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The Dashing Witch (The Ward Witches)

Page 3

by Lauren McMinn

  “Thank you. I’m Melanie.”

  “Skylar. I’m married to Leo, Justin’s younger brother. That makes us sisters.”

  Melanie found herself smiling. How do you not smile in the face of such enthusiasm? “I’ve never had any siblings.”

  “Now you’ve got a whole mess of them. Leo and Dymphna are off chatting with an old friend, but you’ll meet them later. You’ve met Seb already.”


  “I know it’s a bit intimidating. Believe me, I’ve been there. But it’s a great family, and we’re glad to have you.”


  Justin squeezed her hand. “You’ll help her settle in, then?”

  “Of course. It was hard enough for me, and I already lived in Boston. If there’s anything you need, please talk to me. Besides, I'd like the company.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “I know! Why don’t you come over to the Manor after the summit? This place will be crawling with witches, and I’m sure you’d like to get away for a while. Bring Justin, and we’ll all get to know each other better.”

  Melanie looked at Justin to see how he felt about the idea. He nodded stoically, and so she accepted.

  “We won’t keep you too long; I’m sure you and Justin will want to get some time to yourselves as well.”

  Skylar proceeded to ask Melanie a million questions, with Justin commenting where appropriate. It should have felt invasive, but instead, it felt nice to be part of something bigger. She had never really had a family beyond her parents. This would be nice while it lasted.

  Melanie sat with Skylar as they filed back into the ballroom. She introduced her husband Leo and his twin Dymphna, but there wasn’t any time to talk before Justin took the stage. He was so handsome. She knew that they would never work, but at the same time, her heart really wanted it to. That kiss, earlier, had confirmed that she felt for him, which was more than she would appreciate considering her imminent departure.

  Justin smiled out over the room, waiting for everyone to quiet down. “I’m Justin Ward, head of Coven Protection here in Boston. I imagine you all have some idea of why we’re here now.” He waited for the whispers to die down again.

  “Recently we’ve become aware of the latest activity of the Dark Order. Redman and his witches have been kidnapping witches under the protection of a Coven or no protection at all. They are using intermediaries to get their witches. Two of those that we know about are Linda Crowley and Selby Kincaid. They have almost certainly changed their names or used aliases. We haven’t been able to figure out what they are using the sacrifices for, but we’ve been working around the clock to figure it out. We also don’t know when the next sacrifice is scheduled for or if they already have the witches they want.”

  A flutter of noise broke out through the room as people looked to their neighbors.

  “Quiet, please.” As the noise level died out once more, he began again. “In this time, we all need to work together, as Seb said. We need to let the unprotected witches know about the kidnappings. Don’t press them to join the Coven, just to be careful. But we also need to consider working within our own Covens. It’s not just the unprotected witches getting taken. The two individuals we know are involved in the kidnappings are both non-witches, but that doesn't mean that witches aren't doing the same kinds of things. Be careful before you go somewhere with someone you don't know. Look out for your friends. It would be wise to set up a contingency plan, just in case. Make sure someone knows where you live and work. If you go on vacation, let someone know where you’re going. Keep in contact with people, even just to check in. As witches, we're being hunted for some sick game, and it falls to us to protect ourselves. Please, do everything you can to be safe. We know there’s a danger, now we just have to deal with it. I’ll take questions now.”

  There was silence for a full minute before the first questions came. Then they all came at once. Melanie shook her head. Thoughts were running through her mind at a high pace. First, the sacrifices horrified her. But that was too difficult to think about too deeply. She’d take extra care to be safe. Second, they were really pounding him with questions, and he was taking it all in stride. Admirable. Third, he was really hot.

  It had been two hours, and Melanie’s butt was falling asleep before Justin called an end to the questions. “We would encourage you all to meet people of other Covens and enjoy yourselves. I understand that this news is heavy, but it should not prevent us from having our lives proceed. Just be aware. Seb has more plans for tomorrow, so arrive around ten. Thank you all for your attention.”

  He made his way back to Melanie’s side. “How did I do?”

  “Great.” She ached to give him a kiss, but settled for getting her hand into his. She shouldn’t want this, considering that she was going to be leaving. But still she wanted.

  “Come on, love birds, let’s blow this joint,” Dymphna lightly punched Justin in the arm.

  Justin and Melanie drove first to the hotel, picking up all her bags and putting them in the Camaro as they headed back the way they came.

  Ward Manor was very close to the Coven House, but slightly smaller. As Melanie walked up to the entrance, she was still amazed at the size. Her whole apartment... no, there was no comparison. Skylar answered the door, pulling it open with a smile. The woman never seemed to be far from a smile.

  “It’s great to see you guys. Come in, you’ll have to really meet Dymphna and Leo. Don’t let Dymphna intimidate you; she’s really a big softie.”

  Melanie already liked Skylar, and she'd probably dealt with bigger bitches than any this family could create, so she'd be fine with Dymphna. If only she had more time to get to know her new sisters, but it was not to be.

  The entryway was nicely decorated, as was the hall leading to the living room. But as Melanie glanced around, she noticed that the other rooms were bare. Skylar caught the direction of her gaze.

