for this pack. And Henric has got to go. Out with the old, in with the new.”

  “My alpha will support our ideas,” Benning stated. “He’s seen it and hates it. We’ll have his support.”

  “The problem is, how do we get a message to the other packs and without Henric or Mace’s alpha finding out?”

  “We all have friends,” Mace grunted. “We use them.”

  Dax nodded. “We can use your sister, Mace.”

  The big man growled.

  “Dude, lighten up. We get the message to her, and pass it to the Alpha’s chosen,” Dax replied.

  Mace rubbed his chin. “It could work.”

  “We’ll use the sheriff’s department to exchange information. We need to be in a controlled environment.”

  “Then it’s settled!” Benning declared. “Tomorrow we get the ball rolling.”

  “Almost,” I whispered. “I’ve got to speak with my father. Find out how deep he’s into this.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Dax announced.

  Benning nodded. “I will, too.”

  Which meant Mace, Bowie, and Scout could start work on getting a message to all those who exchanged to the different packs. I pushed back from the table and grabbed the last beer. I needed to fortify myself against the coming confrontation with my father.

  “Bowie, if you have any clue where your brother would have gone, please tell him to come back. He is always welcome here. This is our pack. He doesn’t have to be alone.”

  Tears shimmered in the man’s eyes as he nodded. “Thank you, Pip.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. It’s what families do for one another. We’re family, now.” I strode from the kitchen to the door. “We’re wasting precious time. The sooner the others know. The better off they’ll be.”

  A chorus of grunts filled the space as I opened the door. My father’s house wasn’t far from mine and I had a feeling I’d need to walk. Already, my gut tightened with fear of what might happen. Benning stopped on my left side and threaded his fingers with mine while Dax took the right, doing the same.

  “I didn’t know,” Dax whispered. The thread of sorrow filled his words and I understood.

  “Nor I. This conundrum has put all of us into an awkward position within the pack. I can’t imagine how the others fare.” Until a few short years ago, Sarafina and I were friends, but everything changed. We grew apart, or so I told myself to deflect the hurt. I wondered as we strolled down the hill, if her father had been preparing her for this.

  “We have been observing the packs for a while,” Benning admitted. “My alpha and I planned to help anyway we could. We didn’t figure on the change coming so soon.”

  “What happens to his pack with this little arrangement?” Call it curiosity or whatever, but if his alpha realized the danger the packs were in, why settle on this little scheme?

  “His daughter will be happy. The alpha-apparent will be her mate, if she chooses from the lot of men sent to her.” He shrugged.

  “And if she doesn’t choose anyone?” Dax pressed.

  “Then it’s business as usual. They, as will you, are welcome in our pack. We want to help and I was told to use any resources necessary to fix it.”

  “We have to do this right. Reorganizing Henric’s pack will take all of us.” I glanced between both men. “I can’t have you fighting each other or measuring dicks. We have to be a team.”

  Dax grunted. “Fine.”

  Benning nodded. “The welfare of the pack is paramount.”

  “We have your back, Pip,” Dax added.

  Tension filled me as we arrived at my father’s door. Once I walked inside, the veil I placed in front of my eyes to lie to myself about the prosperity of the pack or any of the other ninety-nine things I chalked up to my dad being quirky and set in his ways would disappear.

  When I confronted him with what a couple of the other packs were attempting, this would be the moment when we would either gain a bit of knowledge, or a challenge would have to be made.

  I didn’t want to fight my father.

  I let myself into my dad’s home with Benning and Dax close behind. The television droned on in the living room while my father was nowhere in sight. “Dad?”

  He hated when I called him Dad. It was always father or alpha. Right now, I didn’t care. He grumbled as he lumbered down the hall towards us. His big frame more weight than muscle like other wolves in their prime. “What?”

  “We need to talk, now.” I crossed my arms, lifting my chin slightly. “I have questions.”

  He laughed. “Your command holds no sway over me.”

  “Sit down and listen to your daughter,” Benning growled. The tension and power radiated off him in undulated waves. My wolf rolled over exposing her belly as I fought the need to comply with his directive.

  My father snarled. “You dare tell me what to do in my home?”

  “Yes.” The finality in Benning’s answer worried me. The anger lacing his words before were gone and the cold, dangerous facade he cloaked himself in dared her father to say anything.

  “What do you know about Sarafina?” I tried to change the subject. I didn’t need my father and my mate fighting.

  My father slid his gaze towards me. “Nothing.”

  He wasn’t lying. “What do you know of the other alphas?”

  “Nothing. We were doing this to bring new blood into the packs. Try to revive them.”

  Benning scoffed, crossing his arms.

  “Sit, Father, and listen.”

  Finally, he took a seat and sighed. “Girl, what is this about?”

  “Father, there is a lot you know nothing about.”

  * * *

  When I closed the door behind us, I didn’t know if my father would shit or go blind or both. He had no clue about Sarafina. Didn’t know about Henric’s plan. Didn’t know about Mace and his pack. None of it. He’d gone in with dreams of grandeur, hoping to kick start the pack and bring in someone to push them in the right direction.

