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The Stranger (Red Hot Fantasies)

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by Opal Carew

  The Stranger

  Opal Carew

  Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life…

  The idea of sex with a stranger is Jan's biggest turn-on. Not a one night stand, but someone who is totally anonymous. She never in her wildest dreams thought she'd do it in real life... until her friend Becca decides to make it happen. So, bound and blindfolded, she is ready for her mysterious lover, but is she ready for the consequences?

  Volume 2 of the Red Hot Fantasies series

  Praise for Opal's books

  5 Stars!

  "No one writes stories about erotic fantasies better than Opal Carew...

  Kudos to Opal Carew for another well-written erotic romance. I look forward to where she takes us next."

  Jennifer Porter, Romance Novel News

  4.5 Stars!

  "...there are a lot of twists to this roller coaster ride of a story... A scorcher of a read, I was unable to put this one down."

  Sensual Reads

  4.5 Kisses!

  "another blazing hot romance not to be missed by erotic author Opal Carew. Once I started this book, I just couldn’t put it down... [her] erotic story-writing talent shines through... one wild ride of a book that just whets my appetite for more erotic romance by Opal Carew!"

  Victoria, TwoLips Reviews"

  4.5 Blue Ribbons!

  "a blazing hot erotic romp... A fabulously fun and stupendously steamy read for a cold winter's night. This one's so hot, you might need to wear oven mitts while you're reading it!"

  Romance Junkies

  4 Cups!

  "There is little chance of reading anything more sexually stimulating than a book by Opal Carew."

  Lototy, Coffee Time Romance & More

  "Opal Carew is a genius at spinning the most erotic stories by tapping into forbidden fantasies and visiting emotions that bring the characters literally to their knees. A steamy-hot read! WOW!"

  Mandy Burns, Fresh Fiction

  "Be prepared for an all out sensual feast.... The sex is creative, detailed, and sizzling.... Step outside of the ordinary for something adventuresome…."

  Romance Reviews Today

  The Stranger

  Published by Opal Carew at Smashwords

  Copyright 2012 Opal Carew

  Discover more books by Opal Carew at her website

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  First edition: January 2012

  The Stranger

  Opal Carew


  This is for Celeste

  "You actually slept with two of them?" Jan's eyes widened at the thought of her friend Becca with the incredibly hot male stripper from Celia's bachelorette party. And his sexy friend.

  Becca grinned. "Well, actually there was very little sleep involved."

  "So, how did you do it?" Her cheeks flushed hotly as she realized how that sounded. "I mean, did you just… ask him?"

  "No. I was a real wuss. I couldn't get up the nerve to say anything to him before he left."

  "So how did it happen?"

  "Would you believe I forgot to sign the check? He came back an hour later, after he picked up his friend from another event." Becca shrugged. "Then one thing led to another."

  "You are so awesome. You wanted to be with that sexy stripper and you just made it happen."

  "I was just lucky things worked out the way they did. And I have you and the other girls to thank because if you hadn't encouraged me, I never would have gone for it." Becca took a sip of her coffee, then smiled. "Now Cal and I are going out."

  Jan's eyes widened. "You're dating him? I am so jealous."

  "Because I lived out my fantasy or because I snagged a dreamy guy?"


  "Well… I was thinking that you could be just as lucky… in the fantasy department."

  Jan stirred her tea, then tapped the spoon on the side of the cup and set it down in the saucer. "I don't think so. You remember my fantasy was to have sex with a stranger... while I'm blindfolded, so I never see him. I can't really find a stranger without seeing him, and it wouldn't be safe to hook up with a totally unknown person anyway."

  "I know, but it would be doable if someone could arrange it for you."

  "Are you saying you want to set up my sexual fantasy?"

  Becca grinned broadly. "Why not?"

  "Are you crazy? I can't just have sex with a total stranger. It's one thing to fantasize about it, but I can't actually do it."

  "Of course you can. Look, Cal's friend—the one I was with—knows a guy we could ask. He's good looking and sexy, and he'd be discreet. And apparently he's a really nice guy. Cal guarantees you'll be totally safe with him."

  "I can't believe we're even talking about this. I'm not having sex with a total stranger."

  "Come on, honey. Why not take a walk on the wild side? Think about those fantasies you have, about a stranger kissing you, caressing you…"

  Images from her private daydreams slipped through Jan's mind. Being touched by big masculine hands. Lips gliding along her skin, capturing her nipple. Fingers touching her slick slit, then sliding inside. All happening in total darkness. She couldn't see him. She could only feel him. Hear his breathing. And his voice when he told her what he wanted.

  Becca's eyebrows arched. "You're doing it now, aren't you?"

  Jan nodded reluctantly.

  "Just think how incredibly sexy it would be. And you don't have to do a thing. I'll arrange everything. You just show up."

  "Becca, I—"

  "Honey, at least think about it. If you decide to go ahead, show up at my place on Friday night. I'll arrange for him to come there, so you don't have to worry about him being able to look you up later. I'll set things up, then leave for the evening."

