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Only Need Blue

Page 2

by JD Chambers

  Dave started to crawl, stopped with a moan as he felt the plug shift and rub in new and wonderful ways, then started again, this time more carefully. He had a full-length mirror in the bathroom, and when he finally got there, he froze.

  In the mirror was a sexy, happy puppy. His hands felt at the mask, the eyes behind it bright and shining. It really was him. God, he looked good. He looked happy, despite the perma-grin on the mask demanding it. It wasn’t just the mask’s expression. It was the way he carried himself. It sort of radiated out of him. He shook his head and the ears flopped back and forth.

  Dave giggled. He turned until his ass faced the mirror and watched as he wagged his tail back and forth. Fuck, that did something deep inside him and not just deep inside his hole. His cock was already hard, and he adjusted himself so that his tip peeked out from the underwear. It shone, glossy with precum, and although he had never taken nude selfies before, Dave had the sudden urge to capture the moment.

  His thumb slipped across the slick head and he groaned. He reached down and cupped his balls with one hand, rolling them gently, and then started to stroke himself with the other. He kept his shaft covered, except for the tip, which got a swipe of thumb with every upstroke. His eyes stayed glued to himself in the mirror. Fuck, he’d never seen anything so erotic, and knowing it was him? Well, that was enough to make him blow his load all across his chest.

  As he came down from the high, he whimpered and tentatively turned it into a bark.

  Yes. The cum-covered puppy in the mirror had definitely earned that bark, and he gave another happier, more confident bark before bursting into giggles again. True, giggles weren’t very puppy-like, but Dave couldn’t contain his joy.

  Fuck yes, he was a puppy.

  From his spot in the bathroom, he could see the collar on the floor where he had left it. As happy as he was, there was still something missing. And he had a feeling that something was Arthur.


  Uncertainty was not an emotion that Arthur was familiar with. He was always all or nothing, go big or go home, baby. But maybe he’d come on a little too strong and scared Dave off. It’s why he’d risked humiliation yesterday and gone to Game Over, only to be disappointed many times over. Not only was Dave not there, and Ted acted like he needed Arthur-repellant, which granted he deserved, but Dave hadn’t even mentioned that they knew each other. Even as friends.

  Really, Arthur should take the hint, and not be sitting out here alone in his car, gathering up his nerve to try again.

  Dave approached the front window with a customer, pointing to rows of those weird big-headed plastic things that Ted had tried to sell him on for his brother’s birthday yesterday. People were strange, if those things really were that popular.

  Arthur didn’t want to get caught stalking in his car, so seeing Dave through the window finally kicked his butt into gear and out onto the sidewalk. A bell rang as he pushed through the front door, causing Dave’s head to turn. The smile that shone there eased some of Arthur’s concerns. Dave looked genuinely happy to see him.

  “Arthur! Hi.”

  The customer loitered behind Dave, her eyes darting between the two, then returned to the plastic figurines after deciding there was nothing interesting to see. Arthur had no idea what she saw, but he saw a puppy who was practically wagging his tail, he was so overwhelmed. It made his next sentence very hard.

  “Hi, Dave.”

  Pathetically, it was two words that Arthur had repeated over and over the past couple of days. Both because he liked the way they sounded, and because he didn’t want to slip up and call Dave “Puppy” in front of his coworkers.

  “I’ll be back at the counter if you need any other assistance,” Dave told the still-browsing customer, who barely acknowledged his existence.

  Dave led Arthur back to the register, where another customer waited to be rung up.

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?” Arthur asked. He knew others worked here, but Dave seemed to be the only one working at the moment.

  “No, I’m glad you’re here.” Dave’s shy smile practically vibrated through his whole body, and Arthur wanted nothing more than to help calm his puppy, but he couldn’t with a customer watching.

  As soon as the kid left the store, the other customer still off browsing somewhere, Arthur came around the counter and placed a hand on the back of Dave’s neck. The nervous shaking stopped, but Arthur could feel goose bumps erupt under his palm.

  “Is this okay?” Arthur kept his voice low, and Dave’s whimper was so soft it was practically a sigh.

