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Just One Night, Volumes 1-3

Page 3

by Kim Black

  She looks over to the open stainless steel and dark wood kitchen to her right, the all black living room before her, and she finally stops in front of the black stained wood mantel over the fireplace. Her hand lifts to the framed photo on the mantel, and she smiles at the familiar picture.

  My eyes fall to her smile. Her full, desirable lips call out to me, luring me to slowly walk over to her. I want nothing more than to peel her out of the sinful dress she’s wearing, take her hard, fast and wild, but I fight to remain in control of my urge.

  There is a battle waging within me. The need to have her is stronger than I have ever experienced. Though I know she will eventually give herself to me, I can’t help but yearn to speed up the process. Still, I take a calming breath.

  Control. Stay in control, I command myself, hating the eagerness within me.

  “Would you like a drink?” I ask, just as I step behind her. Her perfume still teases my nose, causing my groin to clench.



  Do I want something to drink?

  It’s a simple question, one that I should be able to answer, but the teasing feel of his breath against my ear makes me suddenly incapable of voicing a response one way or the other.

  I slowly turn to face him, hoping that not having his body pressed up against my ass will return my ability to speak. But, as I look up into his hooded, lustful, grey eyes, my breath hitches and all I can do is shake my head in response.

  I don’t want a drink, I just want him. I need him to show me what being with a real man is like. I want to finally understand what all the fuss is about sex.

  I have denied myself the pleasures of being with other men for far too long, only focusing on my studies and keeping to myself. Were it not for two short-lived relationships back in high school, I would be a 22 year old woman who was still holding her v-card and who had never experienced an orgasm.

  The latter of those possibilities is true. I have never experienced an earth-shattering orgasm, certainly not like those I’ve read about in romance novels. I’ve never known what it’s like to forget my name in ecstasy underneath the solid, hard body of a sexy man.

  No, I’ve been with boys; two boys who barely knew what they were doing in bed. Two boys who finished their business almost as soon as they started, leaving me unsatisfied and regretful that I had even bothered to be with them. They had been average, boring and totally uninspiring. But this man, now standing before me, is sinful, hot and mine for the night.

  His eyes stare into mine with such intensity that my legs begin to tremble. That look alone has me panting with need.

  Swallowing hard, I know that soon he will take me, and I hope like hell that afterwards I will be able to stomach the thought of leaving this place without him. The few short moments I have spent with him have already been the most thrilling moments of my life.

  “So, how many Doms have you submitted to?” Blake asks, in a raspy voice, his eyes never leaving mine.

  Shit, what should I say?

  I wasn’t prepared for him to ask me about my prior experience, although, thinking about it now, I realize how silly it was of me not to expect his curiosity.

  Just confess, Lane, a voice screams from within me.

  I know that I should just tell him the truth, lay it all for him I want to, I really do. I want to put all my cards on the table and not have it matter to him that I am as green as they come about sex, and even greener than that when it comes to his lifestyle.

  “Four,” I quickly blurt out, unable to stop myself from lying to him. My lie is already out there before I can even register it saying it.

  “Four? Interesting,” he says softly as he pulls away, a glint now in his eyes.

  Shit, has he figured me out already? I wonder, as I intently return his stare.

  “Um… yeah… four,” I meekly continue to repeat my lie, now avoiding direct eye contact with him.

  He moves to the black leather couch in the middle of the living room and sits down, a knowing smirk on his face as he looks back at me.

  Shit! He knows.


  Why she continues to lie to me, I haven’t a clue, but I can’t help but enjoy the look of panic on her face. She is a defiant one, I realize, loving the thought of teaching her a lesson about telling lies.

  Deciding to have a little fun with her, I hiss. “You know, Alyson, lying to me when you have agreed to submit to me tonight isn’t very wise,” I inform her, keeping my voice deep and husky.

  Alyson wrinkles her nose as her face reddens, and says, “And just what makes you think I’m lying?” she demands, her hands now balled into fists at her sides.