  "Fine, I'll think about it." Jan knew saying that was the only way to get Becca to drop the subject.


  * * *

  In fact, Jan couldn't stop thinking about it. The next evening, as she placed a basket of clean laundry on the floor in front of the couch, she realized she was closer to saying yes than no right now.

  She sat on the couch and grabbed a T-shirt from the basket. The previous night, she'd had hot and heavy dreams about a fantasy stranger making passionate love to her. It had been so illicit. So sexy.

  Her love life had been virtually non-existent for over a year now, ever since she broke up with her college sweetheart. She folded the T-shirt and laid it on the coffee table, then grabbed another one. They'd started dating the last year of college and had been together for five years, but they'd finally realized the relationship wasn't going anywhere. They'd been staying together mainly because it was easy.

  Her cat leaped into the basket and sniffed at the clothes, and Jan shooed him away. He rubbed against her leg, then climbed onto the couch beside her and curled up.

  Now she really didn't know how to move on. She didn't know how to talk to guys and it didn't help that she was
super shy.

  That's why the stranger fantasy appealed to her so much. She didn't have to say anything. She didn't have to impress him, or worry about where things would lead. It was just about the sex.

  And right now, she really wanted to have sex. What Becca offered would be sheer heaven.

  How could she possibly turn it down?

  * * *

  On Friday night, Jan parked her car in the visitor lot at Becca's townhouse complex, then walked to her door. [She drew in a deep breath before she knocked, her stomach fluttering.]

  A few moments later, Becca opened the door and grinned broadly. "I'm glad you decided to come."

  Jan followed her to the kitchen and watched while she opened a bottle of white wine, then poured two glasses and handed her one.

  "Here, this will help you relax."

  Jan sipped, then leaned against the counter. "So what happens now?" She took another sip, allowing the calming heat of the wine to coil through her.

  "Well, I'll text Don to let him know we're on for tonight." She grinned. "Your handsome stranger is on standby, hoping you decided to go ahead."

  Jan felt bad, knowing she'd left Becca and Don, and his friend, hanging. "I'm sorry, I should have let you know sooner."

  "Not a problem. It's hard to go ahead with something like this, even when you really want it. I know. I found it just as hard to act on my fantasy with Cal. But I'm glad I did."

  Jan ran her finger around the rim of her glass. "Yeah, but you're dating him now."

  "It doesn't matter. Even if I never saw him again, I'm glad I did it. It's a night I'll remember forever."

  Becca nudged her elbow. "Now finish up that glass and I'll show you something."

  * * *

  "You want me to wear that?" Jan's cheeks heated as she stared at the black bra and skimpy panties laid out on Becca's bed. There was also a matching garter belt trimmed with lace and black stockings.

  "Actually he sent them."

  "He sent them?" surprise

  "Sure. This is a fantasy for him, too." Becca walked to the closet and pulled out a white silk blouse and black skirt. "He also sent these." She placed them on the bed beside the lingerie.

  Jan picked up the panties. They were made of fine, sheer lace. Her cheeks flushed hotter as she realized he'd be able to see right through them. Which was ridiculous, since he'd eventually be seeing her totally naked. Her stomach clenched at the thought.

  "Oh, God, Becca, I don't know if I can do this."

  Becca patted her shoulder. "Of course you can. It's super sexy and it's your favorite fantasy. There's no way you want to walk away from such an exciting opportunity. I mean, how many women really get to live out their fantasies?"

  Jan stared at the panties one more time, then laid them on the bed again. Becca was right. Excitement quivered through her at the thought of the sexy stranger gazing at her while she wore that tiny bit of nothing.

  He'd sent these things. Which meant he'd already thought about her wearing them. He'd been fantasizing about this evening with her. Heat wafted through her at the thought.

  Oh, God, there was a real man out there, who would come here tonight and… and take off her clothes and see her in that skimpy lingerie… then naked. He would make love to her. In the dark. At least, it would be dark for her because she'd be wearing a blindfold. But he would see her. She hadn't really thought about that part.

  Suddenly, she found it hard to breath.

  "Oh, Becca. I don't know if I can go through with it. I mean, I want to. But… I'll have a blindfold and he won't."

  "Honey, relax. You'll look super sexy in those undies."

  Jan wasn't as confident about that as Becca seemed to be.

  Becca took her hand and squeezed it. "Jan, really. You'll be fine."

  Jan gazed at her friend's calm smile and glittering eyes. Becca had pulled all this together so that Jan could realize her fantasy. She couldn't let a few last minute jitters stop her. She sucked in a deep breath and sat on the bed.

  Becca patted her arm. "Okay, I'll head into the living room and wait while you change."

  Once Becca was gone, Jan summoned the courage and started to change. Once she had the lingerie on, she stared at herself in the mirror. The bra pushed her breasts up and out, making them look fuller than usual. The panties, cut high, made her legs look longer, and with the garter belt and stockings… she actually felt sexy.

