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Soul of The Swords: Brotherhood is More Than Metal

Page 22

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  The next three nights were miserable and there was nothing Sam could do to stop the sense of loss. He finally stood up and looked up into the sky. He took a deep breath and shouted, “I’m putting this into your hands! I am not nearly strong enough to handle this feeling of loss. I’m giving you my misery and leaving it up to you!” Sam stared at the stars with his eyes narrowed and suddenly, saw something. He stared at the sky and put his back to the glow coming from the three warships. He smiled as he saw a comet moving across the heavens. Its tail was glorious and the sight of it brightened his soul. He sat down on the log and stared at it until it fell below the horizon. He smiled and walked toward his ship. The sky had heard him. He put his sadness aside and entered his ship.

  Ellie MacGregor watched Sam leave for his ship and looked up at the sky and saw the comet. She left the dark ground behind the log and went to her quarters. Anderson looked up at her and said, “Where have ye been?”

  “We need to have a talk?”

  “What have I done this time, Ellie?”

  Ellie put her hands on her hips, “It’s not always about ye, Andy!”

  “It is when ye use this tone of voice, Ellie.”

  Ellie pushed him to a chair and said, “I saw something tonight and I need ye wisdom.” Anderson nodded. “I suppose ye have heard about the Council’s edict to Angel.” Anderson nodded. Ellie began speaking.

  • • •

  Sam sat against the log and thought that he was going to have to move a log behind his house on Heaven and build a fire-pit. This was such a good place to meditate and reflect. He heard steps behind him and turned around. “Sam, the High Council requests ye presence.”

  Sam stared at Gregor and Kaylee and quickly said, “I have complied with their request.”

  Gregor shrugged, “I know. But it appears things have a way of getting out of hand.”

  “What happened?”

  “One of our warriors called for a meeting of the High Council and they are rather disturbed at her. Ye should go with us.”


  “This involves you.”

  Sam stood up and stepped over the log. He glanced up at the comet high overhead and mumbled, “What have you gotten me in to?”

  Gregor looked at Sam, “What did you say?”

  Sam shook his head, “I was talking to myself.” He followed Gregor and Kaylee up the hill and saw the Clan Leaders Building was brightly lit by torches and there was barely walking room among those gathered around it. “This appears to be a large gathering,” Sam said instead of asking what was going on.

  Kaylee stopped and looked at him, “Sam, just make sure that whatever happens ye are completely honest with the High Council. Can ye do that?”

  “That’s easy. It’s always harder to deceive than be honest.”

  Kaylee looked at Gregor shaking his head and said, “I really hope it is.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sam followed them into the building and Gregor led him to the left side of the five chosen Clan Leaders on the High Council and whispered to him, “Please remain seated here in silence unless one of the Council addresses you.” Sam nodded and Gregor walked away and stood with his four friends and Kaylee at the front of the gathering. He sat down in a chair and noticed that most of the gathering were staring directly at him.

  Sam looked around the room and finally looked across the front of the High Council’s platform and saw Angel and Elena standing with another woman staring at him. His eyes went wide and he saw the woman with them shake her head telling him to be silent. He looked at Angel and Elena and saw they were staring at him. Suddenly, he felt Angel inside him. Whatever fear or concern he felt, instantly disappeared and he smiled softly at them. He saw both of them smile with him. He saw the Clan Leaders serving on the High Council were talking quietly among themselves and he wondered what was going on.

  The torches around the room flickered and cast a light around the room that appeared to be vibrating. After a long discussion, the Head of the High Council looked at Ellie, “We have considered ye request on behalf of Angel Connor and have decided that we will not accept it.” Sam saw the woman’s eyes narrow and the Clan Leader said forcefully, “Ye have had ye say, Ellie. Leave the dais and go to ye husband!” The woman’s anger was clear to everyone present but she bowed her head and walked out into the crowd, where she sat down beside a huge Bellingham Warrior. He put his arm over her shoulder and whispered to her. Whatever he told her, her expression still showed her anger.

