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Soul of The Swords: Brotherhood is More Than Metal

Page 33

by Saxon Andrew

  The Ship Director stared at the image of the warship on his monitor and said, “Should we try to flee and find another route?”

  The Scanning Warrior shrugged again, “That ship is one that the data we collected on shows is considerably faster than our ship. We will not be able to outrun it.”

  “Then we have no choice but to attack,” the Director said. The Bridge Crew stared at him and he said over the ship’s speakers, “Activate all weapons. Prepare to attack.”

  • • •

  Lydia looked up, “They’re charging their blasters.”

  Sam stared at the bridge crew and said, “Are all of you in agreement with this?” No one answered him. Sam sighed, “Silence is agreement.” He activated the ship’s intercom and said, “You’ve been given your targets. Prepare to engage. Rangel, you have the ship.”

  The Tronan Warship went to full speed and Delilah’s Sword accelerated toward it in an instant. It blew past the Tronan Warship and turned around and chased it down from the rear. Sam watched the two-hundred blasters on the giant ship open fire and surround the Tronan Warship with a brilliant wall of overlapped blaster beams. The Sword flew through the beams and fired at the giant boosters on the rear of the Tronan Vessel melting them into slag. Sam expected the huge ship to explode but it evidently had safety circuits that automatically shut down their engines in the event of a system failure. Sam watched as his ship flew around the giant Tronan Ship and fired blasters at the huge ship’s hull. All the blasters covering the giant vessel were burned away along with all the other systems used to communicate, scan its surroundings, or change direction. All that remained after an hour was the inner hull devoid of anything else.

  • • •

  The Director was shocked into silence as his ship’s outer hull was systematically stripped of everything on it. The crew was stunned as the brilliant ship moved in front of them and used its engines to bring their ship to a stop.

  They stared at the warship out of their viewport and the Director said, “Why haven’t they killed us?” No one answered; no one knew why.

  Sam stared at the huge, scorched vessel and said, “Make the link.”

  A shuttle moved out of Delilah’s Sword landing bay and connected a metal cable to the rear stabilizer on the rear of the ship. The shuttle then moved to the Tronan derelict and shot the cable into the Tronan’s hull. It penetrated four feet into the hardened hull and Sam said, “Take up the slack.”

  The Sword moved slowly forward and everyone suddenly felt a jerk. The two ships stared slowly moving forward and Lydia announced, “The cable is holding.”

  Sam nodded, “That Bellingham metal is not going to break.” He looked at Jek, “I do hope there is a release on the other end.”

  Jek nodded, “There is. There’s no sense in making a cable that can’t be removed.”

  Lydia announced, “The shuttle is back on board, Sir.”

  Sam looked to the left and rolled his eyes, “Is that ship going to withstand our boosters’ thrust?”

  Jek turned around and nodded, “Their inner hull is extremely durable, Sir. It should handle half-speed with no problems.”

  Sam looked at Jek, “You must agree with what we’re doing?”

  “Sir, why is it a crime to attack an enemy and kill innocent civilians?” Sam stared at him and Jek said, “These children did not attack Heaven and I think they were sent back because the Commander of the Attacking Fleet knew that they would not be dependable.”

  “But, Jek…”

  Jek interrupted him, “Sir, how does an adult Nagsta teach her brood to kill?” Sam stared at him in silence. “The adult injures a prey and presents it to her young. She refuses to feed them until they are forced to kill the injured prey and devour it or starve. Killing is a learned behavior, Sam. The Warriors on Bellingham have stories that some of the Nagsta pups choose to starve. That insures that any survivors are killers. That is what’s happening to those children on that ship. They were sent out to learn how to kill.”

  Sam looked at Rangel, “Energize the stardrive and make sure that ship is completely enclosed inside it.” Sam saw both ships drop out of normal space and appear in under space. “Get us underway.”

  • • •

  Gregor and Kaylee arrived at the waiting Bellingham Fleet and Gregor contacted Leonidas and Gem, “They haven’t returned?”

