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Soul of The Swords: Brotherhood is More Than Metal

Page 20

by Saxon Andrew

  Sam looked at Shelly, “What’s going on, Captain?”

  It was abundantly clear that Shelly was furious, “Nothing, Sir!”

  Sam stared at her as the others in the room watched in silence. He smiled and lowered his eyes, “Shelly, you’re among friends. Is there something you need to tell me?”

  Shelly took a deep breath and looked at Embree. His eyes were open wide as he stared at her. She turned back to Sam and said, “Sir, I don’t believe that I will be going back to Heaven with you.”

  Sam smiled and softly said, “Why is that, Shelly?”

  Shelly looked at Embree again and turned back to Sam, “Sir, I’ve decided that wherever he goes, I will be going with him.”

  Embree’s eyes went wide as Shelly stood up and walked over to Embree, “That is if he will have me.” Embree walked around his console and took Shelly in his arms.

  Leonidas said where everyone could hear, “Well that does pose a problem.”

  Sam looked at him, “Why is that? You don’t have room for her on your vessel.”

  “No, Embree requested to leave and go with you on your ship. It doesn’t make much sense for her to be on my ship and he on yours, now does it?”

  Shelly leaned back and looked at Embree, “Is this true?”

  Embree shrugged, “I don’t want to be anywhere else but with you.”

  The door to the conference room opened and everyone saw Steve standing there with Gregor and Kaylee. Leo looked at Sam and said, “We’ll work this out later.” Sam nodded as Leo stood up and went over to greet Gregor and Kaylee, “Welcome aboard the Thermopylae. Is everything ok?”

  Gregor and Kaylee were holding two sword scabbards each and Gregor smiled, “It is. There are some issues I want to discuss with you but first I’d like to introduce you to your new swords.”

  Leo nodded and led them back to the conference table. Desiree looked at Ana and saw her show some animation that had been missing. Gregor and Kaylee walked to the conference table and said as they placed sword scabbards in front of Leonidas, Desiree, Gem, and Ana, “If you don’t mind, please leave your swords in their scabbards. I’d like you to examine them one at a time.”

  Leo looked at the scabbard in front of him and turned to Gregor, “This scabbard looks longer and thinner than the one I had before.”

  Desiree nodded, “But it is slightly wider than the old one.”

  Kaylee smiled, “Both of you are right.” She turned and said, “Gregor.”

  Gregor looked at Desiree and Leonidas, “The two of you and Gem may pull your swords and examine them. Tell me what you think!”

  Ana watched the others and sighed. Gem pulled his sword and said, “This is much lighter than my previous sword but it’s at least four inches longer.” He looked at the blade and said, “This blade has the same mark as my last one except for the tree it’s superimposed on.”

  Leonidas had his sword out in his hand and he smiled, “Gem’s right and it appears my sword has the same mark.”

  Gregor nodded and said before Desiree could speak, “All of your swords have the same mark on them…” He paused and looked at Ana, “Except for you.” Ana’s head went up and Gregor smiled, “Please pull your sword.”

  Ana put her hand on the grip and suddenly stopped. Her eyebrows furrowed as she held the grip in her right hand. Gem looked at her, “What’s wrong?”

  Ana looked at the grip and shook her head as she turned to Gregor, “This grip is different from my first sword but…”

  Gregor smiled, “It feels identical.”

  Ana nodded, “It does. Why is that?”

  Gregor looked at Kaylee and smiled as he said, “The High Council agreed for the craftsmen to take a small piece of the leather grip on your former sword and melt it into the new polymer grip.”

  Ana stared at the grip and said, “It feels like this new grip has molded itself to my hand.”

  Kaylee nodded, “All of our new grips mold themselves to the owner’s hand.”

  Ana shook her head, “But how can a grip that was not molded to my hand feel exactly like one that is?”

  Gregor looked at Ana and lowered his eyes, “Ana, no one here is going to believe what I’m about to tell you but your reaction to your new sword offers proof that I’m right.”

  “What do you mean?” Ana asked.

  “That small piece of leather that was melted into your new grip carried with it a piece of Duncan’s soul with it. Your new sword recognizes you. Draw your sword and tell me that it feels like an old friend.”

