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You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three

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by Jeannette Winters

It had been years since she’d held a high-level position in a company, but that had been her choice. There were things in her life that meant more than making the big money. Her old company, WS & Son, always told her it was a one-time special circumstance, but she often ended up traveling for extended periods of time. Once she’d not only went overseas, she had also negotiated a better deal than her counterpart. That’s when she learned it was possible to do too good of a job. They dumped it all on me, but the ones who weren’t pulling their weight kept their jobs at the same pay and got to coast by while I worked my ass off. Nope. Never again.

  Of course her prior experience hadn’t been at a company nearly as prestigious as Poly-Shyn, but she had always prided herself in giving one hundred percent to her job. She couldn’t say that was the case today, and she was disappointed in herself. She might be doing something she’d never done before, but she expected more from herself than acting like a daydreaming teenager.

  He was nothing to her but a distraction. Actually, for a week he’s my boss, but besides that he’s nothing.

  She’d have to give him credit for his great taste in women though. As soon as she entered Shaun’s office, his date’s smile and beauty filled the room. The woman dressed for power, and her olive skin, high cheekbones, chestnut hair, and honey brown eyes were to die for. Morgan would like to think the woman had a bitch of a personality, but her intuition said otherwise. I couldn’t compete with that even if I tried.

  What was she thinking? She was not interested in Shaun. She’d played the dating game long ago and found life could be cruel. She wasn’t about to let thoughts of such things enter her mind. Love wasn’t ever going to be a reality for her. Especially with someone like Shaun. He’d never understand. Never accept. People like him love money above all else.

  She pulled her purse from her desk drawer, ready to head home. It had been a long day, and this was only day two; it wasn’t going to get any better until Dean was back. At least, I’m not attracted to him.

  She had to face the fact she found him not just attractive, but damn, that man was sexy. It didn’t help the way he looked at her. Was it her imagination or just wishful thinking, that he was undressing her with his eyes? Does it matter? Nothing is going to happen. I saw the type of woman he likes. I’m not that woman any longer. I’m a T-shirt and blue jeans type now, and she was a designer diva all the way. People like that belong together.

  She spent her ride home trying not to think of him. It was easier said than done. Thankfully once inside she had other things to keep her mind preoccupied and the evening flew by.

  Morgan flipped off her television, unable to remember what the news had been about. She got off the couch and headed to the bedroom. Cracking the door open slightly she peeked in to check on her son, Tyler. He was fast asleep. Morgan blew him a kiss from the door. Sweet dreams angel. Mama loves you.

  As she closed the door and walked into her own bedroom she knew this was her reality. It was just her and Tyler. His father, Walter Sapp Jr., didn’t want anything to do with him once he found out Tyler was autistic. “There’s no reason why we can’t be happy. All you need to do is give him up for adoption, and we can still be together.” Walter had said that when Tyler was three. Morgan’s only response to him was a hard slap across his face. He’d walked out of their lives that day and never contacted them again—emotionally or financially. As far as Morgan was concerned, they were better off without him and his judgmental family. In a blink of an eye, half of Tyler’s family disappeared from his life.

  Morgan had spent weeks crying over it at first. She’d left him messages, texts, and letters with pamphlets explaining autism, but nothing changed. One day she just stopped trying. I can’t make anyone love or accept him. They need to want to do it on their own. And people like Walter and his family will never change. As far as they’re concerned we’re damaged goods, not good enough for them. What they don’t get, is they’re not good enough for us.

  There was only one thing Tyler needed in his life: unconditional love. Morgan had that in abundance. But she wasn’t going to cut Walter any slack. There was no excuse he could ever give to explain his actions. Six years and not one word. You have no idea what you’ve given up. What you’ve missed. Your son is amazing. And you’re nothing but a selfish ignorant fool. You don’t deserve to be his father, and I’ll never allow you to hurt him again. Never.