  “So good.”

  They stayed just like that, for minutes or hours, Arthur wasn’t sure. Only that he knew it was perfect.

  “I was going to text you.” Dave’s quiet voice broke the silence. “I’m ready.”

  “I didn’t mean to rush you. I want you to be sure. I just … even if we don’t … I still want to spend time with you. I came here to try to convince you to go on a no-strings-attached date. I just really like you, Dave.”

  “I like you, too. And I’m ready. I’ve been trying it out on my own.” The words spread across Arthur’s body like a wildfire, unable to contain the heat the images evoked. Jesus. “I love being a puppy, but I think I need a handler.”

  Arthur congratulated himself on his restraint at not leering, “I’ll be your handler.” He admittedly did think it. But Dave started shivering again, and Arthur knew he needed sincerity, not jokes.

  “And you want me? To be your handler?”

  Dave nodded, his eyes so big and hopeful and trusting that it almost shook Arthur to his knees.

  “It would be my honor, sweet boy,” Arthur said, his hand gently kneading the muscles of Dave’s neck. He gave the store a quick check before leaning in to kiss Dave’s temple. The man sighed and sagged into his touch.

  Eventually, a door in the back slammed and Craig called out that he was back from lunch, and the spell was broken.


  “I work to close, but we could do coffee afterwards? At my place?”

  Arthur understood the underlying question in Dave’s voice. He couldn’t keep the gravel out of his own, he was so worked up, as he answered. “Tonight. Text me your address and I’ll bring the coffee.”

  Arthur didn’t know how he made it through the rest of the day without exploding. He had gone directly to Game Over after his shift at the bank ended. He was too nervous to eat, but he forced himself to eat a turkey sandwich so he wouldn’t be low on fuel for the night. He spent the rest of his time making sure he knew how to get to Dave’s place and how Dave took his coffee. He was waiting in Dave’s apartment parking lot, coffee carrier in the passenger seat, when Dave’s old car pulled into the spot beside his. He could see Dave vibrating in the driver’s seat. Truly, if Dave were a dog, he would be a Chihuahua.

  Arthur followed him to his apartment and set the coffees down on his kitchen counter. It was a small place, but neatly kept. He pulled the cups from the cardboard carrier and handed the one marked with a heart to Dave. Romantic baristas, he thought with an eye-roll. Of course, it was his fault for telling the guy the other cup was for his date.

  Dave led him to the couch and they chatted for a while, but Dave’s fidgeting only got worse.

  “Would you like to show me your things, Puppy?”

  Dave took a shaky breath but nodded. He grabbed a box from under his bed and brought it back to the couch. He pulled the items out, one by one, and laid them on the coffee table.

  “It’s blue,” Arthur said. He didn’t know why he was surprised that Dave had picked such colorful items. There was nothing that said a human dog had to be plain colors.

  “I like the blue,” Dave said, uncertainty in his eyes. The next words were muffled from his head dropping low. “It makes me feel pretty.”

  Arthur took Dave’s chin in hand and raised it until their eyes met. “It’s perfect. And I bet you are a very pretty blue puppy. Blue. Good name for a dog.”

bsp; Dave’s eyes sparkled. “I wanted a puppy name. Dave’s not a good name for a puppy.”

  “Do you like Blue?”

  Dave’s head nodded so vigorously Arthur was surprised it didn’t give him a headache.

  “Do you … want me to try them on for you?”

  Arthur couldn’t decide whether he wanted to wrap Dave up and cradle him tight or fuck him up against a wall.

  “Yes,” Arthur enthused, “but first we need to talk. I want to make sure everything we do tonight is exactly what you want.”


  Arthur turned on the couch and grabbed Dave’s hand, kneading it in his own. “Nothing bad. I just want to make sure everything is open between us. I’ve never done puppy play before, so we can learn together. But for tonight, I thought maybe we could play a little and then spend some time relaxing, maybe watching a movie or show? Let you just enjoy being a puppy for a little while. No training. No expectations for after, either.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Dave’s leg jumped up and down in place and Arthur had to refrain from forcing it still. “Although, we could still do something after?”

