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City Wolves: Paranormal Shapeshifter Werewolf Romance Bundle (Master of the City / Mistress of the City)

Page 20

by Mina Carter

  He had to touch her. Had to know everything about her.

  His movements almost frantic, he reached down and pulled her skirt higher. A sigh of relief escaped him as he slid his hand beneath the voluminous material and found the soft satin skin of her thigh. She nipped his lip, again challenging him for dominance of the kiss, and he growled. Fuck, what was with the animal noises?

  She didn’t seem to mind. The whimper in the back of her throat as he hooked his fingers behind her knee and pulled her leg up over his hip urged him on. Her strokes on his cock didn’t falter, and a familiar buzzing raced down his spine.

  “Too much,” he broke away to whisper, stopping her hand by the simple measure of pressing closer and trapping it between their bodies. “Too close. And I want to be inside you.”

  She nodded, biting her lip and the sight of her straight white teeth mangling the plump lower curve did it for him. Lust roared in his ears, his heart thumping in his chest as his pulse pounded in his cock. He eased himself away, just a little, to free her hand at the same moment he swept his hand up her inner thigh.

  Questing fingers found the edge of her panties and she gasped, her head falling back to rest against the wall. He watched her, gaze intent on every flicker of expression, as he slid his fingers beneath the damp satin, found her pussy lips and stroked between them. Then it was his turn to gasp, a sound echoed by the softer, more feminine version she gave. She was hot, wet with her arousal, and ready for him. But that didn’t mean he was stopping now, not before she was boneless with pleasure.

  He said nothing, kept his gaze on hers as his fingertips slid higher to seek her clit. The tiny knob was easy to find and he slicked her own juices over it. Rubbed and circled, feathered his touch over and around it. She gasped and shuddered beneath his touch, her lips parting and her eyes half closed.

  He teased and tormented, using the little clues she gave him to play her body. Like the parting of her lips and the soft little mewling sound she gave when he rubbed just so. Or the widening of her eyes as he slid lower to tease the entrance to her body. Bringing his thumb into play, he rocked it against her clit and slid a finger into the tight embrace of her pussy.

  It was almost too much for him…the feel of her clamped around him, tight muscles and silken softness. He could already feel it around his cock and every instinct he had demanded him to step back, free himself, and bury his cock balls deep in her heat.

  “So close…” She whimpered, hips rocking as she rode his hand and his eyes snapped open. Triumph surged, feral male pride and possessiveness tightening every line of his body as he bent all his senses, everything he had to ensure her pleasure.

  “That’s it, babe,” he whispered, bending his head to press soft kisses its line of her throat. “Come all over my hand. Then I get to fuck you.”

  His words, issued in a low rough-cut voice, reached deep inside and flicked a switch. Crying out, she clutched at his shoulders as pleasure washed over her. Heat consumed her. Raced through her veins and reached into the pit of her soul to touch something there. The feeling it released wound itself around her pleasure, a thread of emotion that was elusive, slipping away from her when she tried to study it. It didn’t matter, so she let it go in favor of riding the waves that coursed through her body.

  Holding her close, his gentle embrace was at odds with the erotic nature of his hand between her legs. His fingers stroked her. Each soft touch gentled her as she came down from the wild ride of her climax. She could feel the need caged in his body and a small devil sat on her shoulder, wanting her to shatter it.

  She lifted her chin, seeking his lips. The kiss was a conflagration of dark desire. She moved closer, pulling him into her embrace, and slid her tongue against his in a wild ride. Her hand drove into the hair at the nape of his neck, and she smoothed the other down the small of his back, yanking him against her. His cock pulsed between them. When he broke away, they were both panting.

  “I recall some promises about fucking being made,” she whispered between kisses, and a small smile played over her lips when he growled in response.

  “As the lady wishes.” He pulled back, hands pulling at her skirts to yank them up. She bit her lip again as he lifted her easily, her back against the wall, to settle between her thighs. The head of his cock pressed against the entrance to her pussy.