  Lying on her bed, she pulled the blanket up and closed her eyes. Tyler was everything to her. There was nothing and no one more important. She walked away from the job at WS & Son because she couldn’t work for Tyler’s grandfather, Walter’s dad, any longer. Staff meetings became cold and awkward. She couldn’t walk down a hallway without hearing whispers. What they were saying didn’t matter. She was done. When she told her parents she was thinking of quitting, they fully supported her decision. Like Walter did to her and Tyler, the day she walked out she never looked back. No one called to question why. Morgan was sure one of the many people that had been nipping at her heels, waiting for her position as contract manager in purchasing, slid right into the job. That company was filled with people who drove hard for success and didn’t care who they stepped on to get it. They had one love in life, and that was money. There was no room in her life for people like that.

  Over the years she’d surrounded herself with friends who understood and accepted them as they were. We are so much more than just a single mother and a young child with a disability. If you can’t see that, then you don’t belong in our lives.

  It had been years since she’d felt lonely in her bed, but tonight she was. No matter how she tried to deny it, her body was telling her otherwise. Damn. Why him? Why not some nice simple man who wouldn’t break our hearts? Because that’s exactly what Shaun would do if given the chance.

  If it were just her, maybe she’d risk it all for a fleeting romance. But Tyler didn’t have a father in his life and certainly didn’t need strange men coming in and out of it. No. She might be lonely tonight, but it would pass. It has to.

  “What exactly are you worried about?” Bennett asked.

  Shaun leaned forward on his elbows on the desk. “You of all people should recall what happened with Tim.”

  Bennett nodded. “I do. Has your brother recently fired anyone new to cause you concern for a backlash?”

  Who the hell knows what Dean does? He doesn’t share anything with us. Hell, none of us share. Shaun couldn’t remember the last time he discussed anything business never mind personal with his siblings. Oh Dad, you really left your mark on this family and not in a good way.

  “There’s just something off. I can’t put my finger on it. She showed up for a job dressed so casual you would think she was going to go for a walk in the park. Not a corporate position.”

  “That’s also not a red flag. From everything you’ve told me about her so far, it sounds like she wasn’t planning on being here. So tell me, Shaun, what is it about her that really is driving you nuts?” Bennett arched a brow.

  What the hell kind of question was that? Shaun knew he’d been clear on what he wanted. All Bennett needed to do was investigate and provide the answers. He wasn’t getting paid to question Shaun’s motives.

  “Are you saying you can’t get the information I asked for?”

  “I could have it in a matter of seconds, but that is not the point. Before I go digging into someone’s life, I want to make sure the reason behind the intrusion is valid.”

  Shaun wasn’t sure if it was valid or not. Actually, he didn’t care. Right now he wanted to know everything there was to know about Morgan Pereira. “Bennett, I want everything you can find on her. Where she lives, where she came from, and mostly, how the hell did she end up here at Poly-Shyn. Got it?”

  Bennett leaned back in his seat. “She’s thirty-six, and until yesterday morning she worked at Sunrise Café. I understand her boss was a real piece of work, and Morgan stood up to him not just for herself but for the entire staff. Of course, the outcom
e was being fired on the spot, but trust me, the guy is a scumbag. She’s better off not working there.”

  So what Lexi told Dean holds up. But there is more. I just know it. “What else?”

  “Shaun, I told you she appears to be straight up who she says she is. But is this really about her, or is it about you?”

  “How the hell can it be about me?” Anger filled him. Was Bennett trying to accuse him of not being able to be trusted? If that’s the case, buddy, you’re going to need medical treatment when I get through with you. I would never fuck with my family. Nor will I let anyone else.

  “I saw her photo when I pulled her driver’s license. She’s . . . very attractive, wouldn’t you say?”

  Bennett had a sheepish grin on his face. And Shaun wanted to knock it off him. This had nothing to do with any attraction he might or might not have to her. Yeah she’s stunning. But I’m not a teenager ruled by my dick. I trust my gut. There’s something. But what? That I don’t know. “This is strictly professional and about the security and wellbeing of my family.”