  The Council Leader turned and looked at Sam before turning to Gregor, “Ye will take this one back to his home planet immediately.”

  Elena looked at the Leader and shouted, “Ye are not being fair handed in this matter!”

  “Ye will remain silent!!” Elena wrapped her arms around Angel’s legs and saw her mother shake her head. The five Clan Leaders looked at six warriors sitting in the front of the gathering before turning to Elena and said, “We have six suitors that are very qualified to court your mother. This matter is closed!”

  The room was silent and then Angel said in a soft voice that broke the silence and caused many to gasp, “It is very far from closed, High Leader!” Sam looked around and saw the entire gathering including the Clan Leaders were shocked into silence. He couldn’t undestand what was going on.

  Angel took a step forward and said, “I took a vow of silence to not speak to anyone but my daughter after Nat was killed a year ago. Ye have now forced me to break that vow with your hard-hearted, cruel response.”

  The High Clan Leader shook his head, “But Angel…”

  Angel looked at the six warriors sitting in front of the gathering as she interrupted the High Leader, “Do ye know what these six suitable suitors did when they came to ask permission to court me?” She looked at the Clan Leaders and lowered her eyes, “All of ye know I can see what’s in ye hearts. Their hearts were very much like ye.” Angel looked at the six suitors and continued, “They came and they only saw me. Elena was there with me and they ignored her presence. My daughter spoke to them and they answered her with short answers and went back to ignoring her.”

  She looked at the Clan Leaders again, “All they could see was that if they could convince me to become their mate that their standing in our communities would be greatly enhanced. They saw me as little more than a tool for them to gain more power. Just as ye see me now.”

  Angel looked at Sam and her eyes softened, “But this one saw both of us and he focused on Elena and brought her more happiness than I’ve seen in her since she lost her father. He felt her need and he focused on her and allowed her to see a universe worth living in again. I could feel his interest in me but he put it aside and made my daughter happy.” She paused and said to Sam, “I thank ye for that. I know how you feel about me, Sam. I can feel it in ye heart and if I had any doubts, your calling out to the Great Comet proved it.”

  Angel turned to the Clan Leaders and the silence was deafening, “If ye send him away, I vow that I will never take another mate and I will remain silent the rest of my life never telling ye things that ye need to know!”

  Sam looked at Angel and said, “I can’t let you do this, Angel. You are too important to your people.”

  Angel shook her head and smiled, “That’s what love is, Sam; putting someone else ahead of your own feelings.”

  The Clan Leaders stared at Angel and there was a scowl on the Head Leaders face. Suddenly they heard, “Uhhh, excuse me!”

  Everyone in the gathering gasped at someone speaking to the Council without being addressed. They were shocked even more when they saw Ana step out of the crowd. The Head Clan Leader bowed his head to her and said, “What do you desire, Sword Bearer?”

  Ana smiled and looked at the High Leader, “As I understand it, you want this woman to be a mate to one of your own, is that correct?”

  The Clan Leader nodded, “Yes, Holy One.”

  Ana turned to Gregor, “Didn’t you te
ll us before we left the Dragon’s Planet that we are members of the MacAfee Clan and that the Council has already approved Sam to be a member as well?”

  Gregor looked at the Clan Leader and he nodded his approval for Gregor to speak, “Yes, he was approved by the Council when I brought Duncan’s Sword to them.”

  Ana turned to the Council and sneered, “So you made us members of a clan with honorary positions? We’re not really true members of a Bellingham Clan.”

  The Head Leader shook his head, “NO! NO! You are full clan members with all the rights that go with it.”

  Ana shrugged, “Then if we are truly, as you say, one of your own. Doesn’t that give Sam the right to court this woman just like the other six? Or do we not have that particular privilege?”