  Leonidas shook his head, “No. I honestly don’t know how they can possibly find that ship.”

  Kaylee saw Leo’s expression and said, “Perhaps we should go back to Bellingham and wait on them there.”

  Leo sighed, “You can leave but I’m staying here.”

  Gem nodded, “I am as well.”

  Gregor looked at Kaylee and he shrugged, “How long are you going to wait. It’s been three weeks.”

  Gem lowered his eyes, “AS LONG AS IT TAKES!”

  Gregor nodded, “We will wait as well.”

  The fleet hung above the small filament and they began telling stories about all the things that Sam and Jek had done to save them from the destruction of Heaven. The survivors finally were given an opportunity to tell their sorrow of all that had happened and it helped them with the healing. Gregor and Kaylee listened to the survivor’s stories and they were still being told a week later when a huge filament suddenly appeared intersecting the small filament. The stories stopped and suddenly Leo yelled, “I can see them! Wait…there’s two ships!”

  Delilah’s Sword came toward them at a high speed and they saw it suddenly start slowing. It used the forward thrusters to slow the ship and the rear boosters to keep the ship it was towing from moving forward. Rangel brought the ship to a stop and Sam saw Gregor appear on his monitor a moment before Leonidas and Gem, “That’s a rather large fish you’ve caught there, Sam,” Gregor said.

  “Tell me about it.”

  Ana asked, “I see you’ve skinned it. Are you planning to filet it as well?”

  Sam shrugged, “I’ve been convinced by my crew that we support catch and release.”

  Leo’s head went back, “WHAT?!”

  “I’m going to allow Jek to explain everything that’s happened. That will relieve me of having to explain it hundreds of times. Jek, have at it.”

  Jek began sharing what happened to the Bellingham Fleet as Sam sat back in his chair. Angel released Elena and she went to Sam’s lap. Angel’s expression showed her sorrow, “Sam, I’m so sorry. I know how much you wanted to destroy that ship.”

  Sam sighed and Elena looked into his eyes, “The one that operates their scanners is a really nice person, Daddy.” Sam’s eyes narrowed and he looked into Elena’s eyes. “They’re not mean; they just do what they’re told to do by their adults. Like us, they respect their elders.”

  Sam stared at her for a long moment and then smiled, “Out of the mouths of babes…” Angel smiled and Sam turned to Elena, “I thought you were not telepathic?”

  Elena shrugged, “I can’t hear their thoughts but I can feel their emotions. They’re very afraid right now because they don’t know what is happening. Their biggest fears are for each other.”

  The left corner of Sam’s mouth went up and he suddenly heard Jek receiving a lot of blow back from ships in the fleet at what they were planning. Sam lifted his communicator and said over the general frequency, “YOU WILL BE SILENT!!”

  The frequency cleared instantly and Sam said, “I wanted to kill that ship so badly that it took every piece of my being not to do it! Until just a moment ago, I still wanted to kill them very slowly and very painfully! But…these are children. I don’t care about what the Tronan adults do with captured populations. I don’t care about anything they do! What I do care about is never becoming anything like them.” Sam paused and then continued, “I don’t know if these Tronan Children will survive what we’re planning but they deserve the opportunity to try. I do know that once we justify killing the innocent, then it leads to a slippery slope characterized by a hardening of our hearts. We are warriors, not k
illers. Never…ever…allow yourself to lose sight of that!!”

  The cheers started slowly at first and then became a crescendo. Sam finally said, “All of you will come with us and witness what will be done.”

  Gregor looked at Kaylee and sighed, “I wanted to kill all those warriors from Earth.”

  Kaylee smiled, “But like, Sam, you learned there was a higher principle.” Gregor nodded and followed Sam’s ship into the small filament. They followed it into a red giant star system and they saw a planet circling it in the habitable zone.

  Leo said, “Sam, I’m going to take the Thermopylae out and start my scouting mission.”

  “You can’t do that, Leo!”

  Leo’s expressions showed confusion, “Why not?”