  Bennett didn’t hold back his laughter, which only pissed Shaun off even more. Why the hell does my family continue to hire you?

  Bennett got up from his seat and said, “Shaun, think about what exactly it is that you want. When you have it figured out, call me. If you find anything suspicious, call me. If anything starts to go wrong, call me. But if it’s her phone number you want, just ask her.”

  “You’re a real asshole aren’t you?” Shaun could feel the heat under his collar rising. He wasn’t used to being spoken to so brazenly by anyone outside of the family. Even then it took everything within him to control his temper.

  “To the core.” Before he left, he turned back to Shaun and said, “Tell your sister I said hello.”

  Shaun knew Bennett had added that piece just to push him even further. Or at least, that better be all there was to his little remark. You are not the man for my sister. She’s been around assholes all her life. She doesn’t need to date one too.

  Once alone he found himself thinking of Morgan all over again. He couldn’t believe she’d been working in a coffee shop before slipping into the HR job. Dean, you really are losing your mind if you think pouring coffee qualifies her to handle your payroll. It’s your money, but come on brother, get your head out of your ass and think business.

  Dean had been as cutthroat as they come. He was right up there with Asher Barrington, Trent Davis, and Dax Marshall. If he didn’t pull himself out of whatever he was going through, he would lose his edge for good.

  Until you get back from Paris, Dean, I’ll make it look like you’re on your game, but after that, it’s all on you.

  Shaun got up and slipped on his suit coat. Then he picked up his cell phone and slid it into the breast pocket. Tonight hadn’t given him what he’d wanted, but that wasn’t about to stop him. Tomorrow was another day, and he would do the digging into Morgan’s past himself. How hard can it be to make her divulge her little secrets to me? I bet with one kiss I could have her giving me the pin number to her bank card if I wanted it.

  Chapter Four

  Morgan had managed to make it through the entire day without once bumping into Shaun. It took a lot more effort on her part than she wished, but the result was what she wanted. A day without seeing his handsome face.

  That didn’t mean she didn’t think of him throughout the day. Each time her phone rang she secretly hoped it would be him asking her to come to his office. Once there he’d tell her he’d been thinking of her all day, pull her into his embrace, and kiss her until she forgot her name.

  Morgan felt her cheeks warm. Easy girl. This is a man I swore I wanted nothing to do with. So why the heck am I fantasizing about his lips and running my hands down his rock-hard abs? I don’t even know if he has abs. For all I know he wears a man girdle and has a huge beer belly.

  Her laughter filled the small office and seemed to echo down the hall. I wish he were butt ugly. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel the need to stand in front of the air conditioner all the time. Still laughing, she closed her eyes and fanned herself with a sheet of paper to cool the blush on her cheeks.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying your new job. Would you care to share what you find so amusing?” Shaun asked, appearing out of nowhere.

  Really? How does he keep sneaking up on me? His body filled the doorway. She knew he was tall, but seeing him in the doorframe showed how broad his shoulders were as well. Stop looking at him. It’s only going to make it worse. Her pulse quickened as he stared at her. Darn, you, Shaun. Another few minutes and I would’ve made it out of here.

  “Do you need something, Mr. Henderson?” Morgan asked, the laugh and smile no longer existing.

  “No. I haven’t seen you so I thought I’d check to make sure everything was okay. No issues.”

  Her first two days had been filled with such scrutiny she flinched each time she heard his name. He was casual and calm with her today, and it threw her off. Her mind instantly went through the list Lexi had given her. Had she missed something? Or could I have done something incorrectly? People’s lives could be affected if payroll hadn’t run properly. What the heck was I thinking, taking a job so critical to the employees?

  “Is everything okay? You seem . . . nervous.”

  He didn’t move from where he stood, so there was no way she could make a hasty getaway even if she had a viable excuse to leave.

  She’d mentally made it through the checklist. Nothing came to mind that would’ve brought the boss down to her tiny office.

  “I have no issues. Was there something specific you are inquiring about?”