  She felt her eyes widen, thrill running through her. He was as big as she’d thought, the thick shaft pressing against, and then slipping inside her. Stretching her as he pushed in one long, slow thrust. As before, he didn’t take his eyes from hers. The scrutiny, the intensity, ramped the heat higher and higher. She’d never had a man look at her as deeply as he took her, as though searching for something in her eyes and she in his.

  His face tightened the deeper he went. She caught her breath, pussy stretched tight around him. He was so big, filling her like she’d never been filled before. She clenched. He gasped and a small muscle in his jaw jumped as his nostrils flared.

  “Hold still,” he rasped, fighting for control. “Or this will be the shortest screw you ever had. You’re so tight.” Pausing, his body was rigid as his eyes sought hers in concern. “Please tell me you’ve done this before?”

  “What? Oh…” She smiled, her heart touched by his worry for her possible virgin state. “Hell yeah, I have. Have you? I wouldn’t want to think I’m corrupting some poor innocent young lycan.”

  His teeth flashed in a broad grin and with a surge of his hips filled her to the hilt. “Babe, believe me, there is no chance of that happening.”

  “Good,” she murmured, distracted by the feeling of him completely in her. “Now move, before I scream.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get to the screaming part soon.”

  He pulled back to thrust in again with a quick movement that sent stars flaring behind her eyes. Planting his hand on the wall beside her head, he did it again, then again until he built up a quick, hard pace that threatened to have her begging for more. The sensation as he filled her was incredible. Utterly incredible. She wasn’t an innocent by any stretch of the imagination, but there was just something about him, something about the way he moved…touched her...that pressed buttons she didn’t know she had.

  She looked up in confusion, hands on his shoulders to brace herself as he powered into her. “H-how…”

  “How what, babe?” he grunted, shifting position and sliding his hand around the back of her hips to hold her in place. Now each time he thrust into her, he added a roll and pressed her clit to trap it between their bodies. She gasped as it throbbed, a new deep, need arching through her body as though she hadn’t come in months. “How did I know what you need? How you like to be touched?”

  She nodded, dropping her head back with a sigh of pleasure as he kissed along her neck.

  “That’s easy,” he said between kisses and each brush of his lips marked another thrust. “You’re a woman who needs to be loved…To be worshiped and adored by touch and caress.”

  His words stole the last of her ability to think. She closed her eyes, holding on and moving with him. Her body tightened around his, and he upped the pace with a grunt.

  “Fuck, you’re hot,” he groaned, shifting again to pull her from the wall, supporting her weight in the cage of his arms as he impaled her on his cock. His strength was impressive, even for a wolf, and she gave herself over to him.

  “That’s it,” he crooned, words soft puffs against the delicate skin of her throat. “Tighten that sweet little cunt around my cock. Stroke me, milk me… Make me come with your tight body.”

  The filthy words, spoken so soon after the eloquent, sensual ones broke the spell holding her release. She threw her head back, a scream on her lips she came hard and fast. Shattering apart, her body became a vice around his cock as her release tumbled her into ecstasy.

  He growled, pushed forward to brace her against the wall. His thrusts became harder, faster…feral in their intensity. She reveled in it, and dug her fingernails into his s
houlders to drive him on. Used his need to feed her own release as he drove into her time and time again. Then, he thrust one final time and his body stiffened, cock buried deep inside her and he swore as he came.

  Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she threaded her fingers through his hair. Gentling him as his cock jerked and pulsed deep within her, bathing her womb in his white-hot seed. Long pulses, short jerks, as he rested his head against her shoulder and tried to catch his breath.

  “Fuck me,” he said, lifting up to look into her eyes. A small smile played on his lips. “After that, perhaps introductions are in order. I’m Archer.”

  He lifted an eyebrow in curiosity, waiting for her answer. She hesitated for a moment, debating whether to give a false name and slip away into the darkness. But she didn’t want them parting on false pretenses. Not after what they’d shared.