  A knock sounded on the door. "Hey, are you almost ready?" Becca asked from the other side of the door.

  Jan snatched up the blouse and pulled it on. "I'll be out in a minute."

  She buttoned the blouse, then pulled on the skirt. She smoothed the fabric then gazed in the mirror. The clothes fit perfectly. Of course, Becca must have told him her size. Jan brushed her long blonde hair until it gleamed, then grabbed her purse and touched up her lipstick.

  She stepped into the black high-heeled pumps Becca had suggested she wear this evening, then turned to the mirror again. One last glance and she drew in a deep breath.

  Okay, here goes.

  * * *

  With a rising sense of excitement, Jan opened the bedroom door and walked down the stairs to the living room.

  Becca put down her glass of wine and stood up. "You look sensational. Come on. I'll get you set up in the spare bedroom."

  Jan followed her back up the stairs and into the bedroom next to Becca's.

  "Hold out your wrist," Becca said.

  Jan watched Becca fasten a leather band around her wrist. The small movement of Becca's fingertips as she fastened the buckle tickled a little.

  "Now the other one."

  Jan complied. Both black wrist bands had a metal ring attached to them. She glanced around the room and noticed that on the wall beside the bed there were steel rings attached about shoulder height.

  "You're going to chain me up?"

  Becca winked. "I wouldn't want you to have second thoughts and run off before he gets here."

  Heat shimmered through her at the thought of being bound and helpless in the hands of this stranger.

  "But don't worry. You'll have a safe word. If you say that, he'll stop immediately and leave." Becca waggled a finger at her. "But don't do that lightly. Part of the excitement of the fantasy is an element of danger. So, if you say the word, he leaves and that's it. No trying again."

  Despite her nerves, her stomach knotted at the possibility of losing out on her fantasy. "That's harsh."

  Becca smiled. "I just want you to push your limits a little. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. To really live the fantasy. If there are no consequences, it's too easy to just pull out. And no taking off the blindfold. Okay?"


  "So what do you want to use as a safe word," Becca asked as she attached a harbinger clip to one leather strap and attached it to a ring on the wall, then the other.

  "I don't know. How about 'cookie'?" Jan tugged at the leather around her wrists now holding them firmly to the wall about a foot from her shoulders.

  "Okay, 'cookie' it is." Becca picked up a black cloth from a table. "Now for the blindfold."

  It was a long strip of dense black lace. She tied it around Jan's eyes, cocooning her in darkness.

  "I've already texted him so he's going to be here in a minute. I'm going downstairs to let him in. You'll be alone here for a few minutes. You okay?"

  It was dark and Jan's stomach tightened at the thought of being in the room alone and helpless, but she really wanted to live out her fantasy. And she trusted Becca.

  "I'll be fine."

  "Good girl. So, after I go, the next thing you'll hear will be your fantasy stranger coming into the room."

  Jan heard Becca's footsteps, then the door open and close. The darkness and silence loomed around her and her heart thundered in her chest.

  Oh, God, in a moment a strange man is going to come in here and…

  The door opened and someone stepped inside. Her heart rate accelerated.

  The str
anger. Her fantasy stranger.

  She could feel his hot gaze gliding over her. Goose bumps danced along her flesh and her breasts ached as the nipples swelled against the confines of her bra. He could probably see the nubs pushing at the thin silk of her blouse. The blouse he had picked out for her.

  She could sense his presence. Hear the sound of his footfalls as he approached. He was close now. She drew in a deep breath. Very close. She could feel the warmth of his body near hers, his breath lightly brushing her cheek.

  Her insides quivered. She hadn't realized it would be so intense. Not seeing him. Not knowing who he was. Not knowing when—

  She gasped as his lips brushed her collar bone. Firm yet teasing.

  "You are mine. You know that," he murmured, his deep, sexy voice sending a shiver down her spine. His lips fluttered along her neck, then moved away. Wisps of hair danced against her temple as his warm breath caressed her cheek.

  Oh, God, she was really doing this. There was a real man here. A total stranger. And he could do anything he wanted to her.

  "I'm going to possess you. Strip you naked and touch you everywhere. Do whatever I want to you." He leaned closer. "And there's nothing you can do about it."

  Her heart skipped a beat as she thought about his strong masculine hands peeling away her clothes, then roaming over her body. Excitement quivered through her.

  Sex with a stranger. She had yearned to live out this fantasy for a long time. The need had haunted her.

  Now, it would come true.

  His finger traced down the neckline of her blouse, then tugged a little on the fabric when he reached the bottom of the V. The top button released and she felt the cool air of the room caress the swell of her breasts.

  "A sexy black bra, I see. I like that."

  She could hear the smile in his deep, sexy voice. It sent warmth flooding through her.

  She could feel the heat of him as he leaned closer. His raspy cheek brushed against her neck and his lips nuzzled her collar bone.

  His fingers played along the neckline of her blouse and—she gasped at the sound of the fabric ripping open. Cool air wafted across her chest.

  "Black silk. Lovely."


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