  Shaking my head, I try hard to keep from laughing out loud, and comment, “All right then.” With that, I stand up and walk away from her, leaving her standing alone in the living room. I will challenge her, make her confess her lie, and she will be underneath me when she does.

  “Take off your clothes. Keep the heels on,” I command her from over my shoulder as I stroll into the bedroom with determination. I hear her huff, but ignore her, chuckling to myself instead. She’s cute.

  We’ll soon see just how long she’ll stick to that story.

  Freeing myself from my necktie, I go to the chest. Opening it, I look over all my tools, licking my lips as I imagine using each one of them on her. Reminding myself that I only have tonight with this defiant beauty, I want to choose wisely. My hands brush over my trusty flogger, tempting me to paint her fleshy ass red, but I decide against using it.

  Releasing a groan, I close the chest sharply, the sound echoing in the spacious room. Damn! None of these instruments seem appropriate for Alyson. For the first time in my experience, I can’t seem to find a fitting instrument, and I don’t like the way that feels.

  Fuck it. I know just what I have to do and I’m tired of wasting time. Rolling up my sleeves, I stride back into the living room to the woman who has been throwing me off my game all night, stopping short as soon as I reach her.

  I can’t breathe. My lungs tighten and I feel as though I’ve been knocked off my feet, with the air sucked out of my chest, as my eyes fall to her round, perfect breasts, her peaked, stiffened nipples, and her soft milky skin.


  Her eyes are downcast. She is clearly embarrassed, but she has nothing to be ashamed of. She’s perfect.

  God, is she ever perfect.

  “Look at me,” I command with a strained voice, slowly making my way closer to her. She does as she is told, raising her head until her eyes meet mine—beautiful, crystal blue eyes that reveal her innocence and vulnerability.

  Reaching out to her, I bring my hand up to cup her cheek. She stiffens beneath my touch, but slowly relaxes against my palm. I don’t want to, but I know I should ask, given her inexperience, “Do you want to stop?”

  She looks up at me, her eyes searching mine. I’m not sure what she’s looking for, but she’s searching for something... something that will help her decide.

  Apparently finding the answer she needs, she nods her head just once, her eyes still fixed on mine, her chest rising and falling as soft, panting breaths are slowly released through her plump, slightly parted lips.

  Her lips are perfect and I cannot help but picture them wrapped around my cock, milking me until I’ve emptied myself inside of her mouth. My cock twitches at the thought.

  “I… I don’t want to stop,” she replies with a stutter, just before I take those gorgeous lips with mine.

  “Good girl,” I whisper, not breaking away from her.

  Good fucking girl.


  Holy shit, he tastes amazing!

  Running his tongue across my bottom lip, he deepens the kiss, his hungry tongue tangling with mine. I don’t deny him. Breathlessly, I open for him, allowing him to devour me.

  His hands grip my hips possessively, and my body practically liquefies in his arms. Hot, wet and scorching, he continues to caress my tongue with his, settin
g my body ablaze. I have never before felt such heat, such intoxicating passion. He is suddenly everywhere, his hands gripping, pulling and tugging at every part of me.

  “Too many clothes,” I manage to gasp, when he finally pulls away, his own breathing labored. Not wanting to stop, I reach up to unbutton his shirt but he stills my hand.

  “Not yet,” he murmurs. “Go into the bedroom. Lie on your stomach and place your hands above your head,” he orders, his eyes scorchingly hot with desire.

  Gulping, I begin to move past him, knowing that the serious stuff is about to happen. I’ve completely forgotten about this part—the part where I pretend to like pain, and enjoy it when he orders me around.

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper, passing him as I walk down the hall to the only room with an open door.

  Stepping inside, I am surprised to find that this room looks just like any other bedroom. From the images I have seen online, I half expected to walk into a torture chamber with hanging contraptions similar to the device from which the redhead downstairs had been suspended. Instead, I find a king sized four-poster bed covered with comfortable down bedding, a chest in the corner of the room and not much else.