  He nodded and finally left the doorway and came to sit on the corner of her desk. Don’t you want the seat across from me? Farther away from me?

  “Why are you here?”

  The question was too general. How was she to answer him? Did he mean in her office, in this building, in Boston? Shaun didn’t appear to be the type to ask something just for small talk, so what exactly was his agenda?

  “Because I work here.” She knew that wasn’t the answer he was looking for, but ask vague and receive vaguer. If there was something more he needed, he better speak quickly because the clock was ticking, and it was just about quitting time. Although she was enjoying her role in HR, she still had to get home for Tyler. It was important to keep to a strict routine. Any variation upset him, and she avoided that at all costs. Dinner at six, then homework, shower, and bed by eight thirty.

  Morgan looked at the clock on the wall. It was already five past five. Darn. I better get out of here quick, or it’s not going to be a good night for us.

  “I was looking for more.”

  She met his eyes and thought for sure she’d see sarcasm, but there wasn’t any. Did he really want to talk to her? And if so why now? What changed?

  “Sorry Mr. Hen—”


  I know your name. It haunted my dreams last night. But I don’t want to get that comfortable with you. The last thing I need is to be more attracted to you than I already am. Morgan could challenge him by continuing to call him Mr. Henderson, but if she did she would never be home in time for Tyler. Answer the question and get out. He was there for a purpose; she just needed to figure out what exactly that was.

  “Shaun, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re asking. There haven’t been any issues that weren’t handled in the allotted time frame. Was there something I’ve overlooked that I could address tomorrow?”

  Morgan was sincere. She might not understand all the ins and outs of HR, but she wanted to perform her duties correctly. I’m getting paid to do a job. I expect to do it right.

  All her life she’d been so critical of herself. Her parents always told her they didn’t expect perfection from her. But she did. If she said she’d do something, she wouldn’t stop until it was done better than anyone had expected. Whatever I’m lacking on this job, I’ll figure it out and fix it right away. I just
need to know what it is.

  “Nothing has been brought to my attention.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  He laughed softly. “That was my original question.”

  And back to square one. This can go on for hours, and time is not something I have right now. She really didn’t want to break the civil moment they were sharing, but it couldn’t be avoided.

  “Shaun, not that I’m not enjoying this conversation, but I need to be somewhere and have to leave now, or I’ll be late. Can we pick up where we left off tomorrow?” Since we’re talking in circles, it won’t be too hard.

  “A date?” His brow arched and his tone changed slightly.

  Oh, wouldn’t that be nice? But in reality, I do have a date with the most amazing young man, and I’m about to miss it. Her personal life was just that. She wasn’t about to share it with him or anyone else at Poly-Shyn. It would only open her up to the same criticism she’d faced all those years ago. No understanding why someone with her potential didn’t want to climb the cooperate ladder, why she would throw away a successful career, and for what? The best thing that ever happened to me. Being a mother. It’s a very hard job, but he is so worth it; he’s such a loving boy. Coworkers can’t understand this choice. Shaun comes from exactly what I left behind, and that’s where it needs to stay. In the past.

  “Would you like to schedule time with me tomorrow? I can check my calendar to see what I have open.” Morgan opened her laptop again and was about to sign in when Shaun reached out and closed it.

  Her eyes flew up and met his gaze. They were dark and piercing. Had she upset him by ignoring his inappropriate question? If so that was his issue, not hers. She worked in HR, and it was her responsibility to maintain professionalism, and that included any form of sexual harassment. Is it harassment if I want him? Probably not. Oh God. What if I’m the one doing the harassing? Could he be picking up on my little lustful thoughts? Could I be making him feel uncomfortable?

  The answer was clear as he bent toward her and kissed her gently on the lips. Oh shit! I can’t do this. But she didn’t pull away. Instead, she found herself leaning into him. That was all the encouragement she needed to give him, and his lips took hers eagerly. His hand reached out to cup the side of her face, drawing her even closer.


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