  Ana pulled the sword out of the scabbard and her expression showed surprise for a moment and then she had a huge smile on her face, “It feels absolutely perfect.”

  Gem sighed loudly and Ana looked at him as he said, “I’ve missed you, my love. It’s good to have you back.”

  Ana held her sword out at arm’s length and her smile grew larger. She looked at the blade and took it over to Gem, “I have the same mark as you.”

  Gregor looked at Ana and said, “Look on the other side.”

  Ana turned the blade over and she saw a strange mark next to the hilt. Gem turned his sword over and said, “My sword does not have that mark.”

  Leonidas looked at his sword and Desiree’s before saying, “Our swords only have the one mark.”

  Ana looked at Gregor, “Why is my sword different?”

  Gregor looked around at the gathering and tilted his head, “I hope you don’t mind my interruption.”

  Sam smiled, “We don’t. By all means, continue.”

  “The mark on all of your blades is the MacAfee Clan Mark. It has not adorned a Bellingham sword for more than two thousand years. All of the Clan Leaders voted and they agreed that the MacAfee Clan will rejoin the others. The four of you are the first members of the new clan and you have been gifted full citizenship on Bellingham. You and your descendants will have the adopted name MacAfee. You have the right to choose others to join your clan but you must appear before the High Council and tell them why they are worthy of the honor.”

  Leo stared at Gregor and lowered his eyes, “We really aren’t worthy of this honor, Gregor.”

  “Your swords say that you are.” Gregor turned to Ana, “The other marking on your blade only appears in one place on Bellingham.”

  Ana looked at Gregor and smiled, “Where is that?”

  “It is the Mark of the High Council and only appears on the front entrance of their meeting place. A vote was taken by all the Clan Leaders and they nearly came to blows claiming you for each of their clan membership. It was finally decided that you would be a clan member of every clan on Bellingham. That mark on your sword has never adorned a blade and yours will be the first, and I suspect, the only one that will ever be given. The Council instructed me to tell you that they look forward to your coming to Bellingham and bringing Duncan’s Sword for all of their clans to see.”

  Ana stared at Gregor and shook her head, “I am not worthy of this. I did not want to give you my sword.”

  Kaylee smiled, “But you did. You deserve this honor because all of us on Bellingham knew what it took for you to do it.”

  Ana looked at her new sword and said, “Thank you. However, I don’t know when I will ever have the opportunity to take Duncan’s Sword to the Clans.”

  Gregor smiled, “You can do it while your ships are being coated by the metal on Bellingham.”

  Ana tilted her head slightly and then what Gregor said broke through everyone’s consciousness. Sam jumped up and said, “WHAT!?!”

  Gregor looked around the room and said, “I have sworn that I would never allow our scared metal to coat any ships but our own. Even the Dragons have not been allowed to use our metal on their warships.”

  Leonidas smiled, “But by making us members of a Bellingham Clan, you would be coating ships that belong to Bellingham.”

  Gregor smiled, “Pretty clever, huh?” Leo started smiling and Gregor quickly said, “There are some things that you must swear to before we
will do this.”

  Sam looked at Gregor, “What things?”

  Kaylee said, “You must never tarnish the metal we put on your ships?”

  Sam looked at Jek and saw him shrug. He turned to Kaylee, “What do you mean by tarnish?”

  Gregor looked at them and said, “You must never use your ships to attack others but only to defend those that deserve it. You must never use our ships for selfish reasons to accumulate wealth or power. You are challenged to use your ships in a just manner for good.”

  Leonidas looked at Gregor and nodded, “I can swear that I will never tarnish the metal.”

  Gem looked at Gregor and nodded, “I can also swear to never tarnish the metal.”

  Gem and Leo turned to John Blakely and he looked at Gregor shaking his head, “This is something I could never agree to.”

  Leo’s eyes went wide, “What are you talking about, John!? Of course you can make that promise.”

  Gregor stared at Blakely as Sam looked at Jek. Jek was smiling and thought to Sam, “They’re wrong. He can’t make that promise.” Sam turned back and looked at Blakely.