  “If you want. You let me know how you feel later on. And you need to pick a safeword.”

  Dave’s leg went still and Dave pulled away on the couch a little. “Why would I need a safeword with puppy play?”

  “You’re going to be in puppy headspace, but you still need to have a way to let me know if anything I ask for or command is too much. Sure, we don’t think it will be now, but you never know. And it’s better to be safe. I don’t want to ever, even unintentionally, do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

  Dave appeared to be thinking it over before relaxing back into Arthur’s side. “Red is easy to remember. And yellow for getting iffy.”

  “Then I think it’s time I met Blue,” Arthur said, using extraordinary effort to keep his voice level.

  Dave changed in the bathroom, wanting the privacy to get into puppy headspace without the nerves of changing in front of someone else. Somehow, just presto – appearing mostly naked, seemed less stressful.

  His hand rested on the doorknob and he took a deep breath. He had told Arthur to get comfy when he left, but he didn’t know just how comfy that would mean. Arthur had arrived in shorts and a polo that stretched across his chest in a very pleasing manner. Dave didn’t know how much more stimulation he could handle while wearing just a jock and having his tail in. He was in danger of constantly popping wood as it was.

  He took one more look in the mirror and gave himself a short bark. The puppy’s chest stood taller. He was a good puppy and he had every reason to be confident. If Arthur didn’t like him, well then Arthur was obviously the one with the problem.

  Dave opened the door and dropped down to all fours. He crawled into the room, but before he got to the couch, Arthur’s shoes and socks stood in his way. They smelled of sweat and man, but not in a bad way. In a curious way.

  “Oh, Blue,” Arthur said. “You’re a very pretty puppy.”

  Blue smiled and barked a happy bark, then turned around to wag his tail for Arthur. It was fun, and Blue was feeling playful, which might have been why the sock was calling to him. Dave might have thought it was gross, but Blue was all about that sock. Lying there. In wait, probably. Something needed to be done about that sock.

  Blue took it in his mouth and shook it, back and forth as fast as he could, then dropped it. Blue crouched down to watch the sock. When it suddenly moved, he jerked back then pounced.

  “Ow, Blue!” Arthur said, pulling his foot back and rubbing where Blue had accidentally nipped his toe. Well, there were always casualties in sock wars.

  Blue gripped the sock in his teeth and shook it again.

  “Blue.” Arthur drew out his name, his voice sounding more stern than it had before. “Drop it.”

  Blue looked up to see Arthur pointing at the ground. He turned his head a little. He didn’t want Arthur taking his sock.

  “Drop it,” Arthur commanded with a snap of his fingers.

  Blue dropped the sock, but he only mourned his loss for half a second before he heard “Good boy,” and suddenly he’d drop any sock, anywhere, anytime, just to hear those words again.

  Arthur reached down and scratched behind his puppy ears and Blue leaned into it. When Arthur’s hands began to stroke down his bare back, Blue let out a whimper. Arthur continued with the praise, telling Blue he was good and pretty until Blue couldn’t help himself and flopped onto the floor on his back. His belly exposed, he didn’t even care that Arthur could clearly tell how hard this made him. It felt too good.

  “I think you forgot a very important part,” Arthur said, his voice strong and commanding. Blue cocked his head and felt his whole body flush when he saw the collar in Arthur’s hands. He got on his knees and leaned onto Arthur’s lap, wagging his tail behind him.

  “We need to get a name tag for your collar, Blue. Then everyone will know what a good boy you are.”

  Arthur’s fingers caressed his skin as he brought the collar around his neck and fastened it. He put two fingers between the collar and Blue, to make sure it wasn’t too tight, and Blue stretched and twisted his neck to get used to the feeling.

  “Does it feel okay, boy?” Arthur asked, petting the back of Blue’s neck.

  Blue let out a bark and wagged his tail. He’d had fun playing, but Dave had had a long day at work, and Blue wanted more cuddles. Nothing felt better than Arthur’s fingers against his skin, and Blue hoped that the cuddling he was promised would include more of that. Blue climbed onto the couch and curled into a ball, laying his head onto Arthur’s lap.