  “Before I moved in, Leo and Dymphna were happy with no furniture at all. So it’s still a work in progress. But the living room is done.”

  Indeed it was. The large room was taken up by an even larger TV on the wall and a half circle of comfortable-looking brown leather couches. Leo had one of the seats reclined, and Dymphna was flicking through the channels with the remote. Leo sprang up as they entered; Dymphna stayed where she was.

  “I hardly had a chance to talk to you at the Coven House,” Leo said, gesturing for Melanie to sit. “Please make yourself at home. D, shut the TV off for god’s sake. We have a guest.”

  She did, and turned her green eyes on Melanie. “So you’re the one Justin married.”


  Justin sat next to her and took her hand. She was more confident for the show of support. “It’s more that I was lucky enough to find her. Besides, we haven’t made it official yet.” Dymphna didn't look convinced.

  “I’d like to hear more about all of you. I’m relatively boring.”

  “I doubt that,” Leo said, laughing. “But ask away. We’ll trade: one answer from us for one from you.”

  “Does Justin have such bad breath that you had to move all the way out here?”

  That brought a large laugh from Justin.

  “We didn’t like the constant stream of people and feeling like we’re always underfoot,” Leo explained. “Neither of us have a job within the Coven like Seb and Justin do, so it was nicer to get our own place nearby. Since Skylar and I married, we've been working on moving Dymphna into the other wing of the house so we can all have our privacy.”

  Justin claimed the next question: “What did you do before you came here?”

  “Account exec at KYR Publicity,” she detailed her job duties until they started to look bored.

  They continued to trade questions through a delicious dinner that Skylar whipped up from almost nowhere. Afterward, though, Justin and Melanie made their goodbyes and left.

  “I like your family.”

  “They’re pretty great. I w
ish I had more time to spend with them.”

  “Family seems to be about making the time for them,” Melanie observed. “That’s how my father and I think of it anyway.”

  “Tell me about him.”

  “He’s a rather absent father, to be honest. He preaches a good game about always being there for each other, but when it comes time, it’s always about me being there for him with no expectation of him returning the favor. When I say that he values family, he values it only enough that I'm at his call, not by doing the same for me.”

  They rode in comfortable silence, lasting until they got up to Justin’s apartment within the Coven House..

  “This is fabulous.”

  “It’s messy.”

  “I know. But it’s so big.”

  “Second nicest in the Coven House.”

  “Makes my apartment seem tiny, even without a kitchen.”

  “Yeah, there’s a family kitchen down on the first floor if I ever need to cook. I try to avoid cooking at all costs, which usually means begging something off Skylar or frozen food.”

  “Very nice.”

  “Now about sleeping arrangements...” he paused, “I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “Don’t be silly. We’ve had sex, bonded, and we’re practically married. You’re not sleeping on the couch. I think we can both sleep on the bed and manage to be perfectly civilized about the whole thing.”

  “If you don’t mind...”

  “I don’t. But we do need to talk about your family. I’m a stronger air witch than Leo or Seb, so they won’t be able to get anything off me, but I’d bet they’ll know you’re not as into me as you should be in a normal bonded situation. Besides, the women will pry for all our deepest secrets.”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “I think we need to tell them,” she said matter-of-factly. She tried to read his opinion from his facial expression, trying not to read his mind magically. He wasn’t giving anything away.

  “You’re right,” he said after a moment, “I hate lying to them. Well, let’s get it over with and go tell Seb.”

  “I’ll ask him to meet us in his office.” Melanie sent out a feeler tendril of magic, finding Seb and conveying her message. “He’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Air witches...” Justin grumbled.

  “At least it’s better than looking for sickness in everyone. I try to stay away from people’s minds when they’re close to me. I won’t read your mind, for instance, unless you give me permission.”

  “Then I won’t read your health unless you give me permission.”

  “Fair. Now let’s go talk to Seb.”



  Seb was in his office, looking harried. “Do you have any idea how stressful a summit like this can be? Then Skylar forgot all about dinner.”

  “Skylar fed us dinner,” Justin smiled proudly.

  “Yeah, well she forgot to bring something by for me.”

  “I’m sure it’s just a small oversight. You can call her later and gripe about it.”

  “Easy for you to say. So what’s going on?”

  “We wanted to correct a little misrepresentation of the facts,” Justin started, but Melanie interrupted him.

  “We lied. Justin and I met at a bar last night, and we both had too much to drink. Without thinking and only hormones and magic impulses, we went back to my hotel room where we completed the bond without realizing that we were doing so. I don’t want this thing, and neither does Justin. So, plain and simple, we’re going to separate once all the details are settled, and we’ll never see each other again.”



  “Way to sugarcoat the truth,” Justin muttered.

  Seb smiled. He actually smiled! “I had a feeling it would be something like that, but I didn’t want to pry. I’m not such an idiot that I think my twin would really change his stripes overnight. Don’t get me wrong. I love you, Justin, and I wished that this would be an instant love match that would make you happy. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t have my doubts at the same time. But either way, Melanie, welcome to the family. No matter under what circumstances, you’re one of our family now, and that does mean something to me. Even after you separate, the resources of the Ward family are yours.”