  John raised his hands, “Leo, you and Gem can make that promise and keep it. You can make it because you are pure of heart and not really a pirate; you never have been. But you know who I am. I am and have always been a pirate. I’ll eventually find myself in a situation where there’s a chance to acquire a huge amount of wealth and I can tell you that refusing to use my ship to acquire it is not something I could promise not to do.”

  “But, John.”

  “But nothing, Leonidas. You are pure of heart and I can promise you that I am far from that. Come on, you know me! Do you honestly think I could refuse to use my ship for selfish reasons?” Leonidas stared at Blakely and then shook his head. Blakely smiled, “I could never promise to never tarnish the metal…” John hesitated and then pointed at Sam, “But he could make that promise and keep it.”

  Sam was shocked by Blakely’s pronouncement. His mouth fell open and Leonidas said, “What are you saying, John?”

  John shrugged, “You need to take my ship and give it to Sam.”

  “What will you do?” Sam asked quickly?

  John put his arm around Freddie and smiled, “I’ll take another ship and go back to Fellowship.”

  “John! You were bored to death on Fellowship!” Leo exclaimed.

  John smiled and pulled Freddie closer, “Yes, I was, Leo.” John looked down at Freddie, “But that was before I fell in love and now I find myself thinking about a family I’ve never had.” John turned to Leo, “I think Fellowship really does need me and, truth be told, I really need it as well.”

  Gregor looked at Blakely and smiled, “When I first came to Bellingham after escaping the Movement on Earth, my Clan Leader told me something that still resonates with me. He told me that the most powerful thing I could ever do was to truly get to know who I am. It’s clear to me that you do know yourself. Thank you for your honesty.”

  Leo looked at Gem and he turned to Sam, “Are you willing to take our third ship as your own?” Sam stared at Gem and Gem said, “If you do, that ship will not belong to your planet or your government. It will belong to only you. It cannot be given to anyone that might tarnish the metal.”

  Sam looked at Jek, “What do you think?”

  Jek looked around the room and said where all could hear, “You have to do this.”

  “Why, Jek?”

  Jek chuckled, “Because we might have to pull another Delilah’s Sword maneuver and what better ship to do it in?”

  Sam stared at Jek with his eyes narrowed and then he shrugged, “You’re right.” He turned to Gem, “I’ll accept ownership of John’s ship. Does that mean I am also a citizen of Bellingham?”

  Gregor looked at Leonidas, “If you want to recommend him to the High Council…”

  “I’ve already decided that I was going to recommend Sam, Jek, and Shelly. And after a discussion we were having just before you arrived, I suspect Embree will also have to be recommended.”

  Kaylee laughed, “Gregor has already put them before the Council and gave them reasons why they should be accepted. They are pre-approved already.”

  Shelly smiled and looked up into Embree’s eyes. He pulled her tighter?”

  Leo looked at John, “So how do you see this happening?”

  “Sam’s crew will move to my ship and you and Gem will provide the trainers from your crew to prepare them to fly and fight it.”

  “What about you?”

  John smiled slightly and looked at Gregor, “I was thinking that I might take Sam’s old ship and take it back with me to Fellowship.”

  The room was silent and then Leo said, “You do realize, John, that Sam’s ship has been modified with a force field and new blasters.”

  John raised his eyebrows, “Oh, is that so? Well, I’ll be sure to take care of them.”

  Gregor burst out laughing and said, “You’ll be taking one of the most powerful vessels in the known universe back to your galaxy.”

  John nodded, “I’ll just have to force myself to not get upset about that. However, taking it doesn’t not require a promise to not tarnish it. I need a ship where I can feel free to be me.”

  Leonidas and Desiree burst out laughing and John said, “Come on! I’m being a team player here! Give a brother a break.”

  Gregor sighed heavily and looked at Sam, “What is the name of your ship?”

  “Delilah’s Dagger.”

  Gregor pressed his communicator and said, “Kel.”

  “Yes, Gregor.”

  “How difficult would it be for you to change one of the modified ships such the force field and blaster modules are enclosed in armor and include a self-destruct circuit to destroy them if they’re tampered with?”

