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Wizard World 1: Changeling

Page 16

by Roger Zelazny

  "A piece of cloth I soaked in water."

  "Thanks. It helps."

  "Do you know a spell to heal it?"

  "Not offhand. But I may be able to think of something. Tell me first what happened, though."

  "You were hit by something. I think it might have come from one of those smoking sticks the men were pointing."

  "Yes, it did. But what was the crashing noise? Did their ship explode?"

  "No. It had larger--things--like those pointed by the men. These turned to follow us, then they began smoking and making the noise. Several things seemed to explode near us. Then it stopped."

  Pol propped himself and looked back. It hurt to turn his head. The island was already receding in the distance, its outline vaguely misted. He looked down at the sea, up toward the sun.

  Moonbird, are you all right?

  Yes. And you?

  I'll be okay. But we seem to be heading, northwest, rather than southwest. Maybe I'm wrong, though. You are the expert.

  You are not wrong.

  "Let me tie that in place for you."

  "Go ahead."

  Why? What is the matter?

  The place you wish to visit next--it lies a great distance from here, many day's travel.

  Yes, I know. That is why it is important that we follow the route I have laid out. Many island stopovers will be necessary.

  Not really. Maps mean less to me than my feelings. I realized recently there is a shortcut.

  How can that be? The shortest distance between two points is a--a great circle segment.

  I will take us the way of the dragons.

  The way of the dragons? What do you mean?

  I have been that way before. Between some places there are special routes. Holes in the air, we call them. They move about, slowly. The closest one to a place near where you would go now lies in this direction.

  Holes in the air? What are they like?

  Uncomfortable. But I know the way.

  Anything that is uncomfortable to a dragon might prove fatal to anyone else.

  I have borne your father through them.

  They are much faster?


  All right. Go ahead.

  How far is it?

  I may get us there by evening.

  Is there a place before that where we can stop for repairs?



  The sun hung low and red before them. To the right, a fuzzy line of coast darkened the horizon like a rough brush stroke. Mounds and streamers of pink and orange clouds filled the sky to the left and ahead. Moonbird was climbing and the wind seemed to grow colder with each beat of his wings. Pol stared upward and rubbed his eyes, for his vision had suddenly blurred.

  The blur remained. He moved his head and it stayed in the same place.

  Moonbird... ?

  Yes, we are nearing it. It will be soon now.

  Is there anything special that we should do?

  Do not let go. Mind your possessions. I cannot help you if we become separated.

  The wrinkle in the sky had grown larger as they climbed, reminding Pol of the invisibility shield viewed from the user's side. They reached its altitude and passed it. Looking down upon it, he saw it to be silvery, shining and opaque, like a pool of mercury, touched faintly pink by the receding sun. It achieved an even more substantial appearance as they rose higher above it.

  Why have we passed it?

  It must be entered from the bright side.

  "We are going to dive through that?" Nora asked.


  Pol touched the back of his neck and felt only a moderate ache. Already, the healing spell he had concocted seemed to be working--or at least killing the pain. Nora squeezed his shoulder.

  "I'm ready."

  He patted her hand as Moonbird achieved a position above the circle and began to slow.

  "Hang on."

  They began to drop. Moonbird's wings beat again, driving them faster.

  It is not solid, Pol told himself without conviction, as the shining thing grew before them.

  Suddenly, they were past it, and there was no up or down, only forward. Right and left would not stay put, for they seemed to be swirling, spiraling about a light-streaked vortex while a continuously rising scream pierced their ears. Pol bit his lip and clung tightly to Moonbird's neck. Nora was hugging him so hard that it hurt. He tried closing his eyes, but that worsened things, making his rising vertigo near to unbearable. There did seem to be a bit of brightness far, far ahead. His stomach wrenched, and whatever emerged was mercifully whipped away, Moonbird began expelling flames which fled back past them like glowing spears. The wailing had now reached at least partially into the ultrasonic. If he stared too long at the smears of light they seemed on the verge of becoming grotesque, open-mouthed faces. The one steady patch of brightness seemed no nearer.

