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Ride A Cowboy: Romance Novel

Page 6

by Jamila Jasper

  Aja pushed back on his rigid member, her dark, beautiful ass trembling as she took in his size again. Steel clenched his teeth, willing himself to love her slowly. This position could be hard, when the woman could feel every inch of him inside her, stroking the secret places that danced the line between pleasure and pain...for Aja, though, it was all pleasure. He loved the sight of her asshole puckering when he fucked her slow and deep. He loved the way her pussy clenched along his length, as if milking him for every drop he had. He picked up the pace.

  “Oh...Oh my God,” Aja cried.

  “Touch your pussy again,” he grunted. Her hands flew to her clit; she sobbed from fucking herself and from the pounding her pussy was taking from Steel’s cock.

  He squeezed her ass with both hands, smacked it, harder and harder, in time with his strokes. “Oh my god!” She screamed. “Yes, yes!”

  “Yes who?” he demanded.

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Cum for me again.” He plunged into her, deep and fast and rough, until her shrieks of pleasure filled his ears, until the frothy cream of her pussy coated his dick completely, until he could take it no longer, and jets of semen erupted from his balls and filled her completely. He pumped his seed into her womb until he was spent.

  Aja was trembling in the throes of a final orgasm. She crumpled, his dick sliding out of her.

  “God,” he groaned. Steel was in a bit of shock himself. He had never lost control like that.

  “Shoot,” Aja muttered, feeling his cum slipping out of her womb. She wondered what day of her cycle she was on.

  “I’m sorry,” said Steel. “Didn’t...didn’t mean to lose control. Christ, Aja.”

  She had turned around to look at him, eyes wide and glowing. The effects of her pleasure were still apparent on her face.

  “You alright?” He took her in his arms then, loving the way she felt completely naked against him. She was all woman, so feminine and soft. Her skin smelled like it had the other day- vanilla, brown sugar, cinnamon.

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “I haven’t done that in a long time.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he told her, cupping her chin. “We can do it again, if you want.”

  She looked at him, eyes sparkling. “Don’t you make me late for work.”

  Steel closed his eyes. What did he do to deserve such a woman?

  “Well you can start,” he said, feeling himself hardening again, “By cleaning up your mess. Use your mouth and tongue. No hands.”

  Aja bent to her task, but as if perfectly timed, her cellphone gave a cheerful ring.

  She raised her head. “Shit.”

  Aja tried to conceal it, but Steel took a peek at the Caller ID before she dropped the call. It was Joe Snell.

  “Why is he calling you?” He found himself asking sharply. Aja looked up, eyes narrowed.

  “That’s my business. ”

  The moment was over. He dropped her at Joe Blow’s an hour early. She thanked him politely and walked away. Steel watched her as she did, his cock twitching. Damn it. What the hell was he getting himself into?


  3 Months Later

  Over the next three months, Steel Gray adjusted to life in Boyd. He found he had a knack for making things grow. The Tucker house was full of old gardening books, and there were plenty people in Boyd willing to give him seeds or cuttings. Under his care the garden became green and lush, with summer flowers pushing out buds that burst into color within the coming weeks, died, then budded again. He fixed up the house as much as possible. Boyd was full of repairmen that could come help him at a moment’s notice. But Steel preferred to handle things himself, even what he wasn’t sure about. It was a man’s duty to make sure he knew how to do basic repairs in a home. He fixed the worm-eaten door frame, repaired the roof (which took ages, and eventually the help of Steve Logan to complete), and jimmy-rigged the plumbing so his showers stopped jumping from freezing cold to boiling hot. Mostly busy work.

  For the hundredth time, Steel rejoiced and despaired that Boyd was such a simple place with hardly anything to do. Sometimes he missed the bustle of the city. He found himself thinking back on those days in the military- years ago, when he’d been stationed in places, like Seoul, like Los Angeles, that were bursting with life and energy. Yet now, he reflected, he welcomed the atmosphere of peace and quiet, which was occasionally disturbed by one of the Robinson brothers jumping the pasture fence to bug him.

  The Robinson boys had decided that Steel was “cool people”. They were on their summer vacation now. Daniel was busy studying as usual. Every weekend he headed to the public library to use the internet for his work.

  Yesterday Dan had been sequestered in the upstairs office- what had once been John Tucker’s study. His brothers preferred to be outside. When Travis couldn’t find a ride to the next county to hang out with his school friends, he came to Steel’s place with Drew. Of the three boys, Drew was the only constant. He’d taken a serious liking to the man from Texas, though it would kill his preteen ego to admit it.

  Steel found the young boy following him everywhere. Drew was always at his elbow, helping him with repairs, handing him a tool he needed, or falling asleep on the porch while Steel went about his business outside the house. The boy was surprisingly handy. Whatever excuse got him out of the Robinson house and over the pasture fence, Drew made it.