  I wondered if he would continue to fight me tooth and nail when we stood to leave. The solution I hoped to find after I talked to my father didn’t manifest. Nor did I believe my father would give up on his grandiose dreams.

  His track record of late suggested he’d dig his heels in and push against the changes we wanted to make.

  “Hey, you okay?” Dax came up beside me and took my hand as we headed home.

  Resolve filled me. “I will be.”

  “It’ll work out, I promise.” He dipped his head, and for the first time since we were sixteen and I dreamt of the day Dax would kiss me, I yearned for it.

  I sucked in a breath as he mastered my mouth. He used his tongue to lick flick and coax me to take from him. I fell into him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I couldn’t believe this bone aching craving I had for him. It scared me. Surprised me. He pulled me closer, a strangled groan filled his chest and it vibrated through me, lighting my insides with arousal.

  A moan of pleasure behind us had me opening my eyes to find Benning standing there, pleasure etched into his features as he observed us. How this all made sense, I didn’t know, but I wouldn’t look the gift h
orse in the mouth. I’d gladly accept them all. I curled my index finger at him and grinned.

  Benning’s strut set my heart fluttering. His devilish grin and the scent of his intent mingled with Dax’s, pulling me under their sway. Damn, this could be fun.

  “What do you want?” Benning stood a good foot from me. His hands were in his pockets, as though he were asking about the time, and not tempting me with his allure.

  “A kiss,” I answered. “From you.”

  A sly smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “What if I want more than a kiss?”

  I licked my lips and glanced up at Dax. His heavy-lidded stare met mine, and a burst of lust slammed into me. “More than a kiss?”

  “Uh huh. I think Dax’s is feeling the same way.” Benning inched closer. “Tell me, Pip, have you ever stroked that little fiery clit of yours thinking about Dax?”

  I had. When I was younger. “Yes,” I admitted.

  “You did?” Surprise colored Dax’s words.

  I nodded.

  “Tell him about it.” He placed his hand on my hip and squeezed. “Tell him everything.”

  Heat filled my cheeks. “I used to imagine it was you who was touching me. Telling me how to touch you. Suck you.” I took a shuddering breath and let it out slow. “I’d pretend you were there, and the only way I could orgasm was if you said to.”

  Dax groaned. “Hell.” He tipped my chin up. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “It’s not like we’ve had time.” I shrugged. “My father. Issues with the pack. Everything got in the way. This has been the first time I could even attempt something with you, yet we’re still not connecting.”

  “I’ve been a dick. I’ve tried to play the angle of knowing you, and instead of getting closer, I’m pushing you away.” He kissed me again, this time, the passion of it threatened to drown me.

  He pulled back and ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “Kiss him already, I bet the guy’s got a hard-on for you.”

  I laughed. “God. This is crazy.” I slipped my arms around his neck and pulled Benning down to me. “Maybe later, you and Dax will get a chance to hear the rest of my fantasies.”

  “You bet your sweet ass we will.” Benning took my mouth with such savagery. Our tongues tangled, dancing for dominance, then retreated. I was on fire. Aching for both. Demand clawed at my insides begging me to allow them to have what we all needed.

  “Fuck, yes,” Dax said. “Home. Now.”

  Who was I to say no?

  Chapter Eleven

  I came awake between Dax and Benning. Their hard bodies keeping me warm. Last night had been amazing. They had taken care of me, and Dax made love to me, something I’d hoped would happen for a long time. The way he fit his hips between my thighs and worshiped my body…decadent.

  Benning, as always ravaged me. I’d figured out each guy had a different style. Bowie and Scout, I still wasn’t sure of, but we’d get there. I knew it. Two days ago, heck, three weeks ago, I’d have said no way. Five men wouldn’t rule me. This morning, stretched between two men while I wiggled my toes, I couldn’t see myself anywhere else.

  “Good morning.” Benning cupped my breast, and teased my nipple. “Did you sleep well?”

  I gasped. “Yes.”

  “Someone is all wet.” Dax trailed his finger down my slit.

  I ached something fierce. Their hunger became mine as heat and desire rolled into a full-bodied storm of emotions. I arched into Dax’s touch and moaned when Benning nibbled on my neck.

  “Give it to her, Dax.” The rumble of Benning’s voice vibrated through me, settling behind my clit.

  Dax circled the hard nub with his fingers. “I don’t know. I think we should let her burn a little while longer.” His middle finger slid deep inside me, then retreated. When he filled me again, he added a second finger. “Fuck, you’re so damn snug and wet.

  “Please,” I whimpered.

  “Mmhmm, I love it when you beg,” Benning growled. “As soon as his release fills you, I’m taking you. Hard, fast until your screaming my name.”

  Oh. Fuck. I shuddered. Mini sparks of pleasure washed over me in intense waves. I rode his hand, needing more, but unable to speak as the coil of bliss tightened low at the apex of my thighs.

  “That’s it, Pip,” Dax groaned. “Fuck my fingers.”