  Of course, he doesn’t live here, it’s a sex club.

  Climbing onto the bed, I position myself as he ordered, lying on my stomach with my hands raised up above my head. I begin to place my head on the soft pillow but quickly decide to push it away, unable to block the mental image of how many other women Blake has brought here to this very bed and made to do this very thing. Gross!

  Still, I lie there silently and wait, for what, I have no idea. I don’t know what the heck he will have me do, but I know that I need it all. I want to experience this, although it also frightens me a bit.

  Hearing him step into the room, he says nothing, but I feel his gaze upon me. There is something about the way he looks at me, as though I’m an unattainable treat he wants to both devour and protect at the same time. Never has a man looked at me this way before and it makes me feel special.

  I hear him shift behind me and I stiffen up. I can’t see him, but then I feel his hand softly caress my naked ass, as his other hand strongly grips my hip, and I can’t help but moan aloud at his touch.

  “I’m going to ask you again Alyson, just one more time. How many Doms have you served?” His voice is both husky and stern in tone.

  I contemplate lying again, not wanting to give into him, but I know he will never believe me. Something has already set off his truth antenna and nothing I say will change that. It’s time for me to confess.

  He continues massaging my ass, making it hard for me to think clearly, but I release a sigh and finally admit the truth, “Just one. Only one… you,” I murmur.

  His hands still as I hear him release a ragged breath. Is he going to ask me to leave now?

  He clears his throat after what feels like forever, his hands completely leaving me. “Lesson number one, Alyson, never lie to your Dom. Do you understand?”

  I simply nod my head, in acknowledgement.

  “Words Alyson. I need words,” he says, his tone of voice holding a warning.

  Gulping, I respond, “I… understand.”

  “You understand, Sir,” he commands firmly.

  “I understand, Sir,” my voice is soft as I respond. I don’t know where this will lead tonight, but I know that I need this desperately.

  Seemingly satisfied, his hands return to masterfully caress my bottom, as I relax into the bed.

  “Your safe word?” he asks, his voice still carrying a note sternness.

  Safe word? Shit, I think I remember what that’s for. Think, think, think…

  “Um, stop?” I ask, unsure.

  Blake chuckles sarcastically behind me, “Really clever.”

  I can’t help the sting I feel in my heart. I don’t want to feel hurt by his comment, but I just can’t help it. Pushing myself up onto my knees, I climb out of bed, now wanting to get away from him. Obviously, this is all just a joke to him.

  “I think I should go,” I murmur, willing the tears welling up in my eyes to remain at bay. I won’t allow myself to break down and cry in front of him. I know I’m a fool to have ever agreed to this date, but as least I will leave with my head held high and my dignity intact.

  So man the hell up, I order myself, as I dart toward the living room for my clothes. A fucking joke. I am just a fucking joke to him.

  “Alyson, where are you going? What’s wrong?” Blake asks, as he follows me to the living room, his hands reaching out to grip mine.

  I close my eyes, continuing to will away my tears. I should have known this would happen.

  “Nothing’s wrong. This was obviously my mistake. I’m sorry to have wasted your time,” I whisper, my eyes still closed.

  “Why are you leaving?” he persists, his voice softening, his concern evident.

  Opening my eyes, I look at his face, noticing his tenacious and troubled gaze, and his raised brow. “Would you please just call for a cab?”


  I’m in no hurry to call for a cab, or for this evening to end. I don’t release her right away. Instead, I continue to stare at her, trying to understand what could possibly be going on in her head. This bullshit about her not belonging here isn’t cutting it. She knew that before she even arrived.

  So what changed?

  “Shit,” I groan when it finally hits me—it’s my laughter. That’s what has her running for the hills. I laughed at her.