  For his part, Steel admitted that he’d taken a liking to the kid. He found himself adopting a fatherly tone when he spoke to him. Maybe that’s what this whole thing was about, he reflected one evening. He was sitting on the porch watching Drew and Travis catch fireflies in an old tomato can. The kids just missed a father figure. In Drew’s case, he missed something he’d never had.

  The sun set over the edge of the mountains. Steel took a deep sip of his beer. He leaned his head back on the sofa, listening to the sounds of the forest and the great mountain that sheltered them. Like he’d done in the military a lifetime ago, he let his senses speak to him. The waa-waa of insects and the call of an owl...the laughs of Drew and his brother…

  The setting sun splashed the whole yard- now a blooming garden- in orange and purple light. If he held still long enough, wildlife began to return to the scene. A pair of rabbits bounded towards their den. Deer skirted the edge of the property. He saw a robin return to its nest in the hollow of a maple tree.

  Travis turned to him. “You did a real nice one with this place.”

  Steel smiled. Any compliment from Travis Robinson was rare, but always heartfelt.

  The garden was indeed amazing. What a strange talent to find out about so late in life. He had a green thumb after all, a “call to the soil” as Daniel put it. But he couldn’t have done it without the boys’ help. Their company motivated him to finish things. He felt he had to be responsible.

  His mind turned, as it usually did, to Aja.

  Since that day in the Truck they’d been seeing each other more and more. He’d known it would be trouble to taste her a first time- and he’d been right. Now he couldn’t get enough. She was like a drug, surging through veins, turning his head around.

  Their meetings were frequent and intense. Often he found himself heading over to the Robinson place, where he could sit on the porch and talk to her all afternoon. Sometimes she made a big pitcher of lemonade. He learned that she was a damned good cook. One weekend she made a big lunch of fried chicken, greens, macaroni pie, mashed potatoes, sweet yams and cornbread with hot honey butter biscuits for dessert. She laid it all out on a big blanket in the yard. Steel and the boys put on their best, sat in the grass, and ate themselves sick. He’d stumbled back to his house and fallen asleep immediately.

  Other times it was his turn to surprise her. Steel took her to the county over for a dance. They kicked their heels all night, Aja laughing in amazement at his rhythm, looking happy and flushed. He pulled her close to him, enjoying the generous curves of her body as much as he enjoyed her laughter and spunk.

; They had sex all the time. And each time it got riskier.

  Sometimes at work, on her breaks, he pulled her behind the building and hiked her skirt up, pressing her into the concrete wall from behind. She liked being fingered, he discovered. Sometimes the feeling of her cumming on his fingers wasn’t enough; then he had to risk it all and make love to her for real. Her pussy was always as tight as the first time, no matter how wet she got, no matter how many times he plunged into it. But Aja was shy about doing it in public- she preferred to go back to his place, where he could press her into the deep bed and she could scream her pleasure to the hills and beyond.

  They’d even done it in his truck again, right in front of the police station. That had been stupid, but she’d begged him to, and they’d come hard in each other’s arms.

  The other day he’d decided to introduce her mouth to his cock again. That time he wanted her to try deepthroating him. She started slowly. He was not a small man. But she was able to take a little of him at a time, and finally she got him all stuffed down her throat, and he was able to pump her wet sweet mouth easily. Soon he had her on her knees all the time- one of his favorite positions. It was easy to get her there- she seemed to love sucking dick, and after she’d done her job, he liked lifting her up and shooting another load in her juicy pussy for good measure. She took every drop. Some primal part of him liked knowing, as she straightened herself up to head back in public, that his thick cum was sitting inside her, leaking out of her fertile pussy all over her plump brown thighs, marking her as his. He wanted her to think about fucking him, day and night, the same way he thought about her. Still, he didn’t know whether he liked cumming down her throat the best, or blasting his seed deep inside her.

  But Aja was still a good girl, and he had to be careful. He didn’t yet know her limits, though he was always testing them. She always seemed to surprise him.

  The other day, as he was watching her juicy brown ass bounce along the length of his cock, he realized there was still another hole he hadn’t tried. They were at the Tucker place, and it was dead quiet except for her moans. He wondered if he should go for it- would she like it? Did she think about getting her ass fucked- or had it never occurred to her? Knowing Aja, she would take it in for him- but he had to prepare her first.

  He had decided to find out later. Aja was crying out- another orgasm- as he pumped in and out of her steamy wetness...

  Something snapped him back to the present. He wasn’t actually with Aja in bed, but watching the night unfold before him, sitting on the porch.

  “Sick bastard,” he muttered to himself. Thinking of that woman was a major distraction. He could lose himself in the very idea of her.

  “Hey,” said Drew, returning to the deck. The gathering darkness made his blue eyes glow like lamps. “Can I get some water?”

  “Don’t have to ask, kid.”

  Drew ducked inside. Travis took a seat on the step, looking at the firefly in the tomato can. Its light illuminated his dark face. He looked thoughtful. Then he tipped the can gently out onto the step, letting the little bug crawl away. It flexed its wings once- twice- then spiraled off into the darkness.