  “Did you have the opportunity to take your ship to maximum speed while I was gone?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Gem sighed, “He’s right, Leonidas. I did go to maximum speed looking for that ship and it was incredibly dangerous to do it.”


  “Because you’ll overrun your scanners. These ships are much faster than before the impurities were burned out of their hulls. I do not want you going out to scout and not be able to use your fastest speed if you need it to escape or attack!” Sam said forcefully.

  “How long is it going to take to develop a new scanner?” Desiree asked.

  “I don’t know but you should be somewhat relieved that at the new speed your ship is capable of attaining, you’ll get where you’re going in less than half the time we’ve projected,” Sam answered.

  Sam looked at Jek and nodded. Jek thought to all the ships and also to the crew on the Tronan Warship. “Our ship’s computer saw this planet when we came here to head off the probes. It is habitable but it does have a large population of huge predators and herbivores. The plant-eaters are just as dangerous as the carnivores and in some cases, more so. We are going to place this Tronan Vessel in a stable orbit around the planet and leave it. The filament will be removed and it will be left to fend for itself on the planet below it.

  The thousands of ships arrived in orbit above the planet and started scanning it; they were stunned at the size and speed of the predators on the surface. It didn’t take them long to see that the largest and most aggressive animal on the planet was a giant herbivore. Most predators ran when it lowered its long neck to charge. They saw that Sam was not doing these Tronan youngsters any favors.

  • • •

  The Ship Director sat on his chair as Jek’s thoughts came through to him and and his crew. He started shaking his head and then he heard Jek only speaking to his ship.

  “I know you think we are being cruel and harsh by stranding you here. Our only other option is to kill you. However, you do have your shuttles to go down to the planet and your ship has enough fuel and provisions to last three years if I see that correctly in your quartermaster’s mind. If you use your shuttles to go down to the planet and kill animals, you can ferry them up to your ship on the shuttles and use your processing machines to convert them to additional fuel and food. You should be able to keep your ship operational for many years to come. You have shoulder and hand blasters to use to gather what you need to survive and hold off any attacks while you’re on the planet’s surface and, if you adapt quickly, you may all live a full life.”

  The Director thought, “I heard you say that you are removing the filament to this star.”

  “I did. Your shuttles cannot make the trip to the closest intersection, it would take a hundred years, especially since your stardrive was destroyed along with your hull blasters. Your communication antennae were also destroyed, so you are going to have to depend on each other to survive. If you prefer, we will destroy your ship and you along with it. You will all die a quick and painless death.”

  The Director looked around the bridge and said, “No, that won’t be necessary. Why are you doing this? I know my species would never do it.”

  “We think that we are better than your species. Your behaviors have pretty much made that clear and we will not lower our standards to be like you. Be wise, be smart, and be careful; you may be able to make this planet a home.”

  The thoughts disappeared and the crew looked at the Director, “Well, you heard it. Get the blaster warriors to activate a shuttle and send it down to scout the planet’s surface. I want a plan on how to gather what we need to survive.”

  “Did you hear the part about the giant predators?” the Steering Warrior asked.

  The Director smiled, “It’s not size that makes the difference. If that were the case, the ship that ripped us a new rear end would have lost. It’s what’s inside that makes the difference in survival. We don’t have time to commiserate over our loss and our civilization will have to deal with this civilization on its own. Our focus will be on keeping those on this ship alive and learning how to survive with what this planet can give us.”

  • • •

  Jek listened to the children and decided that he was coming back in a couple of years to check on them. He saw in Sam’s mind, as well as thousands of others, that they intended to do the same thing. He wondered what would come of the seed they planted on this dangerous world.

  • • •

  The thousands of warships stayed in orbit and watched the small shuttle leave the giant barren hull of a ship. It spiraled down toward the planet and Sam said over the general frequency, “Let’s go home. We have loved ones worried about us.”

  The Bellingham Fleet turned and moved out of orbit. It entered the small filament, turned at the intersection, and headed toward Bellingham. Gem appeared on Sam’s wall monitor and smiled, “I’ve been talking with Ana about an issue and I think she’s right.