  Are all of the shortcuts like this? Pol asked.

  No. We're lucky, Moonbird replied. There are some bad ones.


  Eyes aching, shoulders sore from the long flight, Mouseglove circled the tumbling stone structure, saw no sign of other visitors and was about to land nearby. His hands jerked, however, swinging the vessel out over the jungle until a cleared area came into sight. His sigh was voluntary as he brought the small ship down for a landing, but when he attempted to utter a choice from his amazing collection of curses, he discovered that his tongue would not respond.

  You could at least let me rest, he mentally addressed his unseen manipulators. Whatever it is that you want of me, you will get a better performance if I am not exhausted.

  We regret the inconvenience, came their first communication since his dream on Anvil Mountain, accompanied briefly by a peculiar doubling of vision, as if the scene about him were momentarily overlaid by the image of a flickering taper, a dark presence moving near it. But there is no choice, You overtook the other vessels during the night. We gave you a different course, and yours is a faster ship. But your lead is not that great. There is no time to rest. Take the wide, flat blade from the sheath on the door. Go outside. Cut branches, fronds. Conceal this vessel.

  He felt free--free to comply. He did not.


  He was seized once again. He felt himself begin to rise, springing the hatch, taking the blade into his hand. There were no replies to his next inquiries.

  The great-leaved plants were easy to cut. It did not take him long to cover the small ship. Then he opened a compartment toward the vessel's rear, to strip it, clean it and snap auxiliary fuel cubes into its chambers. The thought of this situation had troubled him during a more alert moment. There was no way the sunlight converters could do the entire job required for the return trip, even if his unwilling hands had not covered over their panels with leaves.

  When he had finished the work he stood still for a moment, breathing the warm moist air, listening to the morning calls of the bright parrots, wondering whether he would now be permitted a brief rest. Almost as he thought it, however, his feet began to move, bearing him in what he believed to be the direction of the stone structure with the grotesque carvings. He swung the blade as he went, widening the trail. After only a few paces, he was drenched with perspiration. Insects buzzed about him, and the most maddening part of the entire experience was his inability to brush them away.

  At last, he staggered into the cleared area where the stepped structure stood, stylized stone beasts projecting from its vine-covered walls, grinning past him.

  I must rest, he tried. In the shade. Please!

  There is absolutely no time, came the reply, with another flickering image. You must go around to the other side of the building and enter there.

  He felt himself beginning to move again. He wanted to cry out, but this was still denied him. He moved faster and faster, barely aware of where he stepped, yet somehow he did not stumble.

  He was halted again, before the weed-clogged, vine-hung doorway. Then the blade flashed for
ward and he began clearing it.

  Soon he was through the opening and rushing along a corridor. His eyes had not yet adjusted to the gloom, but whatever was in charge of him seemed to know where he was going.

  It was only when he neared the head of a wide flight of stairs that he began to slow, finally coming to a halt to regard the scene that lay below and before him, partly illuminated through an irregular gap in the roof where several stone blocks had fallen--the result of an earthquake perhaps...

  At the far side of the chamber below was a low stone wall. Beyond it was the blackness of a hole. Before it was a diminutive version of the entire stepped building itself, complete with tiny statues and carvings. Atop this, in a crumbling orange basket, lay a narrow cylinder half the length of a man's forearm. It appeared to be glowing with a faint, greenish light. Mouseglove took advantage of the respite to breathe deeply of the moist air, to enjoy the coolness...

  That, thief is the object you must steal.

  Again, the candle; again, the imperative.

  The cylinder?


  Why bother to tell me? You're pulling all the strings.

  Not any longer. We are about to release you. Your native wit and reflexes are superior to anything we might compel you to in such matters.

  Suddenly, he was free. He mopped his brow, dusted his garments and fell to his knees, breathing heavily. One of his reflexes kept him silent, if this were indeed to be a piece of work. Mentally, he framed his most immediate question:

  What is so difficult about descending these stairs, crossing the room and picking that thing up?