  “Reena.” She felt more than saw his surprise: a slight gasp, and the widening of his eyes. “I’m—”

  “I just fucked the Mistress of the City.” His voice was flat, his eyes assessing. Calculating, but not in a bad way.

  “Yeah.” She reached up to tease along his lower lip. “And I’m kind of hoping you fancy doing it again… What do you say, handsome?”

  His grin was swift and immediate. “Thought you’d never ask.”

  The End (For now…)

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  Tamed by the Mistress


  As soon as Reena set foot into the Griffin pack house, she knew something was wrong. The air stank of deceit and desperation. A scent so strong, she tasted it in the back of her throat.

  “What the hell is going on here?” she demanded, her voice pitched to carry. She didn’t care that she had just arrived or this was not her house. As Mistress of the City and overlord of all lycans, all pack houses were her territory. And right now, all the hairs on the back of her neck told her this one was in trouble.

  “My lady…I’m so sorry, we weren’t informed you would be visiting today,” the young woman who’d opened the door said, bowing and refusing to look Reena or her companion in the eye. Her skin was pale, pulse elevated…

  Reena frowned, exchanging a glance with Isla, her captain of the guard. The taller woman shrugged, her expression saying clearly I got nothing.

  “It’s not a problem, I often drop into pack houses unannounced. No blame will be attached to you,” she promised. And it wouldn’t. She might have a reputation as a cast-iron bitch birthed from a hellhound itself, but she’d never lift a hand or claw to an innocent. “If you’d fetch the Alpha for me.”

  The girl began to quake, but she didn’t get a chance to answer. Instead, a roar rang through the house, one so loud it made even Reena wince. It was a sound of pain and anger, of torment and fury. A wolf in agony.

  Her head snapped around to the girl, and she put a hand under her chin to make her look up. “Who is that?” Reena’s voice was deadly calm, one that plainly said she would not accept a lie for an answer.

  The girl’s eyes filled with tears. “I-it’s Master Archer, ma’am. He’s…was human.”

  Archer. Reena dropped her hold on the girl’s jaw like she’d been stung. Archer Griffin, who’d shared her bed not three nights past. The Midwinter Offering who disappeared before she awoke.

  Human? There had to be some mistake. He’d been alpha through and through at the ball.

  Another bellow rang through the mansion, rattling windows. A small glass figurine on the cabinet fell to the left and shattered.

  Whatever he was, he was in pain. And if he’d been human…a horrible suspicion formed in her mind.

  “Where?” she demanded, her voice harsh. The command hung in the air.

  The girl jerked as though she’d been hit. “The basement.”

  The small turn of her head was all the information Reena needed. Her wolf snarled within, echoing the sounds of torment that filled the halls, and she set off. Her heels clicked on the stone flooring, Isla’s boots silent in contrast, as the two followed the sounds through the house until they found the basement’s entrance.

  The scent hit them as soon as Reena opened the door. Wolf. Male. Virile. In need.

  Isla coughed, biting back a choke. “Fuck me. Smells like someone needs to get laid. Bad.”

  “Yeah. No kidding.” Reena didn’t delay, heading down the steps toward the deafening bellows. It was easy to find the source of the pain and within minutes she stood in a doorway looking into what could only be described as a containment cell.

  Archer was chained to a wall. Naked to the waist, he thrashed and pulled at his bonds, the muscles in his body straining as he tried to break free. In frustration he threw back his head and howled. A sound no human could make.

  “Archer, please,” the woman in front of him sobbed. “You have to calm down, you’ll make yourself worse.”

  “What the hell is going on?” Reena demanded, striding into the room. All eyes turned to her. As well as Archer and the woman, she recognized an older man.

  “Johnathon,” she nodded at the Griffin pack alpha, keeping her shock at his frail appearance off her face. The last time she’d seen Alpha Griffin, he’d been in good health, and although a wolf with more years than most, he had still been formidable. Now he just looked old.