  The High Leader stared at Ana and slowly went back in his chair. The other four Council Members leaned in and began whispering animatedly to him. Sam looked across the room and saw Elena staring at him and he smiled broadly at her. She squealed and suddenly released Angel’s legs as she ran across the dais, jumped to the ground, and ran at full speed to Sam where she launched herself into his arms. He stood up and caught her and spun her around as her tears fell freely down her cheeks. Sam held her tightly and softly said, “Shhhh, shhhh, it’s going to be alright.” Elena wrapped her arms around his neck and Sam held her close. Ellie sat beside Anderson and started crying. He put his arm around her and pulled her tightly against him.

  The five Clan Leaders watched Elena run to Sam and the Head Leader blew out a hard breath. He glanced at the others and stood up, “He has the same rights as any of our warriors and he can request the privilege of courting Angel Connor if he so chooses.”

  Sam looked across the Dais at Angel and started to speak but she suddenly sprinted across the dais, lept to the ground, and ran to him as she wrapped Elena and Sam up in her arms. The Council looked at them and the Head Leader sighed, “Well, I guess we have her answer.” He looked at the six suitors and said, “Ye may return to ye clans and if she decides that this one is not to be her mate, we will contact ye.”

  One of the six stared at Angel and said to the Council, “I think that will never happen, Clan Leander. We’ve lost our opportunity when we only focused only on our greed.”

  Everyone watched in silence as Sam took Angel’s hand and lead her out of the building toward the clearing. Desiree looked at Gem and said, “Should we go with him?”

  Ana smiled and said before Gem could answer, “No, I think they need some time to discuss their new relationship.” Gem looked at her and nodded. The four turned and watched them disappear into the night.

  • • •

  Sam looked into Elena’s eyes and said, “I told you everything would be alright. Elena smiled and wiped tears from her face. Sam looked at Angel, “I’m worried about what’ coming.”

  Angel nodded, “Ye are going to be leaving to fight for ye people.”

  Sam’s eyes softened and he said, “I don’t want to hurt you like your husband did when he lost his life. The enemy that’s coming is unimaginably dangerous.”

  Angel tightened her grip on his hand and said, “I believe the Great Comet will protect ye if you heed its call.” Sam’s head tilted and Angel smiled, “Ye intended to fight to the death even if there were no hope.” Sam stared into her eyes and nodded. Angel shook her head, “That would be foolish.”

  “Why! I must do everything in my power to protect my people!” Sam exclaimed.

  Angel put her finger over Sam’s lips and softly said, “Ye never thought about what is really important.” She removed her finger and Sam stared at her in silence. “Ye fight to save Heaven is just a battle in the larger scheme of things. The war is to stop those invaders from going out to kill millions of other planets like ye’s. That should be ye mission. If all is lost, ye belong here leading others against them.”

  Sam sat down on the log and lowered Elena to sit beside him. This time Angel sat on his other side. He put his arms around them and Angel slowly shook her head, “If ye can’t prevent them from destroying ye planet, ye must take what ye learn from the fight to others that will have to face them in the future.”

  Sam inhaled a deep breath and slowly blew it out. “I could still be killed in the fighting, Angel.”

  Angel nodded, “There are no certainty’s when civilizations confront each other in war. But the Great Comet will protect ye from harm as long as ye don’t throw ye life away needlessly.”

  Sam’s face showed his confusion, “How can you say that, Angel.”

  Angel looked up and pointed at the comet that had grown larger, “The Great Comet has always appeared at critical times in my people’s history. History has recorded that it appeared when Duncan fought to get the clans to work together to survive. It was the Great Comet’s appearance that was the turning point.” Angel looked at Sam, “The Comet has returned to protect my people again and ye are one of us now. It will also protect ye but ye must see yourself as one of us to have its protection, Sam.”

  “Bellingham is not being attacked, Angel.”

  “No, but its newest Clan is. Ye must do all ye can to make sure ye clan survives what’s coming. Ye can’t allow them to waste their lives needlessly.”

  Sam stared at Angel with his brow furrowed and Elena said, “My mother can see what’s going to happen. Ye should listen to her.”

  Sam jerked his head around to Elena and then turned back to Angel, “What?!”