  We were panting, climbing higher together. The peak of my impending climax so close, I could taste it. Erotic tendrils of passion wound around us, setting fire to my skin. Like Benning wanted, I burned for them. Yearned for the moment Dax or Benning would penetrate me. Stretch me so completely, I wouldn’t know where I ended and he began.

  He retreated, then the blunt tip of his erection fit between the folds of my sex. Dax grabbed my leg and laid it over his hip while entering me. The slow, agonizing push of his thick cock, destroyed me. He possessed every inch of my body, and my soul.


  “I’ve got you.” He trailed his fingers up my arm. “I’ve got you.”

  Benning continued to play with my breasts, tweaking and plucking my nipples while sucking on the sensitive flesh of my neck. This was amazing. In their arms, I felt alive. Loved. Cherished. Everything I felt on my own with these men increased exponentially.

  Dax’s pace increased. He cursed under his breath as he bent his face to kiss me.

  His tongue stroked against mine, mimicking the motion of his hips with each thrust and retreat. I moaned. Sucking on his tongue, I wrapped my arms around his neck, readjusting our position, so I controlled the pace. With a swivel of my hips, I decreased our speed, turning it into a sensual rock of our bodies. My pussy flexed and pulsed, wet heat of my arousal coated my sex and his dick.

  Dax chanted my name over and over. His eyes were closed. His features were relaxed. A crimson flush ran along the tops of his cheeks. Staring at him only served to raise the desire inside me. These men were mine. The thought shattered me. My orgasm hit me hard and left me breathless.

  Seconds later, Dax growled and slammed into me twice more before stilling. The throb of his release had a smile curving my lips. Behind me, Benning panted. The low, demanding growl of need vibrated through him. His touch became more desperate, insistent as he rubbed his groin along my ass, grinding and pumping. His growl became heady grunts.

  “She’s all yours, man.” Dax kissed me. The sweet reverence in his eyes, undid me. “Take care of him, mate.” He pulled from me and left the bed, giving Benning and me a chance to be alone.

  “We always end up naked together.” I smiled as he settled between my legs, after rolling us. “I think you prefer us this way.”

  “I love your fucking body. What can I say?” He dipped his head and took my nipple into his mouth as he lined himself up and thrust forwards.

  Even though Dax and I had just found our releases, my body came to life with each plunge of Benning’s hips, arousal spiked inside me. I clung to him, digging my fingernails into his shoulders for purchase. He ground his pelvis against mine, rubbing my clit in the most delicious way.

  “Yes,” I sobbed.

  “Do you know how fucking hot you are. How watching you with Dax was torture because he was deep inside your tight little pussy and I had to wait my turn. I’m so fucking hard, I don’t think one time is going to relieve the pressure in my balls, or the need to rut.” He licked my bottom lip. “I want to bury my face to your pussy. I want lick up your cream. God, Pip, you’ve got me in knots.”

  “Then untangle yourself,” I answered, running my hands up and down his arms. “We’re all mates, Ben.”

  He nodded and groaned. “Fuck.”

  His strokes shortened to grinding flexes. I sucked in air and arched to him. The static charge of our coupling snapped along my skin adding to the sensations battering me. We needed this. I craved this.

  Benning grabbed my sides, lifting me slightly as he canted his hips. He slid deeper inside me and I swore I saw stars. The delicious drag of his cock along the sensitive flesh ratcheted
up my pleasure. He mouthed my neck as he made the sexiest fucking sounds ever.

  I ran my fingers through his hair, holding him to me while wrapping my legs around his middle. A grumbled noise built at the back of his throat as his thrusts became frantic.

  “I’m marking you,” he snarled. “My mark represents all of our matings. I don’t give a fuck if they mark you, but you will have mine. Say it!”

  “Yes!” I cried. I yearned for it. Craved it.

  He fit his hand between us and worked my clit. The blissful knot in my lower belly tightened, my back arched. My breath hitched. The minute his teeth pierced my neck I let go with a cry. I shook uncontrollably as wave after wave of my release slammed through me.

  Benning stilled, flexing his hips as he growled around where his mouth was clasped to my throat. The heat of his release bathed my insides, marking his claim. His ragged pants matched mine as I tried to tamp down the rapid beat of my heart. I sagged, my muscles were loose, relaxed. I didn’t want to move, ever.

  * * *

  Mace sat a cup of coffee down in front of me, as he joined the rest of us at the table. I had to tell the others about the conversation with my father. Then, I had to get to work. Silvi received the call. She had an interview later this afternoon and I needed to close out this fucking case. No way I’d leave the sheriff’s department with a case unsolved. It wasn’t how I rolled. Ever.

  “We talked to my father.” I turned the mug in my hands, giving me something to do while I spoke. “I never scented a lie. He has no clue what the other packs or alphas are doing.”

  Scout sat up as did Bowie. “What? Are you serious?”

  Benning nodded. “We told him of what happened and is happening to Sarafina. He about passed out.”

  “We told him about your mother and sister, Mace,” Dax added. “What could happen in your pack if the chosen didn’t take a mate.”

  Mace grunted, crossing his arms. “And?”


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