  “What’s the matter with him?” She nodded toward Archer. “Is he feral?”

  “No…no, he’s not feeling well,” the woman insisted, turning to look at Reena through teary eyes. Her face paled, and she stuttered, looking down. “My lady, I’m sorry…I didn’t realize it was you.”

  “No problem.” Reena waved dismissively and switched her attention to the man chained to the wall. Instantly her body responded, remembering their night together. Her wolf whimpered with need. Soothing the animal, she put her own needs to the side to consider the situation in front of her.

  Archer had stopped howling. Instead, he watched her steadily. Intently. His eyes were bright amber, a sign his predator was just under the skin. The concrete walls behind him were gashed with deep gouges. She flicked a glance to his hands. Blood dripped from the torn skin at the ends of his fingers.

  “How long has he been like this?” she asked, looking at Johnathon. The woman looked up and Reena blinked in surprise. She had Archer’s features, but softer, and more feminine. She was everything prized in lycan society; tall and slender with a delicate beauty. Quite unlike Reena’s shorter, curvier build. Made no difference what her human form looked like, though. As a she-wolf, she was big and just plain mean. “You’re his mother?”

  She nodded, her hand wavering as though she couldn’t decide whether to cover her throat or her mouth. Fear rolled from her pores at being faced with the big bad. Reena suppressed her sigh. She’d long ago come to terms with the fact that people were more than ready to believe she really was a monster.

  “A couple of days,” Johnathon answered, taking his wife’s hand and pulling her against his side. Not to protect her from Reena, but more for reassurance, if the hand rubbing her shoulder was any indication. “We think he deliberately infected himself to attend the Choosing.”

  Reena’s brows snapped together and she ignored Archer trying to get into her field of vision in favor of looking at his…parents? The woman was definitely his mother, but she was sure Johnathon had only one son. One a lot younger than Archer.

  “Crap,” she muttered, as the pieces fit into place. Griffin was a very small pack. “How old is your son…” She paused to search her memory, flicking a glance toward Archer when he started to growl. As soon as she looked at him, he stopped and watched her. “Seth. How old is Seth now?”

  “Sixteen. Just mastered his part-shift,” Johnathon said proudly. “He’ll be a true alpha.”

  Sixteen. An adult
in their world. Her gaze shifted to Archer and she took a step forward. Chains rattled as he tried to meet her halfway. A snarl rumbled from his chest, his lips curling back as he yanked on his bonds.

  “Looks like you’ve got more than one alpha in the family.” Keeping her eyes on him, she spoke over her shoulder. At the sound of her voice Archer stopped struggling and focused on her again. “He was at the choosing in place of Seth. Told me his pack was Griffin.”

  “But…how?” Johnathon’s voice was confused. “He was human.”

  “Was.” She kept her voice low and took another step forward.

  The sharp intake of breath behind her told her Isla wasn’t happy about the situation. Reena didn’t blame her. As captain of the guard, Isla’s job was to make sure Reena came to no harm. Which was a bit of a shitty position if anyone stopped to consider it. If someone wanted to kill Reena, they’d have to be loaded for wolf, bear, and possibly tyrannosaurus rex to boot.

  Reena waved her off, her raised hand indicating she knew what she was doing. She did. Honestly. Well.... Archer was a wolf, that much was evident, but he still wasn’t through the conversion madness which meant he could turn on anyone, even family and those he loved, without warning. She didn’t blame them for locking him up. A wolf was never as strong or as deadly after the conversion madness.

  To display a full alpha scent mere hours after infection… She shivered as a thrill chased over her skin. That meant he was going to be an alpha the likes of which came along once in a lifetime. A true bitten alpha. A man to match her.

  If he survived the conversion. Not everyone did.

  But there was a way to help…

  “Out.” Her order rang in the close confines of the basement. “All of you. Out. Now.”


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