  Angel took both of Sam’s hands in hers and looked into his eyes, “Those of us that have the blue-green eyes are gifted with mental abilities that are not…normal. I have a gift…” Angel looked at Elena, smiled, and said, “As does my daughter.”

  Sam stared at her and said, “That is why the Council didn’t want you to be with me.”

  Angel smiled, “They know the danger ye are going to confront and they do not want to see me hurt again.” Sam was silent and he looked up at the comet high in the nighttime sky. Angel said, “I took a vow of silence a year ago because I saw ye coming, Sam.” Sam’s head jerked out of the sky to her eyes. “I believe that Nat sent ye here to comfort Elena and I after he died.”


  “Sam, I saw ye when ye first arrived and I was shocked. Elena saw you first and came and pulled me to where ye and your friends were eating with my people.”

  Sam looked at Elena and she nodded. Elena smiled, “I also saw the vision. I knew that ye were sent here and my heart exploded when I saw ye suddenly appear among my people. Both of us had given up on believing the vision. But then…there ye were.”

  Sam slowly shook his head, “Are you certain it was me you saw?”

  Elena frowned slightly at the improper question and then smiled, “No one has the long hair and brown eyes of the one we saw in our vision. It was you.”

  Sam turned to Angel, “Are you telling me that Heaven is going to be destroyed?”

  Angel stared at him and sighed before saying, “I have seen a vision of it burning.”

  Sam’s eyes widened and he said, “Have any of these visions not come to pass?!”

  Angel nodded, “Yes, Heaven being destroyed is not a certainty. That’s why Elena and I thought our vision of you was false because you had not appeared in a year.” Angel looked at Elena and smiled, “I thought that she was just seeing my thoughts and took the vision as being her own.”

  Sam lowered his head and shook it, “I just cannot believe that Creation would allow my beautiful planet and people to die. I have to believe that I can prevent it.”

  Angel nodded, “I know.”

  “I will not take you and Elena with me to confront this danger.”

  “I know, Sam. We’ll just have to make the most of the time we have before ye go.”

  “There’s not much time left, Angel.”

  “We have longer than ye believe.”

  “What?” Sam asked.

  “We will have five more months.”

  Sam stared into Angel’s eyes won
dering how that could possibly be true but he put the thought aside and said, “Angel Connor, will you allow me the honor of courting you?”

  “Ye are asking the wrong question, Sam,” Angel replied.

  Sam’s eyes furrowed as he stared at Angel. After a moment, he said, “Angel Connor, will you wed me and become my mate?”

  Elena squealed and Angel smiled, “Now that is the proper question ye should ask! I will accept ye proposal and will notify the Council immediately.” Sam took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. Angel’s happiness surrounded them and infused them.

  • • •

  Later that night, Elena looked up at her mother as she tucked her in bed, “Mother.”

  “Yes, Elena.”

  “Are ye going to tell him that both of us saw his planet burning?”


  “His coming here has proven again that any vision we both have always happens.”

  Angel sighed, “I know. But there could always be a first time and we had the vision before the Great Comet appeared. Perhaps it will protect his people along with him.”

  “Do ye really believe that?”

  Angel closed her eyes and said, “The future belongs in the future. He is not up to handling the pain and sorrow of the loss of his home if our vision is true. He is a warrior who must go and do what must be done. Now close ye eyes, little one. We have many things to do before he leaves.”

  • • •

  Sam sat on the bridge of Delilah’s Sword and struggled with everything that had happened. He was incredibly happy at finding Angel and knew that he genuinely loved her. He had no idea how that had happened so quickly but it felt like he had been waiting his entire life to find her. But these visions…where are you Jek when I need you the most?! He could have seen their thoughts and verified if they had any substance. But he wasn’t here. Sam’s eyes narrowed. Was his absence a coincidence or something more?

  Sam thought about it and decided to launch a message probe. He dictated a recording and sent it to the probe. He selected a probe launch tube on the side of the ship that wasn’t being coated and pressed the launch button. He did not want to get married without his best friend’s blessing. Jek wouldn’t do it without asking him.


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