  The dweller in the well.

  What is it? What can it do?

  If it detects your presence it will rise up and attempt to prevent the theft. It is a great feathered serpent.

  Mouseglove began to shake. With his cloak, he muffled the lowering of the blade to the stone floor. He covered his face with his hands and rubbed his eyes, massaged his forehead.

  This is so unfair! I only work in prime form, not when I'm half-dead with fatigue!

  This time, there is no other way.

  Damn you!

  We are wasting time. Will you do it?

  Have I any real choice? If there is any justice--

  Then be about it!

  Mouseglove dropped his hands and straightened. He swung into a seated position upon the top step and adjusted his boots. He ran his fingers through his hair, wiped his palms on his trousers and took up the blade. He stood.

  With a silent, sweeping movement, he took himself to the left hand side of the stair. Turning sideways then, he began to descend a step at a time, slowly and soundlessly.

  When he reached the bottom, he stood perfectly still, listening. Was that the slightest of rustling noises from the well? Yes. It came again, then ceased. Would it be better to dash forward, seize the cylinder and run for it now? Or should he continue to rely on stealth? How big was the creature, and how fast could it move?

  As no answers were forthcoming, he took it that his guesses were as good as his tormentors'. He took a single step forward and paused again. Silence. He took another. Yes, the thing was definitely glowing. It was what Pol would be after and apparently would not have time to reach. Why not? Those approaching ships of Mark's... ? Probably. So where would that leave him, Mouseglove, even if he succeeded in making off with the bauble? Had the Seven something more in mind for him? Or would he finally be totally free, to go his own way?

  Another step... Nothing. Two more quick ones...

  A rustling, as of scales against stone...

  He controlled a shudder and stepped again, over a small heap of rubble. The rustling continued, as if something large and coiled were unwinding itself.

  The grenade! Heave one down the well! Fall flat! Cover your head!

  He did as he was told. The grenade was in his hand, then in the air. As he threw himself forward behind the pedestal, he caught a glimpse of an enormous, bright, feather-crowned head rising above the low wall, of huge unblinking eyes, dark as pits, turned in his direction, a green excrescence, like a blazing emerald, set in the brow above them. Then an explosion shook the building.

  A large block fell from the ceiling at the corner to the left of the stair, followed by a fall of gravel and dirt, dust particles dancing in the light rays. The orange basket tumbled from its rest, the rod rolling from it. It struck the lower step of the small pyramid, bounced and came to rest beside Mouseglove's elbow.

  You've got it! Take it and run!

  He looked about, discovered it, seized it, scrambled to his feet.

  Too late! he replied, the rod in his left hand, the blade in his right. It's not dead!

  An explosive hissing drowned the final rattlings of the stonefall. The orange, red and pink-bonnetted head was swaying as if disoriented, but moving steadily in his direction, too rapidly for him to escape it.

  Strike at the jewel between the eyes!

  He darted backward, raising the blade, knowing he would have but one chance.

  As the serpent struck, so did he.

  They burst into the dawn, retching and gasping, ears ringing, pulses pounding. Pol leaned forward and looked down at beaches running back to a line of lush tropical growth.

  Down, Moonbird! We can barely hang on!

  Moonbird dropped lower, slowing.

  On the beach?

  Yes. I want to bathe, to eat, to walk.

  "Pol, I can't--"

  "I know. Neither can I. Just another minute."

  Moonbird settled gently. They slid off and lay unmoving on the sand. After a time, Pol reached out and touched Nora's hair.

  "You did well," he said.

  "You hung right in there, too." She patted Moonbird. "Good show." Then, "Where are we?" she asked.

  How much farther?

  We will reach it before the sun stands in the high places.


  "We'll be there by noon," he said to Nora.