  Arthur leaned forward to get the remote and turned on an old Office rerun. Blue wasn’t paying any attention to the sound. His sole focus was on the fingers that drifted along his body, sometimes scratching at his neck, sometimes petting along his back, and every once in a glorious while, would skim across his bare ass.

  The gentle touches weren’t meant as foreplay, but as the part of himself that was Blue was fulfilled, in turn, Dave was on fire. Someday he wanted Arthur to take him in full puppy gear – he’d even found a contraption that allowed him to stay open so that he could alternately be fucked by either the tail dildo or a cock, and that had been a whole week’s worth of jack-off sessions – but for their first time, Dave wanted to be himself.

  He uncurled himself and stretched out mostly on his back, except where the tail kept him from flattening out completely. He pulled off his mask and his hands brushed Arthur’s hard length. Thank fuck, he thought. He didn’t think it would be the case, but a tiny part of him had been scared that he was the only one turned on by all this. Obviously not.

  Looking up from his spot on Arthur’s lap, Dave shivered.

  “I want you, Arthur. You said if I still wanted …”

  Arthur placed a finger against Dave’s lips and Dave couldn’t resist taking a nip.

  “Oh, are you going to be a bad dog now?” Arthur asked, but there was amusement in his eyes. “Bad dogs don’t get fun times, do they?”

  Dave’s tongue darted out and licked at Arthur’s finger, which began to trace across Dave’s pouting lips. He licked at it more, and soon he was certain his lips were shiny from all the saliva that Arthur had collected. Arthur held out his finger for one more lick, then began the same torture, only this time to Dave’s left nipple, followed by the right.

  Dave moaned, and Arthur praised him, eliciting another moan. “Good boy.”

  “Please, Arthur. Make me feel good,” Dave whispered, and Arthur whipped him off of his lap and across the couch in a single motion. Dave’s knees were on the ground and his stomach draped across the couch cushions. His jock-covered cock rubbed the front of the couch and he couldn’t stop himself from humping it. He needed the friction, dammit.

  Arthur popped his left butt cheek. It didn’t hurt, not really, just surprised him.

  “Bad puppy. We don’t hump the furniture.”

  Dave s
at back on his feet, carefully so he didn’t jolt his tail, and whined.

  “Please, Arthur. I need you. Please.”

  Arthur stripped off his shirt and shorts, grabbing a sachet of lube and a condom from his wallet before tossing it aside. He quickly got himself ready before slowly pulling the plug from Dave’s ass.

  “Fuck, you didn’t go for the small size either,” Arthur said after the tail was removed and Dave’s hole remained gaping and waiting for Arthur. Since it was Dave’s first time, Arthur went slowly, never retreating or stopping, but a slow, steady push into Dave’s body. Dave thought his insides were going to burst out of his skin from the sensation. It was so much more intense than the toys he had played with. Even more intense than the tail had been. This was magic, a melding of sweat and skin, and he shuddered his surrender to it.

  “Yessss,” Dave hissed. When Arthur was fully inside him, Dave reached back and wrapped an arm around Arthur’s neck. “Yes. This. This is what I needed. You. Don’t hold back. I’m good. So good.”

  Arthur didn’t hold back. He thrust into Dave’s tight heat like it was nirvana and he never wanted to leave. Each thrust punched a new exclamation from Dave’s lips, and as Dave neared his limit, those words turned to nonsensical mush. His balls tightened, and Dave wailed.

  Stripe after stripe of Dave’s release painted the couch cushions, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He could feel Arthur’s rhythm begin to stutter, Dave’s name on his lips as he came deep inside him.

  Arthur shifted their positions, tying off and tossing aside the condom for later, so that they were cuddled together on the floor.

  “May I stay the night?” Arthur asked. “I have to get up early and I don’t want to bother you, but I’d like to stay and continue to take care of you tonight. If you’ll let me.”

  Dave thought he said yes. He meant to, anyway, but it might have come out as more of a, “Mmrph.” It was taking a while for his brain to re-engage. He just felt too damn good to think.


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