  “Alyson, look…” I trail off as I pull her closer to me, her hands still clutching her clothes to her chest.

  God, she is beautiful.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. I didn’t think…”

  “It doesn’t matter, Blake. Really, it’s fine. Just call for a cab,” she cuts me off, the look on her face clearly indicating that she’s obviously anything but fine.

  Shit, this is exactly why I don’t want to deal with a novice. It’s why I have only placed ads seeking experienced subs, and why I have never slept with an only-vanilla partner.

  Grasping her hand, I begin to pull her back toward the bedroom, no more questions or fucking feelings. She came here to get something from this experience, and I will gladly give it to her before I send her away.

  I inwardly groan at the thought of sending her away, but I know it’s the best choice, since she’s too much trouble for me to deal with. Nothing about this night has gone as planned. Not even her punishment, which I am just about to skip entirely.

  “What are you doing Blake? Call a cab for me now!” she yells in protest, as we reach the bedroom.

  Ignoring her demand completely, I quickly spin her around and take her lips, successfully shutting her the fuck up.

  Fucking aggravating as hell, this woman. But shit, she tastes amazing. Sweet as candy.

  She doesn’t protest my kiss much at all, leaning into me and dropping her clothes to the floor and placing her hands around my neck. The feel of her teasing fingers against the back of my neck sends me over the edge. I need to be inside of her.

  Lifting her up and placing her legs around my waist, I push her back against the door, taking her pink, deliciously peaked nipple into my mouth. She moans at the sensation of my tongue lapping at her.

  She pulls and tugs at my shoulders; panting heavily with each suckle. I watch her unravel in my arms, completely at my mercy. I love the look of pure ecstasy on her face. She’s breathtakingly beautiful and her body hums under my ministrations.

  Taking her other nipple in my mouth, I nip and lap at it, repeating the treatment I gave the other nipple, as she yelps and moans in response. Her legs tighten around my waist and I know she is on the edge.

  Not wanting to waste another moment, I carry her to the bed and set her down. I take a moment to admire her hooded gaze and flushed skin, her desire for more evident on her face.

  “On your back, now,” I half pant, my own desire fully ignited. I can’t recall any other time when I’ve felt so des
perate to be inside of a woman… a time in which I’ve wanted nothing more than to give her what she needs. But this woman shows up and suddenly everything about my plan for tonight has gone to shit.

  I won’t like how I’m handling this tomorrow. I know that I will think myself weakened by it, but at the moment, I simply don’t give a shit.

  She does as she is told, lying down on her back, her breathing is still erratic and labored. I go my chest and pull out a red silk scarf. “I’m going to blindfold you now,” I inform her, not wanting to alarm her any more than I already have.



  I don’t mean for it to sound like a question. Blake is intimidating, powerful and panty-meltingly sexy. The way he just took control and kissed me despite my little meltdown was so incredibly hot that I couldn’t resist him.

  Even now, his ordering me to lie down on the bed turns me on. I am beginning to understand this whole taking orders thing. There is nothing sexier than a man who knows exactly what he’s doing and looking fucking hot as he’s doing it. Blake is all that and more.

  He climbs onto the bed, straddling me. Leaning over me, he places the silky red blindfold over my eyes and ties it tightly behind my head, taking away my sense of sight. Plunged into darkness, all I can focus on now is my thundering heart beating wildly inside my chest.

  “Just relax. Focus on what you feel,” Blake’s voice soothes, his hands trailing softly down my chest. His soft fingers leisurely trail across my aching breasts, causing me to shiver beneath his touch.

  I feel him shift on the bed, his chest now presses against my aching core and I groan at the contact. My hands start to reach for him, but he pins them at my sides.

  “Don’t move,” he orders, and I still almost immediately, not wanting him to stop. His lips descend to my breasts, his tongue masterfully working my stiff and aching nipples. I moan and arch my back, wanting more, as he suddenly nips hard at the tender peaks, causing me to yelp out loud.


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