  After a time, they undressed and bathed in the ocean, then cleaned their garments while Moonbird hunted and ate things that squealed a lot back among the trees. Their own breakfast was more silent as they watched the sun-dappled waves and the fire-splashed clouds.

  "I would like to sleep for an awfully long time," she finally said.

  "We have been rather busy."

  "When this is over, what are you going to do?"

  "If I live," he said, "I would like to read the rest of the books in my father's library."

  "And with that knowledge--what?"

  "I look upon it as an end, not a means. I don't know what I'll do then. Oh, I want to rebuild Rondoval, of course, whether I stay or move on."

  "Move on? To where?"

  "I don't know. But I once traveled a golden road that went by wondrous places. Perhaps one day I'll walk it further and see more things."

  "And will you be coming back if you do?"

  "I think I must. Your land seems more like home to me than any other place I've ever lived."

  "It's nice to have such choices," she said.

  "If I live," he said.

  When Moonbird returned, they stretched, brushed off sand and mounted, holding hands. The sun was higher and the jungle seemed greener now. They rose again, and soon Moonbird was bearing them south.

  It was nearly noon when they sighted the stepped pyramid, approached it and began to circle.

  You may be too late, Moonbird stated.

  What do you mean?

  Among the trees there are ships like the one you broke on the island.

  I don't see...

  I see their heat.

  How many are there?

  I count six.

  I wonder how long they have been here? It could be an ambush.

  Perhaps. What should I do?

  I have to have that piece--

  An explosion shook the pyramid.

  "What--?" Nora began.

  Go low and pass it fast. I want a better look.

Moonbird circled, positioned himself and began to fall. Pol studied the jungle, still unable to detect the vessels of which the dragon had spoken. As they descended, he turned his eyes toward the pyramid itself. Clumps of dirt slid down its sides, and a minor cave-in had occurred at one point. A cloud of dust rose like smoke above the structure.

  They passed through the dust and swept in tow, regarding the pyramid and the trees beyond it. Nothing stirred. Moonbird commenced climbing once again.

  "Gods!" Nora shouted above the wind. "What is it?"

  A small man in dark garments had just emerged, running, from an opening in the far side of the pyramid. Moments later, a gigantic feathered head followed him out, to rise, swaying, tongue flashing like fire or blood. It continued to emerge, at great length, with such rapidity that the likelihood seemed strong that it would soon foil upon the man.

  Moonbird! Stop! Go back! The jade strand--That man has the rod!

  Moonbird was already braking, turning, growing warmer.

  It is the serpent of the well! I have always wanted to meet him... You must slide off and run as soon as I strike. Take those things you would preserve.

  Strike? No! You can't!

  I must! I have waited ages for this! It is also the only way to save the man with your thing of power.

  Pol struck him with his fists, but it seemed unlikely that Moonbird even felt the blows.

  "Get ready to jump down and run!" he cried to Nora, slinging his guitar case, grabbing at the basket of water bottles.

  The serpent heard the shout and turned its head upward. Moonbird landed upon its back a moment later. Pol slipped off to the right and began running. A great roaring and a loud hissing rose up behind him. He felt a wave of heat. He saw the giant serpent body twisting toward him. He dodged it, looking about for Nora as he moved. She was nowhere in sight. But the small man with the rod had stumbled and picked himself up again. They sighted one another at the same time, and Pol realized that it was Mouseglove.

  "Nora!" he shouted. "Can you see her?"

  Mouseglove gestured toward the trees on the other side of the scaly turmoil. Nora had apparently jumped or been thrown in the opposite direction from Pol. He began circling, running toward Mouseglove, well past the place where Moonbird, caught in a colorful coil, had begun to spew smoldering liquids upon his twisting adversary. Ignition followed, and he smelled burning feathers as he ran. At about the same moment, he caught sight of Nora, surrounded by a large body of short, stocky men resembling those he had seen upon Anvil Mountain. Several of them lay unmoving among the grasses and Nora's left shoulder was bloodied. He saw there were dark cords wrapped around her, and that she was being pushed off among the trees.


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