  Melanie had to smile. She looked over, and Justin was looking sheepish, but pleased it had gone so well. “So you’re not mad?”

  “No.” He gave Melanie a hug. “I imagine it’s awfully hard for you to come to the conclusion you did about how to deal with this. Plus, I can’t imagine Justin has said much about our parents, but they had a bad relationship. They were bonded, and they insisted on trying to maintain a marriage because that’s what was expected. But neither of them were happy.”

  Justin continued for him, “Our mother was miserable, and she came to hate the magic that she had, decrying it as a gift from the devil. She had us and named us appropriately to save her immortal soul. She chose Eusebius,” Seb nodded, “And Justin Martyr for her firstborn because the two worked together to eliminate witchcraft. Pantaleon is the Patron Saint of Doctors and Dymphna is the Patron Saint of the Mentally Ill. We believe she was trying to say that she knew she was going off the edge, but couldn’t stop it.

  “But when she discovered that she had passed along her magical talent to all four of her children, despite the names to ward off evil, she used her water magic to kill herself. Our father threw himself into work. We, as his kids, always had someone to take care of us, and we knew he loved us, but that didn’t mean we really saw him or connected with him.”

  Seb took over again. “Our father never recovered after Gladys died. Eventually, he passed as well, from a heart attack that probably came from overworking. He was always Duke Drake, the man who reinvigorated the Covens but couldn’t do a damn thing for his own family.” Seb toasted the air. “The point of telling you all this is to show you that we don’t believe in marriage for marriage’s sake. Neither of you wanted this, and you’ll both be happier without it. So there’s no point in sticking together and being miserable together.”

  “I appreciate it, man.” Justin bumped knuckles with his brother.

  “Now get out of here so I can yell at Skylar.”

  “Let us tell them, please,” Melanie said at the door.

  “Sure. Tell them tomorrow.”

  Melanie and Justin returned to the upstairs apartment. “That was easier than I expected,” he said, slouching down on the couch.

  “I agree.” She sat down next to him. There was only one couch, after all.

  “What do you want to do with the rest of our evening?”

  “Let’s turn on the television for a while.”

  He obliged, and they quickly found a sitcom they could both agree on. They chatted while they watched, and were soon chatting more than watching. Without speaking or thinking, Melanie moved into Justin’s arms, and he held her close. Melanie took great comfort in just laying in his arms. When she started to nod off, they agreed to call it a night.

  Melanie used the bathroom first, and consequently, she was the first in the king sized four poster. She tried hard not to be nervous. After all, she reasoned, they had already done the act, and it's not like it would happen again. She can share a bed with a man, even this man, without freaking out. But she was nervous in her sleep shirt under the covers. Justin got in as well, wearing only boxers. He couldn’t possibly know how hot that made her. He kissed her briefly on the forehead, leaving Melanie wishing for more.

  “You know, Justin, I've never spent the night in a man's bed. I visited Richard, sure, but he was my only boyfriend. He never asked me to stay the night, and I never offered.”

  “I've never had a woman in these rooms for any reason before tonight.”

  “Then I'm honored.”

  Justin reflected on that. She was special, sure, and he didn't want to short-change or disrespect her while they were together so it seemed natural to bri
ng her here. He had never wanted to even pretend commitment before, so his rooms were off limits to the flavor of the week. And lord, had she really only slept with one man before him? Talk about a bad match. How could they have even tried to make it work when she was so different from him?

  She had her life in LA, her classy job, her family. If she was right about her father, she'd be forever breaking ties with the only family she had. And for Justin? He wasn't even that good of a catch to abandon all she had built up on the other coast. It was a good thing she would be going back to her life soon because it was clear that he could never keep her.

  When his alarm clock went off, Justin was only somewhat startled to realize that Melanie’s head had found its way onto his chest, and his arm had found its way around her shoulders. He gently nudged her off him and took the chance to use the shower first.

  When he came back, Melanie was sitting up in bed, looking delightfully sleep-tousled. More than anything else at that moment, he really wanted to toss her back in bed for more recreational purposes. But that couldn’t lead to anything more than heartbreak further down the line.

  So they got to breakfast in the family kitchen without any sexual action. They had missed everyone else, so they ate quickly in order to be at the summit on time.

  The theme of the Saturday’s summit meetings was to be by the elements. Seb had arranged for the other public rooms of the Coven House to be set up for smaller sessions by element. Melanie followed the other air witches to group sessions on skills and tips for air witches.

  Justin followed the water witches, but he wasn’t paying attention during the sessions. It wasn’t even that he knew it all, but that he had other things on his mind. Besides, anything of any real import he could pick up from Dymphna later, after she forgave him for the deception she didn't even know about yet.

  The real problem was what to do about Melanie. After talking to her yesterday, Justin had found that he actually quite liked her. As a person, at least, not as a wife. He had to keep telling himself that it wouldn’t really hurt her when they parted because that’s what she wanted too. But he was beginning to feel guilty about it just the same. Then he felt angry, because they should share the blame rather than him taking it all on himself.


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