  Sam looked up at the monitor, “What is that?”

  “Well, Jek asked me when I first met him to train him.” Jek’s head shot up as Gem said, “I think it might be a good idea to train both of you together. I’ve found that two going through the training works better than just one at a time.”

  Jek’s eyes were wide, “Are you serious?”

  Gem smiled, “You need to talk with Leonidas and Desiree about what to expect, it is not a fun experience.”

  Jek started quickly nodding, “I’ve seen in their thoughts that it’s torture but I really think it’s worth it.”

  Gem chuckled and looked at Sam, “What about you, Sam?”

  Sam looked at Angel and turned back to Gem, “I have a child on the way. How long with this take?”

  Gem shrugged, “How long do you have?”

  Angel smiled and said, “About six-weeks.”

  “That should get you through the physical changes in time for you to be present at the birth of your child. You can start your weapon training afterwards. That process will be an ongoing endeavor long after I’ve taught you everything I can give you.”

  Sam looked at Angel and took her hand, “What do you think?”

  Angel raised her shoulders, “I think anything you can do to defend us is worth it.”

  Sam looked at the monitor and smiled, “Count me in. We need to immediately jump on it when we get back.”

  “Meet me on the toy after you land and we’ll get started.”

  Elena said quickly, “What about training me?”

  Angel’s eyes narrowed and Gem shook his head, “I’m sorry, Child, but your body must be fully mature before the changes can be done safely.”

  Elena jumped on Sam’s lap and pouted, “I’m too young for this, I’m too young for that, wait for this, wait for that. What am I supposed to do while I’m waiting!!”

  Angel reached over and hugged her, “Enjoy being young, my lovely daughter. You’ll never have the chance to do it again.” Elena looked at her mother and sighed with her arms crossed.

  Gem smiled, “I promise that when you’re ready, I will train you.”

  Elena nodded slowly, “You know I won’t forget your promise?”

  Gem nodded, “Indeed I do!”

/>   The monitor went dark and kel looked at Jek, “So now you’re going to disappear for six weeks, huh.”

  Jek turned to her and saw her expression was not a happy one. “It’s going to take at least that long for you to plan a wedding, won’t it?” Kel’s eyes flew wide open and Jek lowered his head, “That is, if you’ll accept me to be your mate?”

  Kel stared at him and said, “Ok.” She turned around in her chair and stared at the tactical monitor.

  Jek’s head went back, “Ok; just ok?”

  Kel laughed out loud and jumped in Jek’s lap and kissed him hard, “You deserved that!” Kel said after they broke the kiss.

  Jek smiled, “Yeah, I guess I did.” He looked at Sam, “Hey, Sam…”

  “Yes, Jek, I’ll be the best human.”

  Kel burst out laughing and said, “He’s always thought you are, Sam.”

  • • •

  Gregor and Kaylee saw the small filament disappear behind them and noticed that it caused no vibrations. Kaylee looked at Gregor and smiled, “It appears Earth wasted a lot of years training us to do something that we could eventually do naturally.”

  Gregor shrugged, “Actually, Angel and Elena are better at it than we are.”

  Kaylee giggled, “Just goes to show you can’t improve on perfection.” Gregor laughed and took her hand in his.


  Gregor and Kaylee were leaning against the log next to the clearing and heard Desiree’s voice, “Do you mind company?”

  Gregor turned around and saw her, Leonidas, Angel, and Kel standing behind them. “You must have heard from Gem and Ana as well?”

  “We did.” Angel answered.

  “Well, take a seat. Angel, you might want to sit on the log.”

  Angel was huge and Gregor stood to assist her with Leonidas to step over the log. She sat down on top of it and blew out a hard breath, “I’ll be really thankful when this is over.”

  Desiree looked at her, “How much longer?”

  “Any time now. I think Sonny is waiting for his father.”

  Kaylee said, “Sonny?”

  Angel smiled, “Yes, he’s being named after his father, Samson. Sam has the first three letters, “Sonny will take the second three of that name.”


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