  Out of the three Robinson brothers, Steel knew Travis gave the most trouble. He himself seldom was with Travis on his own, and he got the sense that Travis only came around because Drew wanted to. Travis adored his little brother, that much was clear. He was extremely protective of him. Perhaps he just didn’t trust Steel.

  He wasn’t nice or polite- what you saw with Travis Robinson was what you got. He was real quiet, almost too quiet. But he had a streak of boldness- of authority- in him that never let anyone forget he was there.

  Daniel came up the path as Drew emerged from the kitchen, clutching a pitcher of water.

  “Ain’t yall bored?” said Daniel.

  “Nah,” said Drew quickly. “I’m staying until Aja gets home.”

  Daniel shook his head. “Someone shoulda stayed behind with Gramps.”

  “Well, where were you?” said Travis.

  “At the library. Working.”

  “I’m headed back,” Daniel said, when no one answered him. Travis was staring off into the distance. Quiet again. Drew looked surly- he hated leaving, no matter how late it was.

  Daniel eyed his brothers expectantly. “I ain’t gonna clean that house myself.”


  When neither made a move, he kicked Travis’ shoe.

  “All right,” snapped Travis.

  The boys took only a minute to gather their things. Steel expected even Boyd kids to have video games and cellphones. The Robinson brothers didn’t, or if they did, he’d never seen them use one.

  “See ya, Mr. Gray.” They trekked out, looking like three soldiers in single file down the path.

  Steel waited a few more minutes on the porch. He’d had a pretty good day. The boys definitely gave the place some life. He liked talking to Daniel. He liked teaching Drew the basics of repair work. Today he’d even tried to teach the kid hand-to-hand fighting. Not the kind of stuff he’d picked up in the army, but the real messy stuff he picked up on the streets of Brooklyn in the 80’s. That had interested Travis. The teenager hadn’t say a word, but sat down and watched everything.

  He definitely liked the boys, but it was Aja he thought about the most. He longed to see her more often. Lately he was realizing how much it would benefit the boys to have their sister around more during their vacation. The kids were always talking about her.

  To tell it honest, Steel felt guilty for spending so much time with them when the one person they loved most in the world couldn’t.

  He decided it was time to give his cousin a call. He had some questions.


  Steel lit a cigarette before he dialed. The phone rang for a solid minute before the drawl of Carson Tucker answered.

  “Heya, cousin.”

  “Hi,” said Steel. “How you doing?”

  Since moving in, Steel hadn’t heard much from his cousin in L.A. Not that he hadn’t tried. The man was a devil to get ahold of.

  “Pretty good, but I know that ain’t why you called,” Carson laughed. “Bored already up there?”

  “Nope,” said Steel, smiling. “There’s plenty to keep me busy.”

  “Well, good. I don’t know when I’ll be back there, Steel, to tell you honest.”

  “I mean to tell you thanks,” said Steel. “For letting me stay here. I do like it.”

  “What do you mean?” said Carson briskly. “Wasn’t no trouble. The least I could do to thank you, for your service.”

  “Why not just sell it?” Steel suggested innocently.

  “Look, I’m a modern man,” Carson sighed. “But some things ought to stay within families.”

  It was an interesting comment, but not unusual, he supposed. He’d come to realize that Southerner’s ties to the land ran deep, for sometimes the land was the only wealth they had. So Steel updated Carson on the repairs he’d done, and the people he’d met. He saved the subject of the Robinsons for last.

  “I met the Robinson girl,” Steel began cautiously. “Aja Robinson?”

  “Oh?” said Carson.

  “Yeah,” said Steel. “They seem fine to me.”

  “Be careful, is all,” said Carson. “I found that girl snoopin’ around the property a few months ago. Twice. Second time I threatened to get the cops on her.”

  Steel was no stranger to Robinsons sneaking around the property. But Carson’s tone surprised him.

  “What was she doing?”

  “Lord knows,” Carson scoffed. “They’re loose screws, is all. A lot of interestin’ ideas. That old man especially. I ‘member when the whole thing with the girl happened, when I caught her pokin’ her nose about the yard. The next day he came runnin’ at me screaming about some Will, some inheritance, he thinks they was owed by Aunt Fiona. Apparently his wife used to work for Grandpa John?”

  “Really,” said Steel, recalling his conversation with Daniel.
br />   “Yup. Now no one’s askin’ me, but I think the whole family’s bad. They got a knack for gettin’ in trouble. Especially the boys.”

  Steel felt a flame of irritation. He quelled it. Play ignorant. It wasn’t time to argue with Carson Tucker. All he wanted was information.

  “Hmm,” he grunted.

  Carson continued, “All I know is, I wouldn’t trust that family. There was even rumors about the girl and Sheriff Joe. They’re sneaky people, Steel. Jus’ be careful.”

  “I will,” said Steel. He struggled not to respond in kind to Carson’s judgemental tone. “Now, I just had another question.”

  “Well, shoot.”

  “Do the Robinsons pay rent to you?”


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