  “Not hard at all. That’s the way we normally install them.”

  “Please make that happen on the ship registered as Delilah’s Dagger.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Gregor looked at John as he said, “Kel, just set up the destruct mechanisms to destroy the technology and not the ship with it.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Gregor looked at John, “Make sure you don’t attempt to take that technology.”

  John sighed, “Are you a mind reader like Jek?”

  “No, it doesn’t take one to figure this out. You will have a very powerful ship out of this but I don’t want that technology out. I do hope you realize how reluctant I am to do this but I would hate to see you come to harm.”

  John looked Gregor in the eyes, “I will not use it for evil purposes, only selfish ones. That I can promise you.”

  Gregor smiled, “Good.” Gregor turned to Sam, “How are you going to train his crew on how to operate his new ship?”

  Sam stared at Gregor and looked at Shelly, “Contact Lt. Smallwood and pass the call to my communicator.” Shelly nodded and began pressing buttons on her communicator. A few minutes later, Sam saw the Lieutenant on his communicator, “Jeff.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I have a special request.”

  “Yes, Sir, what is it.”

  “I’ve received your and Genny’s paperwork for retirement and I’m wondering if you and Genevieve might consider a year-long assignment away from Heaven?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean, Sir.”

  “I am going to send my ship to a planet in another galaxy with a crew that doesn’t know how to operate it. I want you and Genny to fly the ship to their home world and remain with them until they are trained on how to fly the ship. You have been trained on the new force field and blasters, haven’t you?”

  “I have, Sir.”

  “And Genny knows all of the bridge systems.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I am going to pay the two of you enough for you to be wealthy on their planet and I want you to make sure the new crew can efficiently operate the vessel before you come back to Heaven.” Sam looked at Blakely as he said, “The new command
er of the ship will contact me to send someone to take you to Heaven when your training of the crew is complete.” Sam paused and said, “Jeff, it he calls and no one answers, then you and Genny should remain where you are. The new Commander has agreed to make sure that both of you are treated well.” Blakely nodded.

  “Sir, I’ll be glad to train them and I’m sure Genny will agree to do so as well.”

  “Thank you, Jeff. I understand the planet you’re going to is an exciting place to live and raise a family.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Sam ended the contact and Shelly looked at Sam, “How did you know Genny was expecting?”

  “I could see it in her eyes.” Sam looked at Blakely, “Please keep them until our issues with the Tronan are resolved. Both of them are wonderful people. Don’t allow them to return until I notify you it’s safe.”

  “I’ll make sure they are happy on Fellowship, Sam.”

  Gregor smiled and looked around the room, “Well, we should be off to Bellingham as quickly as possible. If you will go to your ships, I will take you there.”

  Leo looked at Embree, “I’m sending you and Barney to Sam’s ship to fly it for them. Sam, you and John should get your crews packed and moved into your new ships. My crew, along with Gem’s, will start training your crew on now to fly our new ship once we arrive at Bellingham.”

  Sam looked at Leo, “I can’t go with you.”

  Gregor frowned, “Why not?”

  “Because there is too much that has to be done on Heaven. I’ve got to get the crews to the King’s planet along with enough expansion chambers for the ships he’s sold us…”

  “I’ll take care of everything, Sam,” Jek said, interrupting Sam. “You need to go with the ship and learn how to fly it and get the most out of its capabilities.”


  “Sam, I can take care of everything at Heaven.”

  “No you can’t.”

  “Sam, I will get Pletal to use the colony ship to send the crews to the Insectoid planet along with enough expansion chambers. I’ll get Hefin to select our six-hundred top crews to go on the colony ship and I’ll have the rest of the fleet to start going to the Dragon’s planet to be modified. I will also meet with Daniel and examine the ones that want to join us. Those that pass my inspection will be sent to the Dragon’s planet where Albert Johnson will activate their weapons.” Jek paused, “All I do on our ship is sit in a chair in front of you and offer observations and suggestions. I’m not directly involved in operating the ship. It’s not essential that I learn how to fly it but you must learn how to use it in battle.”


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